

  • kelligifford88
    kelligifford88 Posts: 8 Member
    So. Been feeling the thoughts of my old ways rolling around in my head. Feeling a little discouraged. I have been with MFP for 9 weeks now. I log my diary every day. Following my specific diet without slipping. Yet here I am only 15 lbs down. Is this normal? I know I should be ok with it. At least I am down something.
    Rant done.
    I hope everyone is having a fabulous day.
    Much love to all.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    So. Been feeling the thoughts of my old ways rolling around in my head. Feeling a little discouraged. I have been with MFP for 9 weeks now. I log my diary every day. Following my specific diet without slipping. Yet here I am only 15 lbs down. Is this normal? I know I should be ok with it. At least I am down something.
    Rant done.
    I hope everyone is having a fabulous day.
    Much love to all.

    15 lbs in 9 weeks is really fast. "Normal" might be 1 lb/week.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    JanetR-Happy Birthday! Didn't realize we shared the date.

    Ginny in Ohio

    Happy Birthday to both of you!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    edited November 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Challenges ... if challenges appeal to you, don't forget about MFP's Challenges subforum:


    Pretty much the same as last month ... aside from exercise, this month will include ...

    -- work ... I've got several projects I should try to finish or get on top of by the end of the month.

    -- university ... I start my next course on Nov 11. It's a spring/summer course and entirely online so I'm curious how it will go. Later in November, I need to enroll in my course Semester 1 courses.

    -- cycling club ... I have a lot of work to do in this area!!

    -- website ... lots of work to do and start attending Wordpress meetings again.

    -- husband ... becoming more involved with our local brain injury association.

    -- medical ... attending a whole pile of different physio appointments and other medical appointments. There is not a single week without a medical appointment of some sort.

    -- and continuing to organise things at home. I've been working on this for a while now, but especially since I wrote my exam on Tuesday!!

    Machka in Oz

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- exercise every day or just about. Eating ... could be better. Sleeping ... not bad now that I've got my cocoon of silence. :)

    Work -- working on instructions these days, but I see emails starting to come in about other projects. They'll be for next week, I think.

    Uni -- I've downloaded the initial information for my new course. Will need to acquire a textbook. And I've enrolled in the remaining courses for my Master's degree.

    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!!

    Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting on Saturday.

    Husband -- we're going to a Brain Injury forum next Monday. Plus his BPPV flared up again this week, so we've had that treated. If you are having trouble with dizziness and balance, this is a great site with lots of information: https://vestibular.org/

    Medical/Health -- I have a complete physical booked for next Friday, but had to go into a Dr early because of the spider bite. It is starting to fade a little, I think, but the medication makes me a bit nauseated. I have several other things I need to book - probably next most important is dental for my broken tooth.

    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff.

    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel.

    Now it's lunch and I have a number of errands to run. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited November 2019
    Okie-Yes 2 servings 160cal total half would be 80cal but the can says 70cal because someone failed math wrote the label lol 😂. I just finagled the soup on here to show 80 not 70 per serving because it has 160 written in more places...wish it was 70cal but doubt it had obvious globs of cream of chicken in it.

    For late snack 2-78cal boiled 🥚 eggs,2 -70 cal wheat toasts,y 70cal worth if mixed jelly. Filling since the soup wasn’t at all.With a Gatorade zero

    Amber Tx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    edited November 2019
    Falling further and further behind in my reading. I'm on page 5 while there are 17 pages posted already...and I leave for a week in Michigan (brrrr) in a couple of days. Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm! It was warmer here today. My poor body will not know what happened when I arrive in Michigan (which is about 30 degrees F lower than home).

    Barbie and KJ Thank you for always keeping us up to date!

    Ginny So sorry you are having trouble with the with the muscle and knee pain! So frustrating when you are trying to get through PT and keeping active! Reading further…just saw about the wire. Hope that you don’t need surgery. I also just read that today is your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! (I am still on Saturday entries…will I ever catch up?

    Viv Hope your sister in law does okay with the treatments and has full recovery! Also, sorry to hear about the other person’s cancer Dx. Is that another sister…or a friend?

    Karen So sorry about your fur baby!

    Kate Sorry you lost your Mom’s key ring. So hard when we lose things we can’t replace! I have been without my Momma the same number of years…feels like forever. Miss her SO much. Especially hard during the holidays!

    Rebecca Great photos!! Love when family is around!

    Luci in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Machka You were asking about sleep paralysis. I didn't know there was a name for it until the past year. I had a lot of experience with it when I was younger. It played havoc with my nerves because I didn't know it was real. It felt like I was dying.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2019
    Heather "Janetr - I'm so glad you had a great 70th birthday. <3 We are so close in age. :D You are obviously very loved by your family. Isn't it a blessing."

    Thank you Heather, yes we're just a few weeks apart in age. I think we are very similar in many ways, we like to dress in style and up to date hair styles etc.' And more importantly keep our bodies in as best condition possible. I think we're doing well. :) Indeed my family is a blessing.

    If I knew turning 70 was so much fun, I'd have done it a long time ago. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Ginny in Ohio - Thank you,Happy birthday to you too. lol

    Janetr OKC
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Only up to page 13!

    Janet I’m so very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear Sister! I can’t imagine how hard it is to lose her!

    I don’t remember if I mentioned my November goal? I am going to focus on maintaining my current weight (176) through the holidays and work on losing again in the new year (SW was 215). I have had so much trouble losing recently, and I can’t handle going any lower than 1200 calories (many days I don’t reach 1200).

    Michele Congrats on the

    Karen I thought the Temple Grandin movie was excellent! I always thought they should require it for schoolteachers to introduce them to seeing the possibilities. Terrific that your grandson will get to see her. I’m so glad he has you to work with him! It is such a wonderful gift! One of my families had grandma working with the student and it was SO precious even though I know it was exhausting for her!
    Congratulations on Lilliana Belle! Makes me even more excited for our little one coming to our “babies” next month! The happy Mommy and Daddy are icing on the cake!!

    Heather I’m encouraged to continue to walk while I’m up North despite the cold. I will be sure to have the right clothing for the weather! Since we are driving, I won’t have to worry about taking extra warm clothes.

    KJ Joaquin and Miguel together – SO sweet!! Hope you are able to get the zoning you need to change things with your daycare!

    Machka That bite sounds bad. Hope it heals quickly!

    <3 Luci in NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited November 2019

    Tired 😴

    3am woken up by my cell lighting up Navy Daughter knows I was homeschooled my high school some middle school years to take care of my Mom (caregiver at a young age),well Baptist Preacher Dad ,y health problems that their was no medication until the year Daughter was born to lessen side effects so I really didn’t ever do much of anything. She sent me her 1st concert ever the whole thing so guess I’m at my 1st concert too lol just from the cell seats 💺. Closest I’ll ever come especially now that I got a baby again y well hate bathroom lines with a bad bladder lol 😂. Something about a stadium full of ports potties 🚽 y long lines even if theirs real toilets 🚽 are not worth the ticket prices to me.How that singer didn’t fall is beyond me crowds holding up another one standing on top of them singing 🎤 dangerous but guess that’s what’s hip nowadays.

    Amber Tx

    Going to finish watching videos in the morning night night
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,357 Member
    Luci in NC-it's ok to take a break and maintain. From my personal experience, eating less than 1200 calories net doesn't do me any good. I tend to lose better hitting close to the net deficit set by MFP. 1200 just meets basic needs. It's also not unusual to go for a bit without a loss showing up and then one day it is there. Hang in there.

    Ginny in Ohio