

  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Athena giggling with middle son! Music to my ears!

  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Still problems posting my pics.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Amber, oh I can't wait for the FaceTiming with me!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited December 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I can't get my pics to post
    Sorry, I was experimenting trying to post pics but it won't let me

    Find your photo ... right click on it and select "Copy Image" ... come here and Paste! :)

    I've done that here, and this is the photo you meant to post, is that right? :) Cute!!


    Machka in Oz

    That was one of them yes. I couldn't come up with the copy image menu. I'll try again, thanks.

    Click the photo to "open" it and then right click on that.

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Rebecca, oh my! Athena giggling, such a happy, happy little girl!
    Awhile back there was talk of purse snatchings, I use a small string type wallet that I can wear across my body, under a jacket if I have to, but we're fairly safe here so I don't usually do that. When I went to San Francisco several years ago with a friend, it was definitely under the jacket! I also attached a key chain to one of the zippers so that I can hook a finger into it. This keeps it from flopping around and also keeps me VERY aware of where it is.
    I am also looking forward to getting rid of the "extras" that are around the house, that will be happening soon and life, and eating!, will get back to normal. Then I need to really get serious about this whole lifestyle change thing. I was very disappointed at the beginning of the month when I tried on the pants that I had planned to wear to the staff Christmas party and found out they don't fit anymore. I haven't gained any weight, but apparently it has shifted to my midsection. Clearly need to work on that!
    Not much else happening in my life so won't bore anybody with stupid little details!
    Congrats to those celebrating, hugs for those needing them and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Fell asleep in front of TV again. Just woke from 2 hour nap. Our streets were like skating rinks this morning. Our DS parkeed car was almost hit by a neighbors car because they tried to go up our street and slid down the street instead. Grateful they were able to stop.

    I used the morning to get in touch with a friend I hadn't talked to in months. Turns out she was in a terrible car crash and was in intensive care for two months. Husband got on the line and said he thought he called me. I told him he had enough on his plate and I understood he needed all his attention on just getting through those months.

    It was a total shock. Talking to her she sounded great. There were a few things after I knew in retro spect I could tell something had happened to her. She did suffer a brain injury.

    She was hit on the way to work by a man speeding and possibly on drugs. He did not have a license and no insurance. She can no longer drive and can no longer work at the job she loved.

    She is lucky to be alive. She said part of what saved her is she had an Apple Watch that alerted the emergency squad she needed help. Have you heard of this? My car has ONSTAR if I choose to activate it. After what happened to her I will think about using this feature.

    "There were a few things after I knew in retrospect I could tell something had happened to her. She did suffer a brain injury."

    A guess ... she was tangential, repetitive, and verbose?

    I'm really sorry to hear all this especially because I can relate all too well. My husband will never likely work again and whether he is able to drive or not is still up in the air.

    He has a thing he wears around his neck now, when I'm not around, that should contact me if he falls or something. I think Red Cross has something to that effect as well.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited December 2019
    exermom wrote: »
    M - I realize that Denise does things differently from us. Like she likes to go out to dinner almost every day. We're not into going out for meals all the time. She likes her "junk" food (donuts for breakfast, etc), we prefer some sort of cereal or eggs or French toast, etc. But not to even TRY to see us once/year??? I bet you at least facetime with your family. We never have, even tho I was told that we would and I asked when's a good time. Still waiting for an answer that I know I'll never get. I'm not expecting any gifts or even a card. At least your parents sent you a card. They like a lot of pasta that you get out of a box. I'm not a pasta eater (but I do like shirataki noodles). When I make something, I ask others if they would like some. Not Denise. She likes coffee, not us, I like my tea. But to tell someone that you're going to see them, they make plans, etc. and then two weeks beforehand to tell them that you're not coming? Regardless of how much I don't want to do something, after I tell someone that I'll do something, I do it. I'm not a big red meat eater at all, they like their steak. That's all fine. But not to go thru with your word?? To me, that's very disappointing.

    Michele in NC

    I facetime with my parents now, now that I'm in my 50s ... but I didn't in my 20s and early 30s. That's the age when young people are trying to figure things out for themselves and don't necessarily want a lot of input from parents. But it often works itself out.

    I know it is disappointing, but one thing I've learned in 52 years is ... plans change. Often. And life is disappointing. Often.

    I know I've never been able to answer those ... "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" questions. I don't know what I'll be doing in one year, one month or one week from now. And that's how it has been most of my life.

    Some people aren't like that but some are ... people are different.

