

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TrishasTime Well it's only been two weeks so the weight loss could have been a fluke lol. Seriously though, the first week I ended up eating at or slightly below my bmr, so I was probably burning calories every time I moved. But still I ate all the points- I eat a lot of food that I think is healthy but WW gives points for- nuts, cheese, red meat, avocado. So I ended up going through it all but still very low calorically bc those are very filling foods for me. I do eat fruits and veggie too.

    Sorry to hear about your tooth! I hope it's ok. I had a root canal and a crown put on 10 yrs ago and now they want to redo it bc it was sized wrong. I go the first week of Feb and am dreading it. Honestly I dont know how I'm going to get through it.

    This week I did eat more from a calorie perspective, so my weigh in is tomorrow and we'll see what it is.

    @theslightedgeforever yeah I am trying to come up with a plan that will work. Posting on forums keeps me honest, so both weeks I blew through a lot of calories in one day because of having a few drinks, up late, and then eating extra. Hopefully this week will be different.

    I am going to find some substitute desserts, I have some ideas. I will trim my daily points to fit them in sometimes, not every day, and I will save all my fit points for a bigger treat like eating out. I like to use my fitpoints for something special, bc it makes me feel like I earned it. I'm going to try to cut meat slightly and supplement with beans/tofu which are zero points.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm glad it went well, your event for your pastor. It sounds really nice, that everyone got a chance to share.

    Thanks for sharing the recipes everyone. I haven't tried any WW recipes, I guess I should.

    I have ended week 2 with points at a zero balance, but at least it is not a defecit. Anxious about what the scale will say tomorrow, when I start week 3.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    @gemwolf110 I’ve tried ground chicken and it’s just not meatloaf. Making mini loaves in muffin tins will help me keep down the portion sizes too.

    @TrishasTime Yikes on all the stress inducing events happening around you. This gives you plenty of opportunities to learn not to stress eat. How was your WW dinner

    @trooworld Glad you are feeling better. Sorry about hubby. you can still lose some weight without exercise as long as you really watch what you put into your mouth during this time. Soup is good this time of year.

    @its_cleo Good idea on cutting down on the meat and using beans/tofu. I made lentil tacos once that were really good. Sometimes you can do everything right and the scale doesn’t show or appreciate your effort. So just keep going and eventually you’ll get a WHOOSH on the scale when you weren’t expecting it.

    So another good day for me. Stayed within calories. Exercised for 55 min Got my big sticker. Did my journal work. Onto day 15 of the challenge Just realized it will be my dad’s bday. I hope he’s having cake in heaven. Now he doesn’t have to worry about his glucose levels. Not that he worried before. 🙄 Mine are coming down nicely. Here’s to me keeping up the good work to maintain being diabetes free
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I must be eating a lot of salt, or really carb-sensitive because I've been under all week (except one day) and the scale hasn't budged or has gone up. I guess I should be patient and not pay attention to the daily weighing. I think your dad would be proud of the way you are making an effort to stay diabetes-free, and that is a good way to honor him.

    Hi all. Yesterday was a very hard day at work: my lower back was very tight and painful and I was also not feeling well from the cold and had low energy. But I made it through which gives me hope I can make it through another day today. I've eaten under every day but two days and those days I only went over my calories by 100-200 cals, and I'm up 0.8 lbs over last week. :( That's kind of disappointing.


  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @theslightedgeforever, you are doing awesome!! Congrats on getting the big sticker!! B) Getting healthy is the goal isn't it? We talked about our "why" today at WW and mine was getting fit and healthy so that I can live long and take care of my sweet aging husband. I also want to look really good in clothes! ;)

    @TrishasTime, you poor thing! When it rains it pours, huh? You take care of yourself and try not to let the stress get to you. <3

    @trooworld, glad your feeling better. Take care of that back of yours! Who is worse at being sick? You or hubby? I hate when my husband is sick because then I have to muster up compassion and patience. I'm much better when he is the one doing the taking care of than me. D >:)

