Serial Starters



  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    How did they calculate your BMR? was it just numbers they plugged into a formula or did they do any real testing like have you run on treadmill with breathing mask, or lie down still as possible in an oxygen tent, or place you in a pod? Those are different tests that I went through to determine BMR. Your numbers do not sound right at all. I would have them recalculate them or at least go through them with you and explain how/why those are the numbers they came up with. If they cant do that, then I would be leery of the rest of their program. Just my 2 cents.
    Just numbers in a formula. We will be going over them tomorrow morning before we begin our exercise portion. Like I said, I don't intend to follow their nutrition advice since my doctor has already set my diet. I really appreciate the input. My common sense told me everything you and Lana have said. Sometimes I don't trust my common sense to be sensible.

    Thank you!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I sure feel like I should be burning tons of calories with all the animal wrangling I do! My weight has been exactly the same (+/- 3- 4 lbs) for at least 6 months. I really, really do try. But, then, I get so incredibly frustrated... and, just don't try as hard...
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    brennerjlb wrote: »
    Good morning all! Wednesday at least (: Interesting reads on the the BMR. I agree crazy amount of calories, but cannot speak to BMR. Boot class hopefully will be fun at least.
    Hearing struggles of ups and downs and plateaus. I hear that complaint and 2nd it.
    But NEVER give up. That would mean very large increases in weight for me and risk of disease.

    AOTD - my dog motivates me to walk as she looks at me with those eyes wondering why I am sitting (:

    CW 195.6
    HW 209
    GW 170
    42 weeks until my daughters wedding (:

    Weddings are big motivators to lose weight. You can do this!

  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Had a terrible day food wise yesterday and the scales showed it this morning. Have eaten well and exercised today. About to do some dancing... I find this the most motivating way to lose weight. Spent the day at home with children. Unfortunately we have a magpie (bird) that was being dangerous so we had to move the play into inside.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,339 Member
    No potato chips today - but I did eat chocolate at work and drank more water. I did get 15 minute walk after work and I have not touched food since dinner - that's will probably lessen my calorie intake by 40 - okay maybe 55. Better than eating all and not exercising.

    Point is trying is powerful.
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member

    Phew!! Headed out to do a short walk because I did a long one yesterday... and ended up heading down a new path, miscalculated how far I had gone along the river, found myself downtown, and ended up doing a longer walk to get home. But found this really cool house!!

    @hickchic67 Kathryn - wow! That’s a lot of races! This is my first one. Still figuring out the app. Sometimes it records the same activity 3 times. So I started to select manual to get honest assessment of distance. But then, some entries keep disappearing and I have to select them 3 times. It is what it is. Probably going to start entering my data manually each time instead of adding from my tracker or MapMyWalk. I set a goal for this race. But am falling short. It is motivating to try and reach it, but that would mean two more days of almost 3 miles each. Might not make it. But at least I am not walking 0 miles a day like before the race. 👍🏽🤪

    AOTD: I get motivation from the posts of avid runners I follow on Instagram and the posts on my feed here in MFP.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,339 Member

    Good morning, I bet my little walking trips wouldnt get me very far in these races! But then maybe that's the motivation.....

    Many people who got the flu shot had the sore shoulder before work end instead of the next morning - fast acting stuff!! Yes, I did just roll my eyes.

    We have to decorate our Supervisors door for some stupid competition - note it is not voluntary - you will do it and you will have fun - wow that sucks. Immediate Supervisor yesterday got to help me with the extremely weird claims that were over $5k and even he said that it was unequal how they distribute claims in our department. So today is a free for all and I will hide in my cube and work as many as I can. Lurking as I do so.

    Younger Gentleman I have met is Roman Catholic and I have a book on Vienna (lived there briefly lifetimes ago) and will suggest he find himself an Austrian wife.......Austria historically has been predominantly a Roman Catholic nation.

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Thursday.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Runa - I started doing the virtual races at the suggestion of a friend. She and I root for each other as we watch our progress. They are fun and definitely motivate me to get up and move. My friend enters everything manually. I have a FitBit Alta HR and it seems to sync to the app well. I have noticed the app on my phone seems to run smoother than the one on my computer. No idea why but it can get pretty aggravating. That is a very cool picture! Its nice to find neat places when out exploring!

    Sara - its so fun to be "volun-told" for contests and events <severe eyeroll> When did you live in Vienna? I would love to travel back to Europe someday. I still need to go get my flu shot. Had gotten them for years as they were required for my previous jobs. Did not get one last year and ended up sick for 3 absolutely miserable weeks!

    Tracey - am very interested to see if your Boot Camp stands behind those weird BMR numbers or if they see a mistake in there somewhere. Also interested to hear what all the Boot Camp entails. I have looked for, but have not been able to locate, a holistic practitioner in my area. I would really like to consult with one. I am not thrilled with all the meds that my regular doctor wants to put me on because of my stroke. I dont even have the conditions the meds are made to treat!

    Have noticed HUGE improvement in running/walking with the new shoes. They are worth every penny! I no longer have such sore hips and knees. Last night I got a treadmill that was facing mirror and noticed my ponytail did not flip all over the place. With my old shoes it would flip and swish and bounce all over. Last night, it barely moved! I know that has to do with how much of the impact the new shoes absorb.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    edited October 2018
    Tracey - am very interested to see if your Boot Camp stands behind those weird BMR numbers or if they see a mistake in there somewhere. Also interested to hear what all the Boot Camp entails. I have looked for, but have not been able to locate, a holistic practitioner in my area. I would really like to consult with one. I am not thrilled with all the meds that my regular doctor wants to put me on because of my stroke. I dont even have the conditions the meds are made to treat!

