
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,696 Member

    Hi Gals,
    Machka – your place looks great, I like the colors - I think the openness of no upper cabinets is nice, but I would be lost with that much less space.

    Tracey – so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend

    I have read from my phone for days and days… so have missed so much! I can read the first post on a page, logoff and when I get on again not realize that I missed most of a whole page.
    So hugs for those that need/want them. Cheers for everyone, welcome to the new ones.

    The heat finally reached me… yuck. But a few thoughts on living without air conditioning. I have no a/c and just a wall unit for heat. Oddly the heat unit is one that lets heat out from both sides and it fills a section of wall, so in my house one side is in the hall bathroom, the other in the entry. Neither are places I would prefer to have heated and it doesn’t have a built in fan so it’s pretty useless. I do own (with the bank who holds the mortgage) my home so I don’t have to talk with a landlord – but my bank account controls me!

    With the landscaping I have 3 large deciduous trees on the west side to block the afternoon sun and another large tree on the east side just because… I have screens on all the windows and screen doors for every door and slider. Screens help with bug issues but more important for me is it means Levi won’t get out. Most my windows are double paned – I did that a few at a time over years, all of them can be locked with a 2 -3 inch gap to let air move but not let someone in. But no insulation in the walls or floor, and minimal in the ceiling. I really want to add it to the ceiling, I think I could do it myself, but that is a big time and medium $$$ winter job. In the evening when the sun is off the house and the outside air temp is lower than the inside air temp I open up- EVERYTHING – as it gets later and close to bed time, I set up a large commercial fan on my kitchen counter where the fan will fill the kitchen window. And I set it to blow air OUT, then I crack the windows just a bit, except for the window at the far other end of the house, which I also open wide, this sucks the cool air in and through the house then back out. I sleep all night like that and in the morning the house and outside are within a couple of degrees of each other. Once the sun is up and the temps are climbing the windows and doors are closed and drapes closed while there is sun of the window. It’s a process but usually the inside of the house only gains 10-15 degrees; far less than the outside gains. The other big trick is to use the fewest heat generating things possible while the house is closed up. Little cooking, no vacuuming, no TV (just hold your hand behind it and you’ll be amazed at the heat)…. It works for me, but would drive most folks batty!

    Kim from N. California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Machka - I totally understand accidental filing (or cleaning out a closet, cupboard, etc.) Seems like I go looking for one thing or straightening one thing and it turns into an unplanned project. However, it does feel good when it is done.

    Ginny in Ohio.

    This all started with me wanting to locate my long running tights because it's winter and I use them for cycling outside if I'm not running.

    Then I decided to organise my exercise tights drawer ... next thing I knew I was organising the dressing room ... some of the stuff from the dressing room came out to "My Spot" in the main living area and filled up the empty spots ... so I started moving it into a better location ... and I remembered I needed to find a couple things ... and now I've got an organised dressing room and "My Spot" is reasonably organised!!

    I just wish I had more time right now ... I'm kind of on a roll and could potentially finish the whole place!! But I really need to get working on my homework for my current course.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member

    Did Gilad’s Ultimate Cuts and Curves DVD. Pretty good. The plan for tomorrow is to do some training games on the Wii.

    Katie and Lenora – thank you for telling me about GA’s distracted driver law. In the car, I’m always thirsty (I suspect it’s because of the dry air) and I am constantly drinking water. Of course, we go thru GA on our way to FL. Not sure what I can do. What do people usually do in this situation? I never answer or even look at to see who is calling) my phone while I’m in the car, I always pull over to the side. But I don’t know how I can avoid drinking water.

    Pool party today. Going out now to vacuum the spa.

    Rebecca – I bought a pack & play for Denise at the Salvation Army for $2.99. Of course, I didn’t tell her it was from the SA. But it did have some mold on it. So I got another one from the SA which was brand new for $15. I just told her I bought a new one. That’s true. I just don’t tell her where I bought it.. I understand how you feel about the kids not coming to your house. Pete has been here 3 times (he and Denise have only been together over 10 years). He told me “it’s just so much easier for you to come up here, you’re retired”. Ahhhh…not that easy. Besides, I can’t see any reason why they can’t come here once/year.

    I have Waze right now, but like the other day it was telling me to take a north bound road when I knew the store was on the south bound road! Also, there isn’t a way to tell it that you want to go another way to your destination. I’m just getting a little frustrated with Waze.

    Karen VA – so sorry you found out that way

    Had the Newcomer pool party today. Sort of disappointed there weren’t more people. It was such a gorgeous day.

