

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited June 2019
    @bananasandoranges I bought some new socks as most of my old ones are quite scruffy. Still debating on whether to toss the old ones. What are we like?
    Heather: Ooo! Nice! Those are class! Love a bit of bling!
    Amber: Thise Siobhan videos cracked me up. She reminds me of Victoria Wood (Sadly, no longer with us).
    Rebecca: You look so happy! And Athena Rose is adorable.

    Had breakfast then made soup for lunch before getting a couple of hours in the garden, before my energy began to flag. It needs so much work, and neither of us has been up to it much recently. (Knee problems for us both and my elbow/shoulder!). I will do another hour or two trimming my topiary this afternoon.

    ☘️ Terri N Ireland
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    Machka I've been reading with interest your comments on school & exams. I had one professor who waited until midterms to inform us that our exams would not be based on what was covered in the class. He said he assumed we understood that material, so testing should be on the material he wasn't able to cover in lectures or the syllabus. What material? He couldn't tell us. So we found several years of his old exams in the library, fortunately, and distributed them to the class. I think he was a bit puzzled at how well the class did. He was the only professor who tested on NO material covered in class.

    My grandson's language arts teacher told her class at the beginning of the year that she would not coordinate live classroom material with the online curriculum. She taught strictly to SOL preparation in classroom and never mentioned the online curriculum at all. You could email her or go to virtual office hours if you had questions, though, and she was responsive.

    Karen in Virginia

    That reminded me ... I had one a couple years ago who told us what the questions on the exam could be: it will likely be 5 of these 20 choices (or something like that). Great! Except we wouldn't know which 5 until the day of the exam AND all 20 required us to research and basically write a small paper for each (for ourselves). Then we would hopefully remember what we had researched and written when we got into the exam ... and not mix it up with any other question. It was a lot of work!!

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    Just to let you know, my lovely dad passed away on Wednesday 5th June.

    He went downhill from his fall last week. It was a peaceful end, which is helping, it was his time, and we feel lucky we had the extra months with him since he left hospital. In his own words, he had a good innings.

    It's not really sunk in yet, lots to do with supporting mum with funeral arrangements etc.

    <3 Viv UK

    So sorry for your loss,
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I'm review the corrector's corrections. talk about boring! makes me finally appreciate correcting my students work a little. at least I discover something (they way or writing, etc.) after 1h10 and 7 pages I need a break ! a little shoulder pain too from being in front of the computer
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    <3Viv, I am so sorry about your dad <3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2019
    Beth- I went to a homeopathic doctor for my Lymes disease. I had chronic Lyme’s disease. I had it since 2014. I finally got rid of it last year. He did electro acupuncture. No needles! Just electrodes and A tool that deptected the different bacterium through my body from my knuckles. This is a technique that has been used in Germany for decades! People come from all over the world to see my doctor for treatment of Lymes disease.

    Kettlebell Workout

    Goblet squat-2X5X40, 1X5X45
    Russian kettle bell swing-12X7X40, 4X7X45

    This is definitely a challenging work out! The 45 pound kettle bell is extremely heavy! I can’t believe that 5 pounds makes that big of difference!!


    Mary from Minnesota/Arizona
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    I had a nice long epistle ready to post then IE decided to seize up and save you all, lol. Quick and dirty version:

    Heather - love your sneakers and how exciting about Elton John. I could relate to the Imposter Syndrome! Jessamy is right, it's more common than we think.

    Katiebug - cute glasses and love the haircut!

    Allie - I agree good decision to stick where you are close to people who love and support you and keep looking. Good idea participating in a telephone interview if they'll go for it - mainly to get the practice. I'm also curious why they are have expanded their hiring/interview pool to candidates who live hundreds of miles away. Do they already have someone in mind for the job (one of the doc's DIL) but need to prove they've interviewed qualified people over 40? Or the local folks have turned them down? Most likely, there really isn't anyone with your skills and great work history in the application pool and they know you'd be a loyal and hardworking employee.

    Barbara AHMOD
    - loved the group photo! Fun on the beach. I am totally jealous of your long dark hair. I brought up my foot pain/orthotics as part of the balance problem. She prescribed gabapentin for when my feet burn at night and agreed with the podiatrist about rocker-sole shoes.

    Kate - you gave me an idea. I am balancing for 5 seconds on each foot, barefoot on carpeting, and working up five seconds at a time like a workout. I found it's much easier to balance for a longer time with shoes on and cross my lifted foot/leg over the one I'm balancing on. Is this cheating? B)

    - sorry about the family stuff at your nephew's graduation. Has your brother rallied at all? And sorry about the $$ hit to your business. I am amazed at the prices of just everything, I'm not sure if it's due to tariff's or increased taxes on fuel, increased employee taxes in our state due to minimum wage hikes, who knows. And there are shifty corporations who made bad business decisions and hike prices to cover their losses, blaming tariffs, taxes, etc. because it's convenient. :s I'm crossing fingers you'll find a club/organization with lots of bucks who won't mind paying higher prices for your excellent work! So many changes for you. <3

    - sorry about Bullwinkle. You and Kirby gave her a wonderful life!

    - glad you DH going to the doctor. If it's Lyme I hope they can get it on the run quickly.

    Viv - sorry to hear about your dad. So glad you live close to your folks, your mom's life will have major changes. How long had your folks been married?

    - just adorable. Thank you for sharing. <3

    I am not done but better hit the post reply button before this one goes sideways.

    Have a good day ladies!

    Sunny and beautiful SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    Just to let you know, my lovely dad passed away on Wednesday 5th June.

    He went downhill from his fall last week. It was a peaceful end, which is helping, it was his time, and we feel lucky we had the extra months with him since he left hospital. In his own words, he had a good innings.

    It's not really sunk in yet, lots to do with supporting mum with funeral arrangements etc.

    <3 Viv UK

    Very sorry to hear this but glad it was peaceful. :heart:
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Viv - I'm so sorry about your Dad. Hugs!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    Viv- May God bless you Sing his soul to Heaven with might. Never be sad for them going for they have a better place to go will wait for you there.Do not cry for moments lost,but happy tears for the times you had. When he looks down let him see you dance with the passions he taught so he can enjoy the show. For the Drums are calling him home to join ones gone long long ago.

    Terri- That’s who I was thinking of but the name was tip of my tongue 👅 couldn’t remember for nothing! She even looks a lot like Mrs.Wood! I thought at first Carol then said no not her. Just couldn’t put my finger on it.

    Amber Tx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Pip sorry about Bulwinkle.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    Kettlebell success! 70.2 pounds lost and hopefully never found again!


    Mary from Minnesota/Arizona
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    Kettlebell success! 70.2 pounds lost and hopefully never found again!


    Mary from Minnesota/Arizona
