Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Rayna - I've been in maternity clothes for the last few weeks. They are just way more comfortable. I have about 30 pairs of jeans and can only fit 2 of them comfortably now and they are the two that were too big to begin with. I think most people are wearing maternity clothes by this point. I'm also glad to hear about the belly band, was just looking at them yesterday and thinking about getting one. Maybe I'll keep thinking about it.

    I'm hoping my scrubs will carry me through most of it. It will be one way to try and keep my thighs in check, too - if i could fit my scrub pants through most of this oregnancy it would be a HUGE victory. My mom is already shopping for maternity clothes for me though, lol.
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Well just got back from my ultrasound and my pregnancy is definitely NOT in my tube...yay!! I saw the yolk sac inside the gestational sac and next Thursday I go back for another ultrasound to see the heartbeat! I'm so relieved it's not ectopic. Oh, and I weighed 118lbs at the Dr. office which is one pound less than 2 days ago so I guess I do have water weight gain which is fluctuating. I worked out 4 days this week so feeling good. I make sure I have a couple of protein snacks each day and so far I have no nausea. Excited to be part of this group for support :smile:
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    jrueckert - Let me know how your ultrasound goes on Tuesday. I'm sure you'll see at least a yolk sac and maybe a heartbeat too since you're only a couple of days behind me!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok - when do you usually start wearing maternity clothes when you're pregnant?? I'm just over 3 months and I can't fit in ANY of my pants without the zipper completely undone :( My pants fit me everywhere else, I just can't do up the zipper/buttons.
    I've worn leggings ALL week and today is jeans day and I am wearing a pair of jeans with a belly band but I find it really annoying because I'm constantly having to readjust it

    I feel like I shouldn't need maternity clothes yet! I'm starting to freak out and think I'm going to have a massive baby lol

    Sorry if I sound like a freak, I'm just curious and hoping that maybe someone else had to get maternity pants around this time! lol
    My mom and sister said they didn't have to until 5-6 months!!

    Awww, look at your little bump! I'm jealous! Of course you get to wear maternity clothes! How did they make it 5-6months? Your baby is peach size, + amniotic fluid and swollen uterus. Stuffing that in pants that fit a previously flat stomach is tough!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    So.. went in for my 36 week appt today with a new NP and for the first time she actually questioned my US, LMP etc, and pulled out a chart for the + / - days of late (in my case 13 weeks) ultrasounds. She moved my due date to the 20th from the 12th thank goodness, which is what I have been trying to tell everyone this whole time. It is a few days but I just don't want them to pressure me into an induction when baby is not ready yet. Moving it to Sept 20 gives him a little over a week or so and although I am SO OVER being pregnant, I want him to stay in there for as long as he needs to.

    Also, I am back in Killeen Texas and it is SO HARD being away from my husband again. I keep telling myself that this is for the best but I am being very emotional and teary especially since he has been in the field, haven't talked to him since wednesday...

    On the upside, I found out Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, 30 mins from Ft. Campbell where hubby is stationed offers a semi-distance learning schedule for Women's Health NP courses, and it is a year and half to get my masters. Background, I was almost done with my bio degree to try and get into med school with a 3.8 but decided that being a doctor was not gonna be for me... I feel like I don't have that type A personality to be a doc. Always wanted to be an OBGYN... But anyways, went to nursing school, excelling, kinda wanted to be a CNM, but now leaning towards being a WHNP so I can work with more patients...These are just thoughts running in my head

    Running- yes I ran 2 days ago... and today again. SO PROUD... :) I swear it feels like it is my last week sometimes but then I surprise myself. :) Motivated me to make a new 22Aug to childbirth modified workout plan.

    I am still overwhelmed about keeping up with everybody in our group... I remember when there were just 5 or so of us and we were barely pregnant.... lol... And now a few of us are reaching the end! Almost there!! I try to remember who said what but when you press reply, it only shows you so many replies, but I hope everyone is doing great.... :)

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    My Friday was super busy and I'm just now getting a chance to catch up with all of you!

