

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Barbara- Jumping rope at my age with my saggy boobs go up slap hard down over y over again lol. It’s not a black eye more a shoulder slap or rib ouch. Bras don’t contain me got new type that fits better still no luck. I got tubular breasts different sizes so not like most women so bras just aren’t going to fit just right. Makes it impossible to breast feed the one I got until 4th pregnancy then you can make some milk. I made 1-5punces a day for JR for 2weeks before it was gone he was the 4th pregnancy.Was happy to get that experience even if brief got him over his premature Csection birth jaundice.

    Okie - Yeah I bet that’s it he saw fries soup y pickles probably wanted more but went around a bout of mansplaining it instead of saying I want bigger portions. Made him green beans with a huge helping of mash potatoes a piece of chicken. Funny thing is the chicken y dumplings is actually a large portion same amount as the chicken. Hard to tell but the fries are the same amount as an ice cream scoop of the mash potatoes. Only difference is pickles instead of green beans. Lol he is allowed to eat 2 containers per meal if still hungry . He eats stuff besides what I made so me keeping his calories in balance is impossible it’s up to him. Snacking, restaurants with/without clients, moms house 🏡 ,y even sometimes his Sisters. He has more opportunities to cheat than I do it’s building will power . At least he’s trying my healthier meals to trying to count his calories in his head even if then he eats a box of cookies 🍪. Takes time to get used to a new routine.

    Amber Tx

    Today the dumpling meals (chicken y dumpling with 7 large wedge fries y 4pickles y ketchup. Crystal light peach tea. Then for snack not sure got a few choices.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Karen - I'm so sorry for the impending loss of your friend. Alzheimers is such an ugly disease!

  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Heather Such a cute picture with the tough judge and your pictures!

    Pip I love the inside of your Sequoia, too. I hope it drives and is as comfortable as my Rav4. I couldn’t believe the difference in different brands! I love Toyotas and have had many over the years. Yogi appears to love his new limo! The rug in the back for him is beautiful! Nice seat covers, also.

    Amber Funny we have similar stories. I was fortunate to find an OB near the end who was the same age as I and had just had a baby a couple of months before me. She made the last month of my pregnancy and my delivery wonderful! I had kicked my abusive husband out before the baby was born, so I had a friend (who had just had a baby also) for my coach. I went through labor and delivery with two other new Mommies and it was a wonderful experience. 😊

    Ginny Hope you are feeling better today! Do you use natural treatment for your thyroid cancer??

    Kim What a lovely party you hosted! The bride and groom are very fortunate you are such a terrific hostess! I am amazed you were able to create a vegan meal! That is tough when making everything from scratch! The dinner area was beautiful, and everyone looks so happy!

    Machka Terrific pictures! I want one of your apples. 😊 I usually have an apple every day. They are like candy for me!

    Me days Every day is a me day for me. I love watching my dear Grandbaby!! I haven’t been able to work since I was 52. The only thing I don’t like about my time being free every day is that I never seem to get things done that I want done. I am trying to be more active and get more accomplished. So much to do in our house, but I have a tough time getting motivated. I watch way too much tv…hoping to get that under control soon. In a lot of pain most days…mostly left over from my injuries. It sucks, but I sure prefer it to the alternative!!!
    We have two trips planned this year. My DH’s 50th high school reunion in KS and a family reunion (my side) in a giant house in FL. Very excited about both trips as we never spend enough time with family and friends. I know we will have a wonderful time (other than the drives which I usually medicate myself for or I squirm around too much from pain). The drives are long and stopping a lot to walk around makes them even longer, so we usually push through. DH prefers it that way, and he is happier if I am semi knocked out so I don’t moan and groan too much.

    Michele So happy that Newman is alert and talking! The accident was horrific! I can’t imagine seeing it live!! Must have been awful not knowing if he survived it or not! Jeff Gordon was doing commentary and was visibly shaken while talking about it. It must be those driver’s worst nightmare to be reminded just how dangerous their sport!

    <3 Luci in WNC way back on page 47…

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Barbara- Jumping rope at my age with my saggy boobs go up slap hard down over y over again lol. It’s not a black eye more a shoulder slap or rib ouch. Bras don’t contain me got new type that fits better still no luck. I got tubular breasts different sizes so not like most women so bras just aren’t going to fit just right. Makes it impossible to breast feed the one I got until 4th pregnancy then you can make some milk. I made 1-5punces a day for JR for 2weeks before it was gone he was the 4th pregnancy.Was happy to get that experience even if brief got him over his premature Csection birth jaundice.

