
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Well went down to see the pups and bless his heart got some chicken and a carrot into Chester.. so here is hoping we keep him going.. then went and fed DFIL and he almost had me pee myself laughing .. he said dont bend down you make me nervous I had a t shirt on with a sweater over it lol..the. went to the bank and Walmart and now home.. I bought a small kitchen Island I have to put together.. so many parts... gonna read the instructions ,,I'm not afraid of putting it together but will see when my friend Trudy can help it's more fun with 2 of us putting it together..
    I feel so bad for her she hired a contractor through a reputable company and he walked off after an hour and a half.and pulled the tiles off the wall. And then his boss came over today and thought it was all a joke. And poor Trudy almost in tears..well I guess I should get cracking on it.. wish me luck.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
    edited September 2019
    Welcome Tina & Donna! Jump on in. We were all newbies once! B)

    Had a bit of a revelation this morning. After a couple weeks of being sidelined from exercise due to hernia surgery (for you newbies), and even restricted before that for several months due to pain, I discovered these things:

    1.) I didn't wear shoes for most of the time since the surgery, only the Oofos slippers or clogs. These are super soft and spongy with a high arch so there's not much pressure on the metatarsal joints. DH commented that I hadn't complained about my feet hurting. He was right. I could even walk barefoot a bit!

    Yesterday it was raining and I wanted to walk plus had business in town so I dug out my old leather Keen walking shoes. Thought they'd be retired forever - I had them in the "thrift store" part of the closet. I stuck the orthotics in them and pulled them on. A slight smidge tight due to my padded socks, but otherwise perfectly comfortable and no foot pain. I took them off once I was done with my running around, and back into the Oofos.

    2.) My sitting bones/upper hamstrings don't hurt anymore. And with all of the sitting I've been doing!

    I decided my body must have needed a reboot. I am crossing fingers I can go back a couple years, now smarter so I don't reinjure myself, and begin again in a few weeks with my strength training. :)

    Lisa - I've been thinking about your situation a lot. Kudos to you for keeping up with the gym!! I have a hunch you are feeling better, standing straighter, tummy feeling a bit tighter, Knee feeling better and you have more stamina. :) Able to do things easily now that you hadn't done for decades. Now, that's success.

    If you can put the scale in the closet for a month, please do so - I am saying this in love. <3 Breaking that addiction to the scale is one of the hardest things I've ever done after being brainwashed by our culture and the weekly weight watcher weigh-ins which I let determine my self worth for the day or week. And I still fight it. I feel like I've conquered it though when it says I've gained 3 pounds but my favorite jeans fit just fine.

    This PC is acting wonky so I'd better close before I lose this post.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!

    SW WA State
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    <3 I agree wholeheartedly with Lanette's suggestion: Put the scale away . . .
    I tried losing weight only one other time in my life and became dependent on the scale giving me feedback that I was losing some weight each day (which I never could do day-in-and-day-out). It caused me to have mood swings that drove me and my family cra-cra! I had to mentally reassess the approach I was making towards my goal.

    I think what we are each aiming for, overall, is better health in body, mind and spirit. If we accomplish that (despite what a scale says or anyone tells us), then we're being successful! <3

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited September 2019
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Sweet gal persuaded me to "embrace the curls" but doesn't want me to comb or brush, just finger and scrunch. :noway: Can't do it. Will see how it looks after brushing at nights and combing in shower. ;) For now I look rather like a bloodhound (saggy face, droopy eyes) with VERY long brown poodle fur in ringlets. [sigh}

    Barbara ... I don't believe this for one minute. <3

    I also don't know how I got through the root canal. While part of the tooth was dead, we quickly discovered one of the roots most definitely was alive. My husband was in the waiting room and heard the endodontist say novocaine wasn't needed and then heard me repeatedly tell the man to stop ... that I was in pain. The dentist didn't care and scolded me! I cannot describe the pain. And then the man had the audacity to bill my insurance for anesthetic! I reported him. When I needed a root canal this past year, I found a new endodontist who listenedd to my story and treated me with kid gloves. Totally different experience. And no pain.

    Michele ... the pool wasn't opened because we needed to take out the tree line running perpendicular to it to repair a leaking gas line to the heater. We just now got the tree line out! :|

    Lisa ... because I only allow myself 5 or less hours in which to eat, I have had to really watch the tendency to overcompensate in my eating. I can pack it in! One suggestion is time stepping. Eat but then set a timer/watch after you've eaten for 30 minutes until you put anything in your mouth. It serves as damage control. Another has been to break your fast with savory and not sweet. This has helped me too. I also look at my 5 hours as a "meal". So I break it into parts. First soup (or an appetizer-like small plate). Wait. Then a salad. Wait. My main meal. Wait and if still hungry ... dessert. And I do love dessert! I do not consistently track calories, but I have done so to see if this is really workable and almost always the numbers come in around or under what MFP would have recommended for a 1 pound per week loss.

    I know I'm in the minority here, but I weigh myself every day. There are natural fluctuations, but I chart my numbers and watch for trends. When I don't weigh every day, I am prone to deceiving myself. Everything's water weight or sodium or whatever excuse I want to give myself. That thinking is what led me to being overweight.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    I've started reading backwards to try to catch up! My eyes are improving, although I am adjusting to not having glasses and when to use readers. I am using my laptop with the print size up so that I can read and write without glasses. Still feel like I have cat eyes as I cannot use peripheral vision.

    WELCOME NEWBIES! I am fairly new myself, and have really been enjoying these lovely ladies!

    Janet Your weight loss and maintenance for 6 years is so motivating! I am wonderfully impressed!

