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Is verbal harassment common at the gym? And do women or men catch more of it?



  • jls1leather9497
    jls1leather9497 Posts: 90 Member

    Do other people not check? If someone around me appears upset, and I can't think of what I may have done to upset them, I generally ask, "is everything all right?"

    That alone would have been an issue for this girl.
    I was brand new at the gym. There are two cable machines side by side, with bars and handles on a rack to the side.
    This girl was using.one.of the cable stacks. I was looking at what was available so I could create a rational exercise program.
    I didnt see any wrist/ankle straps, so when she finished her set i asked her if they have those here, or maybe they were somewhere else?
    She made a face, clearly looking put out by somebody asking a simple question. Now, I didnt worry too much, cuz who cares, right? Some girl I dont know doesnt want anybody talking to her - HOW WILL I ever sleep at night@! 🤔
    I've only seen her 2 or 3 times since. She didnt say 'hi', neither did I. Whatever. But dont be telling yer friends you were "harrassed" at the gym ...
  • PapillonNoire
    PapillonNoire Posts: 76 Member

    Do other people not check? If someone around me appears upset, and I can't think of what I may have done to upset them, I generally ask, "is everything all right?"

    That alone would have been an issue for this girl.
    I was brand new at the gym. There are two cable machines side by side, with bars and handles on a rack to the side.
    This girl was using.one.of the cable stacks. I was looking at what was available so I could create a rational exercise program.
    I didnt see any wrist/ankle straps, so when she finished her set i asked her if they have those here, or maybe they were somewhere else?
    She made a face, clearly looking put out by somebody asking a simple question. Now, I didnt worry too much, cuz who cares, right? Some girl I dont know doesnt want anybody talking to her - HOW WILL I ever sleep at night@! 🤔
    I've only seen her 2 or 3 times since. She didnt say 'hi', neither did I. Whatever. But dont be telling yer friends you were "harrassed" at the gym ...

    I can understand her not saying hi - maybe she doesn't want to give the wrong impression, maybe she has a family at home/a significant other on her mind and doesn't want to get too friendly with dudes at the gym. Sure, a simple hello isn't an immediate invite to a romp, but it's a well known fact that it could open doors and invite things she isn't interested in.

    Her face might have been just to let you know not to get the wrong idea, not actually offended. Or maybe she was in deep thought. Maybe she has legal/family problems and isn't in the right frame of mind to socialize. Maybe she has RBF (a real thing) and is a sweetheart.

    This was my thought as well. I most definitely have RBF. I've had many people throughout my life come up and ask me what's wrong or tell me I look miserable/upset/angry. And I have to explain that all is well, that's just my face.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member

    Do other people not check? If someone around me appears upset, and I can't think of what I may have done to upset them, I generally ask, "is everything all right?"

    That alone would have been an issue for this girl.
    I was brand new at the gym. There are two cable machines side by side, with bars and handles on a rack to the side.
    This girl was using.one.of the cable stacks. I was looking at what was available so I could create a rational exercise program.
    I didnt see any wrist/ankle straps, so when she finished her set i asked her if they have those here, or maybe they were somewhere else?
    She made a face, clearly looking put out by somebody asking a simple question. Now, I didnt worry too much, cuz who cares, right? Some girl I dont know doesnt want anybody talking to her - HOW WILL I ever sleep at night@! 🤔
    I've only seen her 2 or 3 times since. She didnt say 'hi', neither did I. Whatever. But dont be telling yer friends you were "harrassed" at the gym ...

    I can understand her not saying hi - maybe she doesn't want to give the wrong impression, maybe she has a family at home/a significant other on her mind and doesn't want to get too friendly with dudes at the gym. Sure, a simple hello isn't an immediate invite to a romp, but it's a well known fact that it could open doors and invite things she isn't interested in.

    Her face might have been just to let you know not to get the wrong idea, not actually offended. Or maybe she was in deep thought. Maybe she has legal/family problems and isn't in the right frame of mind to socialize. Maybe she has RBF (a real thing) and is a sweetheart.

    This was my thought as well. I most definitely have RBF. I've had many people throughout my life come up and ask me what's wrong or tell me I look miserable/upset/angry. And I have to explain that all is well, that's just my face.

