JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 18 January

    January water challenge >:)>:)>:) failed miserably
    Log as accurately as possible :)
    Stay close to green :| depend on my guesses!
    Walk before work :)
    Aim for Fitbit goals :| Not enough time to make much progress

    Meal out with colleagues tonight so may well be in the red and not have enough time for excercise

    Enjoyed my meal and the company so never mind if I'm way off with my guesses. Had a light breakfast and lunch anyway and no alcohol as I was driving so it can't be too bad .....
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,572 Member
    edited January 2019
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Awww, thank you all SO much for encouraging me! It really does matter. I'm going around checking on students as they work and in between answering questions I've got a clipboard of student work that I'm evaluating as I go. WHEW. Getting in lots of steps today too, hahaha!

    Please, sit down and have a cuppa tea! (The British way haha)

    What counts as "the British way"? Does that mean with cookies? ;)

    Wait - BISCUITS! I mean BISCUITS! :lol:
  • Sofia_Alegria
    Sofia_Alegria Posts: 57 Member
    Yesterday was better than the day before. I seem to be getting back on track with both my eating and exercising :D. I overate last night (it's always a night thing :() but managed to exercise so that made me feel good. Just in time for this long weekend!

    I've been researching on the way exercise helps depression and am making a sincere effort to stay consistent with my workouts. I'm on a very low dose of medication and don't want to take anything more so I'll do what it takes to help myself.

    I started my walking videos and want to do a little bit of in place running. I notice that the running helps my mood and right now that's what I'm focusing on. I can't do much running b/c my hip will snap at me for it but I'm going to start with just a couple of minutes and be very gentle on the joints. No pounding for me; pun intended :D.

    I hope to get back to my daily JFT's and the Beck book; for now, I'm just taking things an hour at a time but I reckon' it won't be long until I move forward to a better place.

    Y'all have a great weekend and if it's a long one for you, thoroughly enjoy it! <3

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Awww, thank you all SO much for encouraging me! It really does matter. I'm going around checking on students as they work and in between answering questions I've got a clipboard of student work that I'm evaluating as I go. WHEW. Getting in lots of steps today too, hahaha!

    Please, sit down and have a cuppa tea! (The British way haha)

    What counts as "the British way"? Does that mean with cookies? ;)

    Wait - BISCUITS! I mean BISCUITS! :lol:

    :open_mouth: How dare you..

    yes biscuits! a Rich Tea is perfect for dunking!

    do you guys call them cookies?!
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    1-18 Day 11 Prelogged all my meals today. It makes it easier for me to see what I am going to eat. Really should cut back on salt as that is coming in way over. Calories I am a little under today. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. Stocked up on groceries today so hopefully will be able to continue my good habits. It is the weekend though :-( Still need to drink a bit more of water. Need to get it in soon or I will be up all night getting rid of it. Weighed myself today and showed I was down 4 lbs from start. I will take it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    Hi I'm from the UK, I actually joined myfitnesspal a few years ago but never got around to using it. However, between poor health and being over weight I really must get myself into the frame of things and start as I mean to go on. So this is the first thing I've ever written on here and I love the idea of daily challenges it seems so much easier to acheive. I started my calorie counting and weight loss journey on Wednesday the 16th January 2019 weighing 215 lbs. The most I weighed was 238lbs so gradually over the last year I've lost around 30lbs but yo yo dieting. So with a new determination and hopefully some help from new friends I would like to be part of this daily challenge. I am pleased to say since Wednesday I have met my challenges by sticking to my calorie and carb count. I am disabled with a lung and heart desease as well as insulin dependent diabetes so until I manage to lose quite a bit more weight I struggle to excercise. But I will log on tomorrow with my daily challenge and hopefully someone will be kind enough to befriend me so we can support each other Thanks all

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    Let's purpose to be mindful this weekend. Some of us have gained momentum this week in losing weight, having constraint, coming in at green; others of us have struggled, slipped, due to illness or emotions and then there are those of us who have remained steadfast without nary a budge on the scales (Me! Me! Me!)

