
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    This is his wooden bike with the brooks saddle

    Is the wooden frame comfortable to ride?
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    This is his wooden bike with the brooks saddle

    Is the wooden frame comfortable to ride?

    He says like a carbon bike, very comfortable
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    This is his wooden bike with the brooks saddle

    Is the wooden frame comfortable to ride?
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    This is his wooden bike with the brooks saddle

    Is the wooden frame comfortable to ride?

    He says like a carbon bike, very comfortable

    Is it custom-built? Or is there a manufacturer who makes them?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Annie DE – it’s not a bad thing to have a cookie now and then. But only one (ok, two, but no more). If you hadn’t had that broken cookie, you would have felt really deprived. Good for you giving something up in order to stay under calories.

    Katla – we love our home. Prices are much lower down here, too, as compared to PA. There is no way on this green earth we could have afforded the kind of home we have here.

    Pip – wow, those medals

    Welcome everyone new and those returning

    Umanatraj – of course you can do it!

    Michele in NC
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Karen in Virginia I do want to learn how to post pics and cute emojis other than the few that are offered above. Perhaps there's instruction in the help section that I'll need to look at some time.

    Lisa in AR <3Michele NC <3Lanette Awww, thanks for the kind words and well wishes :-)

    Barbie in NW WA I get what you say about preferring to eat only things you prepare yourself. My best friend is like that. She's very picky (and a great cook ;-) My family grew their own food, primarily, then moving to the PNW I got involved in a food growing community. Eating for me has a social component and I sometime forget to eat if I don't have someone to do it with, which isn't a healthy practice. One of my big goals right now is to remember to eat at regular intervals.

    Lanette Thanks for the kind words and well wishes :-) A cleaner, did you say? One that uses hypoallergenic supplies?

    Lisa I pretty much been a writer most of my life, although not professionally. It's just something I've always liked to do. I'm the genealogist for both sides of my family, and over the years learned some very fascinating things about them. I've had the desire to write a novel about what's gone on and signed up recently for a novel writing class, locally, just this week B) We'll see how it turns out, um, in a few years????

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon Is the yoga you attend with several +50 attendees in/around Portland. If so, I'm definitely interested . . . .

    pip I like your rig (getting three bikes standing in it :-) The Airstream's okay, too. JK - It's awesome!!!! But, um, the Renovo . . . It's breathtaking! And should be hermetically sealed!!!

    M in OZ Renovo bikes were made in Portland, Oregon beginning around 2005. The company closed their shop about a year ago. Each one was custom made. Most of the hardwoods in their manufacturing process used were imported. But look very closely at Pip's photos and you'll see very dark wood detailing between the medium color wood and the light wood and you'll see very dark wood detailing. Some of that dark wood that Renovo used is Black Walnut, sourced in the PNW.

    Day 6 "Reinventing Rhonda"
    Did good. Walked, watched portions, ate at regular intervals, and came under all limits except fat :#
    And I've lost a little weight already since Sept 1. Hopefully, less fat and many more days ahead like today :)

    Happy weekend everyone!
    Rho (South of PDX)


  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    MFP used to open directly to the last page opened last time on. now it opens to page 1 and I have to dig up last post.is that only happening to me? or is that happening to someone else too?

    I don't see any progress at all. the male GP recommended and prescribed PT. He was comparing my meniscus tear to his own some time ago. He says he just walks normally and uses a brace when he's gonna be at the museum all day or something like that. It didn't seem very scientific to assume my tear was similar to his. yesterday I was in a seminar all day. At the end of the day I walked about 15 min or so round trip to get a drink w a colleague and my knee hurt. He didn't recommend a sports doctor or rheumatologist. The female doctor gave me a note for a specialist and said I could see a rheumatologist OR a knee surgeon which ever I preferred, but not both.

    I'm afraid it's always going to be in pain from now on since I don't see any healing progress.