    All you can do is live your life and be as happy as you can with what you do. :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Meanwhile, my husband and I had a great 31 km bicycle ride this afternoon!! :)

    Some days have very good moments in them! :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited December 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Pretty much the same as last month ... aside from exercise, this month will include ...

    -- work ... I've got several projects I should try to finish or get on top of by the end of the month.
    -- university ... I start my next course on Nov 11. It's a spring/summer course and entirely online so I'm curious how it will go. Later in November, I need to enroll in my course Semester 1 courses.
    -- cycling club ... I have a lot of work to do in this area!!
    -- website ... lots of work to do and start attending Wordpress meetings again.
    -- husband ... becoming more involved with our local brain injury association.
    -- medical ... attending a whole pile of different physio appointments and other medical appointments. There is not a single week without a medical appointment of some sort.
    -- and continuing to organise things at home. I've been working on this for a while now, but especially since I wrote my exam on Tuesday!!

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- exercise every day or just about. Eating ... could be better. Sleeping ... not bad now that I've got my cocoon of silence. :)
    Work -- working on instructions these days, but I see emails starting to come in about other projects. They'll be for next week, I think.
    Uni -- I've downloaded the initial information for my new course. Will need to acquire a textbook. And I've enrolled in the remaining courses for my Master's degree.
    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!!
    Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting on Saturday.
    Husband -- we're going to a Brain Injury forum next Monday. Plus his BPPV flared up again this week, so we've had that treated. If you are having trouble with dizziness and balance, this is a great site with lots of information: https://vestibular.org/
    Medical/Health -- I have a complete physical booked for next Friday, but had to go into a Dr early because of the spider bite. It is starting to fade a little, I think, but the medication makes me a bit nauseated. I have several other things I need to book - probably next most important is dental for my broken tooth.
    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff.
    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel.

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Need to start exercising more now that I'm almost recovered from spider bite and medication.
    Work -- still working on instructions these days, but I see emails starting to come in about other projects. They'll be for next week, I think.
    Uni -- Will be doing a lot of reading this weekend.
    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!! I made some good progress on the website last night which I was really pleased about! :) But most urgently: We've got another cycling event on the weekend which we're hosting ... tomorrow! I went shopping at lunch for it.
    Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting next Saturday (1 week).
    Husband -- went to a Brain Injury forum last Monday which was quite interesting ... projects coming soon.
    Medical/Health -- Complete physical today.
    BP is a bit high. Will be tracking it over next couple weeks. Had ECG - good. Will have heart ultrasound soon.
    Got measles vax. I am in the age group that only had 1 vax but 2 are needed. I may have had measles in 2016, but just in case I didn't, I want the vax!!
    Booked appt for shingles vax.
    Dentist next week.
    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff.
    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel.

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Walking more + lifting some weights. It's sleeveless season shortly and I'd like my arms to have some muscle tone.
    Work -- Finishing up instructions, starting to get into projects. I've got 4 projects before the end of December
    Uni -- Much reading + need to start first assignment.
    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!! Website + prep for December 1 event.
    My Personal Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting next Saturday.
    Husband -- always a never-ending stream of medical appointments + some projects with 2 or 3 different organisations.
    Medical/Health -- Tracking BP. At home, it's OK. Heart ultrasound on Monday.
    Booked appt for shingles vax, second measles vax, and mole biopsy.
    Dentist on Friday.
    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff, but kind of picking away at it.
    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel. I'm off for 16 days and we'll go away for a few of them. I've booked peace and quiet!! I hope! :) Hopefully there will be some beach time too, both at home (we live close to a beach) and away ... and cycling time!! It would be fabulous to be able to cycle and/or run/walk every day during those 16 days!!!

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Trying to fit it all in. So tired.
    Work -- And now all the projects begin + a couple extra I hadn't anticipated. Four projects due tomorrow!
    Uni -- Much reading + need to start first assignment ASAP.
    Cycling Club -- Several things to do!! Most importantly right now, we've got a big event on Dec 1 which I'm organising. My stomach tightens.
    My Personal Website -- I have started working on this. I'd post it here, but not sure if I can: machka . net That was a bit of fun.
    Husband -- Never-ending stream of medical appointments + projects with 2 or 3 different organisations. **I actually asked for one of them to reschedule!!** I don't usually do that but when they wanted me to take an hour or so out of my day tomorrow, when I've got 4 work projects due ... I just couldn't! :astonished: It actually felt good to ask them if we could reschedule! Small victory. :)
    Medical/Health -- Had heart ultrasound on Monday. Watching BP.
    Booked appt for shingles vax, second measles vax, and mole biopsy.
    Need to see chiropractor.
    Organisation -- Can't do much of this till closer to Christmas.
    Recreation -- Not much of this until Christmas.

