October 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Oh, @MegaMooseEsq sorry I missed your post. I'm sorry to hear about your knee and your DNS. Hope you are back running with no pain very soon.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @Elise4270 That is one of the things that surprises a lot of people about keto and even carnivore. There is an assumption that higher fat and higher animal consumption leads to increased cholesterol, but it is often the opposite result. Cutting carbs (especially simple sugars) usually helps. Exercise helps too.

    Then there is the discussion of LDL particle size. If this wasn't tested, he can get a reasonable estimate by calculating the ratio of triglycerides to HDL. The lower result will indicate larger particle sizes (this is good).

    Personally, if my triglyceride:HDL ratio is less than 1 (last was 0.52), I know I'm good on particle size. And even though my total cholesterol (202) was a bit high technically last time, it is in large part because my HDL was 99. But I eat carnivore / no plants (except coffee and unsweetened tea, small amounts of seasonings/sauces) and take fish oil.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2019
    @Elise4270 That is one of the things that surprises a lot of people about keto and even carnivore. There is an assumption that higher fat and higher animal consumption leads to increased cholesterol, but it is often the opposite result. Cutting carbs (especially simple sugars) usually helps. Exercise helps too.

    Then there is the discussion of LDL particle size. If this wasn't tested, he can get a reasonable estimate by calculating the ratio of triglycerides to HDL. The lower result will indicate larger particle sizes (this is good).

    Personally, if my triglyceride:HDL ratio is less than 1 (last was 0.52), I know I'm good on particle size. And even though my total cholesterol (202) was a bit high technically last time, it is in large part because my HDL was 99. But I eat carnivore / no plants (except coffee and unsweetened tea, small amounts of seasonings/sauces) and take fish oil.

    Yes. And that's what's so confounding to me. I liked the higher fat diet, felt good on it. I'm not currently getting any exercise... Doc Friday, perhaps I'll be cleared to swim.

    My cholesterol is up but normal. Over the years it's gone from 125 to about 165 now. Dh's jumped 60 points in the last 3 months. I know there's some talk of changing the cholesterol interpretation, I just hadn't looked into it. I told him to see his doctor since he's now flirting with 300.

    I seem to have less pain currently... but low carb? Ya I love that, my mind is quicker, my hunger controlled, and I like animal fats. I really have no idea how I should eat.

    It's such a simple question, yet I find no answer.

    I think for now, I may try to split the week... IDK. I am not a carb eater. I cringe at the thought of oatmeal for breakfast and would rather do eggs, Canadian bacon, cheese on an English muffin.

    And, thanks. You always some something I can use.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 That is one of the things that surprises a lot of people about keto and even carnivore. There is an assumption that higher fat and higher animal consumption leads to increased cholesterol, but it is often the opposite result. Cutting carbs (especially simple sugars) usually helps. Exercise helps too.

    Then there is the discussion of LDL particle size. If this wasn't tested, he can get a reasonable estimate by calculating the ratio of triglycerides to HDL. The lower result will indicate larger particle sizes (this is good).

    Personally, if my triglyceride:HDL ratio is less than 1 (last was 0.52), I know I'm good on particle size. And even though my total cholesterol (202) was a bit high technically last time, it is in large part because my HDL was 99. But I eat carnivore / no plants (except coffee and unsweetened tea, small amounts of seasonings/sauces) and take fish oil.

    Yes. And that's what's so confounding to me. I liked the higher fat diet, felt good on it. I'm not currently getting any exercise... Doc Friday, perhaps I'll be cleared to swim.

    My cholesterol is up but normal. Over the years it's gone from 125 to about 165 now. Dh's jumped 60 points in the last 3 months. I know there's some talk of changing the cholesterol interpretation, I just hadn't looked into it. I told him to see his doctor since he's now flirting with 300.

    I seem to have less pain currently... but low carb? Ya I love that, my mind is quicker, my hunger controlled, and I like animal fats. I really have no idea how I should eat.

    It's such a simple question, yet I find no answer.

    I think for now, I may try to split the week... IDK.

    That is where carnivore is simple. Did your food come from a source that had a mother? If yes, then it is carnivore.

    *Yes, I know plants reproduce by spreading seed and such from other plants. Try not to interpret the question to include this... most of us know the difference between an animal and a plant. Shrimp, fish, chickens (including eggs), hogs, cows, rabbits, goats, sheep, etc. are all animals. Trees, corn, beans, rice, wheat are not. And yes, some carnivores eat higher carb products like milk. I think that is fine depending on your goals. It may good to limit lactose in your case. And honey is a legitimate debate, I would agree it is technically carnivore, but not advised for those of us wanting to cut carbs (especially sugar).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2019
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 That is one of the things that surprises a lot of people about keto and even carnivore. There is an assumption that higher fat and higher animal consumption leads to increased cholesterol, but it is often the opposite result. Cutting carbs (especially simple sugars) usually helps. Exercise helps too.

    Then there is the discussion of LDL particle size. If this wasn't tested, he can get a reasonable estimate by calculating the ratio of triglycerides to HDL. The lower result will indicate larger particle sizes (this is good).

    Personally, if my triglyceride:HDL ratio is less than 1 (last was 0.52), I know I'm good on particle size. And even though my total cholesterol (202) was a bit high technically last time, it is in large part because my HDL was 99. But I eat carnivore / no plants (except coffee and unsweetened tea, small amounts of seasonings/sauces) and take fish oil.

