
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    Lisa “to a 34 long” snorting, tearing, choking with laughter!
    Welcome Karen in PA, Cathy McMac, Trish from SW Sidney!
    Lanette yes, bear / garbage is still an issue, at least we're still finding alternative ways of getting rid of fruit and meat waste. After seeing this video, https://youtu.be/U8dqy3O5Gd8 I'm looking for a touch activated halloween decoration that will move abruptly and make noise. ;)

    Too pooped to comment more tonight ;}

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for September: grit
    Steps-7253 vits-12 log-13 CICO-11 Tumble-8 mfp-11 AF-8
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Welcome Trish! Love Sydney - we were there on our honeymoon in Australia about 14+ years ago. B) Also went to Melbourne and Adelaide.
    I was having a lot of trouble walking when I started here 7 years ago. I was breathless, with knee, back and hip pain. Even turning over in bed was hard. You have made a great start!
    And congratulations on getting back with your daughter. <3
    I don't 'Friend' people, but I do chat a lot on this thread. You will gradually get to know us and all our quirks. We try not to get involved in political or religious discussion as they can be divisive and we want to be supportive of each other.
    I'm from England and I really enjoy hearing about the lifestyles of people from other parts of the world. Sometimes it's a real eye opener! My favourite US problem is bears in the trash. :laugh: We do have the odd fox around here!

    Babysitting tonight. I said we'd get there at 7, so Bea should be asleep and we can read a story to the two older ones. We will eat early and walk over. (It takes half an hour to walk there) Beautiful weather here. Or we could set off earlier and eat somewhere on the way. Good idea, Heather. :D
    We are looking after Bea next Friday because DDIL is going to the eye hospital in London. It's a long appointment apparently, so she can't take her with her. Not sure what it's about, but it could be something to do with the laser surgery she had done a few years ago.
    I've been sending out birthday present suggestions to those who have asked for them, so I hope I'll get something I like! Mysterious parcels have been arriving from Amazon, so I expect DH will be giving me a few extras on the cruise. He has already given me my main present of a new tablet.
    I have given him an early bday present of some new gym clothes as he wanted smart ones for the cruise. His old ones are a disgrace! I will get him to bin them immediately! :laugh:

    Much love to all. I woke up early this morning, so I'm chatting to you and watching the sun rise. Gorgeous!

    Heather in the beautiful city by the sea of Brighton and Hove. Xxxxxxxxxx
  • Saffy1966
    Saffy1966 Posts: 1 Member
    goals :until the 23rd of October (my holiday)
    Eating :
    plan weekly
    track daily
    1000 cal
    low carb
    reach 72 kg (now 75.1)
    Exercise :
    walk with dog 5x/week
    home exercise 2xweek
    group exercise every Friday

    make sure to have enough sleep

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited September 2019
    interesting conversation about bras! with, without, with underwire without...camisoles with built-in shelf bras...

    welcome to any and all newbies

    going to get knee brace finally today.

    was supposed to meet a friend for a drink. I'd suggested 7 and he suggested 7:30 and then at 7 he called to say he had hung out later than planned w a friend and suggested meeting at 8. It's really a little late and I probably would have said no had he suggested 8 at first, (im tired these days) so I said no, I'd rather meet another time not making any fuss about it. I found it light to have just decided to hang out longer with that friend and not be on time. it would be different if it were for work. It's in his favor that he was (probably) honest saying he was just hanging out w a friend. so I just went out for a good glass of wine on my own. Granted it was probably less interesting and less fun but it's a rather new friend and I find that routines in relating sort of establish themselves early on.

    I feel heavy, weight is slightly up from last weigh in. Total bummer. I don't think it's fluctuation. I haven't been tracking and haven't found a way to exercise much w out using my knee.

    I got two translation assignments (apparently) recently. One for sure one probably they say yes but haven't sent the needed documentation and it looks to me like they are hedging (saying yes and checking out other options). Since its a new client with a tight deadline and I'm not certain that they will have the documents on the day they say they will, I requested an advance and put firm clauses in the estimate. I did some last night and this morning. The one I got already is better. I have a month to translate about 30 pages, so I can manage the time.