    @its_cleo, is this your first time on WW? We talked this morning about how this is the time when people start feeling discouraged and their resolutions start slipping. Stay strong and no matter what we don't quit!! :)

    So, I lost 0.6 this week. Better than nothing! :/ Thanks for all the suggestions for dinners. I made my menu for the week and am going to try to keep it simple and watch my sodium! I will be having the following:

    Tue-Baked chicken fajitas on 1 point tortillas and FAGE non-fat Greek for my sour cream
    Wed-Tuna salad with Good Thin sweet potato chips and low-sodium green olives
    Thu-Baked chicken that is covered in Dijon and smothered with sauteed onions, green peppers, and baby Bella mushrooms.
    Fri-Baked salmon with asparagus
    Sat-Baked chicken coated in Panko and spices with steamed broccoli and a Laughing Cow light Swiss cheese sauce
    Sun-Kodiak Pancakes with turkey sausage links
    Mon[/b]-Baked chicken with roasted butternut squash

    Soooo much chicken!! :o OK, I'm off to workout and then I need to finish the chapters in my new book that we are doing in Bible study tonight. :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    @trooworld If your scale problem continues check to see are you measuring and weighing your food properly? Is your calorie goal the right level for your body? Maybe it’s too high of a number. Cut off 100 calories and see how you do on that. Try reducing your sodium. Cut off 10-20 carbs each day. How many calories are you burning each day? To lose 1 lb per week you need to have a calorie deficit of approximately 3500 calories between what you eat and what you burn. I’ve been using 500 each day as my guide. You’ll figure out your special number if you keep tweaking the formula as our bodies are all different. I hope you feel better soon. It’s hard when you don’t feel good.

    @gemwolf110 With the mini loaves, if I cook and freeze them I can always just pop them out when needed. Then when I’m in the mood for beef it’s already done and I won’t be making two dishes. Chicken and beef.

    @TeresaW1020 I made baked chicken fajitas for dinner. they were so yummy. Yaaay on your loss. Every little bit counts. I was laughing about your comment so much chicken 😮. That’s my menu pretty much everyday of the week. When my dh got diagnosed with his blood disorder I became anemic. Now I cook me some beef once a week. My hemoglobin is still low though. I need to find more iron laden foods.

    Stayed within my food boundaries despite going out to breakfast with a friend. I passed up a free piece of San Sebastián cheesecake. I never pass on cheesecake. The restaurant gave me and my friend a “free gift” I cut it into two pieces and licked the knife and decided I didn’t want to waste my calories. Today was exercise rest day but did a 19 min walk to get in my step goal
    Journal done and big sticker awarded 🙌🏻 onto Day 16

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Those are great "whys". I think my husband is worse, he is constantly reciting his symptoms over and over like a broken record lol. I just listen and say, "You poor thing. Is there anything you need?" Your menu sounds yummy! Have fun at Bible study, good luck with the chapters!

    @theslightedgeforever I think my goal is at the right level. I think I just need to be patient. I'll see what this week holds for me (IF I continue to eat well). Thanks for the suggestions. I'll tweak if necessary next week.

    Free food at work. The director came around and told us about what he brought us. I had a small piece, very small (just okay, I could have passed on it and lived). And a colleague had brought a piece of baklava from Greece, which was about 1.5" long (worth it). Came home run down from the remnants of the cold + aching back. Didn't want to cook, so we ordered pizza. All tracked. Over for the day by 352 cals.


  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    I am very excited to find this thread! I used to run a daily thread on WW years ago called Recommittment Challenge! I would love to join in if that's ok??
    I am a nearly 41 year old mom (to one 8 year old human and two boxers) and a wife to my amazing husband of nearly 10 years.
    I'm excited to be here, and hope it's ok to be horning in! Hi Everybody!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    edited January 2019
    @trooworld Husbands are awful I think when they are sick. Big babies. Just take each day and make good choices. This is for the rest of our lives. Not until we just get to goal so we need to start making each day a good one. The good news is that my husband hugged me and said your not as fat as you normally are 😉 Ok he gets two points for trying to compliment me. He’s been working hard too so I should return the favor. I do tell him he’s still number one on my Fitbit list. That seems to motivate him

    @gettingmeback2013 welcome to the group. There’s always room for more. What’s the saying many hands make light work. I need all the support I can get and I’m always willing to support you all.

