

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Beautiful view!!! :star:

    (((Amber))): Feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    NYKaren: I hope your DH is feeling better. :heart:

    Barbara & Heather: DH’s insulin reaction was pretty scary. He had a product called sugar tabs on hand, and although there was only one tube, it was enough. We have restocked. It has been a few years since he had a situation like this. The bottom line problem was that we didn’t eat enough dinner. I hope it is many years before another situation like this occurs. :grumble:

    I had a mole removed on my left arm at my doctor’s insistence. She thought it looked like it might be precancerous. The dermatologist doubted it was a risk, but we discussed it and went ahead with removal. It seems to be healing well. Our primary care doctor is a real gem, and I trust her advice.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    katla you are so sweet. DH took a dose of acetaminophen and was out like a light last night. He took one this a.m. to be on safe side and is relaxing in the couch. As for me, I’ve started pulling out service pieces for t-day, got my steps in (yay me) and hair colored and Something I’m most grateful for, a lovely convo with my bff <3 The rest of the day is for dreaming!!

  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Gratitude: Nature - I love mountains and am so grateful we live near the Smokies. Also, I love waterfalls which are abundant in this area. Memory - My Momma passed when I was 26, but my memories of her selfless life, her wonderful hugs, and her unconditional love help keep me calm in difficult times. Book: The Bible. I find great peace from what I learn with each reading.

    Thanksgiving plan: We are having 2 Thanksgivings this year. One with friends (out at a restaurant) and one with family at our son’s. I am planning to take some healthy foods to the kid’s to “snack” on so that I don’t eat two meals. Also, planning to eat small servings and bring home leftovers from the restaurant. Hopefully, it will make it easier to avoid getting out of control.

    I decided to increase my calories as I have been at a plateau and I seem to lose when I eat a bit more. I think my metabolism was shutting down. Hoping it will work out well. I will stick to low carb, low sugar to keep my diabetes in check.

    Michele I love how your ceramics turned out! Really beautiful!

    Ginny Hoping the choir substitute leader recovers completely from the stroke. How frightening! Sorry to hear about your supervisor! We spend so much time at work, that our coworkers becomes family.

    Amber Pineapple is another great help for your throat. I drink pineapple juice when having tickle or coughing. Hope you are feeling better soon, and that JR doesn’t end up with a cold also.

    Rita I like you with and without the glasses! I do like that you can see your beautiful eyes without them, but you look great with the glasses, too. You look terrific! I’m so sorry you are having trouble with the colitis meds. I have IBS and can only imagine how tough colitis can be. The IBS prevents me from doing a lot of things I want to do because it hits at the worst times.

    Rebecca I’m so glad you weren’t hurt in the chair spill! Scary!

    Allie Glad you aren’t beating yourself up about having a bad eating day. It doesn’t help and you will be right on track again and all will be well!

    Kenna Wow! A lot of challenges at once! I hope all goes well with the travelling back and forth for hubby with the doggy. We stayed at a couple of Red Roof Inns and I took healthy snacks with me. There was a small frig in the room. Also, they had some healthy foods on their complimentary breakfast, but if you are not able to have sugar and carbs, you might want to take along additional breakfast foods. I’m glad the cancer your hubby has is treatable and has a good outcome! Please be sure to take care of yourself through all these challenges – especially with your injuries!! So easy to forget self-care when caring for others.

    I’m still behind on reading…thinking of all of you and hoping everyone gets through the holiday season with as little stress as possible!!!
    <3 Luci in NC
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Luci- Doctor said mine isn’t cold or flu but something else they weren’t sure if it was bacterial or viral. I definitely have bacterial sinitus. So taking the medication it kills bacterial infection. Let’s hope mine poofs y whatever I have he won’t get they got me wearing a mask 😷. No runny nose for JR today so hopefully it was like my Dad thought allergies y exposure to hot then cold temperatures on our car trip to the doctor y back. He says his ears hurt tho y mine hurt .

    Amber Tx

    Mopped the house with bleach,vinegar,dish soap (degreaser),y fabuloso combined. It’s my secret to strip the floor clean after using one cleaner plus floor wax after another all the time (causes buildup). It should dissenfect my sneezing everywhere floor germs 🦠 to the food from JR being messy . Need to clean bathroom 🚽 but later did enough today.Maybe floor wax later too
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    stats for the day:

    spin, crossover, single leg- 60min, 126ahr, 151mhr, 104aw, 78ar, 14.8mi= 563c
    Apple Watch- 391c
    arm/chin up asset and floor exercise- 9.44min, 70#assist, 3sets of 10ea w/2 diff fl exer= 74c
    Apple Watch= 73c

    total cal 637
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Jillian Michael’s Cosmo Girl Get Fit & Fab DVD. If anyone would like to buy it for the price of the postage, there’s nothing wrong with it. It just isn’t my cup of tea. So I did a Caribbean Workout instead. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Leslie Sansone Walk It off in 30 Days DVD. Then we leave.