    @Machka9 That's very healthy balanced eating. I'm a flexitarian according to what you wrote: mostly plant based.
    One of the directors of the schools I work at is vegan not too common here and so our meal during seminar yesterday was vegan; it was the 1st time in the years I had been there that that had happened. it was good, middle-eastern fare : tabouli, samosas, hummus, pita, felafels.Allergies:
    I'm allergic to some pollen, especially grasses, and quite allergic to dustmites. I do change sheets rather often and wash in hot water. When I got a new bed - some years after discovering allergies- I did get an allergy-free type one. I use a mattress cover that I change at least 1x a month. I can't wash clothes hot as they will just shrink and shrivel for the most part. I hang dry but can't in sunshine on balcony (not allowed to hang clothes outside visible to others in the city). Storing bedding in plastic bags or boxes sounds like a good idea, but extra effort. I always avoid carpeting, and plush furnishings. I dislike vacuuming for the noise and prefer sweeping, but the new young cleaning woman loves vacuuming (I think she would spend 20 minutes vacuuming this 200 sq ft apartment if I let her.) I had never heard eucalyptus helps with allergies though I do take it in lozenges on occasion if I have a cold.
    Do you think eucalyptus repels dust mites or kills them?

    @exermom I was thinking about freezing fruit. I have a guy friend who used to be very overweight and when I was a guest at his home I saw he always had frozen grapes in the freezer. I buy some frozen fruit which helps in that way but it seems a shame not to sometimes eat fresh fruit for it's nutrients, texture and flavour. the 20 dollar bathings suits I the 80s are probably more like 50-60 dollar bathing suits now. they were not the on sale ones, but still, back then, in the pools I was in, a swimsuit only lasted 2 months with 1h swims every day of the week. Now I swim rarely so it's not an issue.

    @auntiebk Barbara thanks for the well-wishes and good thoughts

    @lhscapil I got allergies in my mid-thirties. I have definitely met some people who had had hay fever and then it went away and they had no idea why.

    more allergies: my MIL had allergy shots and she said after 3 years of shots the allergies got better for 2 years and then got worse. of course they work for some. It says about 80% success rate on line. I tried the under the tongue technique, but it being daily with refrigerated drops, I forgot on occasion and then you have to go back some In treatment. I used to camp and hike a lot and visit and stay w friends quite a bit and it was too hard for me. shots, less frequent would have been more manageable on that level, but I just gave up quite early on, after a couple of months or so at most.

    @kevrit did the allergy shots work while you were taking them? how long were the series of shots?

    @LyndaBSS I'm sorry about your bad hospital experience. Good for you that your action was effective.

    @Anniesquats100 I think many effective eating plans suggest having treats is part of most successful long-term plans, for most people
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    KJ - Fat boy Slim is opening the Lagoon Fest just round the corner from us this morning. I debated whether to rush round there just for you, <3 but decided it would be too tight on my exercising! Sorry!
    We will visit this afternoon, but he won't be there then I should think.
    He saved the Beach Café at the Lagoon, by purchasing it when it was going to be scrapped. He lives very nearby in a beachfront house.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited September 2019
    seminar interesting yesterday
    feeling somewhat involved with the team
    decent lunch at seminar yesterday

    colleague who was evoking suicide last July (due to lack of work) is back to work and got more hours, not enough; but less bad situation. I had sent him several short mails telling him about job listings that I know he's interested in, and a few other suggestions.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member

    Pure eucalyptus oil apparently kills them.

    If I were you, I'd ask for a sports dr or a physio who specialises in knees.

    And it is going to take a very long time, but if you go to a good physio and do what they tell you to do, there should be gradual improvement.

    I've had both a podiatrist and physio working on my hip for several months now, and just recently I've been able to start running a tiny bit again.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    pip I like your rig (getting three bikes standing in it :-) The Airstream's okay, too. JK - It's awesome!!!! But, um, the Renovo . . . It's breathtaking! And should be hermetically sealed!!!

