

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @gemwolf110 Hi there! Great word.

    @TrishasTime Thanks! I am having a hard time finding the voltaren, but I found something I think might help. Sorry to make your hand hurt...

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Hi and welcome!!! :) If by orthotics you mean the inserts for your shoes, yes, I have pairs for my work shoes and for my tennis shoes. They do help quite a bit/have made a huge difference, but I am still in pain by the end of the day. I am hoping to get some of this cream similar to what Trisha recommends, and hopefully, that will help, too. That's good to hear that your plantar fasciitis went away eventually...mine feels like it's never going to go away! lol

    @theslightedgeforever I need to be more consistent in tracking, for one thing. And another thing is that I need to stop giving in when my husband decides to throw a monkey wrench into our meal plan by saying, "Let's make cheeseburgers and fries tonight" or "Let's make pizza".

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all! I am still trying, but last night so much drama in my life at one time...I cried so hard for so long...then decided I needed a ate almost a whole sleeve of generic Ritz crackers...OH well...Life must go on.

    @trooworld I hope you get your foot thing gone..i know how frustrated I get when my body doesn't cooperate with my mind. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever oh yea...someday I will be moving again...and not eating carbs.. OR I will be like M&D.,
    you are doing great and I am proud of you

    @TrishasTime I hope you have a quick recovery..don't type, talk to text...I want you well soon...LOL

    @gemwolf110 yes that is a very good word... LOL I am thinking of putting all our words together... I am EMPOWERED, REFOCUSED, so I can have my FREEDOM..

    @TeresaW1020 Congrats on your loss and overall loss.....that is Great...and more have kept it off...

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Welcome!!! glad you decided to post and not just read...LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    Quick check in. Went to a party. Went over calories by 100. No exercise; water goal not met. Journal not done.

    It was my day 80 checkin and gained 2.6 lbs.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @cbabie Oh dear, I know that feeling of needing a crunch. Sometimes when I get that feeling, I have a dill pickle slice or a handful of nuts. But then again, sometimes I have too many crackers. lol I hope things settle down in your neck of the woods soon. (((( HUGS )))) Yes, my foot is frustrating. I did order some cream from Amazon, it should be here this weekend. Hopefully it will help.

    @theslightedgeforever Sorry for your gain. What do you think caused it?

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning! :smile:

    @TrishasTime, I do hope you have a good support system at home to help take care of you! Did the doctors give you a timeline for when you should be healed up? You be good to yourself! <3

    @theslightedgeforever, thanks! The Whoosh is so much fun and you are right that two years is not that long in the scheme of things. After all, I’ve been struggling with my weight since I was 13 years old and the most I ever lost was 40 lbs. so I’m already ahead of the game! B) I read about what you said about CI/CO and believe me I would have said the same exact thing and been adamant about it. But this last month has truly started to change my viewpoint and now that I’m reading Dr. Fung’s Obesity Code and it’s really making me rethink so much about why I’ve been struggling with being fat for over 40 years. I know you are a big reader and love to learn, so I really hope you will get the book. Even if you never do IF, the science he talks about in the first half of the book is truly fascinating. *stepping off my soapbox! :smiley:

    @cbabie, I am so very sorry that you have so much drama in your life. My side of the family has a history of drama that I wouldn’t even want to write about, so I truly empathize. You have your faith and that is everything as you well know. But it sure can feel like He is far away when crap hits the fan. You hang in there and try to be good and forgiving of yourself. <3

    @trooworld, Ugghh you have got to be so frustrated with your poor foot! :# You are doing everything and staying proactive so hopefully, something will start to work for you. I spent years with major foot issues so I sympathize. I even once had cortisone injections to try to help it. WOW did that ever hurt!!! But it did help for a short time.

    Yayy it’s Friday!! B) I’m hoping to get enough work done today that I can enjoy my weekend without bringing it home. Plus, I got baby shower stuff to do!! This morning is day 80 of the 100-day challenge and I lost 2 lbs this last ten days and overall 4.6 lbs. Twenty days to go and I wanted to lose 10 lbs total so I better get to it!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hi all,

    Feel like I’ve been away for a while, busy week.

