What's on your mind?



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    i dont update my Facebook but i’m on there a lot bc of some work i do and theyre definitely pretty pics of unpretty lives

    i thought on that a lot, but idk like maybe people are struggling and they see those accts as like a old school photo album of the things they want to remember, like ya, they had a *kitten* day and fought with their SO and got yelled at by their boss but this one good thing happened they are thankful for so they post that bc that’s what they want to remember, and it got nothing to do with looking good for their friends

    if that’s true it’s kind of admirable to have a dumpster fire of a life going on in the background and focus on the pretty sunset kwim?

    Meanwhile, I'm going back through the "Memories" every day and constantly deleting a lot of stuff. Most of it inane things I typed out or things I don't identify with. I keep most of my photos there. My family likes to know I'm alive and leaving my house occasionally, so I leave it there so they won't worry and then pester me. :lol:
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    i dont update my Facebook but i’m on there a lot bc of some work i do and theyre definitely pretty pics of unpretty lives

    i thought on that a lot, but idk like maybe people are struggling and they see those accts as like a old school photo album of the things they want to remember, like ya, they had a *kitten* day and fought with their SO and got yelled at by their boss but this one good thing happened they are thankful for so they post that bc that’s what they want to remember, and it got nothing to do with looking good for their friends

    if that’s true it’s kind of admirable to have a dumpster fire of a life going on in the background and focus on the pretty sunset kwim?

    I used to read mommy blogs that were criticized for being too pretty and unrealistic but I loved them for focusing on the small, sweet things.

    As usual I find my social media experience to be different from most people’s. I have around 20 Facebook friends, all of whom I know IRL, and all of whom I would call on their BS. It’s real AF.

    Oh *kitten*... don't get me started on the completely UNREALISTIC standards that society and OTHER WOMEN have for mothers.
  • CaliValleyGirl
    CaliValleyGirl Posts: 744 Member
    edited November 2019
    Tired of having the same daily argument with the husband. He just needs to accept that I love him more. His wedding ring is even inscribed "No, I love you more".
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    Where’s the angry guy?
  • laprimaJenny
    laprimaJenny Posts: 1,495 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    The dark side of social media is the perception of perfection. We have all been guilty of it, even those of us who don’t have shame in posting the funny bad moments such as photos of toddlers behaving badly. From fabulous foods to glamorous vacations we all have been guilty of posting something that portrayed a moment of happiness within our lives. But the truth of the matter is, it’s only a portion of the story. The best part obviously, but that doesn’t mean our lives are always perfect.

    As a society we need to learn to take social media for what it’s worth. Understand that behind the displayed perfection are flaws. I wish everyone would post a little more about the bumps in the road. We see all the fabulous moments, but in reality it’s only a snippet of truth. Behind the wonderful vacation was the hours of packing, fighting with the kids, delayed plane rides, rude locals, crappy hotel rooms. Those are the in between moments that we aren’t posting.
  • LiftingSpirits
    LiftingSpirits Posts: 2,207 Member
    edited November 2019
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    i dont update my Facebook but i’m on there a lot bc of some work i do and theyre definitely pretty pics of unpretty lives

    i thought on that a lot, but idk like maybe people are struggling and they see those accts as like a old school photo album of the things they want to remember, like ya, they had a *kitten* day and fought with their SO and got yelled at by their boss but this one good thing happened they are thankful for so they post that bc that’s what they want to remember, and it got nothing to do with looking good for their friends

    if that’s true it’s kind of admirable to have a dumpster fire of a life going on in the background and focus on the pretty sunset kwim?