    Cool marine morning air and a little 70's and 80's rock on the ipod made for a happy Friday morning run :-) Got my ten miles in again this week. I had my 38 week appointment today and all is still progressing as it should be. Bambino continues to grow and have a nice strong heartbeat. I still have clear urine, good bp and weight that doesn't seem to want to go up anymore. I know for those of you in the early stages it's probably tough to hear, but you'll be here soon enough and might end up in the same boat! I really thought I had gained this week, but apparently not - my scale agreed too. Frustrating, but my doctor isn't concerned at this point. Bambino is definitely heading into the pelvic area, but is still "bouncy" according to my doctor and no dilation yet. I've been cleared to keep running if I wish :-)

    Heather, hope you and Al had a fun day! I'm sure it was great to see him after these past few weeks. How's the nursery coming? I had to chuckle when I read about you not being crafty. I'm right there with you sister! I always say that my mom and sister have the craft gene, I got the cooking gene but completely lack the craft one. I'm sorry to hear about your "friend" that wants you to be so miserable - what's up with that?! As I've said before, I truly think a healthy diet and exercise make a world of difference in our attitudes and just over make us feel better. You sound like you are doing everything right on the oral home care. Unfortunately, pregnancy does have a tendency to cause our gingiva to react negatively. It's believed that the gingiva changes are an exaggerated response of the tissues to bacterial plaque. This becomes further influenced by the increased levels of circulating hormones. I'm happy to hear that you aren't having any bleeding. If you were my patient I would recommend increasing what you are doing, rather than staying away from the gums because they are sore. I don't know if you are using a manual or electric toothbrush - have you changed it recently? Brush heads should be changed about every three months for them to be most effective regardless of if it's a manual or electric. I'd make sure you are angling your tb towards your gumline. Think of nestling the bristles into your gums, use soft pressure and a small circular motion. If you are already brushing for two minutes (yeah!), try bumping it to three for the next few days. Also spend a little more time with the floss and waterpik. Hopefully you will feel things improve within three to four days. Good luck and let me know if they don't start feeling better soon.

    Danielle, you sound motivated enough that you will have no trouble getting back to an active lifestyle once you are no longer restricted. Hang in there!

    Atomdraco, happy to hear you are feeling better and are able to get back to the running. Don't worry about being slow, I feel like and absolute slug these days! Just listen to your body, it's good at telling you if you are doing too much.

    jruecket, the initial weight gain is so hard! I think most of us here are pretty motivated and have all struggled with the idea of gaining the weight and seeing the numbers increase on the scale. It's tough to get your head around in the beginning, especially when you don't look pregnant. Try to remember that you have a very precious little one now growing inside you and a healthy weight gain will totally be worth it. I think all of my first trimester gain was in my breasts. I can't believe how gigantic they have become, although strangely I am now getting used to their size...the water/bloat weight also comes and goes early on.

    Sabrina, I've been taking rx prenatals since I starting ttc. I've been on OB Natal one, which I was really happy with. When I refilled last time I was told that they have discontinued them and was switch to Folcaps (I think). So far I've noticed no difference.

    Andrea, you're doing awesome workouts. I am happy to hear that your diet sounds like it's back on track too. If the majority of your nutrition is healthy it's okay to cheat every now and again. Keeps us sane and happy!

    Rayna, I think the maternity clothes question will be different for all of us. I was in my normal clothes until week 22 or so. I did use a Bella Band with a couple of pairs of jeans. I went to Europe for weeks 23-26 and ended up only taking maternity pants because I didn't want to wake up one morning and not have anything that fit me anymore! I never even tried to go back to my other clothes when we returned. I do know the gal at the maternity shop was surprised that I waited so long, she said in her experience most people move into the maternity clothes by three months or so. I did find that I'd never understood the whole "unbuttoning of your pants" after a meal thing until I was pregnant. Now I totally get it!

    Cutmd, sometimes our medical/healthcare backgrounds can be a bad thing. It's too much knowledge that gets jumbled with the irrational pregnancy thinking. I know my weight bounced around early on and I'd guess if your breasts are still super sore and growing that all is moving along as it should be. You are trained to think of the worst so that's where you mind easily goes. I'm sending happy prayers for you! As for scrubs, I wore my regular bottoms until about week 22 and my regular tops until about week 35. Lucky for me my husband wears navy blue scrubs too, so I have just been wearing his bottoms lately. He likes the full elastic waist so they nicely fit under my bump ;-)

    Sylvia, yeah! yeah! yeah! Glad to hear about the doctor's appointment. Also happy to hear you are feeling good and working out.