    Stayed within my food boundaries and did 45 min exercise. Met my step goal. No snooze alarm. Journal done. Another big sticker day. I left 1/2 piece of French toast on my plate today. Onto day 17
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all
    I have internet for a bit...LOL I have missed you all. This week has been full blown busy...I am still on the fast, but I have only lost 6lbs while on it..but my stomach is not bloated and I feel so much better. I am still doing the Daniel fast,but I think I will be changing that within the next 2 days. We break the fast on 1/27. I have had no sugar, dairy, or PB..LOL Well I did add a little butter to my oatmeal last night. I had not been able to eat and knew I needed to, and have not gotten groceries so not fruit to put into the butter it was NO SUGAR...

    I have tried to read all the post, but will comment on what I can, so forgive me if I leave something out.

    @TrishasTime I am so sorry for all you are going through. I know when I was in a car accident in 84...I couldn't breathe and thought my ribs were cracked, but no just seat belt and hit the steering wheel full I am praying for you that the black cloud goes away.

    @theslightedgeforever Great job on keeping on track. yes Dad is probably eating a Hershey's candy bar, with birthday cake and a diet coke every day...LOL We could say he helped us to want to be healthy..LOL

    @TeresaW1020 LOL I had to laugh as I was reading your menu, I thought she eats a lot of baked Chicken. I eat a lot of chicken as well or I don't eat much else. I don't really like fish...unless it's breaded :) Great job on meal planning and keeping on track.. you will see the results.

    @gemwolf110 great job on staying within your boundaries..I like Leslie!!

    @gettingmeback2013 WELCOME! We can always use more...Like theslightedgeforever said..we love all the support here!

    @trooworld Sorry the sickness is being passed around in your home. "this to shall pass" great job on the food at work. I had to laugh I probably would have taken the baklava too! Great job on tracking everything!

    @its_cleo we are going until 1/27 on the fast. You have made it though week 2, just keep going!!! The results will be there, keep's when we stop tracking we sabotage ourselves.

    Okay gotta run,

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @gettingmeback2013 Welcome! Of course, please join, we welcome everyone! :) You will find a lot of support here.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, you are right. I am so sick of listening to his symptoms lol! LOL to what your husband said...husbands! ;)

    @cbabie I have missed you! 6 lbs is great, congrats on doing so well on your fast. Yes, that baklava, even though it was packaged up, it was from Greece and worth it! ;)

    Hello all. I had a nice salad last night for dinner and will have it for lunch today. My calendar is getting filled up with tracking stickers. Now, I need to get healthy so I can earn some exercise stickers. I'm feeling a lot better every day, but my energy level isn't 100% yet and I don't want to push it.


  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @cbabie I'm impressed, I've never fasted in my life. You sound really dedicated, and over half way done so good for you!

    @trooworld glad you are slowly on the mend.....

    @theslightedgeforever wow that's so great with the cheesecake. I love cheesecake lol. But it is about making a decision. I find I have times when I recognize I can just say no, and it seems so simple.

    @TeresaW1020 those sound like great reasons. I have a hard time with whys. I'm not married and I don't have children. But for the first half of my life I endured a lot of damage to my body (long story)...ever since it has been important to me to be healthy and strong, so that is my why I guess. If I could be an athlete I would love it! But 42 is kind of late lol. So I just set my personal milestones. And yeah, this is my first time on ww.

    My first time on any kind of 'diet'. Before I just tried to count calories and I could do that but still somehow would not lose weight, I guess I was eating too much.

    I had a couple tough days but made it through, I feel much more motivated today. Only thing is I am not feeling well off and on the last couple weeks...if it doesn't clear up by next week may have to see a doctor, which I hate but it might be good to get a check up. It's been a couple years I think.

