

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2018

    #7 - Memory - Composite of my mother cutting my hair. She would 'ooh' and 'aah' over my hair & talk about how it was just like Grandma's. She took pleasure in cutting my hair, saying it made her look like a professional hairdresser because it always turned out pretty. After Mom was done cutting my hair, she would use her fingers to encourage the curls as they were drying, exclaiming the whole time. I thought it was corny, but I liked it, & now it's a precious memory. I learned to appreciate my waves because of my mother. It had a positive effect on my self-esteem as a teen.
    I inherited my hair from my paternal grandmother. My mother was not totally crazy about Grandma, but always found things about Grandma that were endearing or positive. I adored Grandma. I didn't know until I was an adult that Mom found Grandma irritating in many ways. That's a good mom.

    #8 - Book - To Kill a Mockingbird, followed closely by The Source.

    Karen in Virginia
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Like Machka, the book I'm most grateful for is the Bible. But there are so many books! One of my favorite person's favorite things to say was "so many books to read and so little time!" I don't have nearly the time to read that I used to ... that is something I need to change.

  • efricke1
    efricke1 Posts: 42 Member
    Interesting that all us Georgia ladies have/had careers in education!!! Wonder what that means.....

    Favorite Book? Too many to pick just one! I've always been a voracious reader-learned that from my mom :) I swore I would never use an ereader (as did my mom) but when she got a Kindle, I did too. Physical books are still my preferred, but also use the Kindle a lot.

    I had cataract surgery last January. I'm kind of young for it-turns out the steroids I take for my asthma can cause cataracts. As my eye surgeon said "We'd rather you breathe than see!!!" I was mildly terrified, but like everyone I've ever talked to, it was a breeze and have no fear about it anymore.

    Goal shift: I had said that my maintenance weight for the holidays would be whatever I weighed today. I'm going to wait until next Thursday and go from there.

    Hugs to whoever needs them and high fives too!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Book I most grateful for.........that's a toughie...........as a child it was the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe as a parent is was all the delight of reading the Harry Potter series outloud.

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    PAIGE: My husband and I graduated from North Georgia State and University (1969 & 1972). What do you teach?

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,398 Member
    Barbie - isn't it nice having new neighbors like that? DH and I thank our lucky stars all the time our new neighbors are such gems. So glad Jake is feeling good and his surgery went well. Amazing how they have perfected this cataract surgery which is now such a simple procedure and improves so many lives.

    Barbara AHMOD - I looked up 8th house, I was remembering it was the house of death. I see it's the house of Scorpio too - my DH is a Scorpio. Well, that explains it. B)>:) Earth and fire right there.

    Heather - thinking of you and your babysitting coming up. Don't blame you for skipping the girl's get together, you are on fire to get your house set up! Hope your DH is on the mend.

    Favorite book..... too many of them, but I love to reread Jan Karon's Mitford series when I get totally bored, along with MC Beaton's Hamish MacBeth and Agatha Raisin books. Big fan of cozies.

    This 15 minute decluttering is the bomb! <3 Yesterday I cleaned off the bulletin board in the office. Found 3 year old appointment cards, lots of outdated items. A few things went into the "to be filed" basket and most of it went into the trash.

    DH was up at 4 to get a fire going in the woodstove too. Another of our wonderful neighbors told me about a little fan he had on his woodstove that automatically kicks on when the stovetop temp hits around 150 degrees, so I found one at the hardware store. That thing is awesome, heats up the living room much faster than the stove alone.

    Ok gals, have a great day! New ladies keep posting so we can get to know you!

    Frosty SW WA State
  • mjschmitzmojo
    mjschmitzmojo Posts: 22 Member
    Forgot the Memories mention yesterday - Wonderful memories of time spent with my grandparents, childhood memories hanging out with my brothers and cousins, and adult memories special times spent with our sons.

    Favorite book - Tuesdays With Morrie, The Harry Potter Series (this could go along with favorite memories because every night my sons and I would take turns reading the pages out loud together for reading practice).

