Serial Starters



  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    It sounds as if she is feeding off all the attention she is getting both misplaced positive and proving the negative attention wrong. if you are close enough to the other co-workers encourage them not to give the attention. By the way an August too far away but you have no control over that.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member

    Dawn - I wonder if she is bi-polar and without care or without effective care + meds.
    My DH is bi-polar, so I am aware of some of the symptoms, which could fit what you've been telling us.

    She may be delusional; she sounds as if she has invincible and grandiose thoughts/moods/spells.

    Also what Holly suggested about the attention fits in here too.

    22 years old is so young. I feel bad for her. But Bi-Polar and Borderline Personality Disorder are SO hard to treat because one of the qualities is that feeling of invincibility/"I am right and no one else is" is so strong that the person cannot be convinced otherwise.


    251.6 today
    258.8 highest
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member


    mkculs ~ Have you been here at the Cabana Club before while I had my head in the sand? (this happens often)
    I am pleased to meet you!

    Please stop by often.
    Tell us about your cute doggie in your photo. Almost all of us are owned by doggies, and there are peeps like me who have dog-envy 😍

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Late but not forgotten.

    A "nap" took longer than I planned. Dog is taken care of early and she is quite pleased.

    Dawn a lot of good answers re coworker so I just hope this young lady doesnt run herself into the ground - we ultimately cannot control what others do.

    More quiche on tap - 2 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to share... are they considered a side dish?

    Nice to catch up with you - we finally have some sun so walking is next.

  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I too am owned by a doggie. Her name is Holly and is half Chihuahua and half Shih Tzu. She weighs in at 10 pounds. Love her dearly.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member

    peep but not feeling good.....
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 633 Member
    Hi, Lana--I just joined yesterday. Or maybe Friday. I had a 3 day weekend and didn't keep track :)

    The pic is my now 6-mo-old Aussie, Skye. I have an 8 year old Border Collie/Aussie mix, Radar, but he is a bit camera shy. I'll try to get one when he's not looking--but he watches every move I make, so it's hard. Radar is timid and a real homebody--although he loves the dog park. Skye is bold and exuberant. We are doing obedience, just started agility, and will do a Herding Instinct test on Saturday, 3/7--unless my son ends up running at Platteville instead of Wartburg, b/c I can get to Platteville to see him. He's a college senior (1/2 semester behind his class, though) and has been having a great indoor track season, so if I can see him at this last local venue, I will.

    I've noticed all the references to pups and a few horse pics. I've read back some to get to know who is here. What a supportive group. And long standing.

    I bought the Beck book online after I saw it referenced here, and I'll get started for real tomorrow. I made my ARC card and have read it today as scheduled. But I didn't have an index card set or a notebook--I can pick those up tomorrow. It's frustrating to have all those checklists ONLINE. So I've written to Beck through the website and have asked if there are downloadable copies I could use. I'll let you know.

    I think I have a sense of who Lana, Sara, Lynn, and Tracy are, sort of. And a few other names that have cropped up more recently. I know the best way to get to know folks is to check in regularly, and I will.

    In the meantime, I'm into day 2 of logging and staying beneath my calorie limit. I won't get in all the exercise I want right away; I have really fallen off the exercise wagon this winter, jogging only 1x/week for the last 6 weeks. Last week I jogged twice, and will do that this week and maybe next, then add a third day. Gotta get back to walking, too. I have a great 3.2 mile trail literally in my backyard, so no excuses once the ice is gone. Otherwise, I have to jog/walk on streets and sidewalks, which I enjoy much, much less.

    Sorry for the tome. Looking forward to spending time with all of you.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member
    holly1283 wrote: »
    I too am owned by a doggie. Her name is Holly and is half Chihuahua and half Shih Tzu. She weighs in at 10 pounds. Love her dearly.

    Holly, can you post some photos of her please? I have doggie envy and enjoy seeing all of the furry members of your families.


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member
    edited March 2020
    *** MONDAY MARCH 2ND ***

    Here I am up in the middle of the night - woke up and I am anxious and finding it hard to get myself back to sleep.
    DH has tortured me yet again on Saturday, but for the last time, about us getting back together. Then the switch in his brain flips again on Sunday, and everything is different.

    I can't do this any more, so tomorrow I will get the divorce moved from the back burner onto the front burner....Ugh.

    Sara, I think I need to send Leandro and that cute new Cabana Boy off to Brazil to bring back Magic Spell Dust for me to stop loving my DH and move on to the next phase of my life.

    They should be back by Monday Happy Hour at the Club....