    I get that, but I am talking about the people who are hiding. Like their spouse is a cheater/beater/addict yet they get flowers and they post about how great the person is OR the guys who request nudes and send pervy messages to a bunch of females and then post about how it is their wife's birthday and she is his best friend. Some people live lies and try to cover it up with BS.
    Some people try to see the good in bad situations, but many are just embarrassed to not be perfect. Pretty much all the statistics are saying that social media can cause a ton of depression because everyone shows the highlight reel instead of the behind the scenes. It scares me for youth. It scares me for adults.
  • LiftingSpirits
    LiftingSpirits Posts: 2,207 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    The fake ones are easy to spot from a mile away. One of my biggest pet peeves is when ladies have an Instagram account with almost exclusively selfie poses in yoga pants. It reeks of self-importance & is a total eye-roller On the other hand, airing the negatives of your life serves no positive purpose on social media. But you can still be authentic without being negative.

    I disagree. Especially for younger people.... Not too long ago a very well known celebrity came out that she struggles with depression and it made a huge impact on young girls. Some people need to know they are not alone. Everyone needs to see that just because you are rich, famous and have a good relationship doesn't mean you don't have your own internal struggles.
    The whole issue with social media is it makes people feel like they are the one with a problem. If everyone they know only posts the positive stuff and vacation photos they think that those lives are perfect.
    I don't post a lot of negative crap on FB, but I don't post much to begin with. I am not talking about people posting "woe is me" but it IS okay to not be okay every minute of every day. People who are doing it just to show life isn't a fairytale, not the people who do it for a pity party.
    Anyway, just my opinion
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    The dark side of social media is the perception of perfection. We have all been guilty of it, even those of us who don’t have shame in posting the funny bad moments such as photos of toddlers behaving badly. From fabulous foods to glamorous vacations we all have been guilty of posting something that portrayed a moment of happiness within our lives. But the truth of the matter is, it’s only a portion of the story. The best part obviously, but that doesn’t mean our lives are always perfect.

    As a society we need to learn to take social media for what it’s worth. Understand that behind the displayed perfection are flaws. I wish everyone would post a little more about the bumps in the road. We see all the fabulous moments, but in reality it’s only a snippet of truth. Behind the wonderful vacation was the hours of packing, fighting with the kids, delayed plane rides, rude locals, crappy hotel rooms. Those are the in between moments that we aren’t posting.

    I mostly post articles about meat recalls and female orgasm but I get what you’re saying.

    Then again.

    If you’re going on a fabulous vacation and you’re complaining about the packing or the substandard hotel room, I’m going to think you’re an ungrateful brat. And if you’re my friend, I’m going to tell you so in as nice a way as possible.

    I want people to express their joy whenever possible and share their sorrows as well of course. But we all need to extend a little grace.

  • Tinydancer106
    Tinydancer106 Posts: 3,678 Member
    cdubks88 wrote: »
    cdubks88 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure I've found my favorite coffee creamer for good and of all places at Aldi.

    What creamer would that be? I just recently became a fan of Aldi.

    They have one called Danish Butter Cookie.

    I like flavored creamers, but it's my favorite for sure.

    That sounds sooo good....I love those flavored coffees too but I go thru spurts of favs....I have not tried that brand or flavor and now my brain is all...

    MUST GET!!!!😍

    So thanks for that🤷😂😘
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    @Tinydancer106 cute profile pic!
  • _Miss_chievous_
    _Miss_chievous_ Posts: 2,765 Member
    @Tinydancer106 cute profile pic!

    Yes 🥰😍
  • Tinydancer106
    Tinydancer106 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited November 2019
    @Tinydancer106 cute profile pic!
    @Tinydancer106 cute profile pic!

    Yes 🥰😍

    😂😂😂🤷...you *kitten* are Cray Cray but I so love you..... and am keeping you....so dont get all crying and complaining later k🙄🤷😜💜💜💜💜
  • Keep_on_cardio
    Keep_on_cardio Posts: 4,166 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    The fake ones are easy to spot from a mile away. One of my biggest pet peeves is when ladies have an Instagram account with almost exclusively selfie poses in yoga pants. It reeks of self-importance & is a total eye-roller On the other hand, airing the negatives of your life serves no positive purpose on social media. But you can still be authentic without being negative.

