The Sober Squad- Alcohol Free Living



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    Today is day three AF and my first weekend. According to my fitbit, I’ve gotten a lot better deep sleep. My heartburn is starting to go away too! I’ve not been in a great mood but that could easily be related to something else and hopefully ease up in the next two days. Anyway, just checking in and reading previous posts. :)

    Wishing you a beautiful Sunday !! Sounds like you are feeling so much better these days. :)
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    @FeelinFooFoo It's an easy "habit" to develop to drink through the week, but the difference for some of us is the habit turns into a dependency and once our brain is hooked, then it is a constant struggle to gain control...which again, for some of us, is never going to happen, it's just a game we play to continue to drink.

    So each of us has to discover what our hook is? And like you said, the numbing, dumbing-down our feelings is the usual hook. From what I've learned through many videos and articles on alcoholism, Alcohol Use Disorder or whatever label is current, it isn't so much how much or how often, but WHY we drink that indicates a problem. SO, that may be where to start...try to figure out what is underneath your desire to numb out and work on that. What I have found during my journey, and this is personal (not a recipe for anyone else) but typical for others also, is that the first year I was focused on stopping drinking, ditching the habit; but, once I had a bit of time sober under my belt...the feelings I had numbed out for SO long began to surface & helped me to see what I needed to work on and so that is the stage I am at now...BUT IT IS A PROCESS, an individual process.

    I see you beginning your own process and asking the questions to yourself that need to be asked. I'm not sure if you had commented on the YouTube video that I recommended recently. It is a 1974 interview of Dick Cavett with Dick Van D...yke...(must spell that way or it will insert the infamous "kitten") Anyway, Dick VanD explains his problem with alcohol in such a way that makes it very clear to me what the nature of alcohol addiction is. I would highly recommend it for you to's only 20 mins, but the first 5 mins into it, I lost my craving for what would have been my slow descent back into my drinking problem...Hope you do watch it and hope it helps you to arm yourself for your continued journey...

    I have this confidence in you that you WILL get a handle on this...I'm not sure why, it's just a feel. And perhaps it is because you continue to reach out which is a great thing. No matter what happens in the days ahead, please continue to reach out...and thank you for sharing your very personal struggle...that takes courage & humility and THAT can illicit great change for the better <3
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    Good morning friends <3

    @lorrainequiche59 We will be thinking of you!!! <3

  • aroze0928
    aroze0928 Posts: 254 Member
    Hi everyone
    @lorrainquiche59 goodluck tomorrow.
    I hope you enjoy the family's company.
    And of course my sympathy to you for getting through a tough day.
    Strange how things change socially when you stop drinking. Anyone else feel a complete disconnect from people that drink or I should say have a hard time connecting with new people that drink? I felt like a social pariah being offered a drink from my husband's aquaintances and declining and just wasn't into a thing that they were talking about. Hard stuff to go through or so it seemed. I think I've always suffered socially. But take the drinking out of the equation and forget it. I hope all are well.
  • aroze0928
    aroze0928 Posts: 254 Member
    Just checking in. Its my day off. @lorrainquiche59 how did everything go?
    @MonkeyMel21 Im sorry that you blew it. I have done that before. I looked like a bag lady at one point because I put on weight and I just don't know how to dress when Im heavy. Nothing looks good and you feel so discouraged. Who to turn to? A couple of cold ones. You must realize those calories are the culprit. Of course tho we're our own worst enemy. Im sure you looked good in what you tried on.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Morning friends,@MonkeyMel21 I've done that before,wanted to drink but distracted myself so I wouldn't,felt better but then drank anyways,so frustrating! You didn't go all crazy with it though so that's a plus 💗 @FeelingFooFoo you're doing a great job,yep unpacking alot of baggage is hard,we actually hafta FEEL and sometimes that's really uncomfortable, Lorraine,I'm thinking about you and your family,hope all is well,off to get my fro figured out for work,have a Fab AF day all!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    @whitpauly , I think if I would have had more rum in the house, I probably would have had more. But now it's all gone and I don't plan on stopping by the liquor store anytime soon!

    Thank you all for you kind words.