    KJ and Kate My DH eats anything and everything so he keeps cookies and treats around...makes me crazy!

    Bananas Sure hope you are able to get the new advisor! I imagine it might be the boost you need for your writing.

    Machka What perfect weather this week! It's a great time for no appointments. Maybe you can enjoy some time in between your busy schedule to enjoy the nice weather.

    KJ Great news about the book sale for your daycare and that you could help your daughter's business in the process!

    NYKaren I keep getting a message about routine. I think my life needs it now more than ever (in order to avoid the procrastination that retired life is encouraging). Happy for you that you are doing well with your routine!

    Vicki GI I don't even have words to express my sadness for you having lost your baby and your young son! I hope I never have to experience losing a child. (((Hugs))) <3

    Rebecca What a grand elk!! He is huge!

    Ginny and All Speaking of being politically correct - it's getting harder and harder for me to know how to be PC. Living in the South, a lot of talk here is racist or bigoted, and I try to keep up with appropriate conversation so I don't let "white privilege" cloud my language. It is quite frustrating as I have always thought of people as equal, but I realize that a lot of things we said when we were younger were inappropriate. No one talked about it back then, and that included my friends of various ethnicities, etc. I would love to know if any of you have found ways to keep up with the changing times. I try to pay attention to my children and the news, but I still am often concerned about offending others.

    Grandmallie ((Hugs)) to you and poor Chester! Glad you are able to spoil him in his last days. I find it so very hard to lose our fur babies!

    Yvonne Thank you for Wonderful Weirdos Wishes (as I consider myself one of them). I agree with doggies in heaven as I can't imagine God leaving them out of eternity. Mine have all had such precious souls!

    Lanette I have wondered about taking Tai Chi. My injuries have kept me from vigorous exercise, and it appears to be a great overall body workout and good for balance. I hope your BFF has good results from whatever they do for her. I, too, went through a rough patch (in my early 40s) bleeding for 5 months straight. I ended up with a hysterectomy and treatment for cancer. It was a shock, but all has been well since that time (I am 62 now).

    IF I am concerned with blood sugar levels and effects on gastroparesis. I've been told to eat small and often. Anyone else with these issues doing IF?

    Sue Enjoy your time with your BF! The cabin sounds lovely.

    Lisa Love your ways to avoid putting food in your mouth. I will copy your list in my journal to look back on when I am "starving". Sending good wishes for your pressure filled week! ((Hugs))

    Karen in VA Wonderful that you are schooling your GS. What a gift for him! Our school systems are really not properly educated for helping those on the autism spectrum. Even with IEPs, they are a far cry from excellent in meeting the student's needs.

    thenewmsdig Welcome! Try not to beat yourself up about the 20 pounds. You lost 115! (Amazing!!!) You will get things back under control! Medications can wreak havoc on our bodies.

    Kate Hoping DBIL is doing better and will be able to travel Wednesday!

    Pip Sorry you weren't able to ride the second day. Wonderful achievement raising almost $3K!! I long to have half of your energy!

    Luci in WNC
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Does anyone know how to remove a squashed blueberry stain from a leather seat? 😯
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Didn't scan docs today, will tomorrow. Did some firehouse paperwork, walked Tumble, got first haircut in over two years. Sweet gal persuaded me to "embrace the curls" but doesn't want me to comb or brush, just finger and scrunch. :noway: Can't do it. Will see how it looks after brushing at nights and combing in shower. ;) For now I look rather like a bloodhound (saggy face, droopy eyes) with VERY long brown poodle fur in ringlets. [sigh]

    Lisa not in AR, well done on the labs but most especially on the pants!
    Rho rightfully proud of the men your sons have become and should also be proud of yourself. Bravissima!
    Karen in VA your GS's humor shines through those pics. A great life skill to have.
    pip sorry for your disappointment but safety first. You are so magnetic, you could have called the lightning down from the sky!
    root canal without novacaine, Beth how did you stand it?
    Michelle, when DDS was removing temporary cement before seating my permanent crown he touched a nerve or something. I screamed and levitated and he and his assistant both jumped back 3 feet. Numbed it and a few minutes later he could proceed. Novacaine is a miracle.
    Welcome thenewmsdiggs.
    Yvonne in TX I'm coveting your overnight Celtic festival campout. We have nothing like that nearby and I really miss them. Ah, the sound of approaching bagpipe bands. Ah, men in kilts. AH!
    Allie (((hugs))) this is such a very hard time.
    Ginny in OH, the rule of thumb my chiro taught me was be sure to take magnesium with your calcium, in the ratio of 2 calcium to 1 magnesium, so 500 mg calcium with 250 magnesium is a good place to start. Also told me not to take more than 500 mg calcium at a time but take it two or three times a day to help with absorption. Good luck!
    Lisa in AR ((hugs)). Stupid old numbers. ((hugs)).
    Penny try to enjoy the digital detox ;)
    Rebecca, please tell me you didn't take that picture? Way too close to those antlers. Athena Rose NEEDS her grandma, please be careful!.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for September: grit
    Steps-1423 Sunday, 7204 so far today. vits-8 log-9 CICO-8 Tumble-7 mfp-8 AF-5

    No worries, he was more down south than I. I think the guy that took this had a telephoto lens camera.👍. I have yet to see this bachelor with my own eyes. One day. He is allusive!💖
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited September 2019

    Miso soup ramen! With peas ( that sunk to the bottom)! Sprinkled my seaweed, sesame seeds mixture! It was 2 oz of udon noodles heaven!
    Whidbey island, WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sharon Exciting!!! Happy travels!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sharon: Have a great flight and a good time! :heart: :kissing_heart::heart: