

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Karen Okay, that pic of you on the snowplow is PRICELESS! You simply must drive up here to NY and plow my sidewalk after a snowfall, okay??? I'll give you at least a day's notice! ;) So great you could help all your neighbors. Stay cozy and warm, the melt will be there soon enough.

    Work drama is swirling around my work as well. Handling it with some distance and patience, but it is sadly unnecessary waste of time and energy.


  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,394 Member
    Karen in VA - isn't it neat to have a snowplow? Good for you helping get driveways cleared out. That snow is just beautiful, thank you for the photos. I love the quiet when it is falling. Wonder if we'll get any out here - hope at least a little.

    - my DH has similar behavior in the memory department when he is stressed or really concentrating on something. Aggravating and worrisome if it goes on for more than a day or two.

    Felicia - ((((HUGS)))) you needed what had to be done with that employee.... sorry he's not taking it well. Hard to be the person dealing with letting people go..... that part of the job pains supervisors and HR more than anyone realizes unless the employee truly was deserving of it and a liability to the job and company morale. Prospective employers do check social media so hoping he'll do some deleting after he's done venting. Yes, think Cancun and get that cold on the run!

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Thanks, y’all, for the well wishes for my mom. Dave gave me a much need two-hour reprieve. I’ve had a shower, made me some soup that I brought back in a thermos, and got Mama to drink about a fourth of a small strawberry shake from DQ. She rejected her entire breakfast, all but one peach slice at lunch, and all of her supper. I think she may finish her milkshake over a few hours. She seemed to like it best of anything she’s been offered. She eats like a bird when she’s well, but she seriously needs some calories and the IV fluids were backfiring. The thing that upsets me most about this is that she was eating on Saturday.

    Lanette, it was a culture they were growing that was supposed to take a couple of days, then it was the weekend, and you know the doctors have to have their weekends! I don’t know if they tested her blood or not. The hospital tested a blood sample and was immediately concerned with the low white count.

    Heather, although I am terribly upset with the PA for sending Mama home instead of for an immediate scan, I’m also not sure Mama communicated the severity of her symptoms to her. She did correctly diagnose a kidney stone, and the culture probably would have identified the bacteria given time. After all, we had to wait until today to get the results of the one the hospital did, too. The only difference is they started her on antibiotics anyway in anticipation of the results because she was so sick. So I don’t think her actions constitute malpractice. I probably will, at some point, verbally let her primary care physician know that I am disappointed that they didn’t send her on to the hospital immediately.

    Allison, maybe the drama with Mary will result in more hours for you that will counteract the two days off at the end of the year.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Update on eye doctor visit this morning, I have Fuchs' dystrophy which is a disease of the cornea which causes cloudy vision as the cells die and no longer pump the fluid off the eyeball. The bigger problem being, I have macular degeneration which is a disease of the retina, which means double trouble as both retina and cornea are deceased. This morning, due to excess fluid on my eyes, he couldn't tell which problem is causing the blurred vision. I have eye drops to use every three hours to dry them out and I go back next Monday morning when he will perform three tests that should allow him to see the cause of my vision problem now and see how to proceed from here.

    Love you my friends
    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did one segment of 10 MS Butt Lift DVD, held my plank for 3 minutes, then Patrick Godeau’s Lean Hot Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Patrick Godeau’s Hard Work Conditioning DVD.

    I’m thinking that tomorrow (Mon) Vince should work on brushing off the snow from the inflatables while I start shoveling the driveway. Then he can come help me when he’s done brushing. Update: So much for shoveling, it’s snowing. Big flakes, so it may turn to rain any time. Update Update: the flakes are much smaller now. I suspect there’s rain mixed in with the snow.

    I’m starting to stress over the holiday. Vince always waits until the last minute to do things (except decorate). We still have gifts to be bought, wrapped, I need to be cooking some on Sat and Sun (gotta remember everything that I need). I hate waiting until the last minute, I feel that I can’t enjoy the holidays. In a way, it’s good that we’re having our Christmas this weekend. This way everything needs to be done and I can relax the following week. Stressing BIG TIME, but as I recall I was stressing last year, too. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night thinking of things

    Bowling was cancelled for tomorrow (no surprise there). We won’t be there the following week, then we’re off for 2 weeks for christmas Eve and New Years Eve. The gal just told me she was cancelling mahjongg. Well, if she hadn’t, I sure wouldn’t have gone!

    Katla – how horrible that someone would poison a cat – or any animal for that matter.

    Oh, speaking of animals, again Denise asked to bring Rex (the dog – pitbull) here. We told her absolutely not. We have 3 tress downstairs plus a Christmas village. He’s a big, rambunctious dog. I told her she could bring her cat here. Do you know that she would blackmail us “you do something for me and I do something for you”, in other words, you let the dog be here and I’ll bring the cat. We certainly raised her better than that.