    @TrishasTime omg you look so sore. Please take gentle care, and I’m sending healing vibes from Canada! :)

    @TeresaW1020 congrats on the weight loss! I’m not into intermittent fasting either, but everyone finds what works for them and it sounds like this works for you. It’s funny/sad how we struggle with weight and things all our lives. Sorry to hear weight was an issue when you were 13. I also had a lot of struggles when I was growing up with body weight, and also just inactivity. I’m trying now to undo a lot of stuff from then.

    @theslightedgeforever man you did good! If I go to a party I am over by like 1000 lol. I am with you on calories in/out. The only thing I changed was increasing protein intake, but mainly because it makes me feel fuller and I like strength training so I want to be stronger.

    @trooworld , even making cheeseburgers and fries or pizza can be better than eating out so don’t judge yourself too harshly. I do that sometimes, and I used to order and eat a whole pizza, or Harvey’s or whatever, and it is much healthier to make at home. So I tend to consider that a win.

    What's up with me? I think I commented my brother was diagnosed with diabetes. Yeah that was last year, and he is only 40. There is diabetes in my family- my grandmother had it- but with him I think it was lifestyle. We’re not close, but it definitely made me even more determined to eat healthy. I also feel bad for him, but I know he ate a lot of jun and drank a lot.

    My running and stairs- yeah I can do those things without it affecting my knees. I feel lucky. I'm just very slow though. Ironically, I struggle a lot when I sit. So sitting causes me a lot of pain and other issues with my back, hips, and legs. Like yesterday I sat around a lot, and one of my legs has been hurting ever since. So it really drives me to move, move, move. Sometimes it gets tiring and frustrating when the pain won’t go away. But if I am active all the time and do all my stretches it is ok. I got started on my fitness journey in 2012 when I had a slipped disc in my neck and they said it was from sitting all the time/poor posture.

    My weight peaked high last year, mainly due to too much junk food, fast food, and drinking. So I really am trying to get a handle on it, though I must say I missed my weigh in Tues.

    Oh I mentioned Usain Bolt- fastest man alive! Jamaican runner who run gold medal for 100m dash in the last 3 Olympics, maybe more I can't recall. He retired after the last one. He is a pretty cool guy and credited with bring some attention to running as a sport. He has a characteristic pose after every run. i don't think this video is the best for displaying his personality but it def shows his speed!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Yes, I am frustrated for sure! I think it is getting better a little, it seems to be hurting for fewer hours of the day. I do not want the cortisone shots, I am trying to avoid all that but will go that route if I need to. You are doing great, hang in there! I hope you enjoy your weekend!!!

    @its_cleo Thanks! That's a good point, it is better than eating out. That is interesting that you feel your pain when you sit and that you got a slipped disc from sitting all the time/poor posture. That's a lesson for us all. They say that sitting all the time is horrible for you. With diabetes in your family, it sounds like you have a good reason to want to lose weight. Usain Bolt, wow he's fast, and a character! And I love his pose! lol Thanks for sharing the video.

    Well, I'm getting my hair cut today, getting groceries delivered and that is about it. Doing some self-care Saturday: self-manicure, self-pedicure, maybe a face mask if I have time. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