    The next three days come around every week! Let's be mindful and purposeful this weekend. Determine that instead of 4 cocktails or beers, 2 will do. Instead of eating that dessert in one swoop, cut it half and have the rest the next day. Instead of 2 cheeseburgers, have 1. Instead of a huge bowl of ice cream, choose a small bowl and be satisfied with one serving.


    Reminding everyone ... especially ME .... of this great post!!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    1-18 Day 11 Prelogged all my meals today. It makes it easier for me to see what I am going to eat. Really should cut back on salt as that is coming in way over. Calories I am a little under today. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. Stocked up on groceries today so hopefully will be able to continue my good habits. It is the weekend though :-( Still need to drink a bit more of water. Need to get it in soon or I will be up all night getting rid of it. Weighed myself today and showed I was down 4 lbs from start. I will take it!

    Absolutely tremendous! Good for you. Yes, prelogging is very helpful. I look at it as budgeting! I have 1200 dollars (calories). Now what am I going to spend them on. I can't very well budget AFTER I've spent them as I tend to go over!

    Think of the weekend as a normal day...especially if there are no special celebrations going on. If you normally drink boozy treats or have that burger or whatever you savor for the weekend, pre-log and then adjust accordingly. My two cents: (and you can't even by a piece of bubble gum for that these days!) Decide if you are going to maintain what you've worked hard to lose or that you are going to push through and log as though you are in the weightloss mode. But whatever you do, don't sabotage yourself and regain the pounds that you've worked hard and sacrificed to release!!!! Come Monday you will be eager to start the week and continue onward :)

    And I'm so jealous---glad you lost 4lbs but I'm over here working hard, staying in my goals and haven't lost a thing in two weeks!!!!! Slow and steady wins the race :) (think I'll go have another cup of water!!)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    do you guys call them cookies?!

    Cookie Monster Says:

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,572 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Awww, thank you all SO much for encouraging me! It really does matter. I'm going around checking on students as they work and in between answering questions I've got a clipboard of student work that I'm evaluating as I go. WHEW. Getting in lots of steps today too, hahaha!

    Please, sit down and have a cuppa tea! (The British way haha)

    What counts as "the British way"? Does that mean with cookies? ;)

    Wait - BISCUITS! I mean BISCUITS! :lol:

    :open_mouth: How dare you..

    yes biscuits! a Rich Tea is perfect for dunking!

    do you guys call them cookies?!

    *laugh* SOME cookies are what Brits call "biscuits." But biscuits are generally focused on texture, while cookies are more similar in taste. So some cookies snap like a biscuit, while others are soft and crumbly like a scone. Cookies are always sweet, though, while you can have savory biscuits (which we would call crackers).
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Jft Friday
    1. Let it go, let it go, let it go! >:) ebbs and flows, still trying
    2. Be kind :) mostly, when I wasnt feeling good about things I took a walk
    3. Move kindling pile into wood shop :| half
    4. Clean wood scraps out of driveway o:) dh did
    5. Lots of water >:) close to none!!!
    6. Quality time with DH :/ we'rr both a bit distracted

    Be back tomorrow!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Have been good this week and not been over my set calorie intake yet.
    I’m going on holiday though, which usually means more food, but since it’s sporty, I hope it cancels each other out.

