INSANITY Challenge - Starting August 1st.



  • Rakeda1210
    Fit test DONE! I was nervous some of my numbers would go down, but like happyisthin said, I know my form is much better than it was the first time around. Here are my results:

    1. Switch Kicks - 47/92
    2. Power Jacks - 46/50
    3. Power Knees - 80/98
    4. Power Jumps (I HATE THOSE THINGS!!!) - 30/32
    5. Globe Jumps - 11/10
    6. Suicide Jumps - 13/14
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 15/23
    8. Low Plank Obliques - 54/66

    I feel good about it. Guess that's what matters, right?
  • msccarter
    msccarter Posts: 24 Member
    Here are my Fit Test Results

    1. Switch Kicks 44/54
    2. Power Jacks 54/56
    3. Power Knees 98/110
    4. Power Jumps 23/35
    5. Globe Jumps 7/9
    6. Suicide Jumps 9/10
    7. Push Up Jacks 13/20
    8. Low Plank Oblique 50/80

    I lost 3.5lbs since August 1st as well, I've been following the Nutrition plan, super excited! Can't wait until the end to get my final results!!!! :)
  • pixiechk201
    pixiechk201 Posts: 27 Member
    Has everyone given up or just too sore to post? My back is killing me, I think I'm using it when I should be using my core. Anyone else having that problem?
  • radiantlyhealthy
    radiantlyhealthy Posts: 125 Member
    Has everyone given up or just too sore to post? My back is killing me, I think I'm using it when I should be using my core. Anyone else having that problem?

    Probably too sore (; I know I won't be giving up! I'm not having any back problems, but my abs have been getting pains during the workouts when I keep them flexed.. so I agree that you might just need to keep your abs engaged.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    DAMN! These fit test results are awesome! All of you are doing extremely well!!! Keep up the good work. I know it helps me when I look at my "before" number before starting the fit test, I feel like I have to do at least one more of each round!!

    And Happyisthin- I TOTALLY AGREE, the posture thing is so important. I think the first time I did insanity I totally looked nothing like how I was supposed to, I didn't keep the form and just tried to get a high number but when I started doing them correctly I could tell a HUGE difference!! Rakeda- same to you. Nice job realizing this ladies since its pretty important. I know that even Tonya looks like she isn't doing the power jumps correctly as compared to the guy-it just looks a little big off to me.

    Well, time for cardio recovery! I am looking forward to month two!! The scale fluctuates but today I am 5 lbs down. THe weight isn't as important since most of the time its just water weight to me, but I can definitely tell a difference in my body, especially my obliques!
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Guess what everyone I broke the plateau I was complaining about. I had to do a double take on the scale and even then I got off and got back on to make sure. I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't, I actually saw 133 looking up at me. Let's hope it sticks. I have one more workout from month 1 and next week I start the recovery week. I'm super excited about starting Month 2 and so ready to DIG DEEPER!!!!!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Guess what everyone I broke the plateau I was complaining about. I had to do a double take on the scale and even then I got off and got back on to make sure. I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't, I actually saw 133 looking up at me. Let's hope it sticks. I have one more workout from month 1 and next week I start the recovery week. I'm super excited about starting Month 2 and so ready to DIG DEEPER!!!!!

    Good job! I am bouncing around between 134-138 but today it was 135, I am hoping to break my plateau as well and get down to 125!!!! Its nice to have someone with similar goals to work with!

    And congrats on finishing month 1-get ready for the insanity to really begin in month 2!!
  • radiantlyhealthy
    radiantlyhealthy Posts: 125 Member
    Guess what everyone I broke the plateau I was complaining about. I had to do a double take on the scale and even then I got off and got back on to make sure. I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't, I actually saw 133 looking up at me. Let's hope it sticks. I have one more workout from month 1 and next week I start the recovery week. I'm super excited about starting Month 2 and so ready to DIG DEEPER!!!!!

    Wow, that is wonderful!! I bet recovery week will feel sooo great.. let us know how month 2 is once you get into it!
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    jakieKo621- Funny 125 is my goal as well. I thought I wanted to get down to 120 but don't think thats realistic anymore especially since I'm really toned and have some muscle mass. But once i reach 125 I will reassess my goals and go from there.

    happyisthin- yep I sure can use the break this week, but I have a feeling recovery won't be as easy as I would like it to be.
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    jakieKo621 I definitely feel a difference in my body too!! I'm excited to finish out month 1 this week and looking forward to recovery next week.

    Is everyone following the meal plan? I've been just trying to eat healthy 5/6 days a week and allow myself a cheat meal, which usually ends up on the weekend, especially with birthdays and fun times with friends (you still gotta live!). So the scale has only dropped about 3-4 pounds, but I'll take what I can get since this is the most rapid weightloss I've had since I first started trying to lose weight! I've been sloooooowly losing weight ever since so I'm excited to see what month 2 has to offer for my body! And a little frightened, too haha.
  • Rakeda1210
    Okay, so I took a week off. :-/ Was extra hormonal and really couldn't see my self doing all those squats & jumps like that. yuck. Anyway, hubby decided to do it without me last night and that competitive spirit just flared right up again. Gotta get back in it. I refuse to quit. And even though I slacked for a week, I still feel better (and look better) than before, so that gives me confidence that the changes are going to be lasting. Digging deeper...
  • alzina
    alzina Posts: 38 Member
    Okay, so I took a week off. :-/ Was extra hormonal and really couldn't see my self doing all those squats & jumps like that. yuck. Anyway, hubby decided to do it without me last night and that competitive spirit just flared right up again. Gotta get back in it. I refuse to quit. And even though I slacked for a week, I still feel better (and look better) than before, so that gives me confidence that the changes are going to be lasting. Digging deeper...

