

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Cbabie. Thanks for the information about the oils
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    edited September 2018
    @cbabie that's good that you didn't have ice cream. I never measure peanut butter even though I should. My headache came back yesterday maybe I will try some oils. I'm sorry you still have a headache and I understand why you can't really use your oils. Does it help to use heat/ice? I've heard the HALT thing, I've seen images of it, I've pinned one to my vision board on Pinterest which I will share. The image I have is a little different than yours, but it really speaks to me. Thanks for the reminder. va93nzdjmb0i.jpg

    @theslightedgeforever spoke too soon...head hurts again! I live in So Cal, the Pacific is generally cold but this summer, the water temperature got up to almost 80F. Usually, it is around 60-70F. CA is very beautiful and very big. I've never been to Northern CA and I've lived here since 1994!

    Hi all. In case I forget to tell you and go silent, I'm going camping in the mountains on Weds and will be back on Sat, so I won't be on here. I'm really looking forward to camping, I love camping but haven't gone in years for one reason or another. I hope my headache goes away by then. I don't have to do much meal prep today since we are leaving on Weds, just meal prep Mon and Tues. So, I'll be able to enjoy some reading time today.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    @cbabie, I'm sorry you are suffering from headaches. Are they migraines? I have never heard of using oils. When I get a headache I just pop 2 or 3 Ibruphren. My husband buys me the industrial size from Sams because I think Ibruphren is the cure for all things that ail me. :smiley: As for peanut butter that had to leave my house. 2 TBS isn't very much!! I'm a Jiff girl so I now buy my dog Skippy and I've just told myself that it's nasty and won't even taste it. :p

    @trooworld, I'm sorry you are also suffering from headaches too! <3 I hope you have a great time camping! I went camping once and pretty much thought it was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I prefer my nature from a window or on the TV! :D

    So, today I've decided to do something radical. I'm going to meal prep my lunches for next week. I'm going to cook up some chicken breast, roast a bunch of veggies and mix it all with some riced cauliflower. I'll spice it all up with some yummy Mexican flavorings. My normal workday lunch is 8 points so I'm hoping this will help me manage my points better and allow more for dinner. I'm really want to kick up my weight loss!! I've been on WW for 89 weeks and have lost 42.5 lbs. That is less than .5 lb a week! Now, don't get me wrong. I am super happy that I've lost that much and I have no intention of stopping until I lose the rest, but I know that I can be doing much better. If only I didn't love food sooooo much!!! :D:p OK, I'm off to workout and prep my food! Have a good day, girls! <3
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    WW weekly highlights
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Trooworld not measuring PB is dangerous if you eat it a lot. I did an experiment that said take a spoon and get 2T of PB out of the jar. Then actually measure it so you can see how close you were at estimating. I had 1.5 on my spoon. I knew for it to be one T it had to be exactly flat. Nobody eats a flat spoon of PB. Putting it in the microwave makes a little spread further. I never use a knife cause I can’t measure that way. I have PB every weekend with my pancakes though. Plus maybe once on toast throughout the week. Camping sounds fun. Enjoy the time outdoors

    TeresaW1020. What an awesome weight loss. It’s good that you have analyzed where u are and made a plan. Prepping lunches sounds like a good plan. Anytime we can shave off a point here and there it helps.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    edited September 2018
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! either love camping or you hate it, apparently, you are in the latter group! ;) I'm kind of a glamper, I must sleep on an inflatable mattress and I must have good food. I usually tend to make MEALS rather than things like hot dogs over the fire. For instance, this time, I am making one pot beef stroganoff on Weds night, we are making pie-iron pizzas another night, and we are making hot dogs another night. The one thing I do insist on is that we go someplace that has toilets, and if we are going to be gone for more than 2 days, a place that has showers. This place meets the criteria. :D Do you not normally meal prep your lunches? I find it helps a lot to meal prep. I hope your meal prep went well.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks for the highlights. You are right, it is dangerous to not measure PB luckily I don't eat it very much. Thanks, I'm really looking forward to camping, to reading time, to time spent with my husband.