    You've got this!! I totally believe in you!!! And I am proud of your progress! Hang in there sister.👏🌹
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    @toaljasa ... AWESOME!!! I LOVE THE WAY YOU POST!!!
    You're infectious in your encouragement and positivity!!!
    I'm glad you joined us. I applaud and commend your
    @Bex953172 ... ZENA... (you know what that means) 👏👏💪
    @PackerFanInGB... So proud of you! And happy birthday to Kelly.
    @clicketykeys ... girrrrl you ROCK!! at posting your goals. WHEW😰😍
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member

    @mytime6630...Thank you again for keeping this thread going!
    @slittlemeister ... I love you sister. Seems like I don't show you enough. Receive this hug
    from Mary to you🐻 (((HUG)))🌹
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    January 18th:
    -Get to the gym 👍
    -Stay in the green 👍
    -Finish all laundry 👍
    -Journal 👎
    -Hydrate 👍

    January 19th:
    -Run 2 miles
    -Stay in the green
    -Enjoy myself!!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,487 Member
    You guys are so wonderfully positive and inspirational <3

    JFT Fri 1/18/19
    Drink Water -about a sixth
    Avoid the doughnuts at picketing – none there but had a bagel
    Hour exercise – lounged in bed & procrastinated, told myself would do later & didn’t :/
    Finish last box in office, clear table, bulletin board – :/
    Make turkey burritos- :(

    So started out late, my union has been striking this week (NO pay), property tax yanked 3x payment instead of 1 (bank overdrawn notice & found that refund takes 45-60 work days), and when started vehicle today my window broke part way down (figuring out a way to get that repaired took a lot of the day).
    Tomorrow will be a do over.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    edited January 2019
    So my goals tomorrow will be:
    1. log all food :)
    2. NO EATING after 7pm. Drink water instead. USE DISICIPLINE :/ Well ... had a little trail mix ... but now its water!!
    3. rest to get over this darn cold. I am getting so sick of not having energy ... which makes me just want to eat :)
    4. go out with my daughter before the next round of snow/ice gets here :) Just got back ... bought her 2 new books and a music CD... and got her some food from panera bread. Then she wanted a smoothie from Smoothie King ... I almost got one ... but NO!!
    5. 8+ c water - January challenge
    6. mindful eating :)
    7. 5 serv fruits/veggies :)
    8. think positive.Do not turn one bad day into an entire weekend. today is over. Tomorrow is a new day. :)

    Did so much better today ... and so nice to finally be starting to feel good.

    I LOVE @toaljasa saying about treating our calories like a check book .... no more calories to spend ... and you have to stop! I remember at Weight watcher meetings they used to say that. I had forgetten that way of thinking .. so thank you @toaljasa! Your posts are so encouraging and insightful!!!!

    JFT, Sat
    1. TReat the weekend like any other day (thanks again @toaljasa)
    2. log all food
    3. mindful eating
    4. concentrate on 8+ c water
    5. clean the guest bedroom. Hubby ordered a keyboard ... hoping our daughter might use it some ... so need to rearrange things! But excited .... and I might even try to learn to play it also! It is suppose to be 88 keys like a piano ....!!!
    6. 5+ fruits and veggies
    7. NO eating after 8pm
    8. brush teeth at 8pm ... no more eating
    9. Use my calories like a checkbook .... when calories are used up ... no more eating!!

    Love the positive energy on here lately!!! You guys are doing awesome! Now I need to step it up!

    Word of the year: DISCIPLINE
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Dearmytime6630: Buying a keyboard--yahoo! I just read an article saying how learning a musical instrument does so much for your brain---so go for it---learn to play it. Another advantage is stress relief--I play the organ, and you can just lose yourself in the music. (better than snacking in your free time).
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Friday: January 18
    Calories--in the green
    Water: 3 cups
    Organ practice: two hours
    Exercise: walking --10"
    Keeping it simple.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    edited January 2019
    So NOW I know what "Biscuits" were!! Here I thought you guys were just talking about what we call "biscuits" -- which to me are just bread! Now, cookies are another thing I can't stop eating once I start!

    @cory17 -- so sorry your union is on strike ...I hope they can come to an agreement soon for you. Plus to have bills to pay that are due. Hugs <3

    @maryrobinson40 -- what we all do without you!! LOVE your positive, loving vibes!

    @AJB1014: Great NSV taking a walk when you were not feeling good!

    @linda1461mfp - Welcome! And if you have lost 30 pounds already ... you already know how its done!! You will do great ... and everyone here will help you! This is the best group of motivators!

