

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,936 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Barbie love your actions concerning a difficult teaching year. I journal quite a bit and start each day with an index card that lists —“things I get a chance to do” and end with “decisions I made today that were positive.” This has helped me tremendously with handling the toxic environment and has led to better results for my students and for me! Love how succinctly you put things!


    :) Thanks for this. I would have loved knowing you when I was teaching.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,634 Member
    NYKaren - The IRS says any and all pay for work is taxable, so whom ever told her the internship money was not taxable was wrong, with a 1099 a copy of that form was mailed to her and to the IRS if there is not a return turned into the IRS by April 15 then the IRS will start penalties. She needs to do a return, if that was her only income she will not owe anything and an EZ form that she will be able to fill out herself will cover it. That may be what the person meant, not that the income was non-taxable but that if that was her only income she would not owe anything.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,758 Member
    Barbie - I love how you handled your difficult year. I adopted that mentality a couple years ago and it has made a huge difference in my life.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,634 Member
    Barbara - paid work (even if it is illegal ie; selling drugs or turning tricks) for any one or any organization is in the IRS's opinion subject to income tax review and they want a return, so they can review it - you may not owe anything, but they still want the return. My parents had me start doing returns at 13 years old and I had to declare my babysitting/pet sitting money.

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Made the 330cal meal trays canned chicken y dumplings 🥟 soup (heated at time of microwave not before),4 pickles a spot for some ghughes ketchup,y baked seasoned potato wedges garlic powder,Himalayan salt,y pepper on it olive oil Pam spray for pan y them only. (390* in oven 35-40minutes for potatoe wedges).

    Made a few more snack packs 110cal 14pretzel deli style crisps gluten free, granola bar 90cal one , 40cal a piece peanut butter granola chocolate balls (hubby didn’t like them but I sure do their great on the side of a granola bar for added flavor) .

    Pretzel crisps gluten free (350mg salt 🧂 )

    http://www.walmart.com/ip/KIND-Bars-Dark-Chocolate-Nuts-Sea-Salt-Gluten-Free-5g-of-Sugar-1-4-Ounce-12-Count/139297127 type of bat but got cheaper mini’s on sale for $1 a box .

    http://www.walmart.com/ip/Nature-Valley-Peanut-Butter-Granola-Bites-Peanut-Butter-Chocolate-5-3-oz/453953453 balls only 2 per tray I added. 160 cal for 4 so half the serving. I got on sale $1.25

    Amber Tx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,250 Member
    Barbara - HUGS,!! My DH went for a health check yesterday. I bet he didn't mention his prostate, :# Grrrrrr! or confess to the units we drink each week. He is going for a routine blood test on Thursday.
    Because Edie is so socially acute she can be utterly charming, or she can decide to wind people up big time. She loves to be contrary. At the school concert she decided she wasn't going to cooperate. >:) She is the ultimate tease. Poor future boyfriends. :o

    Tracey - How wonderful! I hope to be the perfect grandma. I think I am unshockable. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,572 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Todo"s and "done"
    Done: nothing yesterday, woozy so spent day in bed. So far today, voicemailed surgery nurse and Dr P re: Joe’s procedure, called CHN for DEXA scan, they aren’t scheduling until their machine is fixed.
    ToDo: invest 10 mins cleaning Living Rm, carry over 10 mins cleaning Master Bth, Kitchen/Laundry, Office, Master & Guest Bds, get up off my butt and go outside with the dogs, install iCloud for Win 10, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, bake bran muffins, call Carolyn D. Next week Shadow to Mini Pet Mart to shop for crate, get Shingrix vaccine. next month: follow up for DEXA scan appt. Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.
    After a digestively explosive night, felt woozy so skipped all activity and slept yesterday away.