    Feeling really stressed this week.

    Pretty much the same as last month ... aside from exercise, this month will include ...

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Trying to fit it all in. So tired. And yes, I need a new pillow. I sleep on my right side and my right arm is killing me.

    Work -- Lots of work projects until Christmas.

    Uni -- Much reading + need to complete first assignment ASAP. That's my main focus outside of work this week.

    Cycling Club -- I have a few things to do to wrap up our event on Dec 1, and a national committee meeting next week, but then I've got a bit of a break from this till January.

    My Personal Website -- I have started working on this. I'd post it here, but not sure if I can: machka . net That was a bit of fun.

    Husband -- Never-ending stream of medical appointments + projects with 2 or 3 different organisations.

    Medical/Health -- Booked appt for shingles vax, second measles vax, and mole biopsy. Need to see chiropractor about my right arm.

    Organisation -- Can't do much of this till closer to Christmas.

    Recreation -- Not much of this until Christmas ... unless you count Christmas decorating!

    Challenges -- I've joined 3 challenges in the Challenges forum. :)
    If challenges appeal to you, don't forget about MFP's Challenges subforum:

    Machka in Oz


    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Got a new pillow which is wonderful! And I'm getting bits and pieces of exercise in despite my right leg. :confused:

    Work -- Got done what I needed to get done. :relieved: But lots of work waiting in the wings for January.

    Uni -- Completed first assignment. Completed half of second assignment. Need to finish second assignment ... and so much reading. I'm doing a bit each day but I'll probably have to pick up the pace. :grimace:

    Cycling Club -- I think I've kind of got things organised. There's lots to do, but I think I've got a plan.

    My Personal Website -- I have started working on this. I'd post it here, but not sure if I can: machka . net That was a bit of fun.

    Husband -- Never-ending stream of medical appointments + projects with 2 or 3 different organisations.

    Medical/Health -- Second measles vax and mole biopsy done. Shingles vax in early January. And CT scan of nose etc. on Jan 14.

    Organisation -- Maybe in February?

    Recreation -- Taking a work break now!

    Challenges -- I've joined 3 challenges in the Challenges forum. :)
    If challenges appeal to you, don't forget about MFP's Challenges subforum:

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    2019 Monthly December
    Walking Distance (km): 85.9
    Walking Time (min): 1056.6
    Cycling Distance (km): 106.0
    Cycling Time (min): 380.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 95.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 76.0
    Rowing Distance (km): 5.0
    Rowing Time (min): 33.0

    Total Distance (km): 196.8
    Total Distance (miles): 122.3
    Total Time (min): 1545.6
    Total Time (hr): 25:45:38
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Woke up in the city that never sleeps,I slept well and going to take the subway uptown to check out central park..and maybe the upper east side to see how the rich and famous .live..

    Glad to hear about your travels and happy you are having a great time!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Still problems posting my pics.

    I was having issues posting pics yesterday too. You are not alone!

    Beautiful children.

    Prayers to you and your recovery!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Fell asleep in front of TV again. Just woke from 2 hour nap. Our streets were like skating rinks this morning. Our DS parkeed car was almost hit by a neighbors car because they tried to go up our street and slid down the street instead. Grateful they were able to stop.

    I used the morning to get in touch with a friend I hadn't talked to in months. Turns out she was in a terrible car crash and was in intensive care for two months. Husband got on the line and said he thought he called me. I told him he had enough on his plate and I understood he needed all his attention on just getting through those months.

    It was a total shock. Talking to her she sounded great. There were a few things after I knew in retro spect I could tell something had happened to her. She did suffer a brain injury.

    She was hit on the way to work by a man speeding and possibly on drugs. He did not have a license and no insurance. She can no longer drive and can no longer work at the job she loved.

    She is lucky to be alive. She said part of what saved her is she had an Apple Watch that alerted the emergency squad she needed help. Have you heard of this? My car has ONSTAR if I choose to activate it. After what happened to her I will think about using this feature.

    Sorry to hear about your friend Margaret. I do not have an Apple watch so was not aware of the feature. Technology definitely has many upsides.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Some things to think about as 2020 approaches ...

    How to Set SMART Goals for 2020


    Machka in Oz