The Sober Squad- Alcohol Free Living



  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    Kenni94 wrote: »
    3 weekends have gone by since my first post on here and I’m still sober! Even poured my half empty bottle of vodka down the sink. I could of given it away but, pouring it out felt better. Been definitely feeling a lot better and enjoying my weekends more without the worry of a hangover. Anxiety still pops up every now and then but hopefully it goes away with time. 🙂

    YAY on the 3 weekends AF!! I can relate to the good feeling of pouring alcohol down the drain. I thought about the $$ I was "wasting" & debated about giving it away until I realized I'd be giving my friends poison, SO down the drain it went. THAT action of opening the bottles & watching & smelling them as they disappeared down the drain was empowering & I knew then I was serious about being AF. Nice to see someone else make that commitment too.

    As for the anxiety, Craig Beck & Annie Grace are a good resource to help deal with varying feelings that may surface after giving up the drink. Worth checking out.

    @RubyRed427 I am excited to hear how well you did & how much fun you had on your trips...You've got this!! Seems weird to be talking in the past tense before it happens, but that is how confident I am that you will conquer!

    @JenT304 Simple is better. Like you said, "who can argue with that."
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    @donimfp We must have cross posted...I saw you were posting when I was writing mine. My <3 goes out to you. I don't really know what to say other than I think if you do cave & drink then you will have 2 big disappointments to face tomorrow; the position that was filled AND caving to the craving.

    I know you will kick yourself if you drink. WE will all still support you no matter what. I really hope you can somehow distract many seconds/mins does a craving last?
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,174 Member
    edited September 2018
    donimfp wrote: »
    OK, y'all I need to vent. I'm looking for a job. It doesn't have to pay the professional salary I left in May. It just needs to be reasonable and a job I find at least somewhat fulfilling. I had what I thought was my "dream job" back in May, but it fell through in a bizarre way. No need to elaborate. This weekend, I saw an ad for another "dream job" and applied. It was perfect for me and I am perfect for it. This morning I received an email asking me to choose a time for a web interview with HR tomorrow, which I did. I got a thank you and a confirmation of the interview. I've been so excited all day! Then, about 2 hours ago, I got another email saying that the interview is cancelled because the position has been filled. Man! I was SO despondent. I decided the Universe just enjoys playing cruel tricks on me, the whole nine yards. I've talked myself down somewhat and even sent applications for 2 more jobs. I'm frustrated because I'm very talented and qualified, but I'm also 62, so that's a thing. The age didn't matter for these "dream jobs," so I know there are some out there for which my age might even be a benefit, but I'm still frustrated. But the main thing is . . . I WANT A DRINK SO BADLY!!!! Today is Day 43, and I've been enjoying sobriety, but right now it sucks. I want a big glass of vodka and Perrier, or a big glass of wine. I'm angry that I can't have it. I'm mad at myself for starting this whole sober thing. I don't think I'll drink, but I'm not sure. Just thought I'd vent to people who understand. ARGGGGHHH!

    I am so sorry! I remember your dream job that was supposed to start I think in August? Well, anyways, I’m so sorry. You are strong- you worked so hard for this sobriety. Don’t ruin it now. Day 1 always sucks. Tomorrow morning, the sun will rise and you will be sooooo happy you didn’t stumble.

    Eat something sweet! Chocolate ! Something to soothe you.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,174 Member
    I've noticed I've been replacing alcohol with food. When i'm out with everyone and they're all drinking, I find something that'll distract me from wanting a drink, and that will make me as equally happy as having one, so I turn to food. And when you're out at a bar or sports pub, etc. the food choices aren't the healthiest. I need to figure something else out, or maybe I just need to acknowledge that i'm not ready to be around those social scenes until I get more comfortable with the idea of not drinking and don't feel the need to replace its absence with food.

    Me, too. I think that’s why I haven’t lost any weight since I quit. I have been telling myself I can eat that sweet or snack because at least I’m not drinking. I feel for you. I understand.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    @donimfp,I'm so sorry the position was filled but who knows maybe that person won't work out or maybe it was an error,big hugs to you,all I can offer is I know when I drink I feel out of control of my life,,this job not working out is outta your control but staying sober is in your control! Of course we'll be here for you no matter what <3 On the food thing,yes I've took been turning to food but honestly I don't really care ATM as long as I don't drink,I still eat healthyish most of the time and get my exercise in,,if I were drinking I'd either not be eating or eating grease crap,not getting in any exercise and just being a dehydrated couch potato.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Also @donimfp i wanted to say that in all my many,many quits the days 40+ seem to be some of the hardest craving times,not sure why but there's an article in The Fix(online addiction magazine) called the 100 day hangover it kind of explains PAWS and how we can feel worse before we feel better
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited September 2018
    i often find that exercising really really hard makes me feel better than a bottle of wine ever did. and then if you want to drink after you have the extra calories :smile: (if you are going the moderation route)
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm so happy to read this @donimfp!!! Have a great AF day all B)
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    edited September 2018
    The dropping of needing the sweets as much, does happen. Sometimes it returns, but overall it is way less. I still think it is better to have it than to drink. I have been dropping some weight lately finally. I also had to keep cleaning up my diet more and more as I could tolerate it. Maybe probiotics would help as well, i just heard, to get rid of sugar cravings more?
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,174 Member
    @salleewins Great inspiring post. Sending you a big hug. Xo
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    <3 TO ALL!!!! :)