TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 5: 230.6
    Weekly +/- : -2lbs
    Total +/- : -30.4lbs!
    Goal: Did not acheieve my goal to kiss the 230s goodbye this week. Still, lost 2 lbs, so that's great. I'm a little disappointed because this loss did accomplish my goal of losing 30lbs, but I fee like that is tarnished by that stupid .7lb more I needed to lose to weigh in at 229.9. That would have been great! But alas, it was not to be. So my goal for this week is to keep working hard and see that number drop below 230. More importantly, I felt really good about how hard I worked this week and I want to keep feeling like that, so regardless of the number on the scale, my real goal is to exercise every moment I am able.

    So close, you are doing an amazing job! 2 pounds is great!, I feel like I am doing something wrong, I had a gain and then no loss, not sure what gives!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Hello ladies!! I am happy to announce, I am your new team member!!!! I am excited to have such great ladies with me who offer such great support. Sad there is only 3 weeks left, but our time will be great together.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hello ladies!! I am happy to announce, I am your new team member!!!! I am excited to have such great ladies with me who offer such great support. Sad there is only 3 weeks left, but our time will be great together.

    We are so happy to have you join us! Welcome to the Green Team!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Did my sign change to green?
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Did my sign change to green?

    NO it doesnt say img on it, did you get the msg I sent you?
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    ok did this work
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    So close, you are doing an amazing job! 2 pounds is great!, I feel like I am doing something wrong, I had a gain and then no loss, not sure what gives!

    Boo! I'm so sorry to hear that Karie! Yo are doing such a great job I know you are going to see results! Remember I went through a similar thing where I stopped lossing for 2 weeks and had to seriously bust my *kitten* just to maintain. Her's the checklist of questions I asked myself, maybe it will help you too:

    1) Are you eating enough? I had started really cutting calories thinking that I would lose faster. Shockingly, that didn't work. For me 1200 really seems to be the magic number. Mayeb you haven't found yours yet?

    2) How much water are you drinking? Anything less that 8 glasses a day is not enough!!! And keep in mind, if you are a caffiene-aholic, that for every cafffienated bevie you drnk you need to have an additional glass of water. So 1 cup of coffee needs to be offset by an additional glass of water. And if you drink soda (even diet) you need to drink 2 glasses of water to wash that out of your system. You should drink so much water that you are floating!!!

    3) while we are talking soda, do you drink any? Even diet or caffiene free? Here's my theory based solely on personal experience: I used to drink a LOT of Pepsi. So when I started eatig healthy, I missed it. So I slowly eased off until I was complely off of it and I didn't have any for a month or so. And I lost weght consistently. Around the time that I was being dumb and eating less than 1000 calories a day I found I was really craving sugar (duh - maybe my body was trying to tell me something!) my solution to this problem was to drink pepsi max as it is a zero calorie alternative and tastes pretty good. I didn't drink much. At most, one glass a day. But I started to notice that on the days when I had a glass I was much more prone to snacking on less healthy stuff. So I did some reseach (cuz I'm a geek and that's what I do) and here's what found: diet soda tricks your body into thinking it's having sugar. And the more sugar your body has the more it wants. So even tho I was making the "smart choice" of having a 0 calorie alternative to soda, I was still hurting my weightloss efforts because it made me crave more artificial sugars.

    4) How much sleep are you getting? We are working hard and our bodies need time to rest and recuprate. Try to get at least 8 hours a night. If that's not possible right away, try easing into it by going to bed 15 minutes earlier every day until you make the time up.

    5) And finally, what's your sodium intake like? cut back and you'll see a change.

    At the end of the day, you are working so hard and keeping careful track of what you eat so you will see results. It may be that you are experienceing a weight loss plateau (you have lost 23 lbs afterall!) but that doesn't mean that you aren't still losing fat and gaining muscle. The scale may stay the same but inches may come off. Wait a sec - I sem to recall a certain fellow green teamer telling em that exact same thing a few weeks ago... who could that have been? Oh wait, that was you!!!:tongue:

    Trust me darlin, you re doing everything right! Stay positive and keep going, making minor adjustments along the way and you will get there!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hello ladies!! I am happy to announce, I am your new team member!!!! I am excited to have such great ladies with me who offer such great support. Sad there is only 3 weeks left, but our time will be great together.

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    okay change the IMG to img in the front
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I just did the weigh in and couldnt wait to post

    I am down by 2 lbs...Yippeee... :-)

    I am not going to mention the starting MFP as my scale was not working properly, but I want to get back to that weight in next three weeks.. That is 155 lbs...

    Last week - 162
    This week- 160
    Weight loss: -2
    Target goal: 158
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hello ladies!! I am happy to announce, I am your new team member!!!! I am excited to have such great ladies with me who offer such great support. Sad there is only 3 weeks left, but our time will be great together.


    Welcome to this wonderful team... Yay!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I just did the weigh in and couldnt wait to post

    I am down by 2 lbs...Yippeee... :-)

    I am not going to mention the starting MFP as my scale was not working properly, but I want to get back to that weight in next three weeks.. That is 155 lbs...

    Last week - 162
    This week- 160
    Weight loss: -2
    Target goal: 158

    woo hoo! way to go!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 244
    Starting SAHMU: 233.8
    Week 5: 221.4
    Weekly +/- : 0 bs
    Total +/- : -23 lbs

    No weight loss for me this week!:sad: :huh:
    I was pretty bummed this morning, but had some time to reflect and I will push on! Yesterday I put on a pair of pants that I wore before I got pregnant and YES they FIT! So I will call that my victory for the week.

    NSV is more important than your scale moving.. Fitting into old pants makes you feel awesome... You know its working, probably your body did the toning part this week... Congrats for that Karie...

    On your scale, you know it always surprises... One week doesnt change and next week you always have a major weight loss..Mark my words and we will see it on next wednesday...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 5: 230.6
    Weekly +/- : -2lbs
    Total +/- : -30.4lbs!
    Goal: Did not acheieve my goal to kiss the 230s goodbye this week. Still, lost 2 lbs, so that's great. I'm a little disappointed because this loss did accomplish my goal of losing 30lbs, but I fee like that is tarnished by that stupid .7lb more I needed to lose to weigh in at 229.9. That would have been great! But alas, it was not to be. So my goal for this week is to keep working hard and see that number drop below 230. More importantly, I felt really good about how hard I worked this week and I want to keep feeling like that, so regardless of the number on the scale, my real goal is to exercise every moment I am able.


    Congrats on the weight loss.. You are almost there, so not to worry and keep rocking!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hip Flexors - DONE!

    and can I just say, wowza! I felt that! I did it standing at my desk at work (cuz I'm bored and it's been a long day). Anyways, the first 10 or so, I was like "this is nothing" and then by 20 I was like"OMG! only 5 more to go!!!" I'm gonna do those on a more regular basis. Great suggestion Karie!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Its going to be hard for me this... I didnt think that my wart underneath my foot will trouble me... Have been trying to do those exercise which we not affect my foot much... I think i will keep my cals just 5% higher than last week... If I can dance, I would easily achieve that, but I dont think its right until my wart has dissappeared... I am going to reduce the cals slightly, just 5% higher than last week...