    @gettingmeback2013 welcome!
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome! Today was a good day. Last week's (which was week 1 for me) focus was getting my butt up in the mornings to exercise, no matter what it was. Once I got that down, this week's focus is logging and paying close attention to my portion sizes as well as my hunger cues. For example, I take a banana and a hardboiled egg to work with me for breakfast. I ate the banana this morning, but opted not to eat the egg unless I was still hungry. Turns out I wasn't hungry again until lunch! Guess I'll eat the egg tomorrow. LOL .

    It doesn't take much to make me super happy, and I gotta tell ya, I read on here earlier about mixing vanilla greek yogurt, peanut butter and mini chocolate chips. I was so excited to try it, I had it for dinner! LOL . Oh my jeez, it was delicious!

    Thanks again, I look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Sparkle1098
    Sparkle1098 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello!! I would love to be apart of this group! I had a great group of WW friends. I went on my lunch hour and our group just clicked. I did this for almost a year. Then I had a job change and was working over an hour away from the WW facility. I tired going by my house but these groups were just not the same. I have agained alll the weight back and more. I’m in my second week of MFP and logging faithfully. I’m back and would love to be on this journey with all of you!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    I had trouble getting on earlier. The community page just kept spinning round and round

    @cbabie 6 lbs is still 6 lbs off your body. I remember that 84 crash well. I didn’t get to go whale watching 😜 You are in the home stretch of the fast. Keep going.

    @trooworld. I made baklava once. OMG too much trouble. I love any kind of Greek food. Yaaay on the tracking stickers.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    edited January 2019
    @its_cleo I have those same times about it’s easy to say no and then there are those other times. I call it my switch. It’s either turned on or off. I wish I knew what makes it turn off so I could keep it flipped up. I keep visualizing a big lightswitch and me flipping it up. I’m in control. It’s never too late to become an athlete. Go google all the people that started in their 50s and up.

    @gettingmeback2013 how much PB and choc chips in the yogurt. Unfortunately I’m one of those that is not a little dab of this and that person. Lol. I’m working on the morning exercise habit also.

    @Sparkle1098 Welcome to the group. We’ll be your new weight loss buddies. Yaaay on logging your food.

    So I stayed within my food boundaries. I exercised for 66 min. No snooze alarm journal done A big sticker day for me. Onto Day 18

    For you newbies this is the journal I’m following.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @its_cleo Thanks, I'm glad too! :) I hope you feel better soon.

    @gettingmeback2013 Those are great things to focus on. The yogurt, pb and mini chocolate chips sound like a great snack, I might have to try that!!!

    @Sparkle1098 Hello, and welcome to the group! Sorry you had to leave your original group of buddies, but we are very supportive, so I hope you'll stick around. :)

    @theslightedgeforever Baklava seems like an incredible pain to make. I admire anyone that has the patience to make it. I love Greek food, too.

    Hello all. I've decided not to put my ticker with my pounds to go below every time anymore. I initially was doing it to hold myself accountable, but I think it might be putting too much pressure on me. I will put it down there occasionally. I will continue to put my word of the year, EMPOWERED, down below. I'm looking forward to this weekend, it's been a long week. I've got things to do, but at least I can spend some time relaxing at some point.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all
    It seems that with my job and fasting and home life, I am very busy. However, I am so enjoying the fast and the focus that I am doing right now. I truly believe that 2019 is going to be a year of growth and freedom. Does that mean life doesn't happen? No, that is why its called life. Like my internet going in and out..(all morning) so frustrating!!!!

    Thanks for all the encouragement on the fast. Can you believe that I have not had ANY PB since 1/5. I am looking at changing some of the fast this last week, to include more protein items to get me moving in the direction of coming off the fast and eating normal again. Doing this fast has allowed me to know I really can still focus and say no to food. It's how WW got me was I would refuse to go over my points, but then it was well what is 1 point. When I learned that my food is just like being an alcoholic or addict..I realized for me, I couldn't say just 1...that's how I quit was cold turkey. That is my why do I try to be like my sister who can have 3 Oreo's and be okay not to eat the entire bag. LOL If you embrace who you are, work with how God made you, tweak as my sister says...we can all improve our everyday health. One day at a time. ( I hear that song in my head) LOL My next goal would be to plan the exercise routine back into my life.