    Lexi, I too remember when we were a little group. It was much easier to keep up wasn't it? The nice thing is we've just added a bunch of nice, fabulous, pregnant women. I know your due date has been played with quite a bit, happy to hear that you feel better about the new date. Remind me how much longer you'll have to stay in Texas? I feel like you are almost done with, Amy and I are so close at this point. Hang in there, your little guy will be here soon :-)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ok - when do you usually start wearing maternity clothes when you're pregnant?? I'm just over 3 months and I can't fit in ANY of my pants without the zipper completely undone :( My pants fit me everywhere else, I just can't do up the zipper/buttons.
    I've worn leggings ALL week and today is jeans day and I am wearing a pair of jeans with a belly band but I find it really annoying because I'm constantly having to readjust it

    I feel like I shouldn't need maternity clothes yet! I'm starting to freak out and think I'm going to have a massive baby lol

    Sorry if I sound like a freak, I'm just curious and hoping that maybe someone else had to get maternity pants around this time! lol
    My mom and sister said they didn't have to until 5-6 months!!

    Before start buying maternity pants, try something like this:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in real quick and say hello while the hubby works on changing the outlets in the baby's room...evidently I'm not allowed to "help" with electrical stuff. :)

    Andrea I'm so glad things are still coming along well. You are doing awesome. A trip to NY sounds fun. What will you be doing there? And I agree with is all about eating well most of the time and splurging too...keeps us sane for sure!

    Rayna it varies with each woman when you will start wearing maternity clothes. For the most part my pants are just a size up. I don't really like ANY of the maternity bottoms I have. I'm not a fan of the band on them. So I just am wearing regular shorts/skirts/etc just a size bigger. Also, up until recently my shirts were all just regular shirts too. Lately I've been wearing more maternity shirts just to accentuate the bump. So whenever is comfortable for you! Oh and of course it depends on how you are carrying as well. Your mom and sister might have carried very high and you might carry lower so that does make a difference.

    cutmd that is pretty normal from what I hear. Remember I said I've heard many women say that towards the end of their first trimester they drop a few pounds and some of the bloating subsides? Sounds like your bloat has just gone down a bit. I agree with Holly too that when we know too much we can jump to conclusions and assume the worst. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers but I'm sure everything will be just fine.

    80lbs that is wonderful news! I'm so happy for you! I'm sure by Thurs you will see a heartbeat! YAY!

    Lexi I'm so glad things got straightened out with the due date. I totally agree...if that were me I'd be stressing too cause Docs are so quick to call induction when the baby is "late". And I'm so sorry you have to be away from the hubby at this point in your pregnancy. You are so strong. Stronger than most women. My heart goes out to you. I'm sure it will all pay off in the end. I had also wanted to be a CNM but after doing my rotation in LD I realized I don't like screaming pregnant women and I'm a sucker for kiddos not newborns and pregnant women (and the crazy family that usually follows them! lol). Being in women's health would be a great job I think. There are so many options after you get out of nursing'll find your niche!

    Holly sounds like an awesome way to start the day! As always, you rock! :) We are working on stuff in the nursery as I type...(well he is). The chandelier is going up tomorrow and we picked up the dresser/changing table but couldn't fit the crib and bookcase in the vehicle so we have to take our friends truck to go get that next Saturday. After that the rocker will be coming in a couple of weeks. I'm super excited for things to come together. As for my friend, she is someone I've known since jr. high and she knows "everything" and because she has had 4 kids and I don't have any I don't know anything (because being a level headed, fairly intelligent, educated woman who has been around kids and pregnancy for many many years doesn't count)...She has great qualities but being supportive in stuff like this isn't one of them. And I do have a Sonicare toothbrush and definitely brush for 2 minutes. I've been flossing a little longer and they are starting to get a little better. I appreciate all the advice though. :) I'm big on mouth care. It amazes me how people simply brush their teeth for a few seconds in the morning and call it a day! And lastly, let me say again how much I admire and appreciate your positive energy and nature. You are a great role model and I'm lucky to have someone like you on this board. :)

    Well I don't have gestational diabetes (YAY!!!)! Also, my invitations for the babyshower/party came in and they are absolutely adorable! If anyone needs handmade invitations done let me know and I will give you the link. She did a really good job on them. I've also noticed that Charlee likes to lay low every couple of weeks for a few days at a time and then I wake up and my belly is bigger and she is more active than ever. Like today, she has been kicking up a storm all day long! As long as she stays away from my cervix with her feet I'm all good! lol!