    We did not go over them today as we were told, but we did get our baseline test out of the way. I did 18 jumping jacks, 28 sit-ups, and 8 push-ups--Two minute cycles for each. At the end, we had a 30 second cycle of jumping jacks and I got 38 that time. As far as the exercise portion, I think this routine will be ok. It's a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) alternating between cardio and isometric exercise. If you want to learn more about it, you can search the brand name "Boot Camp Challenge". It's a franchise program and every workout during the 6 week cycle is different.

    She and I will clash over diet, I'm sure. Redid my macros last night and the carb count is even lower than last week. It will be super hard to stay under, however, I will not beat myself up if I go over by eating spinach, lettuce, and avocados.

    On the holistic practitioner, I highly recommend it even if you have to drive a bit to get there. Mine is an hour from home, but 20 minutes from work. I've lost 14 lbs since last Monday between the supplements and diet changes prescribed by practitioner. Feel a little wonky today, but one scrip just arrived yesterday and I will need to adjust to it.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Tracey - I cannot even find one within a hundred miles! :( I have given up on computer searches and am now asking around for anyone who has any idea how to find one.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,772 Member

    Good morning, I bet my little walking trips wouldnt get me very far in these races! But then maybe that's the motivation.....

    Many people who got the flu shot had the sore shoulder before work end instead of the next morning - fast acting stuff!! Yes, I did just roll my eyes.

    We have to decorate our Supervisors door for some stupid competition - note it is not voluntary - you will do it and you will have fun - wow that sucks. Immediate Supervisor yesterday got to help me with the extremely weird claims that were over $5k and even he said that it was unequal how they distribute claims in our department. So today is a free for all and I will hide in my cube and work as many as I can. Lurking as I do so.

    Younger Gentleman I have met is Roman Catholic and I have a book on Vienna (lived there briefly lifetimes ago) and will suggest he find himself an Austrian wife.......Austria historically has been predominantly a Roman Catholic nation.

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Thursday.

    One blessing to the job I currently have is there is none of that voluntold stuff that is supposed to help with office morale. Just me and one staff member. I buy him a coffee every morning and we talk things out. We have a good team just the two of us.

    I am confused by the claims, is that insurance claims?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,772 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »

    Have noticed HUGE improvement in running/walking with the new shoes. They are worth every penny! I no longer have such sore hips and knees. Last night I got a treadmill that was facing mirror and noticed my ponytail did not flip all over the place. With my old shoes it would flip and swish and bounce all over. Last night, it barely moved! I know that has to do with how much of the impact the new shoes absorb.

    What kind of shoes did you get? I think I need to buy some new ones again.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,339 Member
    Tracey I process medical insurance claims
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited October 2018
    snowflake - shoes are so personal, trying them on is the best way to figure out what works. i went to a running store and they did a gait assessment and I ended up with the Hoka Clifton 4. They are a neutral shoe with the highest level of cushioning.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,865 Member

    Hello Ladies~~

    Once again having a not-great day. Just out of control here in NYC, ordering Chinese food etc etc. I got so little sleep last night; just couldn't shut down. Then the construction banging down the block started at 7:15AM.

    Naturally my flight today from NYC to Raleigh NC was cancelled and re-booked for tomorrow.

    I will read your posts tomorrow, if I get a good night's sleep tonight.

    Everybody hang in there~~


    243.0 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,339 Member
    Okay - here is my Friday plan - so far this week not one potato chip has been consumed. Other things yes, but not one potato chip. I intend to keep that going through Friday (temptation only exists at work - small bag opportunity). I intend to drink more water/walk or enjoy a piece of hard candy instead.

    We shall see how this goes.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    @Tilliesmommy1 .
    You can do it!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,339 Member

    Good morning,

    Wow what a stinker of a week - seems like it has been longer. Let's celebrate by getting outside and breathing fresh air - to that end my windows are open to air out. Walking breaks still on plan - I have a group of coworkers who walk from cubicle to lobby and sit for their break - so I walk past them and get more exercise.

    Anyone have any good weekend plans? Miss T has a spa day tomorrow, but otherwise I am wondering about next week meals.

    Wave to all who follow. TGIF!!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Lana - hope all is well when you get to NC

    Sara - good job on the no potato chip week!

    Temps dropped dramatically here - 80s yesterday, 50s today. No heat in my office building either. Brrrr....

    Plans for this weekend include a surprise birthday party for a friend and baking cookies to send off to my sister for her birthday. Also, we are starting to get estimates for new flooring throughout house and new kitchen cabinets & countertop. I'm wincing just thinking about how much that will cost.

    No walking/running today. I have too many errands to run this evening. I have managed to exercise 3 nights this week, so I don't feel so bad about skipping tonight.
  • stewarm01
    stewarm01 Posts: 331 Member

    First time posting on this forum. Just wanted to say I'm screwing up my success and I see it. THIS time around I've lost 47 pounds fairly quickly via counting calories and walking 6 days a week.

    I needed/wanted to lose 35 more pounds to reach my goal. Well, I got stuck at one weight for about 2.5 weeks and since then I've been on/off diet for about 3 weeks? now.. I am regaining and I've gained 9 pounds back I believe.

    I decided to take today off and tomorrow and start again Sunday, (trust me it's a mind thing where I have to set a start date and pig out before)

    Hopefully I can keep it up for life like I just was able to these 4 months prior to lose these now 44 remaining pounds and then to maintain.

    Anyone else like me? How did you finally do it and reach your goal? Any other pointers?