    Rene in Italy - what an awesome story, my cousin did the same thing except in Australia. So adventurous.

    Paige - extremely wonderful memories

    Barbie NW Washington - Sure hope your hubby gets better and how nice is that to 1) have wonderful neighbors and 2) be so thoughtful to include them for Thanksgiving.

    Welcome newbies - CindyJNC and Marilynbeth

    Margaret - Good luck with the bid on the 2nd house.

    Yesterdays workout - did 4 miles on the treadmill, to cold to go out and do outside workout. Logged exercise, food, and water for the day. Stayed within my daily calories, just had to many food choices that contained salt so need to work on that. No change on the scale but still feeling great!!!!

    Enjoyed reading about all of the memories, some bring tears to the eyes.

    Hope all of you have a wonderful Thursday - SMILE!!!!


    Jo in The Windy City Chgo (And Yes it is Illinois)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Lanette ... I just picked up one of Jan Karon's books ... I think I got behind in the series because I started to read one that is more recent and felt like I was missing something ... so backed up a few to see where I left off. But I can reread her books and still enjoy them.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: Do you think your DH will try to run for office again at the next election? This experience might give him new ideas for strategy. I’m not sure about campaign financing. When I ran for office in our previous town I had an advantage—I was appointed to fill a mid-term vacancy on the City Council and when the term was up, I was running as an incumbent. People knew me because I’d previously gone door to door in an effort to persuade voters to buy land for a park. It worked. Now I am an appointed member of a city advisory committee. I like this level of involvement and don’t want more. :flowerforyou: Good luck on your home purchase. It sounds as though it may work out well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :star:

    Jo-Windy City Chgo: Welcome to a great group! :smiley:

    Rene in Italy: Welcome to a great group! :flowerforyou:

    Allie: I understand how you feel about being an orphan. I felt the same way after my mom passed away. (((HUGS)))

    Barbie: It sounds like you and Jake are camping in. I’m betting the two of you will handle the challenge well and end up with a great outcome. You’ll both feel better when the mold is gone. :star: Happy Hiatus from treatment for Jake. I hope all goes exceedingly well. :heart:

    Sharon: I’ve always liked the drama of a good thunder storm. We seldom get them here. Our elevation is elevation is about 24 feet. :flowerforyou:

    Machka: I’m grateful for the Bible, too. I find that I turn to it in times of worry or stress. I even have one on my phone. On another topic, I’ve always loved the cartoon Tasmanian Devil. Good luck with finding &/or training the right care giver. :heart:

    Lisa: I hope your knee replacement surgery is scheduled sooner rather than later. :heart:

    NYKaren: I’ve always loved The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I found it when my kids were little and read it to them. :star:

    Lanette: Most of the books on my favorites list were written for children. I found them when I was an adult with young children. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is on that list. So are all of Arthur Ransome’s books in the Amazons and the Swallows series. They’re set in England at a place called Coniston Waters. Later books in the series were in other locations. The whole group is still on my bookshelf and I read one of them once in a while.:star:

    I hope to go to yoga this morning and plan to leave the house in about half an hour.

    Katla In Beautiful NW Oregon

    "It is not selfish to be happy. It is your highest purpose. Your joy is the greatest contribution you can make to life on the planet. A heart at peace with its owner blesses everyone it touches." ~ Alan Cohen
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    Hi all,
    We are at my son"s house now. :)
    Eventful day!
    The aerial man came and we now have 3 working TVs. :smiley:
    Then the freezer was delivered. Letting it settle.
    Then I opened a window to let a fly out and it jammed just ajar on some kind of latch. Grrrr!!!! We couldn't fix it so I called an emergency repair service. We had to leave the house early pm. They could not come, even though they tried really hard, so we had to leave the house with the window not sealed. Filled the cracks with bubble wrap. Hope burglars don't notice. ;)
    We have set the alarm.
    Now in the throngs of bathtime and bed.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,795 Member
    Machka - How unfortunate that you have lost your wonderful help. Hopefully the new one surprises you and isn't quite so scattered.