    I hope all of you ladies are having an wonderful weekend! Take care and be healthy!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I am gonna try to keep up with this :)

    Today I met with my doula, she is also an RN so my reasons for wanting a natural childbirth made total sense to her, she is not a close minded doula that is all gung ho on natural being the only way to deliver (which is how a lot of them are) ANDDDDD she is a Christian doula which is what I have been wanting! She is a volunteer doula that has been to 100+ births and a total of 200+ if you include the ones she has done as an RN over 15 years so I feel like I will be in good hands!!!! YAY!!! So now we just play the waiting game I think. I am pretty ready to have this baby, but hopefully not in the first couple weeks of school while we are front loading lol... She said she feels like DJ will be a long baby, I am tall but the men in my family are 6'2 and up, the women in my husband's family are also around 6 ft and up... we will see though!!! :)

    Heather, YAY for no GD!!!! My doc said I am just having a bit of an intolerance but not enough to call GD since I only had one abnormal out of 3, but to be honest I really am not limiting carbs because of the working out still thing! It is SUPER hard being away from hubby again, thought I would be used to it but I am hoping things get a little easier as far as dealing with the separation when school starts on monday!

    Rayna - I bought my first maternity shorts at 12 weeks because my bloating prevented me from buttoning my pants, although I think if I would have kept some of my "fat" shorts and pants I would have been fine. I didn't start NEEDING maternity clothes till close to 30 weeks and even now, I only own 2 maternity bottoms and still make use of my bella band, but definitely got some tops, as even XL shirts come up short now because my belly is getting big!!! Everybody is different though! Some show a LOT faster than others and may need it really early!!!!

    Holly - I have 2 semesters left, but our semesters are fairly short because we have "front loading" where we go to school 8-5 every day for a few weeks to get all our info in before clinicals. When clinicals start, we only go to school for 2 days, 3 hrs each, then a 12 hr clinical... And total is 15 weeks so the way I see it, it is a total of about 7 "school months" lol not counting Christmas break.. (can you tell I am counting down to graduation already??? lol) You inspire me to keep running, just want you to know that!!!!! I am always thinking that if you could do it, I could at least try today... and a lot of times, when I try it, I end up doing a good 20 min run at least and walking on top of that... Can't wait to get back in the groove after the baby!!!

  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    80lbs. So glad to hear that everything is well!! Congrats!!
    I meet with my midwife tomorrow for our monthly checkup!!!
    Go back to the Dr. on Tuesday morning to check and see if this infection in my leg is gone. Good Lord willing it will be. I really want to try to get back to normal, no pills and able to move around full time!!
    Hope everyone is having a Great weekend!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok, I seriously gained 4 pounds overnight! WTH? I ate under calories yesterday too! Maybe I have to take a serious look at things. I can't be gaining so much so early! Hopefully some of it is from my new circuit training video, but still!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Holly - I have 2 semesters left, but our semesters are fairly short because we have "front loading" where we go to school 8-5 every day for a few weeks to get all our info in before clinicals. When clinicals start, we only go to school for 2 days, 3 hrs each, then a 12 hr clinical... And total is 15 weeks so the way I see it, it is a total of about 7 "school months" lol not counting Christmas break.. (can you tell I am counting down to graduation already??? lol) You inspire me to keep running, just want you to know that!!!!! I am always thinking that if you could do it, I could at least try today... and a lot of times, when I try it, I end up doing a good 20 min run at least and walking on top of that... Can't wait to get back in the groove after the baby!!!


    I am so glad to see another mommy to be still going to classes this fall. I have 2 semesters left of my bachelors. I deliberately scheduled this semester light (only 10 hours) and everything on MWF except one lab on T. People shake their heads at hearing I'm planning on going to school and having a baby mid-semester, but I don't really see any other way to do it, especially with my scholarship and financial aid. I hope you make it through those first few weeks of "front loading!"
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    cutmd- check your sodium!!!! I think mfp's sodium is way too high and limit myself to 1600-1800 mg/day. When preggo your body holds on to that extra sodium and doesn't want to let go!!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Lexi I'm so glad you found a wonderful support person for the labor/delivery! That is so important to have.