    I disagree. Especially for younger people.... Not too long ago a very well known celebrity came out that she struggles with depression and it made a huge impact on young girls. Some people need to know they are not alone. Everyone needs to see that just because you are rich, famous and have a good relationship doesn't mean you don't have your own internal struggles.
    The whole issue with social media is it makes people feel like they are the one with a problem. If everyone they know only posts the positive stuff and vacation photos they think that those lives are perfect.
    I don't post a lot of negative crap on FB, but I don't post much to begin with. I am not talking about people posting "woe is me" but it IS okay to not be okay every minute of every day. People who are doing it just to show life isn't a fairytale, not the people who do it for a pity party.
    Anyway, just my opinion

    I like the way you think and agree. I have friends, my parents church friends and basically acquaintances from growing up on Fcbk. I don’t share my vulnerability on it, because I know most of them are just nosey and don’t really care.

    Although MFP is a public forum and I’m aware some ppl i know IRL could be cross watching, I don’t care and I’ll be real here. My close friends, my mom and those I want to build with do know my ins and outs, my real life. Those who just scroll on fcbk and like pics, will just see moments in my life that basically surround around my kids.
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    The fake ones are easy to spot from a mile away. One of my biggest pet peeves is when ladies have an Instagram account with almost exclusively selfie poses in yoga pants. It reeks of self-importance & is a total eye-roller On the other hand, airing the negatives of your life serves no positive purpose on social media. But you can still be authentic without being negative.

    I disagree. Especially for younger people.... Not too long ago a very well known celebrity came out that she struggles with depression and it made a huge impact on young girls. Some people need to know they are not alone. Everyone needs to see that just because you are rich, famous and have a good relationship doesn't mean you don't have your own internal struggles.
    The whole issue with social media is it makes people feel like they are the one with a problem. If everyone they know only posts the positive stuff and vacation photos they think that those lives are perfect.
    I don't post a lot of negative crap on FB, but I don't post much to begin with. I am not talking about people posting "woe is me" but it IS okay to not be okay every minute of every day. People who are doing it just to show life isn't a fairytale, not the people who do it for a pity party.
    Anyway, just my opinion

    I like the way you think and agree. I have friends, my parents church friends and basically acquaintances from growing up on Fcbk. I don’t share my vulnerability on it, because I know most of them are just nosey and don’t really care.

    Although MFP is a public forum and I’m aware some ppl i know IRL could be cross watching, I don’t care and I’ll be real here. My close friends, my mom and those I want to build with do know my ins and outs, my real life. Those who just scroll on fcbk and like pics, will just see moments in my life that basically surround around my kids.

    I have blocked most of my family on Facebook for similar reasons.
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    Where’s the angry guy?

  • isalsayourface123
    isalsayourface123 Posts: 2,153 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    The fake ones are easy to spot from a mile away. One of my biggest pet peeves is when ladies have an Instagram account with almost exclusively selfie poses in yoga pants. It reeks of self-importance & is a total eye-roller On the other hand, airing the negatives of your life serves no positive purpose on social media. But you can still be authentic without being negative.

    I disagree. Especially for younger people.... Not too long ago a very well known celebrity came out that she struggles with depression and it made a huge impact on young girls. Some people need to know they are not alone. Everyone needs to see that just because you are rich, famous and have a good relationship doesn't mean you don't have your own internal struggles.
    The whole issue with social media is it makes people feel like they are the one with a problem. If everyone they know only posts the positive stuff and vacation photos they think that those lives are perfect.
    I don't post a lot of negative crap on FB, but I don't post much to begin with. I am not talking about people posting "woe is me" but it IS okay to not be okay every minute of every day. People who are doing it just to show life isn't a fairytale, not the people who do it for a pity party.
    Anyway, just my opinion

    I stand corrected. I guess you can air some of the minuses without throwing the 'wow is me' pity party but just to be authentic.

