
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    Love daffodils!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Machka... so sorry to hear your husband developed seizures, but very thankful that you were there and knew what to do!

    Rebecca... well moving just stinks! But I'm of the mind that when one door closes, another opens ...

    Tracey ... have a good time looking for a MOB dress!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member

    Hi Gals,
    Heather, do you think your DIL mother is a bit jealous? You look great, may be she is feeling a bit up-staged?

    Machka – Oh my how scary – I am glad you have first aid training, I have had it too, but it is out of date. I should renew my first aid; good reminder.

    Rebecca – moving is a bummer, but glad you found out now, more time to search for the “right” place.

    Tracey – I didn’t know either, but when I asked my friends what they would pay me to do, the things they asked me to do is how I found what I do today. If you have a battered woman’s shelter, or other support organization you should go and volunteer, you’ll get exposure and find out what you can do that you would not need further education to do. The non-profits and support groups have all sorts of needs from office work, to counseling staff and everything in between. One of the battered women’s organizations here asks for and pays a bit for you to open your home as a safe house.

    Kim from N. California
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Happy Sunday. I am working today. We did not go to Wood River last evening as roads are closed. Our friend got what she wanted done and I am glad about that. Reading the paper this morning and all the business offering to help with water damage, furance problems, and looking for lost livestock for no charge, makes me proud to be from Nebraska. I just pray the water goes down soon.

    Carol-I am not sure about the 5 years, I will talk with him more and DH has to see a surgeon to schedule his and I will ask him about it. Colon cancer runs very strong on my mom's side of the family and it does scare me.

    Heather--The girls are growing up so fast. Looks like they are having a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing the picture of you, DH, DS and those beautiful grand children.

    Dana--Haircut looks very nice on you.

    Rebecca--Doesn't seem like it has been a year since you moved in. Sorry to hear you have to move again. Sending prayers that you find an even better place soon.

    Machka--How scary. It is a good thing you were there and knew what to do. Glad he is back home.

    Sounds like we are in for more rain and snow middle of the week. I just pray the water goes down before that.
    Wonder how Meg is doing? I have heard they have a lot of water around Omaha.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks ladies💖
    Maybe we'll find a home more manageable. I felt a bit over my head going from our 950 sq ft to this home at 3000 sq ft! So tours we have scheduled are 2200, and 2006 sq ft, and just a bit more than we pay now.

    Today we drive down the island a bit to Couperville, and get 15+ boxes. Hopefully they will fit in our car! They are broken down so it might be an uncomfortable ride home!

    Already taking stuff off walls! After 20+ moves, when I find out I am moving I go into the familiar mode!
    Have a good hair day, so that's nice!
    Hugs to each and every one of you!💗
    Whidbey island
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Machka, so sorry to hear about your hubby having a seizure, just when things are looking so rosy too! I'm assuming this will set his drivers license back a bit. There really needs to be a double hug button for situations like this!
    Rebecca, moving??? yuck! Still haven't quite gotten over our last move and that was almost two years ago! I think you travel a little lighter than we do tho, we are both pack rats and were in the same house for 28 years! Stuff accumulated..... lol Keeping good thoughts that you will find a place that all of you love! Preferably one where the deer still come and visit...
    Tracey, the BC gov't paid for my schooling, we have an entity here called WorkLink. They help out of work people, some who are on EI and those whose EI have run out, to navigate the system, help with resumes, get school if you need, there are hoops that need to be jumped through, as is the case with any gov't program, but it was a reasonable process. Not everyone wants to jump through the hoops so that's one way they use to decide who is truly interested in doing the work involved in actually going back to school. Some folks just look at it as a way to get more money out of the gov't, doesn't quite work that way, which is a good thing for us taxpayers. I was out of work for two years, made things pretty tight financially as hubby was only working part time. And I couldn't get any allowance while I was attending school as the things that we had to pay for (telephone, cable, insurance etc) aren't deemed necessary. If we had been renting, I would have gotten something, but apparently owing your own home doesn't always play in your favor. There must be something like this in Edmonton, I would hope there is anyway!
    Heather, great looking family! I agree with this: Obsessed is the word the very lazy use to describe those who are dedicated. (Thanks Barbie!) You are dedicated to your health, this is a good thing!

    Another busy day at work! This is a good thing, the days go much faster!
    Congrats to those celebrating, hugs for those needing them and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Beth: Wonderful news that your son has asked for your help in getting his eating on track! You seem to be doing very well with your selfcare and he has noticed. WTG! :flowerforyou:

    Dana: There are nights that our old dog gets me up, and I always feel blessed when he doesn’t. :ohwell:

    Machka: Thanks for your reminder about first aid training. The last class I had was in high school. :embarassed: Sending continued good thoughts for your DH’s recovery. I’m sorry to hear that he had a seizure. I hope the meds work and do not have unpleasant side effects. :heart:

    Lisa: The daffodils are lovely. :bigsmile:

    Heather: I love the family photo. You look beautiful, and even better, happy. :star:

    Janetabenn: Welcome to a great group! Post often. :flowerforyou:

    Rebecca: I hope that you are able to find a house that you will all enjoy. Happy house hunting. :star:

    Barbara: The parachutes are pretty but I’m not about to take that class. It doesn’t appeal to me. :noway:

    Kim: Congratulations to you and Levi for your 6th anniversary together. Dogs are wonderful friends. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    DH is now scheduled for a colonoscopy to help figure out what is going on with his digestion. I wish the appointment was sooner but we have to wait a month. :ohwell: :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    have my sheets in the wash.. took the ladies to lunch down at Farrells, the place was mobbed and it was loud, it was smart of me to bring earplugs. I drove Kitty's car so took Kitty and 3 other ladies with me in the car, Kitty paid for my meal, all they basically had was corned beef, chicken tenders or calm strips.. I had a small plate of corned beef ,the carbs were wayyyy to high on the clam strips...so I am home having a cup of tea and relaxing...DFIL fought us, but I got his cream of wheat with meds in it,down him between spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream.. anything to get him to eat..Tom and I were tag teaming to get it down him..
    gonna rest .. im feeling tired..
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Kim ~ Levi is a very handsome pup!

    Heather ~ Your family party looks like all had a great time. Good pics of all of you.

    Carol in GA
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Vicki, the "good" thing about colon cancer is that is can be quite curable if caught early and I guess the side effects can vary due to location etc. Since it does run in your family I'm sure you know much more about it than I do, but I sure wouldn't want to wait 5 years... Maybe he meant that he would be watching it for the next 5 years?
    Rebecca, good for you! I guess being a navy wife and having to move on a regular basis has it's advantages too! I'm sure something perfect will pop up for you. And the boxes should be just fine, if they're flattened. You may have to fold a few, depending on the size...
    Hoping that all of those who have water issues, or the chance of them, are managing to keep dry! A lot of our woes have been water related, it either is where it shouldn't be, or isn't coming or going where it should! Oh the joy of living with a septic tank for almost 30 years.... Although in all fairness, we didn't have too much trouble with the tank or the field, sometimes had to be careful when we flushed (not when the clothes washer was draining!) but for the most part it was good. But we did have issues with the tub draining, well, rather not draining, til we had one fellow come out and take a good look at it and show us the uphill direction the pipe was going. The guy that put the pipe in originally is apparently some villages idiot.... Lots of DIY done on our house before we got it, and by folks who did not know how to DIY..... The stuff we found when we were doing other stuff! Yikes!! lol
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island