

  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Lisa--Thanks for the tip of Createspace. I never realized there were so many jobs to being a writer, and writing is the easiest. Editing, publishing, and promotion are my trouble spots. As to the pseudonym, I was going to use my maiden and my married name, and drop my first. I want to honor my dad, who wanted to be a writer himself. I think I owe it to my husband to keep my last name, since he's been oh so patient with the writing process, as well as helping pre-read/edit two of my novels.

    Lanette and Terri--I love the whole idea of solar, but they don't look all that great, and they're expensive. Some of the incentives are dwindling after next year, I don't think I'll be ready in time to take full advantage. https://www.solar-estimate.org/news/2018-11-06-are-the-tesla-solar-roof-tiles-worth-it

    I went to a Chinese buffet tonight for dinner. I overate, but at least I had a light lunch, and my choices were healthy. Seafood and veggies were good, and I skipped the abundant desserts. I was crawling around on the floor, looking through the shelves for Christmas CD's, and realized it didn't kill my knees to be down on all fours. Yep, it's time to start putting some exercise into the plan.

    Cari in N. Texas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Janetr, that's great news about your eyes.

    :)Lanette, that's great news about your shoulder.

    Once again, the solution to what ails one is doing some simple exercise or treatment regularly every day.

    <3 Barbie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette, It is great that your shoulder is improving. You are doing a wonderful job!

    It is rainy out there but not crazy. So far the river hasn’t been wild and scarey. It was relatvely low/moderate all day. The rain does appear to be increasing as the evening progresses & we may wake up to deeper water.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi. I find this group very hard to respond to on my phone and I have not had use of the computer at home.

    I had s terrible sale weekend at the craft fair and decided to sign up for one more to hopefully help out with the last bit I was hoping for before Christmas.

    I bought my granddaughter a dolls cradle at the show, it was made at the local prison and given to the Christmas Bureau to sell for their charity, the Bureau was helping 62000 families this year in Edmonton area so my purchase will help someone. Today I borrowed my daughter’s sewing machine and made s bedding set for it.

    I have a few more projects to get done and haven’t even started wrapping or baking yet! Thankfully I still have a week!

    Thoughts are with all those struggling,
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2018
    Lanette, Irish Terry, & Cari The Garden Atriums at Poquoson, VA are older, so the solar panel set up is not as modern as the ones you are talking about. Many years ago in Nebrasaka, my aunt & uncle built a home with both passive and active solar systems. The passive solar energy was used to heat tiles in a sun room, & the hot tiles transferred heat to water, part of which was circulated under the floors. It worked TOO well - they had to install shades to control how hot the solar "room" became. Even cacti died! Another of my parent's friends built a house with a geothermal heating system. I love sustainable energy forms.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,758 Member
    Terri~ wow that is my life in a nutshell ,hit the nail on the head..
    slept well and had my tea, going to take Alfie for a walk and then go feed DFIL and then to get my hair done..then maybe a bit of grocery shopping... I had a protein shake for breakfast yesterday and think I drank it to fast as it made me queazy...
    well off I go
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,042 Member
    I had a protein shake for breakfast yesterday and think I drank it to fast as it made me queazy...
    well off I go

    Protein shakes make me quite queazy if their protein is milk-based.

    I'd like to be able to use them before long bicycle rides, but have discovered that's a very bad idea.

    M in Oz

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Machka, I'm glad they're paying attention to the issues, and getting them fixed. You're needed, and you need to take care of yourself. Just think, by the time 2019's over, you can be a whole new you.

    Terri, Love the poem! After moving as much as I have, and getting rid of 2/3 of my belongings over and over again, if not more, I'm kind of enjoying the cluttering of my current space, honestly. But, after a while, I can't breathe if one more thing goes in the room, and go all minimalist again. Love the idea, too, of putting together your poetry on CreateSpace - and for you, Cari, getting your book online as well. There are a lot of sites out there (including CreateSpace) that will charge you money to edit and format your book correctly, etc., but you can honestly do it all yourself for free. I did. Using Word's title and chapter formatting, as well as sizing your Word pages to the finished size you want the book, you can make it look exactly like you wish. And there are plenty of opportunities to fix it before it goes live.

    Off to work at the office this morning, two-hour Christmas party starts at noon, then back to my home office for a Skype meeting at 4:15. So in other words, will accomplish very little today. But, accomplished a lot yesterday, so still aiming at balance, as I have all year.

    Off to the showers... second cup of coffee has fully uploaded. :smiley:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Cute shoes, Pip!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Well, I didn’t exercise today. Vince said that since Denise and Pete are downstairs, the TV needs to be a bit loud for me to hear it, plus, that’s where the kids are wrapping so that there are probably all sorts of wrapping paper, etc. on the floor. So I’ll probably give up exercise for a few days. I can see it being hard to get back in the swing, but I probably will be able to. Actually, now that I look at my calendar, it looks like Denise is planning to leave tomorrow, so I guess I can get back to exercise Wednesday.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions about making an apple pie. Next time I’m going to make twice as much crust (it’s a crumb crust and one batch doesn’t seem to be enough) and I’ll just pile the apples higher.