    My husband is on leave from Afghanistan and he is doing Insanity with me too. I am always watching him and trying to do more than him. It makes me happy when he takes a break before I do :smile: And great job on getting back into it. That is all that matters and welcome back!!!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Okay, so I took a week off. :-/ Was extra hormonal and really couldn't see my self doing all those squats & jumps like that. yuck. Anyway, hubby decided to do it without me last night and that competitive spirit just flared right up again. Gotta get back in it. I refuse to quit. And even though I slacked for a week, I still feel better (and look better) than before, so that gives me confidence that the changes are going to be lasting. Digging deeper...

    Hey it happens! I went on a two day "staycation," (I live in Vegas so there is lots to do) because my boyfriend and I had concert tickets and a two night stay on the strip. I took my laptop to do the INSANITY workouts, my clothes, HRM, nikes, - AND STILL didn't work out! I was so mad at myself, I mean it was only two days but once you get into the routine its hard to break it and then get back into it, but I just started the whole week over when I got home and decided not to beat myself up about it. Life happens!!! The important part is to just jump back into it and keep moving forward!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Okay, so I took a week off. :-/ Was extra hormonal and really couldn't see my self doing all those squats & jumps like that. yuck. Anyway, hubby decided to do it without me last night and that competitive spirit just flared right up again. Gotta get back in it. I refuse to quit. And even though I slacked for a week, I still feel better (and look better) than before, so that gives me confidence that the changes are going to be lasting. Digging deeper...

    My husband is on leave from Afghanistan and he is doing Insanity with me too. I am always watching him and trying to do more than him. It makes me happy when he takes a break before I do :smile: And great job on getting back into it. That is all that matters and welcome back!!!

    HAHAHA I know exactly what you two mean!!! The funny part for me is that my boyfriend will no longer do it with me because he says I make it too competitive! I don't mean to, but when someone else is doing it I just want to win lol! Like if he did 10 suicide jumps I would make sure that I would do 11! I didn't mean anything negative about it I just get really competitive and mainly I wanted to impress him, but it kind of backfired on me lol. Oh well, I sweat so much that now I really don't mind taht he's not in the room when I do it, I'd probably splash him with my sweat :laugh: grosss
  • Rakeda1210
    OK, so...NEVER will I EVER again skip a week of Insanity (and simultaneously indulge in a week of bad eating habits). That was HORRIBLE!!! I thought I was going to toss my cookies like 5 times! I had to stop way more than before my hiatus and I burned less calories. OoohWeeee, never again.

    On the bright side, at least I did it, and I feel good about that. No more breaks for me. Lesson learned.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    OK, so...NEVER will I EVER again skip a week of Insanity (and simultaneously indulge in a week of bad eating habits). That was HORRIBLE!!! I thought I was going to toss my cookies like 5 times! I had to stop way more than before my hiatus and I burned less calories. OoohWeeee, never again.

    On the bright side, at least I did it, and I feel good about that. No more breaks for me. Lesson learned.

    Like I said, it happens. Good for you for moving forward and learning a lesson, it usually takes experience to learn! (at least for me) And like I said, life happens, but its all about the motivation and determination that you are showing now to jump back into it!

    Even after two days of skipping insanity and eating/drinking badly, the first one back was tough. It definitely makes me get up and do it everyday because I know how bad it sucks when you stop.

    Keep it up girl!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    So I have a new goal that I think I am going to try, I want to do one last week of month one before going into recovery week. Why you might ask?

    I want to do each workout 100% through. I am getting to the point where I can do each interval full out but I want to do an entire week of month one at 100% before moving on. When I did INSANITY before, I was not doing them full out (usually the last workout of each interval I was taking more and more breaks) and I went right into month two. I REALLY want to be able to look at month one and feel completely victorious over it! I can already tell a HUGE difference from week 1 to now, and I want to really, really stomp month 1!

    I might be a little scared of month two also...haha. :bigsmile:

    OH-and I read this thread ( I think it was on about all of the insanity exercisers in the back, it was HILARIOUS. I need to find it again and post the thread, it was all about which person makes them laugh/pissed/push more, and the comments were absolutely hilarious. You would think that we knew all the people in the background (tania, rachel, the corn rows dude) just because of watching them do insanity everyday! hahahha
  • pixiechk201
    pixiechk201 Posts: 27 Member
    So frustrating! I went to get a deep tissue massage last week and AAAAAAAH, no more back problems! Working out feels great! Except for the unbelieveable pain in the balls of my feet midway through the warm up. I totally thought this was just me, but the same thing happened to a friend who decided to do the workout with me. My massage therapist said this has to do with tightening in the calf muscles and to stretch them out but it doesn't seem to help. Anyone else having this problem? My husband rocks those high knees with no problem and thinks I'm nuts!
  • bexp2
    bexp2 Posts: 41
    Woohoo! Just finished the first month's workouts! Definately fitter, lost some weight and some inches. Thanks Happyisthin for starting this challenge and thanks to everyone who keeps posting--knowing you all are around has helped keep me motivated.

    I'm still intimidated by month two, though...
  • radiantlyhealthy
    radiantlyhealthy Posts: 125 Member
    Woohoo! Just finished the first month's workouts! Definately fitter, lost some weight and some inches. Thanks Happyisthin for starting this challenge and thanks to everyone who keeps posting--knowing you all are around has helped keep me motivated.

    I'm still intimidated by month two, though...

    I'll be finishing month one tomorrow! (minus the break day).. my ab definition has improved slightly, and my endurance has increased(: I'm soo glad I started it too.. so it's no problem at all. haha agreed, you all keep me motivated as well!
    Month two will be OURS.