    Hello all! Well, today is like my Thursday yahoooooo! I overslept and didn't go to BodyPump this morning. :( My body must have needed the sleep. Today will be a busy day at work, I've got 2 reference desk shifts and I have to get a flu shot today as well. Plus I've got to do things so I'm not swamped with work when I come back. Happy Monday, everyone!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, glamping does sound a little better but I would still prefer at least a cabin with all the amenities and lots of bug repellent. :D No, I haven't been prepping my lunches. I usually take a Quest bar, Greek yogurt, 1/2 oz. of almonds, some fruit and waters. I'm not going to lie and say that I liked prepping yesterday because I didn't. I might have been too ambitious with all the veggies I roasted and need to cut it down to 2 or 3. But I was happy that my big bowl was only 2 points due to the sweet potatoes I used. I'll see if I can keep it up! :)

    I hate to be a big whiny baby but my knee is acting up again!! It started yesterday when got on the treadmill and couldn't even last a few minutes before the pain was so severe I knew I better get off. I'm back on Ibuprofen and ice. My husband just went and bought me some super strength Blue Emu because he had read that it could help. I'm just so annoyed at my body right now!! :s:#

    So, have you all heard the news about Weight Watchers and that they have changed the name to WW (Wellness Works)? My FB groups have been blowing up about it all day today! So many people get all bent out of shape whenever WW does one little thing differently. I think it's a good change because they are going to focus more on healthier lifestyles and not just the number on the scale. They are getting rid of all their artificial and highly processed products and in a couple of weeks, they will be doing some kind of reward program. I'm excited to see what's it's all about. :) How about you all?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Trooworld. Glamping. Lol. The last time I camped was with cub scouts and Girl Scouts. Many moons ago. Froze my patootie off at night. I’m more the use a coat hanger to roast a hot dog type. Although now I’m sure my biologist son would say something about that. He was aghast that I left the paper tabs on the teabags when boiling my tea. The ink and staple will do something to my body. 🙄. He also doesn’t believe in the 3 second rule. Lol. Enjoy your time with nature. That can be more fun than with hubby. I was ready to send mine into nature today.

    TeresaW1020. I saw that WW change. It’s a good idea in theory. Some aren’t happy about having their favorite WW snacks taken away. My mom used to use Blue Emu. It worked for her. You’ll figure out your food prep. It just takes a little tweaking here and there.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Luckily, here where we usually go camping, there don't seem to be mosquitos for some reason. Now, where we are going I don't know what it will be like. Hopefully no bugs because I don't like them either! Yeah, meal prepping can be a lot of work, I know, but it is nice to have a home-cooked meal to eat for lunch. What I do is I make enough at dinner to have for lunch the next day, that way I don't have to prep lunches, too. I'm so sorry your knee is acting up again. :( I did hear the news that Weight Watchers changed to WW...their new slogan is Wellness that Works, not their name. I'm excited, too. I think that when they change the program, it is usually for the better. I've never been unhappy with their changes. So, I wait until October 4th!

    @theslightedgeforever hahahaha! Your son would have a field day with me when I drop something on the floor and pick it up and eat it. ;) hahaha I can't wait to go, it will be fun. I'm sorry your hubby almost ended up a nature boy! WW: I think they will bring back the same WW snacks, but they will not have the artificial crap in them. That's my theory at least!

    Hello all! Well, one day before I go dark! lol Can you handle the silence? ;) I'll probably pop my head in here tomorrow morning. Although I'm actually only camping until Saturday and then Saturday, I'm back but going to a horror movie festival from 11:30am-12 midnight so I don't really count that as back. Well, I have to get ready for work. Have a good day!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @theslightedgeforever, I bought 8 boxes of snacks today at WW! Just couldn't pass up that good of a price. :D

    @trooworld, I really do hope you have a great time! We will miss the silence but I will try to fill in for you. :DB) I'm going to keep up the meal prepping for my lunches. I love to cook dinner so I will also work on making more to use for lunch as well.

    Weighed in today and lost 0.8 lbs. Wish it had been more but at least it was a loss! :) So I was on FB and saw this hysterical post about Weight Watcher rules in the 1970's. I grew up eating liver once a week because my mom was on WW. Give it a read and enjoy! :D
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Trooworld. Enjoy your camping trip. Take a lot of walks out in nature. I thought WW also changed their name to WW. Wellness Works. They won’t be putting the words Weight Watchers on any of their products or books etc. just the logo. At least the plan didn’t change again.