    SuziQ – I also like our GP because he discusses things like racing (he knows we go to Daytona every Feb) and exercise (with me because he knows I’m a big exerciser. Last time I was there we were discussing this one gym). When I go in and know what’s wrong with me, he trusts me. Like one time I went in and said “I have a sinus infection. My mucus is green. It’s not getting better. I think I need an antibiotic to kick it out”. So he gives me the antibiotic. For some reason, lately they aren’t prescribing the zPak but amoxicillin. I wonder if you can build up an immunity to the zPak. Why couldn’t you build up an immunity to amoxicillin? On another note: I think that something happened in sourpusses life back when and that’s why she is the way she is. Maybe as a small child she was always belittled so now she feels she has to belittle other people and show how superior she is. At least, that’s what I attribute her actions to

    Remember that root canal I had a while ago that I swear I didn’t need? Well, I could swear that it was top left. As it turns out, that’s where the bridge that broke was. Well, they (of course) had to take an x-ray so I asked if they could tell if there was a root canal done. They said that it wasn’t and it doesn’t look like one was done to any of the teeth on that side.

    KJ – I’m looking forward to seeing the Mr. Rogers movie.

    Got dinner ready to microwave tonight, mainly because I wanted to get things out of the refrig to see what needs to be done. I just have some lettuce that will go bad so I’ll give it to the gal who will watch the cats. She came over last night

    Vince made these shelves for some of the Christmas decorations. He enjoys doing something like this, so I let him be. Well, he opened a few boxes that we’d never opened. We’ve always wondered where our hurricane lamps went. He found them last night! We need to go thru things to decide what we want to keep and what we want to throw out or donate. I know we have a wreath that we’ll probably wind up donating. Update: On second look, it's going in the garbage. As are a few other things. I'll put out the garbage and recyclables tomorrow and I've asked the gal taking care of the cats to bring in the cans Tuesday.

    Got my suitcase packed yesterday. I’m also taking an overnight bag just so I don’t have to bring the whole suitcase in with me into the hotel we stay at overnight. Now getting my snacks portioned out. Will probably fill my “bag”. If we stop at a BK and they have the Impossible Burger, I may have one just to try it.

    Went thru all the things Vince found. Boy, as soon as we get back, I REALLY need to make a donation to the Salvation Army!

    Katla – what if you had Karo syrup in the house? I know we used to have it for our cat who was diabetic and I would think that it would work for humans, too. Another good thing is that it isn’t something that you need to wait to dissolve in your mouth.

    Went to church tonight.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :) My turkey is thawing in the refrigerator. We are going out in awhile to buy the rest of the food we need for Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to enjoying the turkey with a few favorite side dishes just the two of us.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,898 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited November 2019
    Good evening all just taking a few minutes to check in before I go to sleep.

    Michele: Safe travels.

    🎄🤶 Gratitude for Christmas 🎅🏻🎄
    #1, 15 Nov: Scents: loved the smell of the roses I put into my Floral arrangement
    #2, 16 Nov:Technology: Glad that I had my car and didn’t have to stand in the cold waiting for a bus
    #3, 17 Nov: Colour: the colour of the beautiful sunset as I walked home in the late afternoon
    #4, 18 Nov: Food: Fresh produce form my own garden ..... or ....... Chocolate! 🍫 My ultimate comfort food

    #5, 19 Nov: Sound: I'm grateful for the sound of DH moving about downstairs. It's very comforting.
    #6, 20 Nov: In Nature: I love the view of the night sky from my bedroom window on clear nights.
    #7, 21 Nov: Memory: This triggered a veritable avalanche of memories of my life, the happy moments crowding out the less pleasant ones. So... the memory I am most grateful for is my own selective memory, which chooses to focus on the positives, and reframe the negatives as learning experiences.
    #8, 22 Nov: Book: "Unlimited Power" by Tony Robbins. This book was a revelation to me and showed me that I was in charge of my life. It was pretty scary at first to accept responsibility for all my actions and decisions. It was no longer possible for me to blame others or make excuses. But it was such a positive turning point in my life. I revisit it often.
    #9, 23 Nov: Place: the place I am most grateful for is the quiet place in my head where I go when I meditate.

    Too tired for more comments, but I have skimmed posts.

    (((Hugs))) to those who need them.

    Miele Failte to any new ladies. This is a friendly supportive non-judgemental group with a wealth of experience, who welcome all comers. Jump in and comment if and when you feel the need.

    Enjoy what remains of your Saturday.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Good evening everyone. The weekend is in full swing. Went to my granddaughter's basketball game.Not much else going on. I did have a hot dog at game for lunch. Supper was just noodles. I was within my goal range when I had celery with cream cheese and picante sauce. It was delicious. I've always loved celery but it's usually covered in salt but not today. I am going to have to take notes on what is high in sodium.
    I did my weekly weigh in and I was down 2.2lbs. I actually hit 180, I was stuck at 185. Now to get through the Thanksgiving dinner from the apt. and then my son's family.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,229 Member
    Sunday -- got out for a bicycle ride and a run. :)

    Distance: 15.60km
    Elevation: 145m
    Moving time: 1:01:29
    Elapsed Time: 1:04:16
    Speed: Avg: 15.2km/h | Max: 33.8km/h

    Distance: 1.54km
    Elevation: 7m
    Moving Time: 12:29
    Elapsed Time: 13:08
    Pace: 8:06/km

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member