    Michele in NC
    Who is really really tired
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Distracted driving... a friend of Mama's actually changed out of her girdle while barreling down highway 101 back when it was two lanes winding through the nothern California hills. Mama though she was going to die.

    Bear update, got the garbage again last night, my bad. I'd thrown away some stinky old vitamins and moldy whole wheat tortillas. Lesson learned again.

    Thanks Machka... giving this some thought.. . "accidental filing" LOL., sounds like my DOMnedinoes fell on you too!
    shcgiebs been there too! Baby steps bring us back on track. Would you let us know what to call you and your general location?
    Karen in VA :sad: Learning from FB is like hearing from a third party, a hurtful blow. Your stepdaughter is considering moving near to her inlaws?
    Shannon if anyone can find a way for cats and furry rodents to co-exist peacefully, it's you.
    Katla Arrow is so lucky to have you to visit and play with him without riding through his recuperation. Fun for you both!

    Went to the county fair today to hear the bagpipers instead of Taking Tumble to dog group. Succumbed to some kettle corn but when I saw the elephant ears sign I turned around and walked the other way.

    Need to channel my inner Lisa/NYKaren/Tracey/KJ and other fix it up gals to start this summer's project: stripping/prepping/restaining or painting the deck. Have some goo I'll try on the first two boards. . . maybe tomorrow ;}

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    will update these later too, haven't been keeping up on my metrics. Meditate 0/31, knee exercises 0/31, CO>CI 5/31, vits+rx 3/31, play with Tumble 2/31, AF 2/31, steps: Tues:5770, Wed:3425 :{ Thur: 5949 so far
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for July: consistency.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Sunday -- My husband and I had a nice walk to the beach and back and then hopped on the trainers to Zwift during the end of the TDF.

    Distance - 18.45km
    Elevation - 166m
    Moving Time - 51:25
    Elapsed Time - 51:25
    Speed - Avg: 21.5km/h | Max: 63.4km/h
    Heart Rate - Avg: 121bpm | Max: 141bpm
    Cadence - Avg: 73 | Max: 98
    Power - Avg: 91W | Max: 149W

    Machka in Oz
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Having probs with MFP on phone and ipad having to log in sometimes and not at other times.

    Our mini heatwave gone rained all day yesterday, still raining now (this is why we don't need AC :D:D )

    Kate UK <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    I am up and having my tea, fed the birds and am just catching up with you all before going to feed my DFIL... then dropping my other cable stuff back at the store , and will have to have someone come out and get this stuff working for me. I have it all plugged in right, but these new fangled t.v. are beyond me...
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2019
    Michele Yep, I agree about Waze shortcomings, but it is still the best navigator app I know of. For example, when we recently went to a race track for my grandson's birthday Ferrari ride, Waze took us off I-95N for about 3 miles. We could see a traffic jam up ahead...there had been an accident...Waze routed us around the accident before it was too late to be able to get off I-95N, which got us there on time. Grateful! If there is a better one out there, I don't know about it...p0503.gif

    Barbara Yep, stepdaughter (partner's biological daughter) is taking the kids to France in September to be with her in-laws to determine if she wants to live there permanently. If she stays, I guess her green-carded, estranged husband will probably be forced to follow within a year. The in-laws have been encouraging her to move there for some time, and she apparently has decided to give it a try. :'(. To be clear, the French grandparents love the kids & want the best for them. They have several homes and lots of money. The kids would want for nothing. We could fly there to visit them (just as the French grandparents do now.)


    Off to work in a few minutes.

    Karen in Virginia
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Hope it is/was a peaceful Sunday for all and sundry.

    The last couple conference days let me know how out of shape I truly am... glad I got that gym membership to get that back in progress. Total 23,000 steps in the last two days, and my body's feeling every one of them. Nice to know that I CAN do that, but now I need to get back to doing it for myself, and not just for work. Feel like I've been worked over by a Girl Scout using a crowbar. :wink:

    Rori - hope all the memories it brought back were good ones! Conferences, when you're the one putting them on, are exhausting, but considering I'm on the revenue side of the equation, the ROI of it all stays uppermost. There's a reason why this council was number one in ALL councils of all sizes across the nation in FY18 for volunteer satisfaction. :)