    Well I felt like a slug this weekend...But it was nice to spend time with Al. Getting back into the groove of things this morning with him being home. Dinner is in the crockpot, laundry is done, house is cleaned, plants are watered, and I'm about to eat breakfast and then go on a long walk with the dog. My workout buddy has a sick kiddo so I probably won't be making it over there to workout today but with the walk and then maybe 30 minutes of weights I will be good. I'm looking forward to the week flying by Friday getting here quickly! I've got my 3D ultrasound on Friday and I can't wait! I'm so excited to see Charlee's face! :) It feels like we talk and plan for this person to come into our lives and she is literally RIGHT here, but we can't see her or feel her (well I can feel her, but I'd rather hold her and kiss her than get kicked in the ribs! lol). It is like the most amazing, best Christmas present in the world that you can carry around with you, but you aren't allowed to open!

    Hope all of you ladies have a wonderful, healthy day!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    my weight has fluctuated throughout the entire pregnancy. One day I'll wake up and be 4 lbs heavier, then a few days later I'll be back down 2 pounds. I think it's impossible to tell how much we're truly gaining so I try not to stress over the number too much.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    Had a crazy crazy busy weekend!! Every minute was jam packed with something. :noway:

    Hubby and I finally had our first break down (mind you we are both first parents)...but after our initial meltdown we were both able to sit and talk calmly and I was able to tell him that I can no longer keep up at 100 miles and hour. I get hot, I get tired and I get hungry!! More importantly when I say I'm hungry that doesn't mean oh we have at least another hour before we eat. I need to eat within the next 10 min or less if he doesn't want me getting nauseaus in the truck.

    With a little bit of communication and little bit of understanding I think he finally understood that I just cant keep up with him anymore. So as he continued to do things around the house/run errands most of the weekend I retreated myself to the bedroom for a good long nap! Helped him when I could, as much as I could without over doing it. Things definitely were much better after that.

    Lesson learned for both of us this weekend.

    Any of you experienced anything similar?
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy Monday! :)
    Wearing a super cute and SUPER comfortable maternity jean skirt today...oh man I can't tell you how much better it feels not to have something cutting into your bump all day! lol
    I have another workout with my personal trainer tonight doing circuit training - I'm excited, I did it twice last week and I'm hoping to keep it up like this for as long as I can. Need to keep up with my prenatal yoga, I've been letting it slip - didn't do it at all last week.

    3 weeks until my next appointment, getting really excited to book my ultrasound so we can find out if it's a boy or a girl!!

    heathercrist1 that is SO exciting about your 3D ultrasound coming up!! That will be amazing!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Checking in with everyone. I had a super busy weekends: baby birthday, family reunion - party after party, pizza after pizza. Now I'm very sick of eating pizza, so greasy. After I got home, I just don't feel satisfied without my usually intake of fruits and vegetables. Will feel much better today I hope since I packed lots of vegi.

    This morning, I decided to find all my maternity clothes/pants from the closet. Put a nice light pants on and it is much too comfortable (even it's a little bit bigger, but had draw strings to make it tighter). Now I feel like I can drive my car without keep shifting and adjusting every a few minutes.

    Hoping for a run today before lunch, but was so tired this morning and got up late (both my kid and I). So I got to work pretty late. I guess I have to skip the lunch run, and may be I can manage a walk after lunch. Hopefully get sometime tonight to get a nice workout in.

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello Mommas,

    I am back from vacation. Trying to get back into work mode. I finally told the whole family about baby, and everyone is so excited for us. They all think it's great since my oldest is 13 now.

    We had a great vacation at Lake Tahoe and two weekends in Riverside CA with some family celebrations. Can I say I'm exhausted, it will probably take me some weeks to recoup.

    Going my 14 weeks this week, I've been feeling good.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Ashley, some of you may know me already from the TTC thread. Well I was hoping to be able to join you group as I’m now 6weeks 5 days pregnant! DH and I have been trying for over two years and have gone through a couple failed IUI’s (intrauterine inseminations) and were planning on doing our last one this past week while on vacation. Instead I found out we were pregnant! Because we were considered fertility patients we’re still under the care of our RE and will be referred over to an OB at our 8week u/s next week. This is also the reason why we have been able to have a 6week u/s and will have an 8week one too.
    So now that we finally did it, all the other stuff came flooding, we spent so long in the TTC frame of mind that all this other stuff if foreign to us. Like to choose a midwife or OB, if an OB which one and which hospital? Oh and since we live in Montreal and the average waiting list time for a daycare is 2years, we need to start looking into that right away too! And the hardest question of all, when to tell everyone!
    I hope that in this group I can find other fit conscious moms to be that are willing to share their stories and advice on this whole process.
    Wishing you all healthy and happy little bundles of joy!