    Okie - Yeah I bet that’s it he saw fries soup y pickles probably wanted more but went around a bout of mansplaining it instead of saying I want bigger portions. Made him green beans with a huge helping of mash potatoes a piece of chicken. Funny thing is the chicken y dumplings is actually a large portion same amount as the chicken. Hard to tell but the fries are the same amount as an ice cream scoop of the mash potatoes. Only difference is pickles instead of green beans. Lol he is allowed to eat 2 containers per meal if still hungry . He eats stuff besides what I made so me keeping his calories in balance is impossible it’s up to him. Snacking, restaurants with/without clients, moms house 🏡 ,y even sometimes his Sisters. He has more opportunities to cheat than I do it’s building will power . At least he’s trying my healthier meals to trying to count his calories in his head even if then he eats a box of cookies 🍪. Takes time to get used to a new routine.

    Reason I started the prep meals is can introduce more exciting foods to our diet since can prepare each item slowly throughout a day or all at once. Plus JRs less hyper in the morning than near afternoon.He picks up speed! Lol like a roller coaster 🎢 morning he goes up y afternoon he speeds down full force wheeeeeee

    Amber Tx

    Today the dumpling meals (chicken y dumpling with 7 large wedge fries y 4pickles y ketchup. Crystal light peach tea. Then for snack not sure got a few choices. Exercise today too.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,396 Member
    edited February 2020
    It's Wednesday ladies! <3

    Heather - if I lived close to you I'd find a way to finagle myself over for one of your delicious meals now n then, lol. Seems like I rarely cook anymore now that DH's eating is so limited. When I do, plenty goes into the freezer. But I have taken to actually sitting down at the dining room table for my supper, setting a place, slowing down and enjoying what I'm eating.

    I ran into an interesting fellow at Grocery Outlet yesterday in the cookie aisle. :DB) He told me about time he'd spent in Africa and also South America living with pretty primitive folks, and how grateful they always were eating their simple meals every day, and how happy they were and how they sang and took care of each other. NO social media! And how sad it was now, with his grandchildren totally tied to their phones.

    We agreed that if anything happened where the electricity was off for a long period of time and social media wasn't accessible, our role as old-timers would be as their "guides" showing them what was really important in life. It was kind of an "Another Auld Lang Syne" moment. <3 I didn't really know this guy but knew of him. Gave me a little lift.

    SuziQ - thank you for the link about gut microbiomes and Mediterranean diet. There's a lot to be learned from this! It reminded me of an article I read recently called "Why the Calorie is Broken" on the Blue Zones website. It's lengthy but gave me a lot to think about. What struck me was how our gut microbes actually may help determine if we get fat - citing a case where a lady received a gut microbe transplant from her overweight daughter but she gained 40# she was unable to lose with diet or exercise....hmmm.... Here's the link if anyone is interested: https://www.bluezones.com/2019/01/why-the-calorie-is-broken/?fbclid=IwAR0ljw-yH4PaI5FT6xW9pASIMX-VbfKwe3JJFCiDlIpMcVTsKcoG9cKqHf8

    Barbara AHMOD
    - I kind of thought your income from church question was rhetorical. B) I miss the old days of working in an accounting office and actually generating W-2's and 1099's.

    Karen in VA - sorry to hear about your friend with early Alzheimers. Early 50's is way too young to start mental decline like that. It's comforting that you have good memories of her. <3

    Went for my walk this morning, 24 degrees, road bare and dry.

    Time to get busy. Make it a good day! <3

    Sunny SW WA State

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,287 Member
    Debra California: Welcome to the group.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,287 Member
    Up to page 59
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Karen-I’m so sorry for you and your friend.Ive seen a few vibrant people be taken by Alzheimer’s 😔.But you are right,she will be done with this existence.
    Amber-I jump rope and wear a sports bra 1 size too small-it’s a beast to take off when I’m drenched in sweat but it keeps everything from going everywhere lol.I also wear it during hiit for the same reason.
    Janet O-sorry you’re under the weather.I do hope the time you have to rest and reflect gets you where you feel you need to be.Prayers,(((hugs))),love❤️,and gratitude for y’all.
    Debby in Va
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    (((Karen in VA))) We are dealing with this daily with my husband's BnL (for whom my husband is the care taker of sorts). We see him slowly losing more of his memory. His lifeline is his computer, so that is what keeps him from totally withdrawing from the world.

    Amber ~ Not really any of my business, but, you mentioned 4 pregnancies and I thought your daughter and JR were your only children.

    Another slow day here at my house!

