Dudes- Do you prefer the "natural look" or "make up" look?



  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Heading to the local county fair,will put on a fire suit when I get home. :laugh:

  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Some makeup is OK - definitely if applied lightly.

    But my preference is little or no makeup at all, sweaty, dirty fingernails and tattoos. Real-life dirty, not hobo dirty. ;)

    My wife is sometimes afraid to enter the house after coming home from yoga if she knows the kids aren't here.
  • Shantre
    Shantre Posts: 66 Member
    I've never really cared for wearing makeup. It's good to see what you guys talk about though.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    I loveee my make-up, but It's important to know when to wear it.
    like you won't see me at the gym with it on.

    but when guys say they prefer the natural look, they are lying.

    Like when a female says she wants personality over looks.

    well played.
  • sweetsapphire85
    I know this isn't a truely "valid" source (as it is cosmo magazine) and they are trying to market stuff obviously. But there was an article that also surveyed men and most said they prefer natural looking woman. But when asked which female was more beautiful (a natural woman vs. a made up woman) the percentages they gave always sided with the made up woman. Like i said I know they are not a credible source of information but at the same time I'm confused if this was factual information...

    For the men....Is there a distinguishable difference between attractive vs. beautiful? I think in general females think they are one in the same....
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    There's a difference in completely natural looking like you rolled out of bed and looking natural but with makeup on. Most guys want you to look presentable, and not like death walking... lol... sometimes I look great without makeup and I wear very little compared to most women even when I dress up. However, sometimes you gotta put a little concealer for your eyes or something so you don't look like the 3 hours of sleep you got with a sick toddler and the stomach flu... lol....
    I would say that the overly makeup look is easily less popular because it looks plastic but seriously we want to see fresh faced people, not death or plastic.... somewhere close to natural but pretty is nice.
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    and I said we... but I mean Everyone.... because I'm not a man... I'm sure my profile picture was confusing everywhere there...
  • BellySoonGone
    First - wasn't the question clear: "Dudes- do you prefer....?"
    So why more women then men are answering on this post..? Why are women answering this question at all.
    Or maybe those are dudes wearing that much make-up that makes them look like gals?

    So to the answer now: as a guy - I like a woman that looks good & I don't really ask myself: is any makeup there or not to make her look that way...I just notice when there is too much, because I don't like to feel like visiting the wax museum..
    Otherwise, trick me into thinking they're hotter, or more radiant, or whatever (bigger eyes), or just because it makes them feel good.. I'm fine with it.
    Someone said that the celebs are all wearing it to look that way.. that's just fine with me. Make up properly applied works for me - on a woman. NOT on dudes.. LOOOOOL
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    First - wasn't the question clear: "Dudes- do you prefer....?"
    So why more women then men are answering on this post..? Why are women answering this question at all.
    Or maybe those are dudes wearing that much make-up that makes them look like gals?

    So to the answer now: as a guy - I like a woman that looks good & I don't really ask myself: is any makeup there or not to make her look that way...I just notice when there is too much, because I don't like to feel like visiting the wax museum..
    Otherwise, trick me into thinking they're hotter, or more radiant, or whatever (bigger eyes), or just because it makes them feel good.. I'm fine with it.
    Someone said that the celebs are all wearing it to look that way.. that's just fine with me. Make up properly applied works for me - on a woman. NOT on dudes.. LOOOOOL

    Sorry we've been responding, we'll go back to the kitchen and make you a sandwich now.
  • PatientBearTiger
    First - wasn't the question clear: "Dudes- do you prefer....?"
    So why more women then men are answering on this post..? Why are women answering this question at all.
    Or maybe those are dudes wearing that much make-up that makes them look like gals?

    So to the answer now: as a guy - I like a woman that looks good & I don't really ask myself: is any makeup there or not to make her look that way...I just notice when there is too much, because I don't like to feel like visiting the wax museum..
    Otherwise, trick me into thinking they're hotter, or more radiant, or whatever (bigger eyes), or just because it makes them feel good.. I'm fine with it.
    Someone said that the celebs are all wearing it to look that way.. that's just fine with me. Make up properly applied works for me - on a woman. NOT on dudes.. LOOOOOL

    Sorry we've been responding, we'll go back to the kitchen and make you a sandwich now.

    Don't forget the beer.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I don't care as long as the woman looks like the same person with or without make up.
    I remember some girls in my college dorm that looked totally different going to sleep and waking up.
  • BellySoonGone
    First - wasn't the question clear: "Dudes- do you prefer....?"
    So why more women then men are answering on this post..? Why are women answering this question at all.
    Or maybe those are dudes wearing that much make-up that makes them look like gals?

    So to the answer now: as a guy - I like a woman that looks good & I don't really ask myself: is any makeup there or not to make her look that way...I just notice when there is too much, because I don't like to feel like visiting the wax museum..
    Otherwise, trick me into thinking they're hotter, or more radiant, or whatever (bigger eyes), or just because it makes them feel good.. I'm fine with it.
    Someone said that the celebs are all wearing it to look that way.. that's just fine with me. Make up properly applied works for me - on a woman. NOT on dudes.. LOOOOOL

    Sorry we've been responding, we'll go back to the kitchen and make you a sandwich now.

    I hope you mean it...
  • Kaycurrier
    Kaycurrier Posts: 231
    I wear makeup. i am an image and beauty consultant so i make my living off helping women look how they want. I also teach skin care classes and I tell my clients, with a good skin care routine and some SPF, you really don't need makeup. I still prefer it because it is hard to sell it if you don't advertise it lol. Plus, I have really long eyelashes but they are blond, I absolutely love two coats of mascara. One for fullness, and then one to add a little length and smooth it out.

    I think it is great that there are men who like the natural look. My husband of course thinks I am pretty without makeup, but he definently prefers when I have it on. It took a long time for me to realize that he doesn't think I am ugly or need it, he just liked my eyes to stand out more since he loves them so much!

    Also, he is a Marine who is a sucker for a blond in red lipstick! (I use the kind that doesn't come off while kissing so you don't taste it lol)
  • bhagavatilad1
    I prefer to go all natural. Hey I think my MFP friends know more about me than other people I know.

    When I used to work full-time at the office I used to wear makeup everyday but now I enjoy being in my jeans and T-shirt. I thought I looked trashy but I still get passes made. My X-hubby came to town and I was sweaty and smelly, no makeup, my legs were not shaved I had dirty fingernails from peeling spuds and he was all shaken-up and super nice desperate for sex. So I figured if I lose some weight he won't be able to resist next time.

    If you want her to wear some makeup ask her to put it on everyday if need be, she doesn't know how you feel. I always knew my X would get turned on when I started putting lipstick on.

    These days I like to get dressed up when I get invited to functions at the people's place where I work.
  • tinamarie0711
    Sorry but some women NEED makeup sometimes it helps sometimes it dont:tongue:
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I personally feel naked without my makeup on. I was raised by a mother who stressed that women aren't to leave the house without make up on and hair done - no matter what. (yes, I know - she is a nut) I just feel ugly without it - that it hides me from everyone. Does that make sense? I am enjoying reading the comments. If it were true that most men liked their women with a "naked" face maybe we wouldn't feel so compelled to put it on? How many celebs and models do you see with no make-up on? They wouldn't be where they are without it unfortunately... Anyhow just my two cents even though I am a woman replying to the thread :blushing:
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    You GUY's Rock!
  • MissaUndead
    First - wasn't the question clear: "Dudes- do you prefer....?"
    So why more women then men are answering on this post..? Why are women answering this question at all.
    Or maybe those are dudes wearing that much make-up that makes them look like gals?

    So to the answer now: as a guy - I like a woman that looks good & I don't really ask myself: is any makeup there or not to make her look that way...I just notice when there is too much, because I don't like to feel like visiting the wax museum..
    Otherwise, trick me into thinking they're hotter, or more radiant, or whatever (bigger eyes), or just because it makes them feel good.. I'm fine with it.
    Someone said that the celebs are all wearing it to look that way.. that's just fine with me. Make up properly applied works for me - on a woman. NOT on dudes.. LOOOOOL

    Sorry we've been responding, we'll go back to the kitchen and make you a sandwich now.

    Don't forget the beer.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I hardly wear makeup, but when I do its because my boyfriends likes when I do. He has a thing for eyeliner, I like to call it a fetish. He doesn't like that word he said, haha!
  • cmonskinnylovee
    Natural look is always hot. Especially after you wake up in the morning. Too many woman wear too much makeup and they look like clowns. I can understand if you wear a little to cover blemishes but a natural glow is far more beautiful

    I am not a guy, but I do have eyeballs and I completely agree with you. I love how girls look right after they wake up in the morning, for some reason it's so beautiful! I always try and achieve the freshly awoken look :)

    I also don't think cover up should really be included in this because you can't always tell when a girl is wearing it... unless she's blind and can't see that it's three thousand shades too dark/light for her skin... then you can tell