

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    So, I've had this raging cold for a three days now, since Saturday evening. I've been producing a bucket-load of ... well, let's say my nose hasn't stopped running for 3 days (although a hot shower and the spicy burrito did seem to help a little).

    For about hour Sunday night, I felt quite nauseated, but then came good.

    This morning, I had a craving for eggs on toast, and so we found a cafe that had eggs on toast ... yummy! I had just commented to my husband that they hit the spot, when on the next bite, my stomach said, "NOPE!" And there was a mad sprint to the toilet. I didn't even have time to explain anything to my husband. Weird.

    Usually, if I've got the flu, there's a build up of not feeling well and I stop feeling hungry ... and in particular, I'm not craving eggs! Usually I have to be feeling pretty good if I crave eggs. So I'm not sure what was going on this morning!! (BTW - definitely not pregnant!)

    And then I drove all day through the Tasmanian countryside.

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Heather could it be allergies? Sorry you're still sick.
    Lanette ditto Tracey's wish that you're able to confound the Dr's prediction.
    Katla are you growing beans in containers?
    Tracey your grandson sounds quite creative, another apple not far...
    pip fun pics of you and your friend through the years. How is it that neither of you have aged?
    NYKaren beautiful pics, is that kale growing around the tulip?
    Ginny in OH Great steps!
    Michele you really make me miss my wii. Gonna have to either buy a "new" used one or find out if the new versions are backwards compatible with my balance board.
    KJ love the Joaquin bunny, hard to be so far away.
    Lisa 3 pounds for 3 days of no gluten and sugar? Dang that's evidence that's hard to ignore. Planted 65 bulbs? Oof!
    Machka another sinus helper is to stand in a hot shower for many minutes several times a day. "spicy ... sauce... helped clear out the sinuses" Ah yes! Fond memory of flying to England with bronchitis, getting caught in a summer storm in Brighton, eating THE VERY BEST curry I've ever had and ... Presto Changeo! No more Bronchitis!
    Carol, prayers for your BnL but most of all for your DH and you.
    Kay Sinkholes and trees falling on friends-in-car? :ohno: Hope the surgery is successful.
    Rebecca, summer sandwich and two small cookies instead of everything in the bakery? Well done!
    Ginger so glad you posted. Many times our brains tell us we've totally failed, when in reality it wasn't so bad. It's hard to get in that much fiber with so few carbs. I think you did great for not giving into that "catastrophic thinking." re: the Snatch Grabber ;) Joe doesn't seem to mind reaching things for me when he's handy, but I'm not patient or willing to go find him just to get something from a high shelf. Nor am I willing to stand on a chair as I used to do, my fear of falling is too strong.
    Okie, Tracey and others who've noticed a bit of slippage, count me in. Sunday WAY over indulged and not for the first this month. Today was better, many bonus calories burned in the yard. Felt good to work so hard and eat well. Tomorrow will be even better.
    Katla little black bugs, eeuw! Hope your Persian wool rugs weren't damaged.
    Allie know that hospice decision was a hard one, but you're right, it's important to get comfort care in place.
    Carol, Tracey, Betsy and those having to log back in to get to this page, are you on phones or pcs? If pc's, try logging out from MFP, clearing browser history cache, then logging back in. Me, I always uncheck the "remember me" every time so I login once per session, just for security's sake.
    Annie from Idaho shifting that little devil on your shoulder to a positive angel is key. Well done!
    Welcome voices4alltina4656, Elaine in New England, beadowl. Let us know what you'd like to be called and your general locale.

    Totoro tree down. Joe worked all day helping tree guys move branches to the burn pile, while I walked Tumble, rolled 15 slices of tree trunks up the hill and boy, those suckers are heavy. We'll use them for garden path "stones". Then it was like I couldn't stop, wandered around the garden, grabbed the shovel, and prepped 5 holes into which I'll plant potatoes tomorrow.

    Speaking of Joe getting more active, he's also changing his food habits. He used to breakfast on half a pound of bacon, half a roll of sausage, grits, biscuits or fried potatoes and half a dozen eggs. This is what he made himself for breakfast today:

    So proud of him!
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 15/30, 60 g protein 19/30, rx/vits 18.5/30, meditate 6/30, knee exercises 6/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 13/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 14/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    04/21 nuthin'
    04/22 LT: 2 changes insurance agent-Y MT: prep ground for potatoes-Y, ST: roll trunk slices up the hill for stepping stones-Y

    Sheer luck 😎
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Just a quick post, spent ages clearing the garage with DS this morning, took a load of wood and bits to the local tip. Tried to call someone out to see (and buy) all the scrap metal, but didn't realise how difficult that would be!! Finally someone said they would come out tomorrow and have a look. I'm exhausted.

    We've got all the stuff we want to sell at the front of the garage to make it easier for them to see how much there is. A bit worried because the firm I phoned said they couldn't come out, but gave me the number of someone who could help. I didn't get a name so not sure if it's a proper firm, or just someone doing it on the side if you know what I mean. I don't want a fortune for it, but don't want to be scammed either.

    Had to phone the doctor for my dad, he's not been too well over the weekend, turns out he has an infection and is back on antibiotics.

    Loved the photo of Joaquin in the bunny ears.

    Need to have a rest before taking the dog out - getting old lol

    Love to all <3
    Viv UK
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited April 2019
    Heather/Machka: Sounds like you are both suffering a bit. Hope it goes soon for you both.
    Kayla: I hope the colonoscopy results are helpful. That’s good news about the cyst.

    ☘️ Irish Terri
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hi Tammy! Welcome. Yes, it can be tough. I’m working on it too. Emotional eating - for comfort - is a tough habit to change. Tracking daily is a good step.

    —Ginger in Texas
  • lacwest6605
    lacwest6605 Posts: 6,922 Member
    Laura in Los Angeles here.
    Hope everyone is having a good day! Last week was quite stressful with my mother’s health issues and having work done on the house. But I think doing the closets over and getting mirrored doors on my closet will help me tremendously. I see the numbers on the scale. I see the size 22 and 3X in my clothes. But in my minds eye I was not a huge fat lady. I didn’t have any full length mirrors in the house and I avoid taking pictures. Now I can see myself as others see me. When I am in bed or dressing I look like I am spreading out in all directions, like something melting! Boy, have I been in denial for a long time! Every time I go into my bedroom I am looking at myself, and I don’t like how I look one bit! The image in the mirror is a great motivator!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Oops, sorry, I have a correction. My granddaughter informed me that those pictures were taken at the ruins of Pompeii NOT the Colosseum. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member