    @Sofia_Alegria - I don't suffer that much from depression, except mostly around the winter months and holidays. But throughout the year ... I find walking the best thing to do to lift my spirits, and exercising. Everyone told me that ... but when my father passed away... it was the only thing I could do to keep from crying all the time ... I would walk and walk. And I always came back with a peacefulness. To this day, whenever I am really down ... a walk does wonders! Thats why for me its always hard when it snows or is so cold outside! But you also reminded me to start doing this again. But you are smart ... take it easy, start out slow! You will love it!

    @PackerFanInGB -- seeing lots of smiley faces! Great job!

    @cschmitz110515 - your days are always so good with staying on track ... you are my inspiration! But at least your snacking was only Veggie Crisps -- it could have been much worse!

    So many posts and so hard to respond to everyone ... but you guys are awesome! It is what keeps me going each day ... good or bad! One bad day does not have to turn into one bad week. Its a fresh start!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Dearmytime6630: Buying a keyboard--yahoo! I just read an article saying how learning a musical instrument does so much for your brain---so go for it---learn to play it. Another advantage is stress relief--I play the organ, and you can just lose yourself in the music. (better than snacking in your free time).

    OH --- I LOVE organ music! This thing supposedly has a button to make it sound like a organ. I know it will really not sound like a real organ ... but I am so excited. But ... I can't even read music!!! Hubby also bought some thing that goes on the keyboard to help me read music. BUt I so agree... I always envy people that can sit down and play beautiful music!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    @linda1461mfp welcome!!!!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    @cory17 oh man, you're having a week. Hang in there!! <3
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited January 2019
    JFT 1-18-19

    Get the garbage out. :)
    Log all my food - stay in the green today! :)
    Drink 96oz at least of water. :)
    Stand and stretch every* hour at work. :)
    Find a healthy lunch for the day. :)
    Get a good sleep in since it's the weekend! *pending - LOL*

    Today wasn't too bad! I have to admit I'm pretty pleased with myself.

    JFT 1-19-19

    Laundry to prep for next week
    Make a grocery list
    Log all my food - stay in the green
    Drink 96oz of water
    Take some time to read/relax
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,932 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Dearmytime6630: Buying a keyboard--yahoo! I just read an article saying how learning a musical instrument does so much for your brain---so go for it---learn to play it. Another advantage is stress relief--I play the organ, and you can just lose yourself in the music. (better than snacking in your free time).

    My Grandmother bought an organ at the ripe old age of 72 and received 10 free lessons with her purchase. She continued lessons for 5 years or so, sometimes twice a week. I think it was one of her greatest pleasures. You know next to her wonderful only Granddaughter. Her mind was sharp as tack until she passed just shy of her 95th birthday.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @mytime6630 Well done, Joan! Love love love the smilies!

    I never did weight watchers but I know it has worked for many folks. And many are like you, they glean from what they learned that remains beneficial.
    Peace and joy!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    oh my God I dont think I can handle this biscuit/cookie conversation.

    so, when I've been saying biscuits, you all think jm eating savoury ones?!
    the savoury ones are called CRACKERS! cant believe you think I was dunking that in my tea LOL
    crackers are like cheese "biscuits" or multigrain or salt and pepper etc.

    biscuits are like, rich tea, digestives, custard creams, bourbons, nice, ginger biscuits, etc etc

    and over here a cookie is just 1 type of biscuit, they can be crumbly or soft. most popular is chocolate chip cookie!
  • appletospare
    appletospare Posts: 17 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sat in the car for travelling, but didn’t snack. Ate half of my pizza at a restaurant and drank lots of water. Good start of the holiday. Hope there will be healthier dinner options for vegetarians the rest of my holiday.

    Well done! they're things that alot of people can find difficult! you sound so in controll of your eating!

    Thanks! This is more an exception than a rule for me, but I hope I can make it more of a habit. :)