    Carol in GA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,613 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did only ½ hr of HIIT today since I needed to be home by 8:30. That means shower and finish getting dressed. The plan for tomorrow is to take the Power Hour class

    Welcome everyone new! Jump in any time at all. We’re glad you’re here

    My sinuses were acting up last night. Fortunately, I didn’t have the sinus headache, but my teeth were sore. Got up around 4. I actually got online looking to see if any pharmacy was open 24 hours (none). I tried everything to get rid of it, nothing worked. Then I remembered that whenever we go somewhere Vince takes all sorts of medicine with him so I wondered if he has some Sudafed. He did so I took one. About ½ hr later I was able to get a little more sleep.

    Then when I went to the Y for some reason my earbuds wouldn’t connect to my phone. Not everyone likes the same music so I didn’t think it right that I should subject the others to my music so I took the earbuds out and put the phone away. Right now Vince is trying to figure out why it won’t connect. It says its connected, but the phone doesn’t recognize it.

    Went to St. Augustine to see my cousin. Her bro was there – I haven’t seen him in about 25 years. We went to lunch (I wasn’t impressed with the place) then went to the ceramics place. The pictures make it look like she has shelves and shelves of bisq. But that’s not the way it is. She seems to be a bit scatterbrained. But I did get the anchor I wanted. I wish she had the shark poured so I could have shown Vince.

    Karen VA- I’m so sorry about your friend

    Vince got my earbuds to pair. He has no idea what he did, but they’re working

    JanetO – feel better fast

    Just put the load of laundry into the dryer so will wait for it to dry.

    Michele who is feeling a bit tired.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m three weeks in using MFP app. I’ve always followed weight watchers so counting calories is a first for me. I’m 55 and have been on a yo-yo with WW since I was 14. I recently went to a hypnotist. He is the one who told me about this app and counting calories etc.
    I’m looking for friends here for support and kindness. I live in CT. I LOATHE exercise but I want to be healthy and able to play with my grandkids once they arrive! I’ve a feeling within the next three years there will be at least one!!!

    Anyone out there that has similarities in my story?

    Hi Kitty.

    Somewhat similar... I get back on the train every 10 years or so and was very successful with WW. The moment I gave up logging all of my intake my weight would creep up. I thought about joining WW about the time I found MFP. WW is now much more expensive and I really wasn't happy with what I knew about the new programs.

    I also want a healthy retirement and decided now is the time to get back in shape and redevelop good habits. I started using MFP the last week of August and am down 36 pounds. I have been a little lax with my diet since the first of the year, but am still losing.

    I do not like anything described using the word exercise. :smile: So in the beginning I started small by walking in place while folding laundry and doing the dishes. If I was watching TV I made sure I got up every hour and walked in place for 5-10 minutes. As I am putting away laundry (my washer/dryer is downstairs) each type of clothing (pants, short sleeves, long sleeves) gets walked upstairs and put away. Then back downstairs for the next "type". I am moving more and feeling better and am actually starting to look forward to walks.

    Find something physical that you love. It could be yoga, walking, kickboxing, really anything. If you like it you are more likely to stick with it.

    You found the right group. Everyone is very supportive here. Visit often and jump in (or not) when you are ready.
    SuziQ - SFL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Michele, Whenever I've had trouble pairing my bluetooth headphones to my phone, I've restarted my phone and the problem is solved. I'm glad Vince was able to solve your problem.

    <3 Barbie
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,287 Member
    When I concentrate on the problem, the problem increases...when I concentrate on the solution, the solution increases.Barbie: This is so true. I found my stress reduces when I look for how I can benefit from an unhelpful event.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello ladies! I was feeling much better today. We went on a 20 mile bike ride. We ate lunch in between at a golf course restaurant. Great food and a very nice view. We sat outside in the sunshine! Temperatures have been in the mid 70’s. I am about to do my kettle bell exercises then try to catch up on laundry and housework.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Arizona/Minnesota

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,064 Member
    I'm doing a little workplace stair climbing challenge we're calling the February 500. 500 flights of 20 stairs in the month of February. I'm at 364 flights now!! Only 136 flights to go!

    Staying home today to work on my Exam Paper.

    My Exam Paper uses my workplace as an example. We talk theory, then use our workplace as an example if it is doing this or not doing that.

    On Tuesday there was a plot twist! My workplace is restructuring again! I'll carry on with my paper as is, but I'll mention the restructure somewhere because it actually fits one of the points I want to make.

    Meanwhile ... just a bit of extra stress at work. These things always set off a flurry of meetings, speculations, discussions, etc.

    Machka in Oz