    It's 10 am and I've already had a healthy bowl of cereal (buckwheat flakes and super sprouted mix combined w soy milk) but also 3 GF big crackers! bad start ! just read: 129 calories per cracker! :/

    161 calories on breakfast and 385 on starch snack shortly after. on the upside 100 g has 25 g carbs and 19 G protein 38 g fats. Saltines(who eats saltines anymore!) in comparison have 74 carbs and 10 protein, 9 g fat. this has a lot of seeds (sunflower, sesame, flax) in it and beet fibres, canola oil.

    I have been eating too much starch and not enough protein and veggies and feel tired. I guess this cracker is not SO bad but so many calories for so early in the day. they are tasty.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    lovely weather
    comfy bed
    good water to drink
    translation job
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Another horrendous storm this morning (which we slept through) probably due to the copious amount of alcohol consumed last night

    Kate (in not so sunny Spain) <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    Speaking of rings ... :):)

    Here's my wedding ring ...

    And my engagement ring ...

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Kate UK - I've been worrying about how it was going for you. The horrendous floods in Alicante and Valencia are on the news. Airports and motorways closed. People killed. I hope you are away from the worst and can get home ok. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx who is going to have a bath B)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Karen VA Love how Olivia is rockin' her European Fashion look :)

    Woke up way too early with work on my mind, sigh. I was proud of myself for being social yesterday and mainly kept the conversation positive, I especially love watching and listening to the younger teachers talk about work and life issues, it is becoming one of my favorite things about be a "senior" teacher, no need to try and fix or help, just listening has impact.

    So my Saturday looks like: a nice 3 mile walk with my bff for a catchup. Then, I am going to a Pottery center open house to think about taking a "intro to the pottery wheel" course which is part of one of my learn something new goals. Lunch with my DH if he is feeling better, (poor baby has had tummy trouble all week) and lastly, restock fridge, pantry and meal plan for a healthy week.

    Is there anything nicer than apples from NY in the fall? I think not ;)

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Rebecca - I'm like you, give me a little of the good chocolate, or don't give me any at all. Many is the time I will buy those Dove promises (but only when they're on sale 1/2 price) and have just one. I remember Vince used to always get me a bag of Dove. I finally asked him not to get any for me.

    Michele in NC

    Chocolate is non-negotiable! I like dark (currently eating 75%) but will eat any good chocolate. I choose to buy a limited amount each week which is supposed to last all week, (but often doesn't 😈) but I don't feel the need to buy any more until the next shopping day. However, I do occasionally snaffle a square or two from DH's stash of 85% 😈
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    edited September 2019
    Karen, VA: Olivia's looks so cute in her blue and white rigout outfit.
    Hello I'm new, I'll add my first thought goals then introduce myself :)
    September Goals:

    1) Complete the month on Optifast diet (special reason read below)
    2) by end of the month be walking 5000steps per day
    2b) and start to walk even a little way on my bushwalk each weekend.
    3) make some friends to go out and do things on weekends
    4) end days with mediation that interreflects to see me, and be real with how am I
    5) then review how the day went and then prepare for tomorrow and whatever else it may reveal.
    4) put a routine in place
    5) build my list of blessings to remember how blessed I am when I am feeling like things are bad.

    I'm Trish from SW Sydney, I live in a house with a wonderful bushtrack over the fence that I haven't used for over 1.5 years because of study and work, there are koalas on that walk however at the moment my hip hurts when I walk too far, my fault I got too fat.

    Is anyone from Sydney SW here? I would love to start making some friends to meet up with.

    My house looks like a bomb hit it, basically up to July this year, my life was getup go to work, study, bed, getup go to work study...., it shouldn't have been like that but RMIT university didn't provide the lectures it was supposed to and we all had to self teach from a text book, so it took all of my spare time instead of just 12 hours.

    I am starting to clean the house bit by bit, but I think I hit depression over everything and it has been a hard slog. If I wasn't so proud I'd pay a cleaning team to come in and do it.

