Coronavirus prep



  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,329 Member
    lx1x wrote: »
    Getting emails from local groceries and fast food joints about what they doing to combat the virus.

    One local big grocery store request to buy only a day necessary items and don't stock up so the supply doesn't get sold out quickly. Good luck with that.

    Taco bell might do drive thru only .. 😬

    We have a nearby Chick-fil-a doing drive-thru only. I’m wondering when restaurants will begin closing. We have 26 confirmed cases in our state, with 11 of those in our county.

    Which state are ya? I'm in MD so far the CFA where I go to still serves dine ins.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    lx1x wrote: »
    And you can tell its election season:

    I get a voicemail on my phone today from one of my congressmen, as a robocall to update on the virus. It really irked me because he was constantly throwing in there all HE was doing and to call HIS office for updates.....

    I'm just thinking how low can you go to use something like this as a springboard for your campaign?

    Better than the call I got from Donald trump asking me to donate to the wall.

    858 area number by any chance?

    I don’t remember. Where is 858?

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I've been following this thread for a few days now and finally decided to post something. This is from on the ground here in So Cal. We have 2 children in CO and another one in San Francisco with their spouses and children. Normally I spend a lot of time in both places. Hubby and I are almost 72 and 70 respectively and I'm probably the healthiest of the two of us.

    Here I am with both an expected, and what I hoped would be an unannounced, report from here in So CA. Our daughter in SF who is at risk for COVID-19 because of her lung issues (asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia since 2) who is now 40, is running a fever and has a cough. She's been working from home since Tuesday, as has her legally blind lawyer husband. They both work in the public sector working with folks with disabilities and the homeless as advocates.

    Anywhoo, they are both in self isolation although so far my daughter is the only one sick and is hoping to be tested. They have Kaiser insurance and are waiting for an answer. We're sending them some supplies from here as even buying groceries and essentials is tough online for them right now. Lots of empty shelves and missing products online.

    I want to go up there to help but I can't leave my husband who has his own health issues even though we feel safe here in our little environment. We work from home and are able to keep a low profile regarding spreading germs.

    Hoping you all stay safe and healthy and remember that you may be helping someone else even if you have no symptoms!

    Fellow SoCal commiserator here. So sorry for all the stress issues, health issues, and your kids being spread out. I work at a UC and am still reporting to work. We have students who have no where else to go. We are disinfecting like crazy and trying help the students make sure they have what they need for online classes. While disinfecting everything many times a day. And trying to keep folks calm and focused on what they can control.

    Stores are picked clean, reminds me of winter storm warnings back east and in the Midwest when everyone panic bought before we got snowed/iced in.

    Stay safe yourselves!
  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,329 Member
    edited March 2020
    lx1x wrote: »
    And you can tell its election season:

    I get a voicemail on my phone today from one of my congressmen, as a robocall to update on the virus. It really irked me because he was constantly throwing in there all HE was doing and to call HIS office for updates.....

    I'm just thinking how low can you go to use something like this as a springboard for your campaign?

    Better than the call I got from Donald trump asking me to donate to the wall.

    858 area number by any chance?

    I don’t remember. Where is 858?

    Don't know.. just saw a fake/prank call website about asking for "wall donation".


    Was curious and saw the website since I haven't heard or received telemarketing of such thing asking for donation.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I think that people 1) don't understand the rapid timeline of the virus and 2) don't understand the process of creating testing resources.

    Dec 31, 2019 - a few dozen in China have the virus
    Jan 11, 2020 - 1st death in China
    Jan 23 - Wuhan quarantined
    Jan 30 - WHO declares an emergency
    Jan 31 - US declares travel restrictions from those who visited China
    Feb 2 - first non-Chinese death
    Feb 14 - first European death
    Feb 23 - Italy shuts down
    Feb 29 - first death in US, further US travel restrictions

    This is just 73 days into this, it moved at a breakneck pace, and even given our current knowledge, there are millions crying foul about the current measures being taken (schools off, entertainment events canceled, etc.)

    To go from having a brand new virus sprung on the world to having tests for billions doesn't happen instantly, they have to be safe, reliable, and then mass-produced.

    I don't want to get into political discussions, but every country in the World has moved faster than us on testing. Even S Korea. I find it really hard to believe we couldn't come up with tests. WHO offered them, we turned them down. Strongly feel it was because its danger was so extremely underestimated. The CDC knew how dangerous it was, Italian docs and Chinese docs have been screaming from the rooftops on deaf ears. Europeans see Americans as overly arrogant, without great reason. That American arrogance will be unimaginably costly to all of us. We, as a nation (hopefully united better by this), will be very humbled soon.