    Machka Beautiful pics! Do you ride on the sand? “booked a dentist appointment for that tooth” well done!
    Heather “The trauma has so much less grip on me now.” Brava! Just read the dragon drawing review. Are you quite sure that socially acute Bea isn’t a pre-reincarnation of the Dalai Lama? Did your DH win the “Burping contest”? :laugh:
    SuziQ so thankful you survived such a horrific year. :heart: your perfect day. The p color chart made me giggle.
    Kylia you, Machka, Barbie, Katla, Lanette, KJ, (especially) Rori and others who care for loved ones have my deepest admiration and respect. What a cutie you are, and were!
    NYKaren “notice the positive” inspiring. Even more so the starting with “things I get a chance to do” and ending with “decisions I made today that were positive.”
    Welcome @taylordebraa8007 Debra in CA, Amber’s friend.
    Karen in VA since we’re in coastal Oregon, I order seeds from Nichols Garden, Territorial or PeacefulValley/Grow Organic, but they don’t carry Katrina. See Johnny’s has F1 Katrina @ 10 seeds for $8.50, gulp, and not even organic. Our transplanted F1 Mercury Beit Alpha cukes ($2.95/30 seeds) produced all the way thru September in our cool, foggy flower bed.
    Pip something is very wrong. How could you possibly suck at riding hills? :love: Bullwinkle and Rocky (or Floyd?)
    Sue in WA Hooray for the roofer, electrician and registering your cabin for rent with the Traveling Nurses Association.
    Okie what do you do for your jobs 1 and 2?
    Ginny in OH, impressive purge and flights of stairs! Really impressive tile backsplash job!
    Kim your thoughts on time are sparking some reflection. Since I’ve been retired, freed from the external structure of work, I’ve been less mindful of how I use my time. If it weren’t for setting up external structures (church, firehall, line dance, dog group and BB&B) I’d laze away the rest of my days. Hmm. Food for thought. Thanks for your succinct IRS info to NYKaren. Is even paid church work subject to income tax?
    Beth hope starting (and documenting) back at square 1 finds the sweet spot for you.
    Cheri thank you for your catfisher warnings and wise words.
    Lisa :heart: “sneaking up on myself.”
    Mary fm AZ/MN :love: the V-day pic.
    Viv thank you for the “make those happy memories” reminder. Will take that to heart today, especially with Joe.
    Welcome Jane from England!
    Allie “son sleeping on the couch” is he going to look after your condo while you’re in Peru? Safe travels, hope the trip is all you want and more.
    KJ I want your dream room too!
    Michele How horrific to have the car land upside down in flames right in front of you. So relieved his serious injuries are not life threatening.
    Tracey Loved your running away story, envy you your grandparents (mine all died before I could know them), laughed out loud at your “thought I should mention that part” confession. I resembled that remark!

    Husbands and health rant:
    Joe reminded me of his eye Dr appt tomorrow, wanted to be sure I’d be home with the dogs. We haven’t left Shadow alone since we got her, and he’s concerned she’d be destructive. Yet he would oppose leaving her in her crate. I suggested he postpone the eye test as he’d be prepping for his colonoscopy and shouldn’t be that far from a toilet. There followed four or five loving conversations. He doesn’t want me driving him there and back, but wants to drive himself in the van. He can “rest” in the van’s bed afterward until he’s recovered. He rejected me driving him, with, or without the dogs. I pointed out the instructions that say you must have a driver. He read the instructions carefully, finding an “out” in the stop taking aspirins 7 days before. The warning about possible tears in colon requiring hospitalization and surgery set his resistance in concrete. I maintained soft answers for the first four, but got defensive/aggressive in the last, reminding him that his father had a “bag”. He said he, not me, should have the right to determine his health care. Instead of agreeing, I snottily asked him who he thought would be changing his bags. :ohno: me and my mean, nasty temper. :rage: Where we stand now: Joe doesn’t want the colonoscopy under any circumstances. He wants the poo test I kiboshed earlier this year, knowing he was past due for the colonoscopy. I have agreed to: 1-ask the surgery nurse if a postponement due his taking aspirin within the past 7 days and currently having the sniffles is appropriate. 2-ask the Dr. to re-order the poo test and 3-ask the Dr. to speak with Joe about the colonoscopy, whether or not it is necessary. Whether or not Joe will agree to listen to the Dr. is out of my hands, hard as that is to accept. 4- When the scheduler called back, I cancelled his appointment.

    Barbie “When I concentrate on the problem, the problem increases...when I concentrate on the solution, the solution increases.” Will try to shift my focus from the “problem” of Joe’s resistance, to the “solution” of maintaining his health. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Off to prep some veggies and brown rice. :}

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    February: better than January.
    daily: steps=783 vits=13 log=17 CI<CO=12 CI<250<CO=9 Tumble 5/10=11 mfp=17 outside=11 clean 10 mins=9 up hill=16
    wkly: BB&B x3=6, rx=2 dance=4 pack walk=3
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= review 20for20=1

    That was a young Bullwinkle on the left and rocky on the right.

    Hey, I can’t b awesome at work everything
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Well hubby turned down the new meal trays. His reason he wants only chicken or egg dishes. He won (It was too silly of an argument on whether chicken y dumplings counted as a chicken soup or not? He was very sure he was right that it’s not) .

    So making him a few 245cal plain chicken ,green beans,dashes of pepper ,Idaho garlic flavored bag potatoes . Cause well chicken y dumplings 🥟 doesn’t have chicken???? Lol 😂 I now see where JRs picky eating comes from. Points finger at hubby.

    Hard making these without knowing the other person’s food moods,but will keep making them. So far the others were successful he ate them all up me too.

    Amber Tx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Allie ~ Safe and Happy Travels to you and Trudy! :)

    Amber ~ It sounds like your hubby is choosing a healthy dinner if it is chicken, broccoli, etc.

    Taxes ~ My DH sends them to the accountant. He has a BA degree and I can't understand why he doesn't tackle them himself since he is no longer in the antique business. Of course, if I had to do them it would be a disaster. Anything concerning numbers is over my head.

    I have not exercised in 3 days...back aching and knees. The best way for me to exercise is to go to a big box store and walk every aisle. Got my car back from repairs today so may get to go walk tomorrow if all goes well. (We had to get a new starter in this 13 yr old car that has really never had any problem before.)

    Carol in GA