Serial Starters



  • fatoldladyonamission
    Hey guys sorry I'm late in today. Work has been incredibly difficult today and I'm mentally exhausted yet still going to do the dreaded food shopping with hubby! It's my worst nightmare whilst dieting because all the tempting stuff seems to call me so even though I'm determined it makes it harder.

    Lana sending you hugs. I so understand where you're at. I ate my way through the stress of hubby becoming an above knee amputee 2 years ago and then losing my horse of 16 years 3 weeks later. That's why I'm fighting over 100lbs that needs to go. Whatever you're grieving for it's hard not to turn to your regular comfort. All I'd say is come on here, have a rant and know everyone here is cheering for you.

    I think someone above asked about my Fitbit but apologies in the car so can't easily scan up to see who on my phone. So the Fitbit counts steps, active minutes, calorie intake from my MFP logging, heart rate, sleep and probably more I've forgotten about. Mine buzzes 10 minutes before ever hour if I haven't done 250 steps in that hour so it makes me move. I also have a treadmill at home so I try to do several 15 minute sessions of walking a day, at least until I feel I can cope with walking outside. It works well because it's an accurate calculation of how many calories I've burned versus how many I've eaten and means I can understand how much I'll lose each week, roughly. I'd be lost without it. One day I hope to do weights or swimming but not until I'm thinner!

    Evening to everyone I've missed and hugs to Dawn, it's a hard situation but there is something out there that's better for you. ❤
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - you sound like DD. she would go to stupid extremes for her old job (still does at current job, in my opinion). you know if you worked yourself to death, they would have an ad in the paper for someone else before your corpse had even cooled. take a day or a half day. other people do and you have to cover. well then, you take one and let them deal with covering. if you do take a day here and there, it may become apparent how vital you are to the practice. if you are truly unhappy, then start putting out feelers for a new position, but you have experience which should keep you at same pay even at new place. your experience keeps them from having to train you from scratch so they should pay for it. dont sell yourself short! (i know, sounds way too "mom-ish" LOL)

    for helping relax & de-stress a bit, look up some guided meditation on youtube or app store on your phone. there are tons out there for free. you may have to try a few to find a good "fit" take a 15 min break at work, sit in your car, and pop on some headphones. you will be amazed at what just a few minutes can do. for home, can also find lots for sleep hypnosis which you listen to get you to sleep or listen while you sleep.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Lana - i agree with Sara - massage/facial/pedicure to take care of yourself! look at Groupon. usually lots of good prices on local places.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    lots of posts since last i was on here! wow!

    first, want to let you know that while my ultrasound showed large fibroids, the ovaries looked normal. Gyn wants me to come back in a few months to see if fibroids have grown and see if they may be reason for weight gain & pelvic pain.

    am on steroids, muscle relaxers, and prescription pain patches for my back/hip. dr thinks it is an acute muscle spasm or muscle injury. i have never had issues with my back before. i feel like such a wimp because people have worse back issues and they deal with it every day and here i am feeling like i cant do anything! holiday weekend i literally did nothing but eat, take meds, and sleep. thought back was getting a tiny bit better, only to accompany DH Tuesday and DD on Wednesday to various doctor appointments. waiting room chairs are NOT comfortable! back feels all aggravated and painful again. a co-worker was kind enough to let me use his heating pad at work today. going to ask dr about getting referral to see phys therapist to see if the muscle can be manipulated into releasing/relaxing. i have a Jeep ride this weekend that I am not looking forward to. sad, because i ALWAYS get excited over taking the Jeep out but just getting in and out of a lifted Jeep is a bit of challenge right now. :s