    BBL *tossing sarong and steamy bodice ripper onto my favorite lounge chair...*

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 633 Member
    Good morning. I forgot to say, I'm here for the Cabana Boys. Nice looking crew. . .

    Just got to work, more than 40 min early. Time to get my head in order.

    Lana, so sorry for what your dh has put you through. I can't even imagine. Taking the reins in your own hands may give you back some sense of control; at least I hope it does.

    Yes, I say, we all need to post more pics of our pups. But I'm not sure how. I'll try to figure it out.

    I hope each and everyone one of us has a great day and a fab week.

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 633 Member
    One more thing--I saw folks discussing graphs (re: Beck book) and didn't know if y'all knew that you can get a graph from the "report" feature of this site. Here is mine--hoping this works.

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Well my DD and SIL made it back to CO. Neither can go into work for the next two weeks but they are in the country :) And healthy so far. Fingers crossed.
    Welcome Maureen! Great to meet you!
    Lana - wondering if any of the Cabana boys are willing to "rough up" your DH. My hackles are raised - he is making me crabby. You do not deserve that! I know you know that. One step at a time - for YOU!
    Sara, Dawn, Holly and all others who pop in - HI!
    Have a great Monday - sunshiny here in WI!
  • Iamthekateanator
    Iamthekateanator Posts: 23 Member
    Hi.. sorta feel like I'm interrupting some lifelong friends deep conversation by posting here, sorry, hope it's ok to join! I've been tracking calories a week, longest I've ever tried this method. I've lost weight before, gained some back and for almost a year I haven't stuck to any solid plan.
    I need some help to adjust my stinking thinking today. A MFP blog led to what I thought was another blog but must've been an ad, it was for some diet pill that was on shark tank. I'm just feeling all kinds of negative after I saw that and longed for an easier quicker fix.. now I'm feeling hungry, whiney, wanting some sweet thing to soothe me and Add GUILTY I'm only starting week 2 and I'm already wanting to quit. 🙄😥 I know my reasons to keep going are so good. I know my goals are good.. i know i need to take baby steps and not overwhelm myself.. I just don't feel like I'll ever succeed today. Can anyone help me?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited March 2020

    Good morning,

    0 weight change third week in a row - keeping up the walking.

    See what happens when I sleep in? 6 posts......

    I need to read back but first Iamthekate - this is an open board and some people have been here longer than others, you are very welcome to join us. Can you go take a walk today? Will a glass of water when you want something sweet help? Can you make your sweet your dessert after you walk/or drink more water? Baby Steps is key so you are on the right track. Stop by and let us know how you are doing.

    Lana - My original offer to come to NYC and chop small nuts still applies....... Okay when will you start loving yourself more? I just started going to a church to work on the "spirit/soul" part of myself, nice supportive people. That may help you when David faces Goliath..... Hey can the cabana boys find any soccer players? Real eye candy for the "old lady" here ( they could be my late age children).

    Dog pictures. Hmmm I will have to see.....

    Errands and then sewing group at church they are making things for a craft fair. I am crocheting hearts and flowers for them.

    Yes- we can write essays here and they are welcome.

    Wave to all who follow. 2 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies I will share but dodging the rest - hey squats!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member

    Maureen - thanks for pointing out about the MFP graph. I'm going to go and find it now.

    Waves to everyone else and thank you for the supportive words 🙏🏻

    Time to schlepp to the laundromat. I hate NYC.

  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I am techno challenged. I will see if my daughter can help with a picture of Holly. As for Lana, I don't know the particulars but I was married to an alcoholic for 35 years. One thing I can tell you is that you don't stop loving them even when they are gone. But you must make wise choices for yourself. Dealing with him left lasting emotional issues that I soothe with food. My girls were affected more than my son. I must say he was never physically abusive just absent both physically and emotionally. I pray you find what is best for you.
  • Iamthekateanator
    Iamthekateanator Posts: 23 Member
    In my reply section I see a little camera and picture icons q1xao81mvspj.jpg
  • Iamthekateanator
    Iamthekateanator Posts: 23 Member
    Heres my dog haha
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member
    holly1283 wrote: »
    I am techno challenged. I will see if my daughter can help with a picture of Holly. As for Lana, I don't know the particulars but I was married to an alcoholic for 35 years. One thing I can tell you is that you don't stop loving them even when they are gone. But you must make wise choices for yourself. Dealing with him left lasting emotional issues that I soothe with food. My girls were affected more than my son. I must say he was never physically abusive just absent both physically and emotionally. I pray you find what is best for you.

    Thank you Holly! Sending you hugs~~

    🤗 🤗 🤗
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,882 Member

    Kate - cutie children & the dog is funny!