    Vince was just telling me that what happened at the TSO concert is that Lynette was in the third seat from the aisle. Evidently, the usher disconnected the seats from hers so that the people next to her would have a little more room. To me, that would be really embarrassing. But until someone wants to make a change, it isn’t going to happen. I don’t recall her ever mentioning that she and Ken were flying someplace. I do recall one time they went somewhere and she kept telling me how they were stopping here, and then driving to there, and then to their destination.

    Barbie – yes, you do look great in that coat. Red is definitely your color

    Lisa – have a great day. I’ll be thinking of you all day. Update: how awesome did the day go?

    Drkatie – prayers, lots of prayers for you and your mother. What can I say?

    Barbara – on long drives, I find it a mortal sin to pass up a rest area….lol

    Went out and shoveled some of the snow. Only the snow maybe about 4’ out from the doors to the driveway. That area tends to get a lot of shade and therefore the snow doesn’t melt. You should see how it’s melting! We can almost see part of the driveway. This snow is very wet, great for snowballs and snowmen but a pain to shovel. So heavy

    Also brought in the Christmas linens. Vince put up the shower curtain that I made. Of course, we left the liner there.

    Kim – Vince told me about how he had secret service guys following him in school.

    Meg – (((HUG)))

    Well, they delivered the paper today so I’m thinking that the roads aren’t that bad so I’ll go out tomorrow and do some shopping mainly for food

    I have to say that weight-wise I’ve so far been pretty good. Usually I gain some right before the holiday, probably because I’m stressing and stress eating. We got a lot (to me anyway) accomplished. Brought in the Christmas linens, I got the things ready for the stockings (what I do is put it in the stocking to be sure it fits or needs more and then put the things in a plastic bag for the person)

    Rori – I’m another one – don’t get me within 100 feet of a cat poisoner. Don’t get Vince within 200 feet….lol

    Karen – NC could certainly use you! A lot of the snow melted today so I’m thinking that I’m not even going to bother to shovel the entire driveway. The snow is just too heavy.

    Janetr – how sorry I am to hear of your eye troubles. I do hope they find out the cause real soon.

    Coloring my roots right now. I want to go out shopping some tomorrow, but Vince doesn’t want me to go until around 10 or 11 because it’s supposed to get below freezing and snow that was melting will freeze and the roads might very well be black ice.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Oh, about the Newcomer website: Adra wants Greg, her and me to meet so Greg can "show us the new website". Before this meeting, I think I'll talk to Adra alone, tell her that I believe we can work together (I do) but that I don't think Greg wants to work with me (I do think this). I want to tell her my concerns and why I think it would be a good idea to keep the "old" directory. I'm pretty sure she's of the opinion (because Greg told her) that the old directory is breaking down so that's why he created the new directory. I want to tell her that code doesn't break down, the environment breaks down, but not code. Vince worked with code that was written in the 1970's and it was still working fine.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    total stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.57min, 12amph, 135mhr, 1.5mi= 73c
    manual treadmill- 43min, 106ahr, 125mhr, 2.37mi= 255c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.08min, 122mhr, 14.3amph, 1.4mi= 65c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.17min, 10.07min mi, 144mhr, .5mi= 79c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.28min, 9.32min mi, 146mhr, .4mi= 52c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.58min, 7.9amph, 148mhr, 2.6mi= 190c

    total cal 714
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Janetr, I’m so sorry about all your eye issues. My grandmother had macular degeneration, and my husband has glaucoma.

    Michele, I think you will be much happier once you can say, “not my circus, not my monkeys” when somebody mentions newcomers.

    Mama is blessedly sleeping after a 3 hour bout of crying in pain from what I’m pretty sure is a bowel impaction. We are waiting on direction from the doctor on how to proceed. They did give her Colace, but so far it hasn’t helped. I think she needs drastic measures, although I don’t know what that is exactly. If it’s not tough enough to be sick from the kidney stuff. I think it’s probably pretty common when you’re on pain meds though, so hopefully they can fix her right up.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2018
    Michele in NC "Janetr – how sorry I am to hear of your eye troubles. I do hope they find out the cause real soon."

    Thank you, Michele, we know I have both macular degeneration, which affects the retina and Fuch's Dystrophy , which affects the cornea, so one of them is the cause. The further testing hopefully shows which one is causing the blurred, cloudy vision. He suspects its the Fuch's, if so there are some ways to try to help keep the excess fluid off the eyeballs.

    Kay Thank you. Im just praying for slow progression of both situations and for grace on my part <3. I will continue praying for your little Mama, it seems when one thing acts up it has the domino effect. Big hugs my friend.