  • lisaandryan
    lisaandryan Posts: 4 Member
    New to MFP, having had success with WW following birth of son (lost 10kg) but have hit a plateau since xmas, only a few kgs out from goal.
    Since Xmas I've increased intensity with workout (running on incline, strength training etc) and just recently increased calories from 1100 to 1300. (Just shy of my MFP 1440 allowance, leaving room for error!) This has improved mood, performance and general well-being 😁 but ultimately showing up on scale (.8kg gain over last few months)
    I'm hopeful it's muscle so I'm staying on track with fitness and health goals vs instant low scale reading.
    This plateau is depressing, but I think having lost 10kg, and pushing my calories too low for further loss has interfered with metabolism? It's a race to the bottom when your decreasing Cal's below 1100 and expecting to perform a decent daily workout!!
    Next Journey: I've now taken hip and waist measurements, a progress photo AND weighing food.
    Hopefully a new approach will get weight moving again!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld My gain was a combination of going over my calorie limit 3 times and then an extra day of not hitting my burned calorie goal for exercise. That’ll do it. Husbands can help or hinder our progress. Mine used to always want to go out to eat. Now I’ve almost broken him of that habit. Could you let your hubby make a pizza for him and then you do a pita bread pizza or English muffin pizza. Pizza doesn’t have to be fattening. It’s what we put on it. But we still get the psychological comfort of having pizza. Same for cheeseburgers. I make them at home. I just make sure I have the calories left for what I’m going to eat. While everyone is eating a bun, I’m eating sandwich thins. I used to bake my fries but now I have an air fryer. I still have on my calendar permission to go out once a month or so and get me a cheeseburger and real fries at my favorite place. But I haven’t done that yet during this 100 day challenge. I think knowing I can do it without guilt helps. On the other hand knowing how many calories I’ll have to log will probably not get me a big sticker and that helps too.

    @TeresaW1020 congrats on your loss. Almost halfway there. I’m hoping too for the 10 lb total. I just need to hang in to what I’ve lost and not let anymore come back on. Overall I’ve done well by losing the first 70 days. I’ve decided to do the second 100 day book (sequel to the first) after a 5 day hiatus when this challenge is finished.

    @its_cleo. I was very proud of myself at the party. For the most part I do a 3 thing rule where I look over all the food and just pick 3 things. I talk too much so my mouth is usually busy with that. 😜 yes on Usain Bolt. When you mentioned Jamaica it hit me. I had foot pain this Friday on top of my foot so I had it wrapped and it feels much better

    @gemwolf110 Getting started is the hard part I think. Finding a plan you like is half the battle. You can do it.

    @lisaandryan Welcome to the group. It sounds like you’ve got a good plan to tackle this next part of the journey. I think it’s muscle too. Just keep noticing if your clothes are feeling looser. Do you have more energy?

    I stayed within food boundaries. Dh and I walked 81 minutes. We were comparing Fitbit results. I was right next to him every step of the way. He burns 929 calories and I burn 426. 🤬 His heartrate max got to 157 and mine was 133. Water goal met and journal done. Big sticker day 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  • Nikki76mfp
    Nikki76mfp Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all. In the last few months I have gone from sw n ww and now going to give this a go. I’m currently still at my sw class for the scales and someone to weigh me but if this MFP works then I’ll leave classes all together.
    Looking at making new friends as I start my journey.
    Currently 242.5lbs and I was 275 and I need/like to get to 168lbs.
    Thanks Nikki x
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @gemwolf110 good luck! Maybe it's just the thing you need.

    @lisaandryan Welcome! I'm no expert but I've always heard not to go below 1200 calories, and if you are working out, you should add more to that number. I think you are wise to take measurements and track your journey that way...the scale is often a liar! :)

    @theslightedgeforever We do have pita pizzas sometimes. But if I say I'll make me a pita pizza and you can make you a regular pizza, he'll say "Never mind. :(" and give me a sad face. But you know what? Maybe that is for the best. The next time, I'll try that (if I can remember to do that. I've done things a certain way for so long, it's become habit). I usually use sandwich thins or the lowest calorie bun I can find for the cheeseburgers anyway.

    @Nikki76mfp Hi and welcome! What does sw stand for? I know what WW is. I am around your weight. :)

    Hi all. My plantar fasciitis is really bothering me today. I got my foot cream yesterday and applied it. Hopefully that + the inserts + acupuncture + stretching + icing + Naproxen will do some good. I really do want to get out there and walk now that the weather is getting nice again. I have meal prep to do today but am unsure if I am going to be able to do much of it, I may have to rely on my husband and he's not going to be here much of the day. Here's what we are making:

    Sichuan Braised Tofu with Beef (Mapo Tofu)
    Grilled Lamb-Stuffed Pitas with Yogurt Sauce
    Turkey Meatloaf with Ketchup-Brown Sugar Glaze + roasted broccoli
    Feel-Good Fall Salad + grilled chicken breasts
    One Skillet Sausage, White Bean, and Gnocchi
    Beet Salad with Goat Cheese and Arugula

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @trooworld that sounds like a great self care day! Enjoy! I have a week of at Easter and I'm really looking forward to it, though I don't have anything planned.