    DH has been pouting since i hurt my back. i kept telling him to go on different Jeep excursions over the holiday weekend but he refused, saying he didn't want to go without me, then sat and pouted all the time because i wouldn't go out or do anything. (the family trip cancelled do to uncle getting sick) he was very annoyed with having to walk slow when we went to his doctor appointment. since he is home all day (self employed), he wants to go out as soon as i get home. all i want to do is stay home and rest. :(

    have not been eating well. its all prepackaged, processed stuff because i don't feel like standing in kitchen cooking. heat & eat has been the menu for going on 2 weeks now. its getting old, plus negatively impacting my weight. :/
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Kathryn - I am very "glad" the diagnosis was not cancer - that is good. I am sorry though for your pain and discomfort. I forget how old you are. In my opinion - this might be TMI - I wish at the age of 45 they would just take all that junk out - no need for it anymore, causes all kinds of issues we do not need. Have to go through menopause anyway - just get rid of it :smiley:
    Kind of sounds like your DH needs a kick in the *kitten* so he can feel some pain :wink: Just kidding - kind of. I hope he learns to be a bit more supportive.
    Take care of that back - and yourself. I hope you heal quickly. Do not feel like a wimp and over do it. Your body is telling you something. Listen and heal.
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi all
    Had a depressing day at work so feel so fed up. Came home and slumped on sofa. Luckily no snack food in house otherwise I would have hit the comfort eating. Not exercised as so fed up and just not motivated though I should be. Beating self up but still not enough to kick start me to get up off sofa.

    That’s my moan over with...

    FOL - so understand eating to deal with the stress. You’ve had a super tough two years. Really sorry. Thanks so much for sharing what you are doing on exercise and Fitbit. It’s really working for you xx

    Dawn - what a pressure of a job. I take my hat off to you. You’re so dedicated and conscientious.

    Hickchick - dont do yourself down- back pain is awful. I had it for first time last year and it’s excruciating so give yourself a break.

    Waves to all. 👋 love the ‘lurking’ use of that word. Made me 😊
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited September 2019
    Wow I wish I could send hugs. What a week. Keep us posted and vent as needed. At work :s still.

    I like to make myself a nice hot cuppa tea on bad days. I have instant black vanilla chai at home 6.5 units of sugar only- something to focus on that wont take 2 months to work off.......
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    Dawn--good for you for the mind-shift. You know, you don't have to be at this place forever, you just choose for a variety of reasons to be there for now. Take what you need and try to disengage from the rest. Have you heard of or its founder JT O'Donnell? It's a career coaching site. I've used it for my last two job searches and found it super helpful. You can buy individual classes one at a time for about $100 each, or you can subscribe for $30 a month. She frequently offers specials to discount it to $20 a month so I encourage you to wait for those. Then you can hoover up all of the content in about 30-60 days and cancel. But, honestly, they provide coaching with the subscription and it is invaluable. You can ask specific questions about your situation or your resume or an ad you saw online or something that's going on at work and she will give you specific, direct feedback. I had a problem at my last job and asked her about it and she really helped open my eyes to what actions I needed to take. If you can't afford, you can follow her on linkedin and find her content on youtube. She's fantastic.

    Sara--that sounds like A LOT of NSV's all rolled together. Congratulations! You are sticking with it and it's paying off! FrenchFancy and I are committing to lace up our sneakers, can we rope you in to getting your stroll in?

    FrenchFancy--OK, lace up those snickers! I did do 10 minutes on the exercise bike last night because I committed to you to do so. And I'm glad I did, even though I clock-watched every minute of it! Thank you. I commit to 10 more tonight. I know it will get easier. Maybe I need music or something. I need to start somewhere, right?

    As for me, stressful day ahead at work. I need to stay focused!

    OK, waving hi to all who follow. Have a great day everyone!