    I don't know. I think personal stuff shouldnt be shared. Theres just some things that should stay private. Is it wrong to walk around smiling and laughing and sharing things about my kids that I love or appreciate? Do I really need to announce my recent break up...is it ok to post things that bring a smile to my face?
    Not sure if this makes sense.
  • Tinydancer106
    Tinydancer106 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    i dont update my Facebook but i’m on there a lot bc of some work i do and theyre definitely pretty pics of unpretty lives

    i thought on that a lot, but idk like maybe people are struggling and they see those accts as like a old school photo album of the things they want to remember, like ya, they had a *kitten* day and fought with their SO and got yelled at by their boss but this one good thing happened they are thankful for so they post that bc that’s what they want to remember, and it got nothing to do with looking good for their friends

    if that’s true it’s kind of admirable to have a dumpster fire of a life going on in the background and focus on the pretty sunset kwim?

    I don't use FB that much, mostly to keep in contact with friends and family. I don't post alot of my pictures but I do take alot of more pictures lately especially with my kids, friends and family. Memories...I don't know how long I'll be around, hopefully for a long time but who knows. For the things I do post, it's not to pretend I have the perfect life or anything, I post them because at that moment I felt very happy with people I love, happy moments haven't happened to me alot lately. As for selfies... I take a bit more of those too lately while I still have my eyelashes and eyebrows 😂 If people don't like seeing it or reading my story they can just unfollow 🤷‍♀️ People on my FB and IG know damn well that my life isn't always rainbows and sunshines.

    I do understand the other side of social media though. As for example: A friend of mine will post things about her husband and pictures and they seem so happy on those pictures but I know her relationship is a wreck... but it's none of my business and whatever makes her happy and feel good is ok with me, it just makes me sad that she's so unhappy and tries to hide it because she deserves so much better.

    I get this!! I stopped face book many years ago....for many reasons and I dont know...while I enjoy the fun comradaries and silliness here I so do not miss any other means of social media...MFP with all its perks and bugs is just my cuppa tea....i was looking at my sisters FB page the other day and it was like a big reminder of why I am glad I left all that chaos behind.....😳🙄🤐🤷💜💜💜

    Thanks for making social media fun boo!😘💜
  • LiftingSpirits
    LiftingSpirits Posts: 2,207 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    The fake ones are easy to spot from a mile away. One of my biggest pet peeves is when ladies have an Instagram account with almost exclusively selfie poses in yoga pants. It reeks of self-importance & is a total eye-roller On the other hand, airing the negatives of your life serves no positive purpose on social media. But you can still be authentic without being negative.

    I disagree. Especially for younger people.... Not too long ago a very well known celebrity came out that she struggles with depression and it made a huge impact on young girls. Some people need to know they are not alone. Everyone needs to see that just because you are rich, famous and have a good relationship doesn't mean you don't have your own internal struggles.
    The whole issue with social media is it makes people feel like they are the one with a problem. If everyone they know only posts the positive stuff and vacation photos they think that those lives are perfect.
    I don't post a lot of negative crap on FB, but I don't post much to begin with. I am not talking about people posting "woe is me" but it IS okay to not be okay every minute of every day. People who are doing it just to show life isn't a fairytale, not the people who do it for a pity party.
    Anyway, just my opinion

    I stand corrected. I guess you can air some of the minuses without throwing the 'wow is me' pity party but just to be authentic.

    Nah, not corrected. You are entitled your opinion and I understand it. I have been seeing the wider impact. I DO want people to do what makes them happy, but there is a lot more to it than that in my mind. WHY does it make them happy in certain situations? I also think there is a big difference between posting the good and posting what you are trying to play off as good (ex: my man bought me flowers every week for a month, buuuuuuuut I won't tell you it is because he knocked up the babysitter).
    I could write a novel on this, but I won't bore everyone.
  • George_of_the_Jungle
    George_of_the_Jungle Posts: 3,316 Member
    Kinda sorta realizing how uninteresting I am and that that probably contributes to why I am so isolated and alone. I can't be like all those curated stories you see on Instagram or the super polished stories on Facebook. That's not the kind of life I have. I don't do interesting things and I keep to myself. Always have, always will.

