
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Sorry I've been MIA - My DH, Corey's brother died early in the week.
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Condolences to you and Corey. Mike seems like he was a big part of everyone's lives and a celebration of his life will be a great way to honor him.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    wow did i have some nightmares last night, and i still remember them so thats even worse..
    Lisa~ so sorry to hear about Coreys brother Mike.. It so ver hard to lose a sibling,,, my condolences to the family...
    will leave a little early for work today to get gas in the car as im on E and have to go out after work to see some old work friends..
    then home to try and figure out how to start getting the bed together..
    I did buy myself a 23 and Me DNA and health kit to see what they find other than what I know.. should be interesting..
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Morning Ladies -

    Hubs is still working insane hours, and looks like it will be 7 days this week. In order to not become too much of a hermit, I think I will go to Second Saturday craft/market in Georgetown. Hubs could use some soap and I can wander through and see what all they have to offer. I might find some stocking stuffers for hubs. We have decided that is all we are doing for each other this year, we know we will each buy something at the jewelry store we love when we are in NYC at Christmas, so that will be our gifts. I will also pick up some gumbo from a shop right on the square and have it for lunch or dinner tonight.

    Have a great day Ladies -

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Sorry I've been MIA - My DH, Corey's brother died early in the week. Mike had Down Syndrome, and at 45, had developed Alzheimer's a few years back. He's been in a group home since before their dad died a bit over a year ago... Mike fell Monday, breaking a bone, by Tuesday had pneumonia, and died Wednesday up in Anchorage. They've decided to cremate him and have a celebration of life in the spring or summer and bury him near his dad. Mike was the last of 12 kids (6 girls and 6 boys), and most of them them helped him grow up and took care of him after their mother abandoned them all when he was just a few years old, and ran off with the local teacher. Many phone calls from brothers and sisters, as they're literally spread from coast to coast and border to border now.

    Then I came down with some horrible sinus thing on Thursday and kind of went under it all, first two days in a row I've taken off of the gym in more than three months, but the headache finally let up a bit this afternoon, so hopefully I'll be up to it tomorrow. Hope all's well. I've read but not retained much--the medicine has made me feel like I'm operating with most of my brain matter in hand cuffs.

    Mike's sudden departure helped remind me that I've been pretty self-involved again lately. Time to put my psyche back out in the sunshine, enjoy life while I can, and as someone said, "Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff."

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Sorry to hear all this ... :(
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited November 2019
    As my energy slowly increases again, I've been catching up on things around the house.

    And I put together a chicken veg curry which has been simmering away in the slow cooker. My husband and I walked to the shop and got some naan bread to have with it tomorrow. :)

    I've also been working away at my cycling club stuff. Getting there ... slowly ...

    Heading back to bed now for another 10+ hours of sleep, I hope!

    Machka in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello one and all.

    It’s been some time since I really caught up with everyone. Some of you will be like what the heck is she commenting upon! I have been keeping up and making individual comments. Anyone I have left out is not intentional.

    Viv – I am sure you are excited about your new kitchen. Thank you for sharing the pics. Cannot wait to see the results.
    Lanette – Thank you for the cheers. Yes, Prevention is a very quick read and I subscribed for a year every 3 or 4 years. I enjoyed the November edition because it touched upon many of the topics the group has been discussing. I love reading your goals. They are a constant reminder of healthier living.
    Terri – Congratulations on exceeding your goal! I agree, this is a process and we must be patient with ourselves for being human.
    Heather – Cupcake day with the grands looked like a grand time. The love the creativity both displayed. Also hope the au pair is working out. Thank you for reminding me to keep my goal calendars front and center. You prompted me to print out a 2020 calendar for my weight and health goals.
    Kate – Terribly sorry that you lost your mom’s key ring.
    Allie – The work situation you are dealing with right now is one to which I can relate. The doctor seems like a piece of work and almost spiteful. Wishing you all the best with your search.
    Barbara - SOC – Thank you for the acknowledgement. Here’s to us tackling November! It’s too bad you could not obtain an ID on the mushrooms. Welcome Shadow!
    Ginny – Cannot wait to see the red chair. It’s not easy to break out of our comfort zones. And, you’re motivating me to get back to the downsizing/de-cluttering project I started at the beginning of this year. I have been slowly but surely getting rid of old/unused things. It’s very liberating.
    Pip – Congratulations for placing in your latest marathon. Beautiful hostel.
    KJ – Yeah – before the zoning board. Looking forward to hearing you obtain a positive outcome.
    Machka – That spider bite! Whew – I thought we had fun creatures in Florida. Sorry to hear the meds have you whacked out.
    Flea – I will have to convince management to order me a standing desk. Some do have them in the office and it seems we have to get a doctor’s note – geez I feel like I am back in school. Yes, patience is a virtue within the academic world. After years of attempting to get hired as a professor and the 30+ page applications I decided it was not worth my time and energy.
    Sue – Happy to hear you had a good checkup!
    Lisa in AR – Big hug to you.
    Michele – Glad to hear your checkup went well and all is fine.