    Thank you for sharing! I’ll have to remember that site if I am searching for a new job again
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    lots of posts since last i was on here! wow!

    first, want to let you know that while my ultrasound showed large fibroids, the ovaries looked normal. Gyn wants me to come back in a few months to see if fibroids have grown and see if they may be reason for weight gain & pelvic pain.

    am on steroids, muscle relaxers, and prescription pain patches for my back/hip. dr thinks it is an acute muscle spasm or muscle injury. i have never had issues with my back before. i feel like such a wimp because people have worse back issues and they deal with it every day and here i am feeling like i cant do anything! holiday weekend i literally did nothing but eat, take meds, and sleep. thought back was getting a tiny bit better, only to accompany DH Tuesday and DD on Wednesday to various doctor appointments. waiting room chairs are NOT comfortable! back feels all aggravated and painful again. a co-worker was kind enough to let me use his heating pad at work today. going to ask dr about getting referral to see phys therapist to see if the muscle can be manipulated into releasing/relaxing. i have a Jeep ride this weekend that I am not looking forward to. sad, because i ALWAYS get excited over taking the Jeep out but just getting in and out of a lifted Jeep is a bit of challenge right now. :s

    DH has been pouting since i hurt my back. i kept telling him to go on different Jeep excursions over the holiday weekend but he refused, saying he didn't want to go without me, then sat and pouted all the time because i wouldn't go out or do anything. (the family trip cancelled do to uncle getting sick) he was very annoyed with having to walk slow when we went to his doctor appointment. since he is home all day (self employed), he wants to go out as soon as i get home. all i want to do is stay home and rest. :(

    have not been eating well. its all prepackaged, processed stuff because i don't feel like standing in kitchen cooking. heat & eat has been the menu for going on 2 weeks now. its getting old, plus negatively impacting my weight. :/

    Back pain is awful. Gotta somehow stay ahead of the pain. My back went out in May, ended up in walk in where they gave me a shot to help the pain. Lots of ice and heat and Advil. Need to do a lot more stretching in the future and it’s been giving me issues every so often ever since May. Swear it’s not fully healed. Hoping your back feels better soon! Make sure to take care of you and the back will get better in time. Hugs
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    Good morning All~~

    Today will hopefully be not-so-bad weather-wise, what with Dorian coming to pay North Carolina a visit. I am hoping that all we see in Chapel Hill is a little rough wind and some thunderstorms and rain. Crossing fingers.

    The past two months have been a tough time for me, and the weight is going up instead of down. It's the mental stress of unwanted life changes. I am facing the reality that it's time to end it with DH.

    I seem to feel hungry so often....I'm actually just needy.
    I felt I should give you all an explanation of why I cannot seem to stay on program.

    Here's a bit of a longer quote I lifted from Tara Brach:
    ".....suffering arises when, due to unmet needs for love and safety, our desire becomes fixated on substitute gratifications."

    *snapping fingers for Cabana Boys to bring more coffee*


    254.8 today
    255.0 highest
    179.0 goal

    Be safe with Dorian coming hopefully it calms down more before it gets to you.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Lana--our posts must have crossed, so I am not seeing yours until now. I'm so sorry to hear of the difficult and painful stage you are at in your marriage. I hope that resolves for you in the gentlest way possible. Please do be safe with Dorian coming strong. My goodness, you have more than your share of stress!

    Lynn--enjoy the Packers game tonight. We are a household of Vikings, but not so serious fans, so we can get still along in this thread. :)

    Regina--my goodness you've been through a lot. I'm glad you are now able to focus your attention on your own health. 
    Kathryn--I'm glad that you now have a diagnosis, and that it's not cancer, but I'm so sorry for all you are going through. You might need to focus first on stabilizing your health and then resuming on working on some of your other fitness goals. 
    FrenchFancy--sorry for the rough day, but NSV for not snack-binging! Excellent preparation!

    Sara--yes, hot tea all around!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member



    enough for one night, vanilla chai tea and knitting.

    Wishing all a good night

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Chai latte with a muscle relaxant. That is quite the "goodnight" cocktail! Think I will be sleeping well tonight! LOL
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Happy Friday everyone!

    @hickchic67 I feel for you with the back pain, I'm struggling too but I think mine is just weight related and a new mattress I just don't get along with. It's miserable though!

    Anyway, a request from me for Friday, please could everyone who's happy to, give their name on their next post? I still can't track who is who yet and it's driving me crazy trying to read through and match events in posts to names!