    Janetr OKC
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Michelle--I love Tran-Siberian Orchestra! I saw them last year here in Texas. Our seats put us beside the stage, almost behind them, so it was like getting to see backstage. It was loud, but I'm losing my hearing so I didn't mind.

    Heather--You do look young for your age. You'd look young for my age, and I'm 16 years behind you. That tricolor salad sounds yummy....maybe even worth the calories.

    Barbara--Good job not overeating the sourdough. Filling up on veggies is a new experience for me. I'm also one of those who stresses about a clean house when company comes over. I've got a list posted to the fridge of all the cleaning, storing, moving, finishing, and prepping I've to to do before Christmas. Some things have to wait, because I don't want to do them more than once--like mopping all the floors. I'm not a neat freak, but I really want that first impression to be an 'aaah,' not an 'uh-oh.'

    Tracy--your ornaments are so pretty together. They seem to set each other off, like a collection.

    Pip--love all the pictures. They're a good reminder that I need to get out and do more memorable things.

    Yvonne--I can relate to the plants in the bathroom. I've got a pink mandevilla and a yellow hibiscus taking up my bathtub. On plant stands they can get close to the frosted window for light. The stands are leaving rust marks in the tub, but I don't have anywhere else to put them and I'm not willing to let them die. I'm probably going to lose the mandevilla anyway, unless we have a short winter. The hibiscus is blooming and mostly happy. I've also got a lemon tree I grew from a seed, but it's got a home near the kitchen window. As much as I'd love a greenhouse, the HOA would probably give me grief over one.

    Barbie--I really need to find a dance class of some sort near me. I used to do Dance-it, but I couldn't locate one here. Dancing is my favorite exercise, but the ones I've found when I google them seem to be geared to younger bodies.

    Michelle--Ah, the serious, life-threatening, panic-worthy prospects of snow in NC; I remember it well. I'm sure you've got your bread, milk, and gas. I grew up in Ohio, so I never understood the panic. Ice is a different beast--as has been explained to me many times. But it doesn't matter if it's ice or snow, the panic is the same. I hope your snow days are warm and stress-free--not power-free.

    I remember when we brought a new cat home after having the first for a couple years. Loki was still barely a kitten, but Osiris wanted nothing to do with him. Loki hid in the bathroom for days, and Osiris would hiss every time he got too close. Well, Loki clearly remembered the bullying, because as soon as he was older, bigger, and more mature, they had it out and Loki took the dominant position in the house. They got along fine, but Osiris was never top cat again.

    Kim--So sorry to hear about the funerals, and your mom and brother's health issues. Prayers for more peace this holiday season.

    Katla--I don't have an empty nest just yet, but I've already resolved to invite people when it is. There are so many who spend holidays alone; I will be happy to host (kidnap or abduct) those who don't have family nearby.

    I'm still three pages behind, but I'm going to post this anyway, and try to catch up later. I love all the holiday preparations, the pictures, and the stories of daily life on here. I'm excited my son is coming home for about a week. Part of me hopes he likes Texas and wants to come and stay. Part of me worries about the same. He's 26 and should be living his life on his own. I'd love it if he were closer, but...he has a way of finding drama. I'm hoping for a peaceful visit, a chance to spoil him like he's not used to, and enough time to talk and have my worries put to rest.

    I keep checking things off my list, but then I have more to add. I finished my wreath today--it was a lot more work than I anticipated. It looks beautiful on the front door.

    Cari in chilly N. Texas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Cari, I live in a community with a lot of retirees ( some people call it the place where old people go to visit their parents) so there are a lot senior activities and classes. My beginning line dance class has a significant number of students age 80+ and the rest are 50 or older.

    <3Janetr, I'm thinking good thoughts for a solution for your eye problems.

    <3Kay, thinking good thoughts for your mom and a solution to her pain.

    :) My experience with the Trans Siberian Orchestra has all been on YouTube and I've loved every minute of it.

    <3 Barbie from non-snowy NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    Saturday ornament

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    Sunday ornament (it’s one ornament that looks like two

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    Monday ornament

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2018
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Saturday ornament


    Pip what is this???

  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    So not in the Christmas spirit. I have never liked Christmas and have not one thing out in my house to show the season.
    At home for a few days to house clean and babysit sons dogs. Must get rest of shopping done then to other grandkids school for grandparents day on wed. Back to my daughters on wed to help with her three little ones. At bedtime it sometimes takes 3 of us to get them all to settle for the night!
    Trying to move forward but drank too much rye tonight and went over calories. Grrr
    Stay strong.

    Karen in BC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    Re: Christmas ... I'm planning to keep things relatively simple.

    I've put out decorations because I like doing that. I'm playing Christmas music and watching Christmas movies.

    But aside from a few cards ...I don't think I'll do any shopping. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hoping for a peaceful Christmas.