    Teresaw1020. A loss is a loss. You are working on a new plan to increase that loss right? I love liver. It just has to be prepared correctly. I eat it a couple times a month. I dice it into little thin slivers. First I sauté some onions green peppers and tomatoes. Add a little garlic and then add the liver and some taco seasoning. I like to eat it with pita bread. My mom was on WAw back in the 70s too. I used to hate liver cause she didn’t know how to make it. Although she didn’t know how to make much 😉
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Here’s a pic of my liver Well not MY liver 😂

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TeresaW1020 It was a good deal, I should have bought some snacks I don't know why I didn't! I'm sure I will have a good time, I'm so excited! Congrats on the loss! A loss is a loss, right? You are in the right direction, as they say. Thanks for the link to the old WW program, what a hoot! I'm glad WW keeps CHANGING! I wish people that complain about it would read this and realize that if WW didn't keep changing, we'd still be eating liver once a week and having to eat fish "at least 5 times a week" lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! I won't be able to take lots of walks in nature because we will have our dog with us and he hates dogs and people and if we run into either of those, he will go nuts and I don't want to get kicked out of the campground, so we must minimize the chance of him seeing either lol. We will mostly be hanging out at the campsite reading and playing games. Maybe I misread the press release and they did rename it to Wellness that Works? This is what the statement says:

    "As a reflection of our new mission, we are moving from Weight Watchers to WW —a mark that’s rooted in the familiar but reimagined to welcome everyone who seeks to be healthier, not just manage their weight. And because we pride ourselves on offering the world’s most effective programs, we are introducing a new statement on what we deliver: Wellness that Works.™"

    They haven't said whether the plan is changing, it might be. We'll see! I hate liver but your liver looks pretty good.

    Hi all! Well, today is my birthday and my older brother sent something edible to my work and I'm not even going to be there lol. So my colleagues will enjoy it I guess! I've got a lot to do before we leave for camping so I guess I'd better get going. Have a great rest of your week!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Trooworld. Happy Birthday and enjoy your camping trip.

    Where is the rest of our group?
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    Morning.....fighting computers and they are
    I haven’t stuck tompkan, but someone on this board triggered the fight back in me...I haven’t lost, just maintained. Saturday is WI for me so we will we. I think I might like WW new thought really is all about health not weight.

    @theslightedgeforever yo are right mom was not a cook....glad we did not get that part of

    @trooworld happy birthday and I hope you get so relaxed and deserve it.

    @TeresaW1020 Your post about the sweet potatoes totally encouraged me...I love sweet potatoes!!!!

    Okay I know I have missed replies to some, sorry working off my iPad...and I miss my computer....I will catch up on personals when ever my computer decides to work with me and not against me...

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I hope everyone is well and going amazingly on their journey. I have not back read, so will start to catch up from today.

    Sorry I have been MIA. @theslightedgeforever - thanks for checking in. The short story of my absence is the stuff that was happening in my home has finally happened. My husband was "retired", hence reduced income. We needed get over the shock, rationalise and reduce. This was a fairly hefty bump in our lives, and one we did not expect going into the new year.

    The positives are is that I am a full time home husband, I come home to a cooked meal every night. He does the laundry etc, runs the teenager around and all in all takes a lot of pressure from me. I am using my spare time for me. I now come home and relax for 10 min before getting up and doing my thing. I no longer have to think twice, if I can do something for myself as I know that DH will be available.

    BIG NEWS - NO 1.After 10 years absence - I have rejoined WW on Wednesday (woohoo).
    BIG NEWS No 2. I made a decision on my birthday last week that alcohol and I wll no longer friends and never will be friends again. I watched my mum's behaviour at my husband's 60th and thought - nope that is never going to be me, I t was enough that I spent the next day apologising to the guests. I thought about her behaviour and the fact that I have other alcoholics in the family for the next fortnight (one of those weeks I was interstate with work - so I could do alot of thinking) and decide to DIVORCE alcohol effective the next day which just happen to coincide with my birthday.

    I am hoping that I get some guidance here as it has been a long 10 years away from WW. I struggle that there are a lot of "free foods" and because of that I am not hitting my daily goal (well I know it has only been 2 days)

    Thanks for still being there for me

    Chat soon

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey guys, managed to get WiFi and log good to read everyone’s post
    Right now I am on my way to LA, had a great time in Vegas and at the Grand Canyon
    Looking forward to LA now
    @trooworld happy birthday and have fun on your camping trip
    @cbabie yes enjoying myself with hubby like it’s our second honeymoon, although missing the kids, we video chat with them everyday
    @theslightedgeforever how are you, after being in the US for the past couple of days, I just keep wondering to myself about people not taking care of their health.
    @TeresaW1020 congratulations on the weight loss, please visit the doctor about your knee, hope it’s not a serious issue
    Bye guys will try and log on soon
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hi Girls!

