

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    afternoon ladies~ wow busy day... I hoed out the closet , I have only been hear a year and a 1/2 and havent gone through everything.. I did go through the clothes , got winter on one side , spring and summer on the other.. summer 2-3 x I have put on facebook marketplace to sell.. the dresses have only been worn once.. alot of capris, shorts, and pretty tops.. took garbage out and took some stuff down to my storage space.. I am working next 3 days in a row.. and I am Mary's fair weather friend, she is all ticked off at me because Dr Pandey asked her to work Saterday and she is blaming me, I already had plans and told the Dr so.. well Mary said her niece and nephew are coming from Pennsylvania and that she was supposed to spend time with them.. I have worked every blessed Saterday up until 3 weeks ago and because it is a Holiday weekend she is pitching a fit.. all my fault.. I told her no it is Michaels fault...
    She is never happy ,she is sweet to me when she wants something,but lord if I cross her its all over..
    well enough about that.. working 8-6 tomorrow, 9-5 thursday, 9-5 friday.. well at least I will be getting a few more hours..
    did get mashed and gravy into my DFIL , root beer and ice cream , and he was a bit chatty which is always good..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • beadowl
    beadowl Posts: 22 Member
    edited April 2019
    Margaret: Sorry to hear the legal solution did not work. I hope that shining light on this matter; whether by press, or letters of complaint, will help you son’s situation.

    Auntiebk: Thanks for the welcome. Will update with info. shortly. New to social media, a little slo-mo in figuring it all out.
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    I see I missed lots on my weekend away from the computer. Somehow I managed to stay below calorie goal, but I'm not sure how I did it. Things are crazy this week and next. My daughter has ballet stuff April 26-28. I'm chaperoning 3 rehearsals next week. I'm hoping running around the theater will make up for not getting to the gym.

    Notre Dame still has me sad. I'm relieved to hear much was saved, but so much was lost. They still don't know the status of the organ. The pipes and console are there, but there could be heat and water damage that isn't visible yet. I just love old cathedrals.

    Happy thoughts and inspiration for those here struggling with life and family issues, especially anybody dealing with mental health issues. It's a rough road with changes at every bend.

    Connie in KY
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Rori and Michele - Choczero.com sells chocolates and syrups sweetened with monk fruit. I purchased it online at their website. Use coupon code KETOCHOICES for 10% off. Free shipping for orders over $34.99.
    Information about their ingredients is available on their website.

    —Ginger in Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.12min, 13.2amph, 146mhr, 1.58mi= 81c
    TREADMILL jog- 40min, 9.45min mi, 6.0-6.5sp, 137ahr, 154mhr, 4.10mi= 401c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.07min, 142mhr, 17.5amph 1.49mi= 65c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 17.03min, 10.8amph, 148mhr,3.06mi= 170c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.28min, 10.38min mi, 146mhr, .51mi= 69c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.22min, 146mhr, 9.46min mi, .44mi= 84c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.56min, 7.9amph, 144mhr, 2.6mi= 195c

    total cal 1065
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Allie – Great News about Michael!

    Michele – pooh is so cute!

    Rori – I just checked on line, and that sounds scary, keep your doors locked and stay in! Thinking of you, and the rest of the folks in the area.

    Carol – sending good thoughts for your surgery.

    Kim from N. California
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    Well Michael got canned. Now some peace.. more hours for now.. until they hire a new manager.. he was getting belligerent ,they almost had to call the cops..and I missed the whole thing

    Well, I guess I was wrong about the sleeping with part. Lol I am thankful for you that the nightmare is over.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Rori – I’m so sorry the schools are in lockdown. What do the people do who are not students? Can’t wait to hear more about your planned trip.

    Ginger – I couldn’t believe it! The shipping for one bag of those chocolates is more than the chocolates themselves! At first I wouldn’t want to order a whole lot, what if I didn’t like them? How are they shipped? I would think that one bag could go in a padded envelope and the shipping wouldn’t be nearly as much.

    Had Rummikub tonight.

    Michele in NC
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Carol, thinking of you and look forward to hearing about your healing post surgery. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Margaret, so glad your son is in the hospital now and getting the help he needs. My younger sister deals with severe PTSD and is currently having a scary meltdown. We all deal with different challenges.

    I saw a sign on a board outside a church years ago. It said,”If in doubt be kind”. Such a simple concept but what a difference a bit of kindness can make.

    Betsy in NW Washington
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited April 2019
    Oh Allie I’m happy for you! No Michael and more hours!! I’m also glad you didn’t have to witness the drama.

    So sad about Notre Dame. Such a terrible thing! :'(

    I’m still here, just really busy working in the yard and spring cleaning.

    Another severe storm coming tomorrow night! (Nooo!)

    I’m still waiting to put up our new umbrella. (The 2nd one blew off and broke up.) my DH can’t understand why I leave them open but our dog likes shade too!

    Have a good day or evening!
    Dana In Arkansas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Carol - Sending best wishes for a FAST healing. <3

    Rita - I am so impressed by your transformation. You are doing great! I bet you feel so much better. :D

    Another night of blocked up nose. Grrrrrrrrrr! I did get some good sleep after 5.30 until 7.00. :o Go away cold! Luckily I have an interesting book to read, about running! :laugh: That must be around my 25th book about running.
    Must go for a run today. :D

    Swing dancing was hilarious last night! DH felt better about it because no one could do the last moves. We all had a great laugh.
    Amazed my knee is holding up. A few years ago there is no way I could have done any of this. By exercising my knee muscles every day I have strengthened it a lot, though I still have to baby it a bit. Had to spin on it last night! :o

    Rori, hope they get it sorted. <3

    Kim - how is your brother's health now? <3

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Heather my friend Jean is an M&S fan, she is always getting bargains. She told us the jumper she was wearing on Saturday was in the sale and she got 90% off. I think she said she bought about 3 or 4 jumpers for less than £20. I'll have to go shopping with her :)

    I was at the dentist yesterday for a check up, all is well I'm pleased to say, he told me to be careful with my back teeth and watch the tartar build up (I have deep pockets apparently) don't have to go back until October for my next 6 month check up. :)

    Better get my exercise out of the way before I make the excuse that I haven't time!

    Viv UK <3