November 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @sarahthes - I have been told that an MRI is better for a suspected stress fracture unless it is a significant break it won't show up on an x-ray. That said my doctor ordered an x-ray too and it was negative but they called it inconclusive. My daughter said the x-ray was 'pointless'...

    @shanaber yep x-ray is pretty much pointless, MRI is good, or nuclear medicine scan are also good. is your daughter a radiogrpher/radiologist?

    X-rays for suspected stress fractures are mostly pointless, true, but... if you DO happen to spot an obvious stress fracture you can save the couple of thousand dollars for the MRI, which makes it worthwhile depending on your insurance.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @sarahthes - I have been told that an MRI is better for a suspected stress fracture unless it is a significant break it won't show up on an x-ray. That said my doctor ordered an x-ray too and it was negative but they called it inconclusive. My daughter said the x-ray was 'pointless'...

    @shanaber yep x-ray is pretty much pointless, MRI is good, or nuclear medicine scan are also good. is your daughter a radiogrpher/radiologist?

    X-rays for suspected stress fractures are mostly pointless, true, but... if you DO happen to spot an obvious stress fracture you can save the couple of thousand dollars for the MRI, which makes it worthwhile depending on your insurance.

    ah I always forget about the insurance issue over there. To be fair, here I think they will do xray first, then maybe a nuclear medicine study, and then MRI, unless you are a professional athlete. All on the government. But its all triaged by a orthopaedic surgeon, no just rocking up and booking an MRI, and waits are LONG (4-6 months) generally. unless you can prove it was an accident.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Questions for people who do running streaks and/or regularly run more than 10 miles/day: how do you prevent overuse injuries? How do you handle sudden soreness or discomfort that lasts longer than a week? How did you build up to running that distance regularly?

    Thanks in advance for your replies!

    I am in my "off-season" right now so not running as much, but come January you will see my miles start to climb (assuming I can get out! New job has made that much harder)I often run three or more over 10 mile days in a row and add 1 or 2 long runs on top of that. In my off season, I try to be happy with getting out 3 times a week and get 1 or 2 half marathons or greater distances in.

    The difference between me and like 90% of this thread is I have built up to where I am over the last 15 YEARS. When I started I could not WALK 20 feet without getting out of breath. It took many years for me to get to the 5k is reasonable level (now, its way too short LOL).

    So, my point is for people at my level of endurance, 10+mile runs multiple times a week is not overuse so there is no overuse injury. People like @AlphaHowls are even a level beyond me. If I tried to jump from where I am right now to her level with no incline I probably would get hurt.

    The real secret to prevent injury (not counting tripping over empty air and the like) is to know your real limits and work within them. Push yourself, yes, but not to an extreme.

    The common rule of thumb is no more than 10% distance increase per week, and have a cut back week every third or fourth week. Tweak this to match your time, body, and etc. Or the best plan really is to just find an already built running plan that lines up with your goals and use that as your model.

    Finally, DO NOT COMPARE YOUR SELF WITH OTHERS. Seriously, just do not do it. There is no happiness there, just work on being a better you. :)

    What @PastorVincent said...
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    November goal: 75 miles

    11/1: 4.1 miles
    11/4: 8 miles
    11/6: 4.2 miles
    11/7: 4.6 miles
    11/8: 3.1 miles
    11/10: 3.2 miles Wags & Whiskers 5K - 1st place female/3rd overall
    11/13: 4.1 miles

    31.3/75 miles completed

    Today I ran 4.1 miles. It was really cold this morning ~26F with feels like temps of ~19F. And it was not much warmer at lunch so I ran after work. It was still ~43F with feels like 33F and kind of windy so it was still pretty cold for me. I'm really not a fan of cold weather. I'll complain about the heat, but really the cold bothers me more. I kind of dreaded the run all day, but it was a really good run and I just had fun and was so glad I did it. I guess sometimes just getting out the door is all you need. I ran home from my office and looped through the park and the cemetery to get 4 miles since it is only about 2 miles if I ran straight home. The sun was shining which was nice. And the cold wasn't too bad. My route was a little too shady which is ironic because I am usually trying to find the shadiest route. And when I got home my ears were kind of hurting. I still haven't quite figured out what I need to wear when I run in the cold, but overall it was ok. I do want to get some sleeves and I just haven't found the right ear covering yet. The toboggan I wore on today worked better for me on Saturday but not as well today. Tomorrow will be cold again, but should be nice at lunch so I am going to try to run on my lunch break.