    @cbabie, glad you haven't given up yet. I also think the new WW is a good idea. If we don't change our way of thinking about our relationship with food we will continue to stay on the same old roller coaster and frankly I'm too old for roller coasters! :D

    @TrishasTime, welcome back!! You sure have had some big life changes. I also have a retired husband who pretty much does everything around the house. I don't let him cook dinner though because I like to eat edible food, but he does do the dishes. ;)

    Congrats on rejoining WW. I really do love the plan but totally agree that the "free" foods can be hard to manage. The biggest thing to remember is that all zero point foods have calories. WW doesn't like for us to talk too much about calories but facts are facts. I joined MFP in July to double track and was amazed to find out that I could have a 500 calorie difference using the same 23 points. So, I will continue to double track for the time being. It's a pain but I try to just do it first thing in the morning and adjust in the evening.

    Good for you for recognizing your need to give up alcohol. What a great birthday present to yourself!! I also come from a family who has alcohol and substance abuse. It took my dad's life and I'm afraid it will probably take my sister's life someday too. I now rarely have anything to drink and truly don't miss it at all. Plus, who wants to count those points!! ;)

    @krupalip, Hey girl!! You sound like you're having a great time in the U.S. I look forward to hearing all about it!! <3

    Well, today was a good day but it almost wasn't. This morning I went into one of our church buildings and there were boxes of cookies that had been left over from a youth event. Without even giving it a thought I grabbed several of the cookies with every intention of eating them at my desk. WHAT!!! :o As I walked to my car to drive over to my office I heard that little voice inside me say, "What the heck do you think you are doing?" I sat there looking at the cookies in my hand wrapped in a paper towel and stopped my car and walked to the trash bins and threw those cookies away! Super proud that I managed to get a grip on myself before I ended up with guilt and regret. :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @TeresaW2010 - Well done on not eating the cookies :) It seems the habit saying no is becoming stronger than the habit of picking up the cookie. High five for the weight loss and what a terrific milestone

    @cbabie - You only fail if you stop trying - Like Teresa, I think that changing our just our eating is only part of the story. That is why we keep restarting. I am excited to learn the other bits as the first part was only delivered this week in Aus.

    @trooworld - Sorry you are feeling down and that you are in pain. In ancient history when I used to do the "body" classes, Body pump hurt my wrist etc. The Dr said too much weight, too often, too soon. Perhaps if you drop it to 1 class and a slightly lower weight, do walking, swimming, on the other nights. How is the dietbet going? Happy birthday for 26th - min was on the 19th, so we are only a week apart.

    @theslightedgeforever - I like your nagging - it has made me take stock a couple of times. How was your weigh in this week. Well done on not eating you "blues" and reading instead

    It is Saturday here, with it raining here, other than a Dr visit for a script and food shopping, it will be an inside pottering day and my leslie Sansone dvd

    Take care all

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @theslightedgeforever thank you! Where is the rest of the group? I was wondering about that.

    @cbabie Oh no! Whip those computers into shape lol. Thank you! I did get relaxed and refreshed.

    @TrishasTime I'm so glad to hear from you. That's good that DH can take some of the pressure of you in the home life. And congrats on re-joining WW! Congrats on divorcing alcohol too! It sounds like a really healthy decision if you have a family history of alcoholism. My tip to you regarding WW is to track all "free foods" as just because they are zero points does not mean they are zero calories. I weigh and measure all my food still. Not that I am a shining example of a WW, but I see a lot of people still weighing and measuring. I would also NOT try to eat all zero points foods, I would balance it out with foods that have points, as the foods with points are there to satisfy you and give you healthy fats (e.g. avocado). I was doing really well when I first started, and had lost 15 lbs and then I tanked when my friend came for a visit. I'm now off track but will get back on track this next week. Good luck!

    @krupalip Vegas is interesting, very smokey lol. I've never been to the Grand Canyon but the pictures are amazing! LA is fun. I hope you like it. I did have fun, thanks!

    I'll catch up more later...on my way to a WW meeting!!!