

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 I went to sable d'elonne a long time ago a few times.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    I wear a sports bra for horseback riding, but can't stand control panels over my belly. To each her own way!

    My mother's theory of the universe is that everything is ultimately caused by food allergies. She would definitely believe that a person who is sometimes distant has some sort of discreet belly distress.

    A hot humid sunny day here. My ankle is still sore. I think I will let everything rest until Tuesday. That's when I exercise with my father.

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did a hour of training games on the Wii. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of 10MS Carb Burner DVD then take the extremepump class.

    Connie – So grateful your mom didn’t break anything!

    Rebecca – gee! You didn’t post any pics where you look hideous. What am I missing?

    My girlfriends came yesterday. We had a good time talking. One gal would talk a lot, but I think some of that is loneliness on her part. I get the feeling that she isn’t someone who is adventurous. She’s been in NC now for a couple of months and from what I understand she seems to know only two streets – hers and her daughter’s. Rita got her out and she was amazed to see tall buildings in Greensboro. And to make the trip to Newton, that was something that seemed to be out of her comfort zone. I gotta go see her sometime. Unfortunately, I don’t know her address but I know that Rita does so maybe I’ll email Rita and ask for it.

    Sun is out a bit. I’ll probably go in the pool today. It was rainy off and on yesterday

    Michele in NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    It's Sunday ladies!

    Some thoughts....

    CICO - I tend to try to "outsmart" strict CICO, so gave that up decades ago. I would use a large portion of the day's calories on donuts, candy, desserts... I deserved treats, right? And I stayed within my calories, sort of. A couple more cookies wouldn't hurt. :s Even with WW, I'd turn to salty and sweet snacks to use up extra points.

    I'm finding that with eating fewer carbs/sugars and upping the healthy fats and proteins, the total calories are coming in where I want them - which right now is around 1600 per day in an effort to drop a few pounds around my middle. Normal maintenance for me is around 1900 - 2100 per day and it's a challenge not letting the salty/sugary stuff in to make up the difference.

    ON getting older. I like "mature" the best, but consider "aging" OK in the broad sense, lol. "Senior" is generally OK. How about "wise" or "experienced?" >:)B) I do not like the term "elderly" - to me, it's one step away from being frail, but that's just me. The tribes refer to their older population as "elders" which has the connotation of the generation that is respected and wise among their people. Love that.

    - I'm a big fan of Fitday, and purchased the software from them about 15 years ago so it's all resident on my PC. Interesting to read my food and weight log and throughout the years and the comments. And I still have my WW logbooks from decades ago.

    The MFP diary has taken over the food logging part these days, but I still log my weight (generally once or twice a month) on the Fitday weight log. I think Fitday has a free online version. Funny to see back in my early 50's how I'd despair at a weight which was perfectly fine for me, yet always wanting that five pounds less. :(

    Now I base my expectations more on my health and how my clothes fit rather than that nasty scale since menopause has decided to rearrange my fat deposits. :#

    Connie - glad your mom is basically OK. Whew.

    I'd better get cracking around here. Make it a great day, ladies! <3

    Cool & cloudy SW WA State

    Program: IF 12:12, Net carbs under 80 gm, Fiber over 25 gm, Total sugar under 50 gm. Added sugars under 10 gm. On maintenance attempting to ditch 5 lbs. 1500 - 1600 cal/day. Macros: 25% Carb, 55% Fat, 20% Protein Current BMI: 24.2

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Sports Bras -- absolutely! Especially when I exercise! But I haven't worn a bra with a clasp since my very early days of wearing bras many decades ago. Well, I've tried, but just can't do it. And definitely no underwire. In fact, quite often I'm in a tank top with a shelf bra ... when I discovered those, there was no going back!

    Body Shapers -- nope. I don't like wearing anything tight.

    The Tour de France is back on!! So much for sleep for the next 3 weeks. :grin:

    It is played live from about 10:30 pm to whenever they're done which can be anywhere from about 12:30 am to 2:30 am ... so I will watch most nights until 1 am, which is when I usually go to bed.

    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Machka - Thankyou new recipes!!! You had a few I haven’t found!!! All recipes help!