    We are a great country, don't get me wrong, but this will tax everyone and we will have to rely on other countries for help now.

    Yes, we could have bought tests from the WHO to use as a bridge before our own tests were on line and not doing that set us back weeks for testing. Penny wise, pound foolish.

    Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and the UC medical centers have developed their own and are testing current patients, hoping to expend.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,450 Member
    lx1x wrote: »
    lx1x wrote: »
    And you can tell its election season:

    I get a voicemail on my phone today from one of my congressmen, as a robocall to update on the virus. It really irked me because he was constantly throwing in there all HE was doing and to call HIS office for updates.....

    I'm just thinking how low can you go to use something like this as a springboard for your campaign?

    Better than the call I got from Donald trump asking me to donate to the wall.

    858 area number by any chance?

    I don’t remember. Where is 858?

    Don't know.. just saw a fake/prank call website about asking for "wall donation".


    Was curious and saw the website since I haven't heard or received telemarketing of such thing asking for donation.

    That area code includes San Diego.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited March 2020
    lkpducky wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    oocdc2 wrote: »
    This evening's observations:
    1. The NYT published a story today with charts to demonstrate different levels of response and how they will effect overall outcomes in the US. In every scenario, the peak of outbreak numbers are in July:
    2. Potatoes are absolutely cleaned out at my local supermarkets, but not fish. No one wants fish.
    3. I decided to have a special-edition cheat day today and get back on the wagon tomorrow. Aldi's had plenty of chocolate-covered doughnuts for some reason, and I regret nothing.

    On Pi day? :rage:


    It's a torus, not a doughnut. That mathematical enough for you?

    Local place went forward with their pie tasting contest for Pi Day:

    (Chopping Block, in case that's not useable.)

    Every restaurant I've been to in the past 3 months and every candidate I've donated to, as well as my alderman (who I have not), have emailed me about safety procedures, which I guess is nice.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    yikes - the CDC's map is very behind, apparently, because its still showing 4 states without any confirmed cases. The CDC's map hasn't been updated since 3/12. Also, the CDC's website is very behind on total cases, too.

    But I went back and found the link that someone had posted to John Hopkins' map which was updated today at 4 pm, and Idaho is now showing 1 confirmed case and Alabama is showing 6 confirmed cases, so we're down to only 2 states with no confirmed cases: Alaska and West Virginia.

    The CDC's website is still saying 1,629 cases with 41 dead in the US, while the John Hopkins map has 2,572 cases with 51 dead.

    With Maryland's 28, Virginia's 31, Pennsylvania's 47, Ohio's 26, and Kentucky's 14, its gotta be just a matter of time until it finally gets here.

    Down to one now: Alaska.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,733 Member
    For pi day, our local grocery had pre-baked pie on sale for $3.14. We bought one. Ever since my spring marathon was cancelled, I've been depressed and my eating has gone awry. We also went out to dinner because I worry that restaurants will be closed down in the next few weeks. I'm not too worried about getting sick, since there haven't been any cases in my county, though that will undoubtedly change. I did run today, so at least some of the extra calories were burned off.

    No paper products at the grocery (TP and paper towels), and almost no meat or frozen vegetables. The bread shelves were almost empty, despite a limit of 2 per customer. We bought bagels instead. The rest wasn't too badly depleted, but we were there after dinner and they were busy restocking what they could.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited March 2020
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    yikes - the CDC's map is very behind, apparently, because its still showing 4 states without any confirmed cases. The CDC's map hasn't been updated since 3/12. Also, the CDC's website is very behind on total cases, too.

    But I went back and found the link that someone had posted to John Hopkins' map which was updated today at 4 pm, and Idaho is now showing 1 confirmed case and Alabama is showing 6 confirmed cases, so we're down to only 2 states with no confirmed cases: Alaska and West Virginia.

    The CDC's website is still saying 1,629 cases with 41 dead in the US, while the John Hopkins map has 2,572 cases with 51 dead.

    With Maryland's 28, Virginia's 31, Pennsylvania's 47, Ohio's 26, and Kentucky's 14, its gotta be just a matter of time until it finally gets here.

    Down to one now: Alaska.

    really? If that's true that a case has appeared in WV, then even the John Hopkins map is off, when it said it was updated as of 10:13 this evening.