    Allie - Have you heard about the recreation job? Maybe that is your nagging feeling.

    Lanette - Your mention of your husband and the wood stove brought back a flood of memories for me. The house I grew up in was over 100 years old, very dilapidated and probably should have been torn down 50 years ago instead of this year when my Brother did it. We woke up cold every morning, I remember sleeping with my clothes in bed under the covers with me so that they would be warm to put on. There was frost on the inside of the windows in my room. My mother struggled every single morning to get the fire going filling the house with smoke. I still eat fast to this day in fear my food will get cold. I left home when I was 18 in 1986, I moved back in for three months with my daughters as we were moving to Alberta, my husband came ahead of us. I remember staying up all hours of the night to make sure the fire didn't go out because I didn't want my girls to be cold. In 2012 I was called home, actually today was the date, because my Dad was not doing well. I remember on top of all of the stress of getting a leave from work and money to travel, my biggest stress was that I would be cold. My Dad had known he was sick and had bought a new stove for the house. It was air tight so would burn much longer, I kept that fire going for 5 weeks straight out of fear that I would be cold. Dad ended up in the hospital the day after I arrived, so it was just Mom and I to tend to it although my Brother would pop in and throw a couple sticks in if Mom and I were at the hospital. Man I miss the heat that comes from wood heat when it's going though. Thanks for the memory.

    I have been battling a headache for 3 days now. I need it to go away, I have too much to do right now to cater to it.

    8 Book - I have a few books that mean a lot to me. Number 1 would be the Bible. A childhood book is The Story Girl and a book I recently read that has changed my life is The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan.

    Tracey in a snowy Edmonton. It has been snowing very lightly since Sunday
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,769 Member
    NY Karen~ my mom would light a fire in the fireplace and she read us the whole Narnia series oh that was wonderful...
    Snowflake~ they hired someone else for the job, maybe because I spend so much time with my FIL they thought it wouldn't work,,, but gosh I know everyone on the first floor and even what diets they are lol
    i just got home.... it has been a long day but eventful... was supposed to go out with Trudy tonight but begged off because I am pooped... I signed up for new health insurance starting Jan 2019.. lower deductibles and have a broker that helped me with that,, and they do taxes too so thats a help.. I can go back to my old PCP... not that I dont like the new one but I like staying local....
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Favorite Books: As a young child, I loved The Secret Garden. As a teen, it was Gone With the Wind. As an adult I loved all of Mary Higgins Clarke's, Nora Roberts, James Patterson, etc. Any mysteries!

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited November 2018
    All in bed and asleep!
    I went out to get 2 large cod, 1 small chips, 2 mushy peas and a pickled onion for me. Heaven! DS had left us some AF white beers, which were very palatable.
    The books I loved as a child were Little Women and Heidi. I must have read them LOADS of times. <3<3<3<3<3<3

    The nanny has the morning off tomorrow, so we have to get all three kids up and breakfasted, dressed for school, piano practice, remember the violin and the reading book, water bottles, plus the violin practice notes, then set off with Bea in the buggy to get to school.
    I forgot to bring the chicken curry I had made so one of us will have to pop back to fetch it. I have some nice stinky cheese to eat that DDIL bought for me and I bought some dark chocolate this evening. :D Good job I did my exercises this morning, plus walking to their school and back, plus fetching the dinner. I'm thinking around 780 calories in total.

    Barbie - happy to hear of all the improvements on the home front, both personal and architectural. We are also being plagued by little structural hiccups. The window is the latest, but a double electrical socket has shorted out and neither of us feel qualified to fix it, so more money. :o:o:o:o

    Lots of love to all the new people (and the old ones :D ) PS - I don't do Friends.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Heather: I liked Little Women also and Wuthering Heights and the others by those two authors.