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November 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,377 Member
    @kgirlhart well done and congratulations!

    @Teerai that post made me tear up a bit (my mom is 92, my uncle is 94, one aunt is 92 and declining, another aunt is 87) although the other three are doing remarkably well. Mom still teaches piano, my uncle until recently climbed a very steep hill every day near where he used to live (he and my ill aunt had to move into assisted living) and my other aunt is still working at the family business.
    I apologize - I think I derailed the point of this thread.
    @rheddmobile I'll just say again that I am glad for you that things turned out well :):)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    edited November 2018
    @ddmom0811 Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter and glad you are able to run again.

    @7lenny7 WOW! That sounds painful. Glad your recovery is going well. Hope it won't be too much longer for you!

    I skimmed over about 12 pages of comments. You all are doing great on both the personal and physical/exercise fronts. I didn't manage to get in my planned runs this week. Hopefully, next week will be a different story.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @kgirlhart Wowsers!!! First place female!! Way to rock it in your husband's grandmother's memory!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,104 Member
    Thanks @workaholic_nurse , @tramboman, @lkpducky and @PastorVincent .

    Great job @amirahdaboss!

    Congrats on the new house @MegaMooseEsq!

    Glad you got everything worked out @rheddmobile . It is important to spend time with our elders and enjoy them when they are still able to be active. But as a diabetic it is also very important for you to take care of your health too.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,377 Member
    @lkpducky - Okay I will accept your state is on fire as a reason to run indoors. But just this time :lol:

    Believe me, deadmill running is not my choice... :p
    Come to think of it, I had a friend in Indiana who would train for marathons on the deadmill when it was winter...can you imagine running on the buggering thing for 19 miles?? /waits for all the snow runners here to laugh themselves sick
    Yes he grew up in Indiana, I don't know why he didn't train in the snow...
  • bluesmanhart6679
    bluesmanhart6679 Posts: 55 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    November goal: 75 miles

    11/1: 4.1 miles
    11/4: 8 miles
    11/6: 4.2 miles
    11/7: 4.6 miles
    11/8: 3.1 miles
    11/10: 3.2 miles Wags & Whiskers 5K - 1st place female/3rd overall

    27.2/75 miles completed

    Today was the Wags & Whiskers 5K. It is a local race that benefits our local no-kill animal shelter. I ran this 5K as my first race in 2017 so I was excited to run it again. I got 1st place female and I was 3rd place overall. It was a small race, but I was still pretty excited about being 1st female. My official time was 30:05 so it wasn't an official PR. But my Garmin had me at 3.21 miles and my Garmin time was 30:08 but I had a 5K PR on Garmin of 29:13. So I think the course was a little long. They changed it a little from the last time so we did not have to run down the stairs. (they added handicap access on the trail at the park which makes the trail a little longer). It shouldn't really bother me that the course was long, but it kind of does. I was also a little disappointed because the top finishers received a dog themed frame and note pad but no medal. It was nice, but I would have liked a medal. Overall though I was really exited about the race.

    Today was the 6 year anniversary of my husband's grandmother passing away, so I ran this race in her memory. It was so cold. I have been trying to run when it is cold so I could be prepared, but today was the coldest it has been at 33F. (Don't laugh at me my Canadian and Northern friends. 33F is cold in Texas.) I had already decided what I would wear, but ended up wearing long pants. I think that was a good call since I don't have any long socks. I also wore a t-shirt and a jacket with a toboggan to keep my ears warm instead of my usual cap and gloves. Luckily, there was very little wind and some sunshine. I lined up at the front and we took off. I knew the guy who was the first place male and he quickly was ahead of the pack. I had planned to kind of pace off him. Really I just hoped to keep him in my sights since he's quite a bit faster than me. I started out running in 2nd but about 1/4 mile or so into it a lady came and passed me. I thought she looked like she was either in my age group or maybe even older (she was 63. I'm 50), So I just tried to stay close enough to her that I might be able to catch up to her before the end, but not tire myself out too early. After mile 1 another man passed me and then her. I was feeling really good and running a quick pace for me. My first mile was 9:35 and second was 9:38. I was pretty excited to be at the front of the race. (Hooray for small races!) Because I usually run in the middle of the pack. We went through the cemetery and as we were coming out I only saw a couple of runners going in so I felt like I was going to be able to at least keep my 4th place. There was a water stop outside the cemetery at about the midway point. I didn't stop and shortly after that I passed the lady in front of me and managed to pull ahead of her. The sun was finally coming out from the clouds and I did end up unzipping my jackets, but other than that I was dressed pretty comfortably. I managed to speed up coming into the park and my 3rd mile was 9:11. It was really exciting to as I was coming into the finish to hear the announcer say "here comes our 1st place female". So even though I didn't get an official race PR. I did get a 1st place and Garmin gave me a PR. And most importantly I felt like I ran a good race.


    2018 races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - 2:43:59.7. - 2nd place AG
    10/6/18: Old Rip 5K Run - PR 29:43.5, 2nd place AG
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K - 30.05 official time - 1st place female/3rd overall

    Grandma would have been so proud of you, just as I am!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Congratulations @kgirlhart! That's awesome
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Bravo, @kgirlhart!!! :heart: What a wonderful achievement to always remember!!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,104 Member
    Thanks @katharmonic and @Orphia! It is definitely an achievement I am proud of.

    @bluesmanhart6679 She was a wonderful woman who I loved very much.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    11/1 - 0 km
    11/2 - 12 miles
    11/3 - 0 km
    11/4 - 13.1 km
    11/5 - 0km
    11/6 - 8.5 miles
    11/7 - 12 miles
    11/8 - 10 miles
    11/9 - Escape Room - 0km
    11/10 - 1 hr @ 6.5 mph 3% grade

    Very busy round about day so did not get a chance to run until way past dark. Decided to dreadmill for an hour instead of pull a zero. My Garmin could not connect to my footpod so I am not sure how far/fast I actually ran. My dreadmill at home said I did 7.8 miles when running 6.5 mph for an hour. :smiley: Needless to say I normally just go with what my footpod said... ah well. :) I'll record it as 6.5 miles and move on with life.

    Upcoming Races:

    Harvest 10 Miler - November 2018

    Steel Challange 5k - May 2019
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 2019
    Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Race - May 2019

    --More as I find them - need to find a nice trail race

    2021 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    2019 GOAL: Knock a full hour off my 50k time at Glacier Ridge.