    Bananaandoranges- Was the young mans Mom just having the flu 🤒 or was it something more serious like cancer,aids, diabetes that’s hospitalized her? I always did my homework 📚 but would start to struggle to get my work in when Moms Cancer would get deadly.Finally the teachers sat me down asked but didn’t believe me so told them Moms hospital 🏥 room number they showed up. After that they brought me clothes to food helped me by giving class materials ahead of time so I was always ahead (Think I was in 4th it 5th grade maybe lower). The Special Needs teachers helper gave me stuff for Mom to help Autistic/Downsyndrome/retardation said she wished she had stuff for cancer too (Was items to help with learning that was plenty in my eyes). They even showed up at my jobs to support me by saying how wonderful I am to my bosses. (Been working since I could push a broom 🧹 different era back then). They clipped coupons for me those were the best! I used my paycheck to buy groceries so used the coupons stocked up on items we needed like 10c shampoos after coupon! One gave me a Luby’s Coupon cause he found out I went there on report card day as a family Dad y me pulling our cash together.He double whammy surprised me by showing up paying for my meal at the register so mom (coupon) y me (he payed I got the kids plate) were free! So only Dads with the money saved we payed extra towards the car insurance saved $30 more for paying in full.Used the $30 towards being ahead on the light bill so on a bad month had a cushion.The same teacher was my driving instructor for my hardship license.They also had to accommodate my health issues y my now kids Godmother.They found out when she was with me about how she had a McDonald’s job lied about age to work to help a single mom who escaped an abusive ex with 3kids gave her mom a lunchroom job! Her Mom was able to go from 4jobs to 2 that way while she worked after school. Well confided in them about more kids had another single parent home with a baby sister he worked under the table for the water plant.We were their A y sometimes all A’s 1B students.One struggling the hardest they supported by giving extra homework help to keeping an officer 👮 posted near her classroom when she got the courage to leave her identical twin sister Jennifer behind move in with a Jewish boy from school to escape a cult her parents belonged to they showed up for court to support her give testimony.Jeanet married the Jewish boy Chad been happy ever since ,but she can’t see her family at all last I heard her identical twin brothers had ran away moved on with them so 3free from one action .She’s now a Rabi wife her hubby heads his Dads church after he retired.Sad part is I saw other kids with zero burdens who chose not to do homework took the easy route in life which had bad endings. I can understand troubles in life causing homework issues but laziness cutting corners you get what you get if they don’t head the warnings once let alone twice they never will!

    Brain fogs 🧠 extra bad today but started a period (last one 2 1/2weeks ago was 7days long spotting only) so my period y Menopause tracker apps are loosing their minds lol. The darn anxiety level in my chest is annoying me. Yes melting snowman ☃️ in my mirror too lol especially my belly y bra area. Of course I’m more worried how the face mask will go watched a YouTube tutorial said make sure it touches no hair well goodness my hairy areas are the most wrinkled to needing dark spots removed! Guess it can just tug out my chin strands, thick mustache,y side nose hairs. Good thing it’s not on my hairy chest! Pregnancy post menopause leads to a ridiculously high testosterone levels with zippidy doo dah estrogen. So I got hair like a man I fight with now figure oh well mask is going to be a wax job lol. Wore my surgery tummy control stuff for years took it off finally not wearing anything like that ever again!!! Hot heavy ridiculous to wear when changing diapers on the floor! Posted a pic of what so wear under dresses that blow up or short if you bend for pets/baby/gardening!
    Tired but pushing through.

    Amber Tx

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) I have meditated "dailyish" for about four years and it has added to my life. I meditate in a chair usually with my husband meditating in the living room at the same time. We do silent meditation. He has been meditating for decades.