    @theslightedgeforever Good job on tracking and staying where you want to be. See how your smiling face encourages people here? Keep up the strategy on your health.

    @Sparkle1098 Welcome to the group. I believe we have all been in that same place or still are and that's why and how we can encourage each other!! So glad you found us!!! I look forward to getting to know you.

    @trooworld Great job on tracking..glad you are loving those stickers. I miss you too! You have became a part of my morning when I do get to "hear" you, I am a little out of whack.

    @gettingmeback2013 I know that if I ate your PB and choc yogurt...I would just want more than 1, so I would have to find something that would be a substitute...and that's because PB is my trigger food to eat more..glad it was good for you!!!

    @its_cleo yea for you for putting your health as a priority. Don't give up on dreams, maybe start small with being an athlete, you might find another fun thing in your life. I am so glad to have you as a part of this board.

    @teresa@1020, I hope you are doing okay. I still remember what it was like to try to breath..especially if I was laying down.. UGH..

    Okay gotta run...internet is still down, so I will send this the SECOND I see I have internet...that might be all I get is a second..LOL

  • Sparkle1098
    Sparkle1098 Posts: 16 Member
    I have had two wins!

    Yesterday I stopped and picked up Wendy’s for my daughter and I only ate ONE french fry.

    Today a coworker put a chocolate cake donut on my desk while I was on the phone. Chocolate is my downfalll and currently I have a lot of pressure at work. That donut sat on my desk for two hours and I did not touch it. I finally picked it up and offered it to someone else. 🤦‍♀️

    Has anyone purchased the premium account for MyFitnessPal?

    If yes has it helped in your wellness/weight loss goals? What are the advantages?

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    The best thing about today...… I am on leave for a week and travelling to the other side of Australia. (Mind you I will l need to log onto work once a week). But it is better than being there 10 hours a day. Food / Eating gone out the window as I sustained myself though the tiredness on diet coke (caffeine) and lollies (sugar). I am so looking forward to getting back to me in Melbourne

    Welcome to both @gettingmeback2013 and @sparkle1098..

    @trooworld - Glad you are better. Any update on your puppy?

    @theslightedgeforever - Glad you are sticking within the plan

    @cbabie - You have an awful lot of internet issues - is the internet issue to your house or from your house to the computer?

    @its_cleo - I am glad you are feeling motivated

    @trooworld - Hope you are feeling better

    Busy day today, GD is performing in Grease ( it is not a school production but where we have known star and seats range from68.00 to 134.00 each. We then go straight from their to a friends 60th. It is 39 Celsius here and 40 tomorrow for those who are felling the cold - we are at the other end :)

  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi @Sparkle1098 ! Welcome! I'm pretty new myself :) WTG on not eaing that donut! 2 HOURS! That is some iron-clad willpower! I am also interested in knowing what people think of the premium MFP.

    @theslightedgeforever I measured the yogurt and peanut butter the first time, but now just eye it! I believe the measurements were a cup of the vanilla nonfat greek yogurt, a Tbsp of peanut butter, a Tbsp of mini chocolate chips. So delish.

    @cbabie I totally get why you're doing the fast. We are absolutely addicts, except we can't put it down and never touch it again! We HAVE to have our drug to live. I juice-fasted for 21 days once..I'm not sure I could do it again, but I sure came away with some clarity!

    @TrishasTime thanks for the welcome! Enjoy your time off!

    Today was a good day tracking and staying under calories. I actually ate pretty low. I will probably make up for that tomorrow since we will trapped inside due to a pretty hefty snow storm coming our way. LOL I'm actually looking forward to it a little bit! An excuse to be lazy and stay home! I'm all for it!