
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up watched joyce and had my tea,, now to get dressed and walk the dogs and feed DFIL and go to work..
    So far no luck in finding anything.. but I hope to find something soon...When you dread going to work you know its time..
    Everyone think good thoughts in me finding just the right niche..
    Viv~ I remember doing all you had to do, but my mom went before my dad.. I still think of him everyday and have asked for there help in finding something...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    edited June 2019
    It sounds like you are more likely to want to work a whole day on one project, whereas I prefer to work a little every day on various projects. I find shorter stints more interesting.

    If it is something fairly minor, I can do a variety of thing in an evening.

    But for me, things like my paperwork require focus and concentration. I'm so far behind ... I need to decide how I want to set up my filing system before I can actually do the filing.

    Same with my uni projects and projects at work. I like to get into a work zone where lose track of time, forget to eat, etc. Today, for example, I didn't eat lunch till 3 pm.

    BTW, I know about those miniature Paris studio apartments! I have a friend who works at one of the universities there. My husband and I stayed in her apartment for about a week in 2007, then with her boyfriend and her for several days in 2012.

    Her 2007 apartment was one small room with the kitchen in a tiny alcove + a tiny bathroom.

    Her 2012 apartment was two rooms + tiny bathroom + itty bitty balcony!!

    M in Oz

  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Pip-I’m sorry about your puppy.We lost our last shepherd a while back and I still miss him.He was my guardian.
    Debby In Va
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,607 Member
    Lanette - I'm sure they supped a few beers! But I'm not betting on violence. They were mostly over 70! :D I've seen Morris Dancers many times, but the urban environment made it unusual. You usually come across them in country villages.

    KJ - Kedgeree is a rare treat, because of all the rice, but it is delicious. We had it with chicory salad. Lovely to be cooked for! <3 I was fine on calories in the end. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow to see if I've lost another pound.

    DH is out at the cricket locally with his friend. I had to give the house a very quick spruce up as I took him on a guided tour.
    I used some time this morning to cook some healthy rice mixture in the IP. I had 300 calories for lunch and will freeze the rest in 400 cal batches as a base for salads.
    It was 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup brown lentils, 1 cup quinoa. Three cups water. 22 mins high pressure, 10 mins natural release.
    I calculate roughly that one ounce cooked mixture is 100 calories.
    I have to make sure it goes quickly into the freezer as I love it.

    Don't know yet what is happening about dinner. :# Men! :laugh:
    I'm not cooking, that's for sure!

    Going to do some rowing for bonus calories this afternoon. It's too hot out for running. I have a favourite programme to catch up with. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
    edited June 2019
    Slow progress with my MS Donations, up to $825!! I’m over the 1/2 way mark!!!, I haven’t been paying much attention to it cuz of winkle but that’s ok. So far I’m averaging about 20minutes of workout time now that I start an hour earlier. It’s nice getting home a bit earlier too
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    In checking out the physical therapy exercises for feet (Metatarsalgia & Morton's Neuroma) one therapist recommends rolling around a spiky massage ball under the foot. Has anyone tried that with good results?

    Cool & rainy SW WA State

    Funny you should say that! I'm rolling my ball right now. :) I have a blue spiky massage ball which I roll while on the computer in the evenings. Every now and then it gets away from me and rolls under my chair or across the floor ... and it would probably look hilarious to a casual onlooker as I chase my ball and collect it again. :grin:

    I have arthritis in the joints of both feet where my big toes attach to my feet, and the muscles in my feet have become very tight. So my podiatrist has recommended the spiky ball to help improve the flexibility in my feet. I'm not positive it has helped, but it feels good.

    I also have some other foot exercises I do as well, and he suggested wrapping my feet in heat packs for a little while before and after I do the exercises to help loosen things up. I have done that, and it is wonderful, but it is time consuming and I'm often up and down all evening long. So ... instead of the heat packs, I do some of the foot exercises in the shower ... being careful to brace myself so I don't slip!

    Machka in Oz