Hufflepuff Common Room



  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i'm so excited! this adds some needed motivation. are we starting the jumping jack challenge? i'm a bit confused on if it's started or not.
  • hufflepuffin
    i'm so excited! this adds some needed motivation. are we starting the jumping jack challenge? i'm a bit confused on if it's started or not.

    Yes, we start today and end Saturday night. (we formed the House in the middle if the week, so it'll be a short one.) We'll pick a new one on Sunday.
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    I'm really excited for this! Will post starting weight a little later, but my name is Faythe and I've been an on-and-off active member of this community since 2008. I have between 80-90 pounds to lose. I'm a married mother of two, full-time nursing student and full-time McDonald's employee (very counterproductive job!). Happy to be on board with the Hufflepuffs!

    EDIT: My starting weight is 264.8. Ouch! Last time I checked I was 10 pounds under that.
  • hufflepuffin
    Everyone's starting weight is in!

    Thanks everyone for responding! The House can't function without you! :)

    Let's kick out some Jumping Jacks today, and keep an eye out for a blog post later on, once we Heads of House settle on the School Rules. :)

    (I know I posted them yesterday, but there have been a few small changes since)
  • hufflepuffin
    I am now on Skype!

  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I'm excited about the challenge! I am really bad at drinking all my water, but I will try harder...and I know I can make up for it with jacks...I will just do some in addition to my zumba tonight and my yogalates tomorrow... yay!

    I'm excited about Zumba tonight because i have a few new routines for my girls. I hope I don't scare some of the older women away because one of them is super high intensity...but that's why I like it!
  • hufflepuffin
    I'm excited about the challenge! I am really bad at drinking all my water, but I will try harder...and I know I can make up for it with jacks...I will just do some in addition to my zumba tonight and my yogalates tomorrow... yay!

    I'm excited about Zumba tonight because i have a few new routines for my girls. I hope I don't scare some of the older women away because one of them is super high intensity...but that's why I like it!

    Sounds fun! I wish I were coordinated enough for Zumba. lol Maybe someday. :P
  • hufflepuffin
    * Remember! *

    You earn a NEWT every time you post to this thread with a NSV!

    Remember also Prefects will be chosen based on NEWTs and OWLs accumulated for the month!
  • hufflepuffin
    Hello Huffles!

    The Heads of House have been sweating over the details for a couple of days and The Official School Rules are almost set!

    One thing I need to know...
    The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws weigh-in on Sundays and Mondays.

    Does it work with the majority of this House to follow suit?
  • hufflepuffin
    Four sets of Jumping Jacks for me today. How are you all doing?
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening peeps, unfortunately I did not do any jumping jacks today but I'll get on it tomorrow. I did however drink a lot of water (12 glasses) so there should be some points there :o)
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    still at work so i'll do the jumping jacks at the gym tonight.
  • hufflepuffin
    Evening peeps, unfortunately I did not do any jumping jacks today but I'll get on it tomorrow. I did however drink a lot of water (12 glasses) so there should be some points there :o)

    Absolutely! That's a NEWT for you! Hopefully you can collect some OWLs tomorrow. :D
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I exceeded my H2O intake and have done 200 jumping jacks.... For now... I will edit if I add on! LOL! :)

    Drink your water Hufflepuffies!!

  • hufflepuffin
    I exceeded my H2O intake and have done 200 jumping jacks.... For now... I will edit if I add on! LOL! :)

    Drink your water Hufflepuffies!!


    Merlin's Beard!!! That's a LOT of Jumping Jacks! Great work!
  • akgerweck
    akgerweck Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah, excited to join. My last weigh in I was 169. I will start my jumping jacks before bed tonight and I always reach my water goal and then some. I will post on Saturday how many days I reached my goal and how many sets of jumping jacks I accomplished.

    Yay for Hufflepuff!!
  • NannyMagnolia
    This is awesome ... I would love to be a Hufflepuff member too please. My starting weight is 206.1 lbs.

  • hufflepuffin
    Welcome new members! I've added you both to our spreadsheet. :happy:
  • hufflepuffin
    First Blog Post is up!

    It contains OFFICIAL School Rules as well as Rules for our House. I know things have been confusing the past couple of days, but now that all the details have been ironed out, things should run a lot more smoothly. :)
  • hufflepuffin
    First Blog Post is up!

    It contains OFFICIAL School Rules as well as Rules for our House. I know things have been confusing the past couple of days, but now that all the details have been ironed out, things should run a lot more smoothly. :)

    Uh... link would help.

    LOL. This is why I'm not a Ravenclaw...