    Yes. And that's what's so confounding to me. I liked the higher fat diet, felt good on it. I'm not currently getting any exercise... Doc Friday, perhaps I'll be cleared to swim.

    My cholesterol is up but normal. Over the years it's gone from 125 to about 165 now. Dh's jumped 60 points in the last 3 months. I know there's some talk of changing the cholesterol interpretation, I just hadn't looked into it. I told him to see his doctor since he's now flirting with 300.

    I seem to have less pain currently... but low carb? Ya I love that, my mind is quicker, my hunger controlled, and I like animal fats. I really have no idea how I should eat.

    It's such a simple question, yet I find no answer.

    I think for now, I may try to split the week... IDK.

    That is where carnivore is simple. Did your food come from a source that had a mother? If yes, then it is carnivore.

    *Yes, I know plants reproduce by spreading seed and such from other plants. Try not to interpret the question to include this... most of us know the difference between an animal and a plant. Shrimp, fish, chickens (including eggs), hogs, cows, rabbits, goats, sheep, etc. are all animals. Trees, corn, beans, rice, wheat are not. And yes, some carnivores eat higher carb products like milk. I think that is fine depending on your goals. It may good to limit lactose in your case. And honey is a legitimate debate, I would agree it is technically carnivore, but not advised for those of us wanting to cut carbs (especially sugar).

    No matter what I do, I think I need to start with eating fewer calories! haha!

    Eta. Ok. I think I made a decision. Of course, Everytime I decide I second guess it. I think the truth, my truth lies in the middle somewhere.

    The plan
    See doc for base line numbers. I am concerned about a few, things: kidney (bad about water since no running), EKG (he said was cuz I was runner), and blood pressure is creeping up... From 110/50 - 60 to 130/75... cholesterol might could come down a bit, that may be weight.

    I'm going to try an unrefined foods vegan (maybe vegetarian- eggers and fishes) through the end of the year and see how my numbers are and how I feel. It may not matter two *kitten* and I can go back to that roast in the freezer and McDonald's 3-4 days a week.. hehehe.

    And I'm gonna ask every medical professional I encounter about their take. Not nutritionist though, sorry... I think they peddle government agendas bought by food lobbyists.

    Until then, please share your wisdom, thoughts, stories and data you have. There's a forum for runner eats, you'll find me there. Or pm.

    ...yes imma eat the roast. It's grass fed. And a turkey for Thanksgiving? You bet.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @Elise4270 for me, vegan or vegetarian wouldn’t be a good fit, since as a type 2 I already have to limit carbs, and as a weightlifter I have to get lots of protein, and as an anemic person I struggle to get enough iron. I already can’t eat bread or rice or sweets without bg spikes, and most of the easy proteins for vegans such as legumes also spike me. It wouldn’t make sense for me to eliminate lean meat and fish and dairy from my diet and would just add to the list of things I can’t eat.

    On the other hand, for someone struggling with cholesterol but with fine blood sugar, vegetarianism might make a lot of sense. I’m not a big fan of the science supporting the vegan diet since any diet which doesn’t provide one of the major vitamins without supplements seems to me to be automatically not a great idea. I also don’t emotionally understand the thinking behind veganism - eat plants which are commercially fertilized by honey bees, but never eat the honey they make, for example. But that’s just me.

  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    October goal 110 KM (ADJUSTED DUE TO INJURY)


    Upcoming races:
    Oct. 26 - Botanical Autumn 5k
    Oct. 27 - Lublin Half Marathon

    I'm still waiting for Strava to upload my run from Suunto, but my double-race weekend has been a success.

    Lublin Half Marathon: My training hasn't been what I've wanted lately, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I picked a pace group 5 minutes slower than my last HM and stuck with them for the first half, before letting them go. Legs were fine, HR was fine, but I was having trouble breathing every time I would try to speed up (or keep up, on the nonstop hill from kilometers 10-15) and would start coughing. Probably the exercise-induced asthma that I occasionally have trouble with, especially when air quality is at or above the "moderately polluted" level like it's been lately. I decided to just keep going at whatever pace I could that wouldn't trigger the coughing and breathing issues, and finished in a decent time for me. Not my best, not my worst, and I felt fine again just a few minutes after finishing. Life is good :)

    Back of medal, and nice tech shirt
    Front of medal, before
    and after I spent way too much time highlighting the race route on the map, using nail polish, masking tape, a toothpick and exacto knife... yep, too much time on my hands today!

    Great job!!!!!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Nice bling and well-done @polskagirl01! Racing is always about managing expectations and adjusting based on conditions (both of your body and the environment) and sounds like you did well with that.
  • kirstymn
    kirstymn Posts: 90 Member
    @polskagirl01 Awesome job! Love the medal :smile:
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    edited October 2019
    @polskagirl01 like the medal and the top! Congrats. Jealous also of you feeling fine after your double race weekend! I’m not walking with ease this evening and slightly dreading a full day teaching tomorrow...
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    Awesome work @polska_girl and @Faebert - good racing and great bling!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,526 Member
    @Faebert great job on your HM and beating your goal time! Yes you are strong, and can do more than you think! 💪