    Things are starting to look brighter again, my daughter who is 38 wasn't talking to me since she ran away at age 18 however she is back in my life with her partner and their 4 children. My son is 36 and his girlfriend is lovely. So family wise it is starting to feel a bit joyful and now motivating me to clean house and get fit as well.

    It took a lot for me to try to lose weight again, I have been yoyoing with my weight since I was in my 30s when my daughter starting running off with boys at 11pm, I was a single parent and just couldnt find help.

    I know the biggest lie that I've held on to, is that when my world falls apart and things feel awful, food can be a joy I can have to make something in my life feel better.

    Problem is it is not better, that kind of eatting destroys life.

    Finally on Friday last week, I went and saw a doctor and said that I couldn't motivate myself that I have resigned to the fact that if I lose weight I'll put more back on and at 136kgs my hip hurts I can't walk far and I don't want to try again just to fail.

    He was very understanding and said that when I plateau again or when you feel things are not going well come back and see him and he'll help me find a dietician or talk though what I need to help.

    I told him that I might try to use Optifast to get rid of a bulk of fat quickly so that my hip isn't undertrain and I'll be able to walk longer. He agreed that was a good plan to get going and also prescribed Duromine for two months.

    I've not believed in medication and one of the girls at work told me awful stories of Duromine, so I put off filling the script he gave me. Then Tuesday this week I thought, to myself, I have a graduation in December, I was telling myself I couldn't join in the march as it was too far! Now I'm using it as motivation, so Wednesday I started replacing ALL meals with Optifat adding 13g of protein powder, Metamucil in between, and having veggies for dinner, and some strawberries yesterday, also yesterday started taking Duromine.

    Today I weighed 130.6kgs That is 5.4kg loss. Yeah!! I know first week is normally like that.

    I would not advise anyone else to do what I am doing, I am doing this under the supervision of my doctor and the aim of the fast weight loss is to enable me to walk to take on more exercise and then taper into a better diet.
    So I still have my mind trying to tell me I'll quit, I'll give up I'll put it all back on, but I'm going to fight that.
    Welcome to the Group, Trish. You will get support, encouragement and friendly advice from an eclectic group of amazing ladies from all over the world. We are prolific, but people don't expect everyone to comment on every post. Just jump in when you feel like it.

    I'm averaging around 4500 steps a day, my next goal is to make that over 5000, then 6000 and 10,000 used to be my normal day so I'll get back there.
    Building up gradually is a sensible plan. That's what I did after I had my hip replaced in 2015.

    I like Barbies goal to meditate, I think I need to start to put a routine in place to meditate, get rid of TV or ration, and make some friends to socialise with as I had the least trouble with weight when I was doing stuff with friends.
    Barbie is a great mentor for the group. She posts a new thread each month.

    Study parttime and work fulltime has taken a huge toll and I need to get back into life!
    It sounds like the study is almost over and you have graduation ahead. Life will ease quite a bit then.

    However I have a great job that has enabled me to buy a house before prices went crazy which may take 10-15 years more to pay off, my children love me and we are all so happy to be a family again.

    For all who read my huge post, thank you and do be-friend me so I can check-in and not just log stuff. :)

    It looks like you have turned the corner. And you will already have seen that we are about much more than the mechanics of weight loss. This is the best group on MFP! JMHO! 😂

    ☘️ Terri
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    edited September 2019
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Hi, all

    "As soon as I got back from the gym, got a message from our office coordinator there that I had a "package" that had to be picked up at work (the office I'm attached to is about a half hour away). So, color me intrigued... jumped in the shower, drove into town after, and found that the same board member who'd asked me to lunch to teach a colleague of hers about grants--the same lady who brought all my books for signing--had sent me flowers to thank me. Such a lovely thing to do. "


    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    What a lovely gesture of appreciation!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Karen - Loving the outfit! <3 Whereabouts are they? It looks somewhere south?