    But back home, slept well, and for me for a long time, and glad to have no travel on my calendar noted for the foreseeable future. I need time to get back into a workout routine, and to get to the gym regularly, and make it a positive addiction. Lots of inspiration here to do that, and I'm grateful for y'all.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Machka ~ You certainly live in a beautiful place! :)
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    Hello ladies. I am unhappy with my results. I do well during the week, and horrible on the weekend, and now my weight hasn't dropped at all. And there's another picnic next weekend. Hmm. I guess I either have to take my own meal, or eat very lightly before and after. I'm probably just feeling discouraged because I'm tired. My dog won't let me sleep in after a night out. We went to a minor league baseball game 2 hours away. It was good fun, with fireworks after.
    I want to lose seven pounds by Sept 1. I joined a challenge for it. But I have this social eating problem. I don't feel deprived unless someone else is eating in front of me. Which happens all too often. This has got to stop.
    Annie in Delaware
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,816 Member
    edited July 2019
    kevrit wrote: »
    Great NSV for me yesterday! I am no longer a diabetic with my A1C down to 5.1!! My liver has healed as well! Doc has cut my BP meds in half, lowered my thyroid meds, and removed 2 supplements that I no longer need which all were contributing to my bowel issues and lightheaded symptoms of late! Feel better all ready! Still have to visit gastroenterologist and cardiologist to make sure all is good. I’m also only 5 pounds away from a normal weight for my height and age. All this improvement since starting the LCHF way of eating in December! First time in 35 years I’ve had a great results at doc! I’m usually getting...

    That’s wonderful news Rita.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Hello ladies. I am unhappy with my results. I do well during the week, and horrible on the weekend, and now my weight hasn't dropped at all. And there's another picnic next weekend. Hmm. I guess I either have to take my own meal, or eat very lightly before and after. I'm probably just feeling discouraged because I'm tired. My dog won't let me sleep in after a night out. We went to a minor league baseball game 2 hours away. It was good fun, with fireworks after.
    I want to lose seven pounds by Sept 1. I joined a challenge for it. But I have this social eating problem. I don't feel deprived unless someone else is eating in front of me. Which happens all too often. This has got to stop.
    Annie in Delaware

    I try to exercise more which makes me feel good and I get more calories to work with.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hello ladies. I am unhappy with my results. I do well during the week, and horrible on the weekend, and now my weight hasn't dropped at all. And there's another picnic next weekend. Hmm. I guess I either have to take my own meal, or eat very lightly before and after. I'm probably just feeling discouraged because I'm tired. My dog won't let me sleep in after a night out. We went to a minor league baseball game 2 hours away. It was good fun, with fireworks after.
    I want to lose seven pounds by Sept 1. I joined a challenge for it. But I have this social eating problem. I don't feel deprived unless someone else is eating in front of me. Which happens all too often. This has got to stop.
    Annie in Delaware

    I try to exercise more which makes me feel good and I get more calories to work with.

    On weekends I exercise more.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2019
    (((Rebecca))): Our kids want us to come and visit them, but DH’s health is not cooperating at this point. I understand how it feels to be too far apart. :cry: Thanks for your kind words regarding Arrow. I have to confess that I would not have done the same thing outside of the arena. I could do it outside with a halter and loose lead rope on him, but wouldn’t risk hands free with no available controls. :noway:

    Rori: We used to watch the dragon boat races on the Willamette River in Portland. They’re quite a stunning sight, one that we haven’t had the opportunity to see in a few years. The boats are works of art. I’m sorry you weren’t able to see them yesterday. :ohwell:

    Meg in Omaha: It is good to see you posting again. :bigsmile:

    Kim: I lived in a house similar to yours during my grade-school years. We had a basement, and when things were too brutally hot we’d go down there. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a finished basement. There was a monster furnace with octopus pipes leading to rooms on the main floor, and there was also a washing machine with two big sinks beside it. There were clotheslines down there for use in the winter and an “umbrella” clothesline in the back yard. I have good memories of that old house. :smiley:

    Machka: Thanks for sharing your make things easier list. I’m copying it. It is brilliant. :star:

    Michelle: Drinking water while you’re the driver is not a great idea, but if you’re taking turns driving with your DH you can drink your water while he is driving or stop at a roadside rest area to use the facilities and get yourself hydrated. :flowerforyou: :ohwell:

    Rebecca: We’ve had empty nest Christmas for several years and I understand how it feels. It sucks. :sad: DH won’t willingly fly again because of his health issues. I don’t want to leave him home alone so we're likely to have many empty nest Christmases in years to come. :sad:

    We have no plans for today but Monday we’re taking DH’s car to Volkswagon. We paid them to repar it about a year ago and their repair didn’t work. It now randomly makes a loud “clunk” while going down the road. Yikes!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon