February 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,671 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Hey all. It's the morning after my run and even though it was just a fun run for charity, I thought I'd do a run report.

    This was a walk/run event raising money for blood cancers by the local fire service, so started at my local fire station and finished at the fire station in the next town - though they extended it out a little further to the town hall (about half a km). Remember we are rural towns so only a few hundred people living in each town.

    I woke at 4am, and couldn't go back to sleep. At 5 I finally got up and just chilled on the couch, watching trashy TV for a bit. 6 I started to get ready, out the door at 635. The run started at 7, and the start was at the local fire station, only 400m up the road from my place (Nice to have!). Get to the start and there are only around 20 of us! I had hoped they would get more. So the fire engine siren goes off as the start gun and I started running.

    I was immediately at the beginning of the pack - everyone else was walking! I kept my pace slow - between 7min/km and 630 min km. I was quickly joined by a young 18 year old guy who paced me for about half a km but I could tell there was no way he would keep that pace, he was breathing way too hard. He dropped off then a work colleague who also runs caught up with me around 3ks and we ended up doing the rest of the run together. There were 2 big hills on the course, at 7km and again about 14km. We decided to walk up the hills and run the rest. We had a blast, chatting away and generally just getting to know each other better. At the 17k mark we decided to walk for a few ks, my hips were starting to protest haha. Then ran the final 2.5 to the finish line. The run was mostly on rural roads so car going past at speed. The lead car was pretty good but I kept wanting him to further ahead, he pretty much stayed only a couple of hundred meters ahead the whole way. It was really disconcerting being at the front haha.

    So we lead the whole way, and got to the finish in 2hrs 57min. I was hoping to do it in around 3hrs so really happy with that. Stretched and had a rub down. My hips and calves were really sore. A real reminder of why training and building up to that distance is so important!
    At the start, with the fire engine

    Happiness cause we finished!

    At the finish line

    Then a friend and I were going to the next major town so I could buy a new phone - old one having some issues again, only a few months after getting fixed for the same issue. So I spent 3hrs total in the car going too and from town. I got home about 530, had a hot bath, relaxed and played with new phone then crashed.

    Hips are still sore, calves feel better but today will be resting, stretching and rolling.

    My new hydration pack was awesome! Absolutely loved it and was so glad to have it. Pockets for phones and other bits and pieces, I had an extra bottle with gatorade (thank goodness for that!). No chafing or anything just comfortable. Best $30 spent ever! Oh and shoes were fine. I got the occasional niggle but put that down to road camber more than anything. No pain there now

    Awesome work @Avidkeo. Great effort and great result. *Goes off to find small rural event so has a modicum of a chance of having podium finish*
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @debrakgoogins Great job! And considering it looks like you were running in the slush, that's pretty hardcore.