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    September 1 goals check in

    HEALTH :

    1. Write what I'm grateful for daily, here or elsewhere some often :)
    2. Five minutes meditation 4 days a week often :)
    3. Write feelings here or somewhere some very briefly sometimes :)

    4. Best care of leg and body for healing leg and keeping health up, move or not move as health requires not sure if it's best but I do what I can :)

    5. Track all I haven't regularly at all and I would like to from now :/
    6. Take measurements 1x I havenet and am afraid to now.can't be progress. :/
    7. Eat fresh leafy greens 2x a week um, not sure at all about that, does broccoli count?
    Eating and movement
    8. Lose a kilo not at all so far :/

    9. Send state of work to possible new teacher wrote that that need my writing (in French) corrected). :)

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning average. hmmm, maybe, could be. the cleaner came on week one. as much as my energy holds out and if it's possible time wise I aim to do cleaning things (or ironing or straightening) when cleaner is hear and admin things when admin person is here, plus I daily stuff like laundry, dishes, making bed, putting stuff away some (not enough) :|

    15. Try 6h forfait (2 x 3h) with paperwork help. (just found it online and saw it has good reviews) I did it and my home was disastrous and now it's better.the people are ok they seem young, interested motivated and not highly experienced, nor highly autonomous for certain things, but having someone there to work on that together is already a good thing. went through the 3 sessions in 2 weeks. the girl would like to come again next week another is work todo, but I need to pay attention to budget. :)

    17. Pay, tend to most urgent bills (more a time management sort of issue than a financial one)
    actually it's also financial! paid some bills, and we did work on most urgent stuff with admin assistance. big help in getting through procrastination of main things. :)

    Register document and send off
    not even sure what I was talking about here but probably did it. :)

    it feels better to have put less on my list this month and check off or partially check off some.
    on the other hand it is not very ambitious.
    later in month by hand I again made a big ambitious list.having a more ambitious perspective made me feel more optimistic and cheerful and excited but also can make me feel more stressed.
    I guess that I normal. sort of a choice : lower expectations and less stress in terms of achieving them or higher expectations and more stress. both have great merits.

    the assistant education director a very key liasoning admin person at a higher ed school with 300 teachers and 2000 students and I had a meeting on Monday. As we met she asked if I had a copy of the paper I had sent 2 x and given 1x. I did. She very honestly said something like: I just am not good at filing things. I'm good at organising things but not to filing them. She's a civil servant and full-time and in late career so she can say things like this. I couldn't chime in as I'm part time, not civil servant, but I appreciated her honesty and candour very much. She probably thought I was better at filing when in fact I had surely just reprinted the document.

    I have masses of files so I should cut myself some slack for missing a page now and then I guess. the worst is when it is filed but misfiled. On that note the assistant did weirdly put 1 file into a place it absolutely was not supposed to be. That is a bit worrisome. Maybe I need to double check her work in the beginning. I'm missing some papers at present and I hope it's not them at fault (it's not necessarily).

    I had to go back to Drs as I had lost a prescription. I think I lost one from the other doctor too. I'm sure I must still have them and they must be misfiled somewhere...but where?

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    what do you think about making high medium and low expectations for ourselves?
    there is a mixed feeling.
    high can be exciting and help to dream but can lead to stress and disappointment
    low can be less stressful for sure in a way but can lead to stagnation or even future problems with lack of evolution (related to work) or anticipating changes, and also be stressful in a different way.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    edited September 2019
    what do you think about making high medium and low expectations for ourselves?
    there is a mixed feeling.
    high can be exciting and help to dream but can lead to stress and disappointment
    low can be less stressful for sure in a way but can lead to stagnation or even future problems with lack of evolution (related to work) or anticipating changes, and also be stressful in a different way.

    Can you give an example?

    I'm not sure what high, medium or low expectations would be.

    For example, I am hoping to graduate with my Masters in December 2020 or early 2021. Would that be a high, medium or low expectation?

    I'm hoping that my husband and I will be able to cycle a 50 km ride before the end of the year. Again ... high, medium or low?

    Or just simply relatively realistic?

    M in Oz
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Lisa ~ What a beautiful bouquet! That shows how much you are appreciated by your colleagues. <3

    Karen VA ~ Olivia is so sweet in her outfit. I know you are sad :'( to see her there but hope it works out for the best!

    Welcome to all the new chatters and blessings to all! :)

    Carol in GA who is suffering greatly from ragweed!