

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @1948Peachy I'm so sorry about your Pom

    @Machka9 years of school, becoming a citizen in a different country, I'm there. it sounds like you are somewhat organised, more than I am at present. your beach is so beautiful!

    @ginnytez that Is so sad, but good that he went on his own terms

    @pie79 you did it! Welcome!

    @auntiebk I can relate about being intro/extravert. I'm somewhat in the middle, slightly more introvert I think. I used to dance lots at parties in college, partly cause I didn't feel like speaking that much. Great job on cleaning.

    Off to a slow start today. I need to return the bad computer I bought. I tossed the box unwisely so I know it's gonna be more of a fuss to bring it bad. Customer service here is laughably not good. The opposite of USA customer service. Need to have breakfast, go to gym and computer repair place or visa versa. Meeting a neighbour new friend-acquaintance for coffee at 4:30. it's been hermit-like with all the transport strikes. hard to meet people these holidays and I couldn't go away easily- plus I had all the legal gunk to deal with.

    Here is a balanced video that talks about it from 3min28 to 5:30. It's very accurate. It's by a francofile person so rather fair. The most common answer is "no it's not possible". And then you hang around and you may or may get satisfaction. If you are francofile you might like this. Though not particularly this video. she talks about what she loves about France in another video, or French management style, or how to swear in France, or what not to wear in France, or French beauty secrets, etc, etc ec.

    I checked online and this is a major chain and it says with no box its exchange or credit not reimbursement. Fine. Let's see how it works. I'm apprehensive. this is no LL bean or eastern mountain sports (good on exchange policies).

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning ladies, I'm up early as usual enjoying my first cup of coffee, what a delight. Lots of cleaning up and errands from the holiday to complete today. Laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping. Also Rachel needs to have her phone repaired, what a rabbit hole that may be!

    We will go back to work tomorrow, wow, that's the first time I thought about that for 2 entire weeks! Unplugging the past 2 weeks has been very good for all of us, DH and I are more in sync and the 3 of us have had time to enjoy each other, feeling grateful for my little family <3

    "mindful" is my word this year and it includes staying on the path I've set up that includes morning journaling, keeping track of to dos with my post it note method and weekly index card :) . This keeps me on the straight and narrow and takes away a lot of the stress and muddle. I am becoming more aware of my actions as they relate to dealing with anxiety, I often medicate with food and sedentary behaviors to decompress. I plan on recognizing this and choosing differently or at least examine potential choices I have that don't have to mean mindlessly reaching for comfort food and the remote control!

    Carol lots of love and strength coming your way, ((( <3 )))

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Stats Update

    Even with the holidays I managed to lose a little. I do have some habits I have to get back to such as drinking 8 glasses of water a day and better meal planning. While reviewing my weight loss I see those two things result in greater loss.

    It’s interesting that I am still finding I am losing weight at the same or increased rate than my younger self. For those of you who are new – I am very fortunate to not have had any major illnesses or injuries. And, WW = WeightWatchers.


    2020 list of To-Dos is complete and left in an area where I will see it daily. My goal for January is to be down another 5 pounds which will bring me very close to goal.
    SuziQ - SFL
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    We are expected to “dress” for the event. Since I am down over 30 pounds since last year’s event and our office is business casual (jeans are OK) I had to figure out an outfit. So for the past couple of weeks I have been hitting the clearance racks at various stores and as of Friday I have a pants suit I will be wearing. The portion of the event I am attending is our “Partner Showcase”. We have almost 50 partners attending this year so with only three hours I will be running around like crazy trying to make sure I hit every table. Some of our partners include HP, Apple, Dell, Cisco, Kingston, C2G, Lenovo, and many more.

    I usually keep my nails natural but since this is such a big event I gave myself a manicure. I splurged and bought Sally Hansen’s Miracle Gel. It is a gel polish that does not require the use of a UV lamp nor does one need to scrape/file/soak the polish off. It is supposed to last 2 weeks. I will say once I got the hang of using it, the polish is slightly different than typical polish, I will say my nails look like they were done in a salon.

    SuziQ - SFL

    Dressing was something I had to get used to in Australia. The places I worked in Canada were fairly casual - engineering offices. Here, most offices dress up ... dress uniforms or black skirt, nice blouse, etc. My office is slightly more casual. We don't have a uniform, and we have casual Fridays where we can wear jeans. But the rest of the week, I'm usually in a skirt or dress.

    I also use gel nail colour. Maybelline has some, but not a wide colour choice. I like it much, much better than regular polish. I've just removed my Christmas red and green and have applied clear.

    Machka in Oz

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    On pets and travel - When we had our first Great Dane mix, he could happily be left at home "alone" for 3 days. I say "alone" because our neighbor would come over each day to pet his head and put down food for him. She often would stay and read her book for awhile and pet him or just sit with him beside her. Our last Dane mix was not the same. He would go outside and howl because he was lonely. He knew when the suitcases (or backpacks or whatever else we used to try to fool him into not thinking we left) left that he was alone and he would howl. We could go from dawn to dusk and he was fine, no suitcases meant we were coming back and he happily went in and out his doggie door and was a good quiet boy.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    WELCOME all the new ladies! :D When you sign off always leave a name and general location so we can sort you out. :p

    Lisa - I love your word. :o<3 I once saw a house renovation programme where they had poured a new concrete floor and it had cracked in a few places. They decided to fill the cracks with gold coloured stuff, (not pure gold I imagine). It looked amazing. We can all be strong at the broken places and beautiful as well. Best wishes for the health issues.

    Off to do some bonus rowing.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    edited January 2020
    :) Welcome PAC I am about the same age as you also retired and married. I eat my breakfast at my computer and read this thread every day. It helps me focus on being healthier and more active.

    :) Welcome, Christina in Canada I have had my hair its natural color almost all my life. I hope you'll enjoy it. It has helped me to take my journey to weight loss and fitness one day at a time and concentrate on behaviours that will help me.

    :)Heather, your new table is beautiful

    :)Lisa, I love your word. I hope you'll mention it from time to time in case I forget it. I want to add to my vocabulary.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,238 Member
    edited January 2020
    Finally packed away all the Christmas stuff. We have a garden group meeting in our home on Wednesday, so have to get ready for that.

    On page 8. Will get caught up eventually.