    On Saturday there was mention of our church having a Christmas dinner and they were looking for people to serve. I was thinking that might be a good thing to do. I ran it by Vince and he said that he was looking forward to having a holiday really quiet. I don’t know why, all the others are quiet, so what’s so special about Christmas? Maybe I’ll call the church and see about serving.

    M – you are so right about how things change in an instant and your goals for the next year need to be modified. That’s one of the reasons I don’t set specific goals.

    Janetr – will be thinking of you today while you go to the eye md’s

    Cari – At Hibachi Grill I love where you can have them grill things. I made up a plate for myself of snap peas, mushrooms, shrimp, crab, onions, sprouts, peppers, I don’t remember everything. The only thing is that I have to make sure to say “no butter” when they grill it. They will do it without the butter, but putting butter on it is their routine. Then when they ask what sauce, I tell them none. I usually get a look, but that’s OK. Problem I find is that I wish the plates were bigger so I could get more veggies. Well, you can always go back for seconds. I honestly can’t remember the last time I used glass ornaments. Well, we’ve had a cat now for about 20 years, so it’s certainly been before then.

    Yvonne – get better fast. Happy Birthday to your mom

    Well, we had our Christmas last night. There were 13 of us at the table. Pete was helping me clean up and broke one of my crystal water goblets. I didn’t realize there were so many different types of crystal! So I took a picture of it and sent it to Replacements. I’m afraid, knowing my in-laws who I got it from, that it’s one of the more expensive ones. Unfortunately, Colby was working on his computer so he didn’t come for dinner until later. Jess invited our vet and his wife, and of course they talked vet speak. I suspect part of the reason is because he wrote a letter of recommendation for her and last time she was home she didn’t get together with him and this time she’s going to Idaho so she won’t be able to get together with him. Seems there’s something going on at the vet office, he’s no longer there. Wyatt, who is a tech, had drinks with Jess and Colby last night. He told Jess that he’s never seen Dr. Bilhorn (our vet) get angry, yet he and Dr. Pope (who owns the practice) were yelling at each other. I guess we’ll see what happens in the future.

    I’m a bit sad…Denise decided to go to the mall and not spend the time with us. Well, that part isn’t new. But she bought an ornament exactly like the one I got her. I was so looking forward to her getting it and being really surprised. Now I’m sad to know that she already has it. Then she had to buy maternity clothes. Something like that couldn’t wait??? While Jess and I were running around making dinner, Denise was just sitting downstairs. Pete actually helped more than Denise! Is that sad, or is that sad? Maybe that’s the way I treated my father.

    Lynette – Denise and Pete put a deposit on a townhome and it should be completed by March. I just hope it is. Whenever you are having something built, there are always delays. She’s due in May. If they’re not in the place by May, I’m not sure where I’ll be able to stay. Will probably try to find a B&B. Hopefully, that’ll be cheaper than a hotel. Then again, the townhome may be finished. Denise was saying how they were going to live there for 2 or 3 years, then buy their “forever” home and rent the townhouse for the income. Now, they would never have thought of that. I’m sure that his parents (most likely his mother) are telling them what they’re going to do. In a way, I really wish Pete would get transferred South. Mainly so that they could have their own marriage. Make mistakes while we’re still alive to answer them. Good luck with your washer/dryer. Great news about your shoulder!

    Did horrible eating-wise yesterday. Had some wine (which I think I have once/year) and too many desserts. Today I’ll be scaling it back. I think Denise said something about leaving today, but I know that she’s not going to leave without her presents, and we haven’t opened them yet.

    Janetr - *doing a happy dance for you*

    About solar – we have a GREAT place on the roof of our detached garage for solar panels. But our electricity is so cheap that it just doesn’t make sense to invest in solar. Apple’s data center is near here and it’s all run by solar (well, mostly).

    M – adorable poem. Here’s hoping for the best for you for your tooth and the cyst

    Well, I’d better post this before I get too far behind.

    Michele in NC (who is feeling a bit down right now and I know that I really should just be making the most of the situation)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Cute shoes, Pip!

    not mine, but i thought they were cute
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Started the day at the gym 2 miles, 1/4 Mile was jogging. Now i’m at oral surgery while DD gets wisdom teeth extracted. Will putter about the house while she’s sleeping off the anesthesia.

    Janetr good news about your eye medication doing it’s job.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,758 Member
    Good late morning or afternoon
    Just back from getting my hair done,she always does a lovely job...
    Then stopped with a poinsettia for Barbara the new owner of dads house..they have gutted the kitchen and alot of the wallpaper and doing alot of Reno work..will look great when al I'll done..the contractors let me.walk around...I am do Happy for her she will enjoy the house hopefully for many years to come...have to make a grocery list but think I will take a bit of a nap first..