    :) CICO along with staying with nutrition dense foods is what I have used as the basis for weight loss and keeping the weight off. I have a few small high quality treats but don't eat sugary or salty snacks. Right now I am trying to further cut back on sodium.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • dremes77
    dremes77 Posts: 4 Member
    I am seeing a weight specialist he has me watch the saturated fats to 7g and limited sodium to 1500g daily it is hard to watch the fat but I am losing weight.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Oh yes here in SanAntonio Texas we have ice cream lickers to listerine back in the bottle spitters striking out stores! Then putting it back on shelves their on the help for all the kids they have ruined their lives thinking their YouTube games so important! Food tampering is a felony here! Started with 1 kid now tons of copycats here! Can’t even buy groceries without wondering now.
    This kid tho is lucky going to Juvenile court because she was younger than they first thought! She’s a middle schooler not high schooler yet her boyfriend older than her.

    https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/bizarre-footage-of-walmart-shopper-gargling-mouthwash-and-spitting-back-into-bottle-causes-outrage-online/news-story/c2ce7ced73c8bd0122a9c0d455de6132 I recognize the layout looks like a Walmart near my area.


    Amber Tx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    M I have done meditation on and off. I know it saved me when I was teaching in the inner city.

    For me it what ever works to get me into a calm state. That is one reason I love to garden and to visit gardens. Listening to meditative music while I read. Painting is another activity that relaxes me.

    :heart: Margaret

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    I've been at this for 6 wks and down 13 lbs. I have 20 more to go. I've been eating whole foods, low carb and no sugar. This web site has really opened my eyes to making every bite count and getting exercise. I am 68 1/2, I still work. I do low impact cardio, strength training 5 days a wk for 30 minutes. I ride my bicycle to work and to run errands, about 20 minutes a day. I have been tempted to cheat, but have not. I have learned some excellent tips from reading posts. Getting fit is a mind set. You have to get stubborn. I hope I've encouraged someone and thank you for encouraging me. We can do this, we're in this together. God bless you!

    Bravo! Welcome! <3

    Sounds like you've hit on a plan & lifestyle that is working great for you B)

    Misty SW WA State
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Karen in VA and friends, I had lab work done week before last, my sodium is way low, my HDL is way high and my WBC is way too low. So doctor said up table salt, which I've avoided for years, cut back on water consumption and possibly up protein. No way I can up protein, it's 50% of my daily intake now. So I'm supposed to do this for two weeks and redo labs. Not really concerned as I feel great and workout daily but I don't want to run head first into some larger problem. Any advice?

    Janetr OKC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Janet OKC y Karen VA- What about protein pills or shakes? They also have Protein Cereals,Mac y cheese,ice cream,vegan soy versions,cheddar puffs,pizza,y more now at Walmart to regular grocery stores. Think it’s cause if the Keto movements popularity.

    Amber Tx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    Do you all have accountability partners? What does that mean exactly?

    Annie in Delaware
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    I don’t have an accountability partner but I got a Husband partner who confusingly asks are you sure you want Starbucks??? Thought you were on a diet I’ll get you all the Starbucks you want! Unless you don’t want that then don’t but I’m not telling you not to you can have all you want.I don’t know what you want now.
    Got here y a cousin I talk to about our diets.
    Talk to my Dad to Doctors but that’s it.
    Hubby bought me a watch that I turn off because it called me lazy when I was changing the babies diaper (I kept my kool didn’t toss it at a window as it beeped at me y the baby).

    Think accountability partner is probably someone you can talk to when your about to crack y grab a chocolate bar! Oops spoke out loud while reading this think hubby ran for chocolate 🍫...... guess I’m getting chocolate today

    Amber Tx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    Re: meditation. Meditation can be very difficult for anyone who has experienced trauma (which so many women have), and it's recommended to do trauma therapy before engaging in meditation. Meditation can open up a lot of wounds, fears, and the shadow part of ourselves.. so if we haven't healed those things to some extent, it can be extremely difficult to do alone. There are a few psychologists who have done work in this area and probably explain it better than I.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Spanx is what I’ve used to cover panty lines and I always had trouble with them not staying up where they should. I found the over the shoulder one that Allie has and love that pair.

    Mothers when I was a little girl I always wanted to look like my mom. She was absolutely beautiful! When she got older she did not think so anymore. She did not age as well or she would have liked to. I thought she was always beautiful!! I can see my mother in all of us four girls.

    Eating plan most of us do what works for us. That is what I do. I found what works for me. Little steps, make goals, read success stories to see what works for others...


    Mary from Minnesota/Arizona