    M in OZ Renovo bikes were made in Portland, Oregon beginning around 2005. The company closed their shop about a year ago. Each one was custom made. Most of the hardwoods in their manufacturing process used were imported. But look very closely at Pip's photos and you'll see very dark wood detailing between the medium color wood and the light wood and you'll see very dark wood detailing. Some of that dark wood that Renovo used is Black Walnut, sourced in the PNW.

    Rho (South of PDX)


  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Happy Anniversary Debby!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did a Fit Body Yoga DVD. Boy, I sure can use more yoga. I need to find another time when I can do it. The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii.

    Made a pizza bake to take to bowling this Monday. It’s the end of the season so we have to go early and bring something. Afterwards, I need to make more chocolate bran muffins

    Bananas – sometimes when MFP opens, it takes me to the top of the page that I was on. It used to be that it went to where I left off. Sometimes it does…and sometimes it doesn’t. I used to like to post only once/day but now I’m finding that I need to post multiple times a day in order to keep my place

    Bananas – I’ve never had success freezing cantaloupe or watermelon (makes sense). But most every other fruit I’ve had success freezing. I always keep some grapes in the freezer for those times when a hot flash comes on. Right now I have blueberries, cherries, strawberries, bananas and grapes in the freezer

    I don’t know if this is an allergy or not but every time it seems that I have a lot of carbs (like a biscuit or something like that) I sneeze. Vince has hay fever. When we lived in PA and he cut the grass, he always wore a mask. Once we moved to NC, he doesn’t have to wear it. Interesting. There is some sort of pollen in FL that comes out in Feb right when we’re down there that he’s sensitive to. One time he thought it was something in the condo so he slept in the car. Not a good idea. The next day he went to an allergist who told him that there’s a certain pollen in the air at that time and she prescribed something for him which he begins taking shortly before we go down there.

    Debby VA – happy anniversary. So glad you didn’t have any damage from Dorian

    Michele NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Teri AZ - fantastic loss! Let us know how the analysis goes. Get better fast

    Michele NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited September 2019
    Rhonda I'm going to post animated emojis from 2 of my favorite sites. If you click on each emoji, it will take you to the sites, which you can bookmark.

    This first one is from sherv.net When you find an emoticon you want, click on it, then "get codes", then copy & paste the "forum code" option. skating-waitress-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Next is yoursmile.org Choose your emoticon. A code will appear in the box above. "ubb" is the proper code (under the long box). Copy the code & paste it here: s0228.gif

    Katla uses some fun emojis, as do others.

    To post photos, click on the landscape icon above your post. Click on "choose files", or you can drag & drop. If you need more help, one of us will help you.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    edited September 2019
    Just trying something here ...

    ... OK, it didn't work. Was trying to see if I could show a Strava widget here, but nope.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Rita - I think the blog is great... you just need more words to go with the pictures. But then again, I'm a writer, so I WOULD say that. :)

    Thank you Lisa the Writer! Encouraging coming from s pro!

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rita: I love your blog and the great advice. Thank you for sharing !!! :star:

    Pip: Your airstream looks cozy and homey. I would love to be there to see the Deception Pass MS ride. Someday. . . Thank you for participating. :heart:

    Annie in DE: We all eat things we shouldn’t from time to time. Nobody is perfect. :noway: Here is the savior—exercise. Go out and walk off the cookie calories—or what-ever you need to burn away, and then enjoy your dinner. Keep an eye on portion sizes. :smiley:

    Michele: It appears that you and DH made very good choices when you moved to NC. You selected a homesite that is away from the risk of harm and in a lovely setting. WTG!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Thanks Katla! There are actually links to 3 different ones on that website: one I started talking about growing up memories: one on my early travels: and the main one on the website. That is the newer one.

    You all are encouraging me to get more serious about writing!

    RV Rita just finished pg 22 but have to go.