    The more and more I examine it, the more and more social media (not being social, but media that *is* social) bums me out. Most of it is fake or highly curated to omit anything negative. Sure, sure, the filters are fun and there are parts I enjoy (like hanging out and bullshitting here), but a lot of it is just.. well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Social media bums most people out even if they don't realize it. We have a weird culture now. One I am not so much a fan of. I have friends posting on FB like their lives/relationships/kids are perfect when in reality they are a *kitten* show. And you know what? I love them even with a *kitten* show life. I don't know why they feel the need to pretend. It makes me sad. All the filters make me sad. When will who we REALLY are be good enough?


    Social media has been bumming me out for decades at this point. I barely go on FB now and the only reason I have an account still is because I have family there and they aren't going to use things like Skype or aren't going to text me (different generation). Most of what friends/family post isn't terrible, but it's a lot of dumb memes or *ugh* political stuff and I end up snoozing people for half a year because of it.

    Honestly? It's the inability of people to open up and ADMIT that their life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and to be okay with that. Only curating and showcasing the highlights of your life like you're in some sort of *kitten* movie. And what's worse is that I have witnessed the shift. I've been on and around computers enough to witness how the culture went from starting drama and creating a *kitten* show of "unfortunate events" to this wholesome, Country Homes and Gardens type magazine front. And it's all just that: a facade. They aren't fooling anyone except themselves, but they feel they can't be anything else. To be otherwise is to incur judgment and spite from your peers.

    It's just.. yeesh. On the one hand, there are a lot of cool things about living in society today. On the other? There are so many negatives that I kinda just want to pack up and go be a hermit in the woods until I die.

    Absolutely. It is so weird because on one hand you have people saying "It's okay to not be okay" and encouraging mental health and all that YET you have people trying to hide from reality and putting on these masks.
    I don't go on FB much anymore because of it. I use it primarily to find out about events that I will likely never attend 🤣 But IG is the same way. How many people post the ugly stuff? Not many. The people who do are usually the type who find it impossible to find positive so they just get eye rolls anyway. I just wish people were more real. The fake ones make the real people feel incompetent or unworthy and that's so screwed up.

    The fake ones are easy to spot from a mile away. One of my biggest pet peeves is when ladies have an Instagram account with almost exclusively selfie poses in yoga pants. It reeks of self-importance & is a total eye-roller On the other hand, airing the negatives of your life serves no positive purpose on social media. But you can still be authentic without being negative.

    I disagree. Especially for younger people.... Not too long ago a very well known celebrity came out that she struggles with depression and it made a huge impact on young girls. Some people need to know they are not alone. Everyone needs to see that just because you are rich, famous and have a good relationship doesn't mean you don't have your own internal struggles.
    The whole issue with social media is it makes people feel like they are the one with a problem. If everyone they know only posts the positive stuff and vacation photos they think that those lives are perfect.
    I don't post a lot of negative crap on FB, but I don't post much to begin with. I am not talking about people posting "woe is me" but it IS okay to not be okay every minute of every day. People who are doing it just to show life isn't a fairytale, not the people who do it for a pity party.
    Anyway, just my opinion

    I stand corrected. I guess you can air some of the minuses without throwing the 'wow is me' pity party but just to be authentic.

    Nah, not corrected. You are entitled your opinion and I understand it. I have been seeing the wider impact. I DO want people to do what makes them happy, but there is a lot more to it than that in my mind. WHY does it make them happy in certain situations? I also think there is a big difference between posting the good and posting what you are trying to play off as good (ex: my man bought me flowers every week for a month, buuuuuuuut I won't tell you it is because he knocked up the babysitter).
    I could write a novel on this, but I won't bore everyone.

    There's a lot of this right here on mfp 🤐