    Yeah, I've had people say something to me, and when I say everything's fine, they're sometimes very apologetic. But honestly (and I do try to let them know this) I'd much rather someone ask me about it, for several reasons - first, obviously, I'd prefer not to have them assume I'm just a jerk or that I'm mad at them "for no reason," and second, I appreciate when someone cares enough to ask. Because some days I *am* having a crappy day. And finally, if there IS some kind of problem, them asking me makes it a little easier for me to discuss it, since I don't have to bring it up myself.

    Of course, how someone approaches me also may affect this; if someone came up and asked if I was okay they'd likely get a different response from someone asking "what's wrong with you?" ;D
  • jls1leather9497
    jls1leather9497 Posts: 90 Member
    edited March 2019
    If rbf means you.look p'd off all the time, then that may be 🤗

    But this is exactly what I was referring to in the last few posts. I doubt I was "attributing" something to her. She could have just said "I dont.know". Shoot, I'm easy to get along with - she could even have.said 'nun yer flippin business" or "find.it yourself" without bothering me much at all. She's not my wife, girlfriend, sister, cousin .. so her opinion isnt particularly valuable.
    But bottom line is - I dont care. Maybe she's CRAZY. Maybe I took it wrong and she meant no offense at all. Whatever 😒

    But somebody who thinks "hi" is "flirting" ... wow, what to even think about that?@! That guy at the post office I held the door open for must REALLY be worried 😂
    Honestly, I didnt take this as a 'man vs woman' thing, but I dont know what girls think they have that warrants that of attention.
  • jls1leather9497
    jls1leather9497 Posts: 90 Member
    Actually, somebody asked a question for this thread, and I mentioned the ONLY thing that ever was not NORMAL at the gym, and that I have NOT seen any harassment.

    That said I'm gonna go on about business, ignore this just like I do that girl if I see her.

    Truth is, I dont.even.KNOW it's a girl. And it doesnt matter. I think I'm the only one NOT making this about gender. If some DUDE had looked all ignorant about a.simple question I would have thought and said.the.same thing

    As for what girls have "in.demand", big deal. Theres 7 BILLION people on the planet- 100,000 just in this town, and 52% female if you believe the census. For every girl dont talk to me, theres 5 who will, so I dont stress too much.
  • amandamhand
    amandamhand Posts: 1 Member
    I have worked out in gyms for 15 years, and have only been harassed 2 times. While 2 times is unacceptable, considering what I deal with going to grocery stores, lowe's & home depot, or pumping gas... I'd say I'm happy that the gym is somewhere I can feel safe from the bs. Both cases happened when I was around 16/17 and 22. When I was 16, I had just gotten into lifting and it was around that time that a specific older dude (30's?) wouldn't leave me alone. When I was 22 a guy kept making comments about my chest when I was doing a hiit workout on the treadmill, and then told me not to work off too much of my curves because that was how a real woman should look. I reported him, and when nothing happened, I was released from my contract with that gym and went elsewhere. Since then, I have never had an issue.
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I can understand why that "false report" thought might occur to a guy, what with everything that's going on in the world these days, news and "movements" and such.

    Honestly, I don't understand. Most false reports are against minority men, but that isn't who I usually see worried about it.
  • jls1leather9497
    jls1leather9497 Posts: 90 Member
    edited March 2019
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I can understand why that "false report" thought might occur to a guy, what with everything that's going on in the world these days, news and "movements" and such.

    Honestly, I don't understand. Most false reports are against minority men, but that isn't who I usually see worried about it.

    Who do you see worried about it? In fact, back up. Who said anything about that?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I can understand why that "false report" thought might occur to a guy, what with everything that's going on in the world these days, news and "movements" and such.

    Honestly, I don't understand. Most false reports are against minority men, but that isn't who I usually see worried about it.

    Mostly, I think, not being a man, that it would be arrogant of me to say whether they are/aren't, should/shouldn't be worried about false reports. I've known (non-minority) men who (I'm confident accurately report that they) did something completely friendly and innocent, and were misinterpreted. I know one (non-minority) who was formally accused (complicated school employee situation), who I think probably was innocent (don't know for sure). So, a bit of concern by a man, in the current news cycle situation, doesn't strike me as a completely irrational thought, in the abstract.

    Thanks for your (male ;) ) perspective, which is more experientially informed than mine.
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