    2018 races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - 2:43:59.7. - 2nd place AG
    10/6/18: Old Rip 5K Run - PR 29:43.5, 2nd place AG
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K - 30.05 official time - 1st place female/3rd overall

    I love my half buff for slightly cold ears. I also have a full merino buff for colder weather, and a fancy running headband from Columbia which has a foil lining. For really cold weather I have a fleece balaclava to go over the other thing. In general I can't stand having something on the top of my head, so a band like the buff works well.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Today I ran 4.1 miles. It was really cold this morning ~26F with feels like temps of ~19F. And it was not much warmer at lunch so I ran after work. It was still ~43F with feels like 33F and kind of windy so it was still pretty cold for me. I'm really not a fan of cold weather. I'll complain about the heat, but really the cold bothers me more. I kind of dreaded the run all day, but it was a really good run and I just had fun and was so glad I did it. I guess sometimes just getting out the door is all you need. I ran home from my office and looped through the park and the cemetery to get 4 miles since it is only about 2 miles if I ran straight home. The sun was shining which was nice. And the cold wasn't too bad. My route was a little too shady which is ironic because I am usually trying to find the shadiest route. And when I got home my ears were kind of hurting. I still haven't quite figured out what I need to wear when I run in the cold, but overall it was ok. I do want to get some sleeves and I just haven't found the right ear covering yet. The toboggan I wore on today worked better for me on Saturday but not as well today. Tomorrow will be cold again, but should be nice at lunch so I am going to try to run on my lunch break.

    When I first read this I thought those were negative temps. I was like DANG she one tough cookie running in NEGATIVE 43 degrees! :lol:
  • bubblegum2fitness
    bubblegum2fitness Posts: 143 Member
    W4D2 of c210k. Accidentally took too many rest days in a row. Partially because I misplaced my inhaler, and exercise triggers my asthma. I'm hoping to maybe snag some new running shoes on black friday, so maybe a pair of trail shoes is in my future.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,676 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @sarahthes - I have been told that an MRI is better for a suspected stress fracture unless it is a significant break it won't show up on an x-ray. That said my doctor ordered an x-ray too and it was negative but they called it inconclusive. My daughter said the x-ray was 'pointless'...

    @shanaber yep x-ray is pretty much pointless, MRI is good, or nuclear medicine scan are also good. is your daughter a radiogrpher/radiologist?

    X-rays for suspected stress fractures are mostly pointless, true, but... if you DO happen to spot an obvious stress fracture you can save the couple of thousand dollars for the MRI, which makes it worthwhile depending on your insurance.

    ah I always forget about the insurance issue over there. To be fair, here I think they will do xray first, then maybe a nuclear medicine study, and then MRI, unless you are a professional athlete. All on the government. But its all triaged by a orthopaedic surgeon, no just rocking up and booking an MRI, and waits are LONG (4-6 months) generally. unless you can prove it was an accident.

    Wow! I called on a Monday, had my first appointment and xray Tuesday, MRI and consultation with the surgeon Wednesday, and surgery Thursday.

    I just got the bill for my surgery today. $6800 total, after insurance I'll pay $650. I'll gladly pay that for what I received.

    Yes, it'd be much the same here if you use your private insurance. What @avidkeo is talking about is the free public health system.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @sarahthes - I have been told that an MRI is better for a suspected stress fracture unless it is a significant break it won't show up on an x-ray. That said my doctor ordered an x-ray too and it was negative but they called it inconclusive. My daughter said the x-ray was 'pointless'...

    @shanaber yep x-ray is pretty much pointless, MRI is good, or nuclear medicine scan are also good. is your daughter a radiogrpher/radiologist?

    X-rays for suspected stress fractures are mostly pointless, true, but... if you DO happen to spot an obvious stress fracture you can save the couple of thousand dollars for the MRI, which makes it worthwhile depending on your insurance.

    ah I always forget about the insurance issue over there. To be fair, here I think they will do xray first, then maybe a nuclear medicine study, and then MRI, unless you are a professional athlete. All on the government. But its all triaged by a orthopaedic surgeon, no just rocking up and booking an MRI, and waits are LONG (4-6 months) generally. unless you can prove it was an accident.

    Wow! I called on a Monday, had my first appointment and xray Tuesday, MRI and consultation with the surgeon Wednesday, and surgery Thursday.

    I just got the bill for my surgery today. $6800 total, after insurance I'll pay $650. I'll gladly pay that for what I received.

    Yes, it'd be much the same here if you use your private insurance. What @avidkeo is talking about is the free public health system.

    I understood that, I'm just amazed at the difference.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    So i got out and did 13k this morning. I have one more run, 5k on Friday, before my big day. And yes this is MY big day because I've been building to this all year. and I just found out we get medals! Didn't know that. so excited.

    Today's run was great, much better than yesterdays, I think I'm starting to prefer longer runs, 8k minimum these days. though 13k before work is a bit of a challenge, I was up at 5 instead of 5:20. and I kept my pace slower. Still not as slow as it should be but slower. oh well. Rest tomorrow, and I will rest, probably go for a gentle walk and stretch/roll in the evening. will see.

    Hang on a minute..... you mean the medal wasn't the whole reason you signed up for it? lol
    I even agreed to pay an extra € or so to have my time lasered onto my medal. The idea being it will always be cherished as my very first real live race medal (I have a couple from virtual races) and in yeras to come I will be able to look at the time on it and laugh my head off at how slow I was (or cry over how fast I used to be.....)

    So excited for you, can't wait to hear how it goes, I know you're going to rock it!

    Thanks, nope didn't know till today bahaha. I may be wrong but I think medals. Are fairly new here... @ContraryMaryMary? I know when I did my first half, in 2011, there wasn't medals then.