    Best to all.
    SuziQ - Broward County, FL
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday!
    Janet R- be kind to yourself with the loss of your sister. I think losing family is such a different roller coaster than losing a friend. So many different feelings are involved; and for me personally, there is always a bit of guilty feelings involved with family. Sending much love to you as your process everything and sending lots of warm hugs and love your way. <3
    Lisa- Sorry to hear of Corey's brother's passing. Years ago, when Tim's father died (this was two years after my parents passed), I tried to get Tim to talk about things. Yeah, men are not a chatty bunch of humans. His preferred way of dealing with things is to bury himself in work. I think they think about things and process as they keep busy.
    Barbara- Aww! Congrats on the new furbaby! Yes, I think they have a way of bringing out the best in our older fur friends and ourselves. It must be "dog" season, as this past month, two of my daycare families have gotten puppies. I am so envious. I would still love a dog. I really enjoy having Chappie (my grandpuppy) here, when my daughter/grandsons visit. I noticed, too, when I visited them for Miguel's birth, the minute I walked in the house, Chappie was sitting right beside me. When I got up in the mornings or if it was morning and I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee, he would sit at attention right beside me; waiting for a walk. I really think he remembered our long walks here at my house. He also remembered that I make him an egg every now and again. If I began to cook breakfast, he would wait patiently by his dog dish. lol He is a smart pup. Enjoy your new little one!
    Welcome new ladies!- As many have said, keep logging every bite and come back and visit often. This is the most inspiring group of women I have found on any social media or fitness site. ABsolutely amazing!
    Rebecca- Omigoodness! Athena, doll baby! She looks like she is enjoying that bath! She has a look on her face that says "More bubbles, peasant! We like our bath to be bubbly!"
    Heather- Can't wait to see pics of your Christmas table! You always dress your tables so nicely for the holidays!
    Amber- You are an inspiring woman! I often think, of how very grateful I am, that I can send my two year olds home at the end of the day! I can do toddler for ten hours a day, five days a week; but I don't think I could do it around the clock. Not at almost 53! JR has a lot of energy!
    Lanette- Love the pic of your kitty and pup! That was eleven years ago? Are they still with you? They are lovely!

    Well, I need to get a move on. I still have to make out my grocery list and get out to shop. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Good morning everyone. It's Saturday and time to get started. Have to go shopping and plan out my meals this week. Hope everyone Has a great weekend.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Lisa prayers :heart: .
  • JenniferM1234
    JenniferM1234 Posts: 173 Member
    Good morning. The dogs still haven't adjusted to daylight savings so I've been up with them for half an hour already, the little jerks.

    Lisa, I'm sorry to hear about your BIL and I hope that you and your husband are doing alright.
  • JenniferM1234
    JenniferM1234 Posts: 173 Member
    On Saturdays my husband and I typically have liked going for a big hike, but it's going to hit 82 degrees by noon today! Mother Nature must have forgotten to check her calendar. That's too hot and sunny for a nice hike.