    I'm Nikki, usually just known as Nik and based in the south east of the UK about an hour from London. Pleased to meet you all! 😊
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited September 2019

    Good morning TGIF all over the place.

    I am Sara - Dog is Tillie or Miss T. Lana is better at remembering names than I am.

    They say that for every pound lost it takes 4 pounds of pressure off knees, I wonder if that also helps with back issues?? Thinking out loud only.

    Today is the day drum roll and organ in the background they get to announce my leaving the sub department for another sub department. I have been there 7 years and things got seriously toxic when one of the managers left last year. If there were enough jobs available they would start losing people in droves. Ooops too early for this.

    Will find out if I have to serve Jury Duty Monday I am on stand by - need to find out how much a mass transportation fare is (one way or all day) as it has been so long. I am not a good driver and parking reserved for Jury is limited and parking downtown is nuts. But then I guess that is true everywhere.

    Holding weight down, bypassed so many sweets this week with fellow coworker retiring.

    So far I am using my roll on almost every day at work to keep my claws in. I think it is the Clary Sage but it smells like good spa mud.

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking when I get to work.

  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    So far I am using my roll on almost every day at work to keep my claws in. I think it is the Clary Sage but it smells like good spa mud.

    I'm Tracy from Tennessee. I don't post very often, and probably even less in the next months. Busy time of year for my Moose Lodge.

    Sara, I love clary sage! I keep a bottle of the oil at my desk all the time. Such a calming scent.

    Happy Friday to everyone! Drink lots of water, make the best food choice you can in the situation, and move your body. We can do this. Make this time be the last time you ever start.

  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning all!

    Lana--I hope you are safe and dry.

    kbender--Yes, being here is a great step! Logging in is a great step! See if you can keep that trend of logging into MFP going now that you're on a roll!

    Kathryn--I hope you slept well and you start to feel some relief from your pain.

    Nik, somewhere I thought you said your name was Regina, so I've been calling you that for several posts now. LOL. If it's alright with everyone, I'm ok just being called Skinny (although I'm not. But I was when I was young and I still --shockingly-- think of myself that way. Sometimes I get a glance of myself in the reflection of a store window and continue to be shocked by image--not skinny, not young. HA!) I'm in Minneapolis. Full-time accountant and mid-life mom to a very active little boy.

    Sara--Weird! I'm on jury in another week, too. Also, not a confident driver. We have to call in twice a kday, in the evening to find out whether we need to serve the following morning and at mid day to see if we need to report for the afternoon. I have similar worries as you about how/where I might park if I have to report at mid-day. Thinking I might take a taxi, actually. Sounds like you've really had some successes this week with avoiding sweets, etc. I hope the official announcement today helps relieve some of your pressure at work. Sometimes just having to keep that kind of secret can be stressful!

    Tracy --Love those words of wisdom, thank you!

    I've got to get a lot done today. Going to try to stay on track! Have a great day everyone, including silent lurkers and all who follow!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited September 2019
    Hello All~~

    Sara - wishing you well at work today~

    Kathryn - I have a lot of experience with back troubles of my own and my former stagehand colleagues. I have learned that doctors will treat you with whatever their specialty is--NOT necessarily what you need!
    - If you go to a "regular" back doctor, they will medicate and/or give injections.
    - If you go to a back surgeon, they will suggest surgery.
    - If you go to a doctor who has a physical therapy section to their office, they will prescribe PT, which is non-invasive and often helpful.
    Glad to hear about the ovaries being normal! Whew~ Also, the fibroids may reduce down when you hit menopause.
    By the way, I think your DH needs a kick in the *kitten*. He is being childish and selfish. What is it with (some) men!? Stop appeasing him. Of course I know this because I am guilty of doing the same as you.

    Waving to Nikki and Dawn and Missy (gemwolf110) and Tracy (Twiley510) and Tracey in Edmonton (snowflake) and Lynn (brennerjlb) and Meghan (Marselli) and slporco and frenchfancy and Skinny and Davis and Saltine~


    252.8 today
    255.0 highest
    179.0 goal