    Yeah my back- everyone was very surprised bc I guess its unusual for that to happen due to posture. It's better now, but it took like 2 years of work. My problems now are some hip dysfunction that can cause low back pain, and sitting aggravates it. Also when sitting too long my muscles just seize up, so this week that is why my leg was aching. It's all a PITA, but one of the reasons I have a trainer is to try to help with these issues. Sitting is terrible for everyone, but it's so hard, our whole society is pretty much designed around sitting lol.

    @gemwolf110 goodl luck with ww! It can definitely help to get back on track.

    @lisaandryan welcome! 1300 seems a bit low to me, especially if you are exercising on top of that. jmo, of course. But ironically if we undereat too much it can be harder to lose weight, because your body is struggling to hang on to everything it gets because it is deprived. Or that is my understanding anyway, I'm definitely not an expert on this stuff!

    @theslightedgeforever I like that three food rule. I will remember that.

    @Nikki76mfp welcome!

    I always prepare my own meals but I'm so tired of figuring out what to make. It's really becoming a challenge. @trooworld I gotta start saving the recipes you post.

    Yesterday I sat on butt all day, so today I went to the gym. This afternoon I am going for a short walk (30 mins) with some friends to a pub/brewery. It's a club and we walk to different breweries in the city. I like craft beer. Problem is calories lol. But today I will have lunch there and a drink and I think I've exercised enough for the calories.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @its_cleo, I loved watching Usain Bolt run in the Olympics! Like the wind he was! I totally hear you about how sitting around can cause more pain than movement can. The other day I actually hurt my back from sitting all day at work. I’ve learned that some kind of movement for me is a requirement. I just can’t overdo it either. :/

    @gemwolf110, Have you joined just online or plan to go to the meetings? Having a plan will help you turn that spiral around for sure! :)

    @lisaandryan, Welcome! Sounds like you have a great plan to get yourself to the weight you want to be. Are you still a WW member? :)

    @Nikki78mfp, welcome! I don’t know what SW stands for either, but I look forward to getting to know you! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, yayyy for your big sticker day! I'm working on a new spreadsheet for the next 100 days. I want to be able to record my daily weight and then do a running total plus a 10-day average. You will totally get that 10 lbs off and maybe even more! <3

    @trooworld, I hope the foot cream helps!! As usual your menu this week looks amazing! I have pinned the skillet sausage, white bean, and gnocchi for myself. :)

    Hello everyone! I'm sitting here eating a big bowl of popcorn! I've been craving it for weeks and today I worked it in my eating plan and it's delicious!! <3 We went to Sams to buy a massive amount of candy so we can fill plastic Easter eggs for our big Easter egg hunt next month. I bought stuff I don't like and bubble gum. I have never understood the attraction for gum. OK, I off to make a grocery list for next week. My husband has to have a cracked tooth pulled so I need to think of things that won't be too hard to eat for a few days.
  • lisaandryan
    lisaandryan Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for taking time to welcome me and respond to my post 😁 I'm still a WW member, but using MFP for some calcification to get back on course. Being diligent with weighing/tracking food to see what I ACTUALLY eat, and how my energy levels are on 1300-1400. anything below that while working out is counter productive. (Makes me a tired and stressed. Not sustainable)
    I eat a bit more on days I workout more, but don't eat back all calories; just allow myself extra on those days for sanity and fuel!
    I'm going to look at a monthly trend with scales, measurements and photos rather then getting hung up on good and bad scale fluctuations throughout the week...very prone to monthly water retention, so best to factor this in.
    My goal is healthy, not at all unrealistic, so I shouldn't need to starve to achieve! Maybe it's too much or too little fuel, maybe it's needing different workouts. Maybe it's a stubborn plateau that just needs a bit more patience. Just need to collect the data to see what's going on.
    Important not to get down about it. MUST stay positive 😁
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @Nikki76mfp welcome to the group. Congrats on already losing 30+ lbs.

    @trooworld pizza sad face: then you say okay that’s your choice but I’m having a pita pizza do you want me to make you one? We spend years trying to make everyone around us happy at the expense of ourselves. It’s our time now.

    @its_cleo I get stiff after sitting just a bit so I’m learning to get up and move in between. That’s good that you are getting in some exercise with your friends.

    @TeresaW1020 I’m sitting at 11 lbs so far for the challenge. 2 weigh ins left. Good choices will get me there. Oh just realized I didn’t post my ticker this past weighin. I’m not a big gum fan either. Now another matter. I bought a microwave popcorn bowl so I can have it without oil. I do that for the most part. But there are some days I just want a good bag of Big Cheez popcorn and have to work it into my calories.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    edited March 2019
    @gemwolf110 Yes you are correct. Your health is worth the extra money.

    @lisaandryan I’m a big believer in the number on the scale is just a number. It’s just data. Just like calories or points or whatever you track. It’s all data. Then I try to figure out the trends, sweet spots etc from it. There are no good foods or bad foods. But there are consequences to the foods I choose. I’m just choosing smaller portions these days of those foods and trying to add in some other types of foods. Yaaaay I see you’re a data gal too. Eventually our experiment will succeed.

    I stayed within food boundaries. Exercised 53 min, water goal met, journal done. Big sticker day
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Sick for a few weeks now. Can’t stop coughing. Tired of this
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @its_cleo Thanks, I ended up only doing the manicure lol...and then did some school work (I'm taking a course through work/work-related). I try to get up and walk around every hour but it's hard, sometimes I get busy and forget. Maybe I'll try harder to remember. ;) You can always ask me for recipe ideas, I literally have 5,791 recipes saved and counting! (and they are all categorized so I can find them pretty fast) :) Your club sounds right up my alley...I love craft beer. My husband and I brew our own craft beer (but not right now because our apartment is too small, when we move we will probably start again). I don't drink it as much as I would like to because of all the calories, but wow do I like it. I live in a very craft beer-oriented city.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! Hopefully, it is! That was smart to buy things you don't like for the Easter eggs.

    @lisaandryan It sounds like you have a healthy attitude/healthy plan. Good luck!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, so true.

    @prisoner2food Have you been to the doctor yet? I'm so sorry you are sick.

    @TrishasTime Hello to you, if you are reading this!

    Hello all. I'm down 4.4 lbs since last week, but to be honest about that, I was up 0.8 lbs last week so I really lost 3.6 (which is still really good). I'm still up higher than I have been for a while. :( I did a little meal prep yesterday but the weather was nice so I sat out on my patio with my husband and just listened to music. It was nice.

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @trooworld thanks! I think I will check out some of the recipes you've been posting. That's neat you've brewed your own beer! I've never done that, though I think there is a place here where you can do it. Yeah craft beer is great but yeah calories. It's the only time I drink beer though, I don't bring it home very often. Congrats on the weight loss! 3+ is pretty good!

    So but I am way over calories. I was looking at the last few weeks and I'm almost always over my mfp calories. I expect tomorrow my weight will be up. And I just bought a brownie and ate it, and it was gross lol. What a waste.

    I think I'm going to do a spot check on some of the days I was over and see if I can identify areas for improvement.

    @lisaandryan it sounds like you have a good plan. I agree I think the tracking can be really helpful in terms of providing information.

    @prisoner2food I'm sorry you're so sick, it sounds terrible.

    I have to go into the office tues-thurs this week, so less exercise. I will still try to get some walking in. My gym is having a 30 day challenge in April to move 30 minutes a day. I think I'll sign up, even though I don't think there's a prize or anything.

    @theslightedgeforever it must feel good to be almost done the 100 day challenge! What an accomplishment.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Hi guys, I am at work so I don't have time to post personals, but wanted to check in and say I am still here. I am still working on balance and not eating carbs in place of sugar. It's like an addict replacing one bad drug for another. So I have started to track again today.. That really is important. I will try to catch up tomorrow.
