What's on your mind?



  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    There was a problem with your request
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    Like that even means anything :/
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    this is true...so I ask myself why some people treat themselves like trashy people, and objects? we are not objects or jokes...how do these people even sleep at night or feel good about themselves?

    They don't, hence why they treat themselves like garbage or assume everyone sees them as something to be objectified.

    Oof, you can disagree with me all ya' want, but I speak from experience. You don't treat yourself like trash unless you feel that way about yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't expect nor believe when others DON'T treat you that way.

    I think that "treat themselves like trash" is a very subjective statement, and entirely derived by the person judging their actions.

    Some people may feel that a person who has multiple partners is trashy - when to that person it's a conscious choice to enjoy their company and comes from a place of strong confidence in what they want.

    Other people may enjoy a lot of junk food, and others may say that not eating clean means you don't value your body.

    I do agree that if a person truly feels they have no value, then they will not expect others to value them, and they are less likely to act in ways that reflect their inherent value...

    But I think one needs to be very careful when trying to assign / label another's persons actions based on a third partie's value system.

    All that aside... I do not see what this trail of comments has to do with the original quote. And kind of feel Ike it's hurtful to the poster.

    I wasn't talking about assigning the actions of others toward oneself. I was talking about a person literally seeing themselves as "trash" or "garbage" based on extremely low self-esteem. Those people usually do not assign negative intentions to other people, but have a rather hard time believing the genuine feelings and words of others because their own perception and self-worth is so damaged.

    Also, welcome to Chit-Chat. Side rails are pretty common here.

    side tails without guard rails

  • jcrav77
    jcrav77 Posts: 584 Member
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    this is true...so I ask myself why some people treat themselves like trashy people, and objects? we are not objects or jokes...how do these people even sleep at night or feel good about themselves?

    They don't, hence why they treat themselves like garbage or assume everyone sees them as something to be objectified.

    Oof, you can disagree with me all ya' want, but I speak from experience. You don't treat yourself like trash unless you feel that way about yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't expect nor believe when others DON'T treat you that way.

    I think that "treat themselves like trash" is a very subjective statement, and entirely derived by the person judging their actions.

    Some people may feel that a person who has multiple partners is trashy - when to that person it's a conscious choice to enjoy their company and comes from a place of strong confidence in what they want.

    Other people may enjoy a lot of junk food, and others may say that not eating clean means you don't value your body.

    I do agree that if a person truly feels they have no value, then they will not expect others to value them, and they are less likely to act in ways that reflect their inherent value...

    But I think one needs to be very careful when trying to assign / label another's persons actions based on a third partie's value system.

    All that aside... I do not see what this trail of comments has to do with the original quote. And kind of feel Ike it's hurtful to the poster.

    I wasn't talking about assigning the actions of others toward oneself. I was talking about a person literally seeing themselves as "trash" or "garbage" based on extremely low self-esteem. Those people usually do not assign negative intentions to other people, but have a rather hard time believing the genuine feelings and words of others because their own perception and self-worth is so damaged.

    Also, welcome to Chit-Chat. Side rails are pretty common here.

    Oh, I am well acquainted with chit chat (not my first incarnation here). Usually there is SOME kind of relevance to the OP. I didn't see any, and wondered whether what the correlation (however small) could be, or if the quote on her post was accidental.

    When I first read your response, my instant reaction was "is she talking about the OP?" because I felt like the op was sharing something very emotionally profound. I got defensive on her behalf because she has seemed nothing short of amazing, and is someone dealing with serious tar in her life, and handling it admirably (inspirationally).

    If there is no correlation, that is good to know and I appreciate the clarification.

    Nope, no correlation at all. I am rather fond of (and somewhat defensive of) @Miss_Chievous_ She's good peeps, yo. :)
  • cowsfan12
    cowsfan12 Posts: 6,052 Member
    jcrav77 wrote: »

    😂😂😂 no doubt
  • TwitchyMacGee
    TwitchyMacGee Posts: 3,120 Member

    It a metaphor.

    No roots below the surface. All fake. Cared for and in a place of honor for years.

    And she’s going to keep it.
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    I wonder if it’s gonna stop raining when I go for my running on my lunch break.......

    Hope you can still get it in. I love running in the rain the best...especially in the summer. 😊
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Simple stuff like how I am sad that coffee does not provide me with energy benefits. Same with exercise. I get no discernible benefit from it outside of calorie burn.

    I just want to be not tired all the time. Is that so much to ask?
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    a back massage
  • Reckoner69_lmao
    Reckoner69_lmao Posts: 1,000 Member
    I've been thinking about journaling. I don't have an outlet to get my thoughts out and I'm thinking maybe writing them down will help. Maybe I won't feel like everything is weighing me down as much.

    100% suggest giving this a try

    Have done it, would do it again A++++++++++
  • cowsfan12
    cowsfan12 Posts: 6,052 Member
    I've been thinking about journaling. I don't have an outlet to get my thoughts out and I'm thinking maybe writing them down will help. Maybe I won't feel like everything is weighing me down as much.

    I’ve not done this - but has been recommended to me by many
  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    I've been thinking about journaling. I don't have an outlet to get my thoughts out and I'm thinking maybe writing them down will help. Maybe I won't feel like everything is weighing me down as much.

    Doing this helped me so much during the time my marriage was falling apart.
    I had no one to share with.
    It felt so good to write down my feelings and frustrations.

    Then he read it........... 👿
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I've been thinking about journaling. I don't have an outlet to get my thoughts out and I'm thinking maybe writing them down will help. Maybe I won't feel like everything is weighing me down as much.

    I've journaled since I was about 15, near 30 years. 🙂 It helps me to see and make sense of how I'm feeling and get to the real root of a problem. I also like reading back over past journals, seeing how I've progressed, how situations changed, see how I handled things. Also, my memory sucks so it helps me remember events etc 😜
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    Jo's awake!
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    cdubks88 wrote: »
    I wonder if it’s gonna stop raining when I go for my running on my lunch break.......

    Hope you can still get it in. I love running in the rain the best...especially in the summer. 😊

    Thank you Chris! 😊
    I love it too but not when I have to get back to the office........we have showers but not hairdryers to dry my hair.......
    Went out and ran for 30 minutes and wasn’t too bad, just a very light shower on the way back 👍

    I'm pretty fortunate.....I work less than a 1/2 mile from the local Y and am a member, so I go run when I work in the city and then go clean up there. 😊 Have a great weekend!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    I've been thinking about journaling. I don't have an outlet to get my thoughts out and I'm thinking maybe writing them down will help. Maybe I won't feel like everything is weighing me down as much.

    I've journaled since I was about 15, near 30 7 years. 🙂 It helps me to see and make sense of how I'm feeling and get to the real root of a problem. I also like reading back over past journals, seeing how I've progressed, how situations changed, see how I handled things. Also, my memory sucks so it helps me remember events etc 😜