    Sooooo, what should we do instead? The backyard could use a good weeding session but I try to stay out of the sun in general these days. Oh, I've got it, a movie matinee with popcorn and Raisinettes! That's a grain (fiber) and a fruit (dried grapes) right? I don't even know if any good movies are out.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did Perfect Body Workout DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Kathy Smith’s Peel Off The Pounds Pilates DVD. That afternoon I’m supposed to drive to Greensboro to take a friend of mine to a Newcomer meeting in her area.

    Making this vegetarian minestrone, only not making it vegetarian (using low sodium chicken broth rather than vegetable broth.) Saw a lady from Newcomers yesterday. She said they have a treasurer – her husband. I know he is an accountant, I’m surprised it took this long for them to ask him. I would bet that she did. She said they have a vp dependent on who the president will be and if that person can work with the president. To me, that’s just an excuse. That’s saying “I’ll say yes to get you off my back but I really don’t want to do it so I’ll put a condition on it”. When they strong arm someone to be president, this person is probably going to say “I don’t even know who XXX is, I don’t know that I can work with her”. They still don’t have a secretary (which they won’t get, they’ll leave it as it is). Well, not my problem

    Then I’m going to make dog biscuits for the gal whose house we’re going to have mahjongg at tomorrow. Her dog can’t have gluten so I found a recipe that calls for oat flour and oatmeal. We shall see how it comes out. Then I’ll probably make some turkey burgers for me to have another time.

    The temporary bridge feels funny, so I’m not going to do ANYTHING. Which in the end is good because I want to eat less, just in case I accidentally put the food on that side of my mouth.

    Vince went to a gun show, then he’ll go to a train show, then –pick up some more boxes to ship trains he’s selling.

    As usual, Denise is giving us a hard time about coming down for Christmas. Supposedly she has to work the 20th and another day to get paid for the Christmas holiday. I say supposedly because the other daycare she worked for didn’t say this. Previously, she’d told Vince that the weekend before Christmas was fine, Jess’s last day of class is the 20th, she was going to fly home the 21st, I said that we’d have Christmas the 22nd. Well, now Pete has to go to work on the 22nd. This to me, is a lot of excuses. But I’m going to let Vince handle it. Denise wants to have it in January. In a way I want to have it in December just to send a message that “we can’t do it when you want to”. See, I know Jess wants to see PJ. So I’m going to ask Jess if it would be possible for her to fly home early the 21st and get in around noon. Then we can have Christmas the evening of the 21st.

    Went to go see The Revolutionists at the Hickory Community Theater. Get this – my neurologist and his wife were sitting at the same table as us. What are the chances? I thought the play was "ehhh". I wouldn't go see it again.

    I seem to be much better from the flu shot, now it looks like I have a cold. I’m coughing. I did get the shot of Prolia yesterday. They didn’t ask me anything about feeling off so I assumed that it was OK since if it wasn’t, they’d surely have said something.

    Lisa – I’m so sorry about Corey’s brother and your sinus. I hate when I get them. I usually take a decongestant. I have some “just in case” in my bathroom

    Rori – isn’t it nice to have a “chill cat”. One time our vet took out one cat’s bp, and while he was THE CAT FELL ASLEEP!

    Pip – love your stove. It’s a lot like mine, only my knobs are on the back

    SuziQ – at my checkup my bp was on the high side, so he wants me to take it at home. I took it last night and it was down about 30 points. Maybe I do have white coat syndrome!

    Jennifer – Mother Nature forgot take her meds here, it’s VERY cold.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I wanted to finish my weeding project in the back this morning but it rained overnight so we'll do errands and indoor chores instead. Jake has already started the first of four loads of laundry. The dogs and I were out for 35 minutes before breakfast and will head out soon for the two hour walk (actually Bessie walks for about 20 minutes before she wants to go home and then Sasha and my friend and I walk longer and faster).

    <3:'(Lisa, sorry about your BIL.

    :)Allie, good luck getting your bed together. We've always bought beds from stores that delivered the bed, set it up and took the old one away. I can't imagine doing that myself.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Tracey- I PMed you with my email address a few days ago

    I’ve looked and it’s not there. I tried sending you one and it won’t send. My email is tschriver@telus.net if you want to email me.