

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @Shexio I love that planner with the frame. Is it heavy though? Or do you normally have it on the wall.

    @TeresaW1020 I’m so glad that zoom is working out for you. Yeah a month. I feel kind of depressed today, trying to shake out of it.

    @trooworld sorry about your back! I hope it eases up with some rest.

    @RetiredandLovingit I hope you enjoy your walk. I’m going to get a walk in also, but it’s kind of rainy here.
    Well it seems like a lot of us are on week 3. I’m feeling sorry for myself today! I did my stair routine yesterday but my Achilles was really sore and by the end it was pretty painful. I’ve had probs with my Achille in the past, but not for a few years. It has been sore off and on for a couple months, but it just got worse.

    So. I don’t know. This morning it was painful to walk, I tried some very light cardio videos, but basically anything that required lifting my foot had to be pretty gentle. I did some stretches and it’s slightly better.

    I’m hoping I can nurse it back but I don’t know. The jogging/stairs I do really helps my sanity so I will be sorry to lose it. I can still walk though.

    Bicep tendonitis also still hasn’t healed lol.

    Getting old sucks!

    On the positive side I was on track for calories yesterday. Trying to hang in today. Will go for a walk this aft and maybe get some of my taxes done and call it a day.
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @trooworld Great job maintaining with all this craziness!

    @RetiredandLovingIt I hope you enjoy your walk outside, its beautiful!

    @TeresaW1020 I'm so glad everything is going well with moving your job online!

    @Shexio Same here with the nutrition, it's hard being near the fridge all day!

    @renaegry Definitely keep your eye out, it's by far the best flavor!

    @cbabie I'm so glad you got some sleep in!!!

    @nighthazel01 Congrats on the new laundry room, and keeping him busy ;)

    @theslightedgeforever We both do the cooking, which works out really well! We've still been doing low-carb so I'm not sure anyone will be super excited about my recipes lol. I made keto cabbage rolls, big mac salads, and creamy garlic shrimp for this week and they've all been excellent!

    @its_cleo So sorry about the injury, those are always so frustrating!

    Happy Monday everyone! I kind of went off the rails this weekend. Way too many low-carb treats and I feel pretty gross because of it. My plan is to stick with my healthy eating plan and weigh in Friday to get a baseline of if I've hurt my progress at all.

    Rant time: I walk my dogs literally every day that it's above 20 degrees and not pouring rain. I'm usually the only person out walking my dog, which is okay because both of my dogs are adopted and leash reactive. But now...EVERYONE is walking their dogs. But, many people don't realize proper dog walking etiquette like announcing when you're coming up behind a person with a dog, picking up dog poop, and giving the person a 6ft berth (because SOCIAL DISTANCING) so it's been really frustrating to go on walks outside lately. I'm glad all these other dogs are getting walks, but I really miss my calm walks where I didn't have to worry about the actions of others.
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    If I missed someone, I’m sorry and hello 👋 I hope this finds you happy and blessed with good health today.

    @TeresaW1020 :
    My heart dropped also. Doubtful I’ll get to see my family. It’s been 6 months. Our pastor is doing good too with online sermons.

    @trooworld : today I’m back to high nutrient dense foods. Do you do any back strengthening exercise moves during your week to help your lower back? Thanks for liking my planner.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt : be careful outside and enjoy. CNN lastnight was recommending face masks for all 😷. Feel free to make the planner. It was easy, you probably have a large picture frame with glass laying in a closet.

    My “stay at home thoughts, week 3 Day 1 : I just hate missing 🐣 easter with my family. We were supposed to go home (14hr drive) for Thanksgiving- but they had a blizzard. We couldn’t for Christmas....and had hoped easter but...nope. feeling down about that. Cloudy here.... that doesn’t help.

    @Its_cleo it’s a normal picture frame (11x13). I sit it on my kitchen countertop. You could hang it. You also could just get a plastic frame. I just reused one I had on hand. I feel a little down today also.... the 30 days...the estimated death numbers. Uggh. No rainbows 🌈 from the news.
    — can you do yoga for a workout? Look up Jessica smith walking series on you tube.

    @mseatson0777 it is a little crazy that people are walking. Shows you how much extra time we spendy doing shopping and other things.

    Worked out today. ✅
    Meals in MFP for today and Tuesday. 💪
    On track also! I wanted to cheer but, I designed supper to have a 1/2 thick protein shake...super excited about that rn. So I’m patiently waiting! I want weight loss abs that’s how you do it. You don’t do it by telling yourself a lie that “it won’t matter!” Every bite matters! Maybe that’s my mantra for the week.
    It matters.
    All of it.

    Have a good Monday!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    @its_cleo I hope your body heals quickly so you can get back to your stairs. Yaaay for staying OP. You are making this a habit.

    @mswatson0777 You were mentioning staying near the fridge. Mine is the whole kitchen. I haven't been this much in the kitchen in a long long time. Probably 8 years or more when my last one went to college. All these people at home is crashing my lifestyle. lol But since who knows when we get our "go back outside" cards, this is where I am. Play the hand that life deals you not the one you wish you had. I don't really do low carb but medium carb on my red days but I like to look at low carb recipes because it helps with my overall totals. So I can have my cake and eat it too. ;) The Big Mac salad recipe sounded good.

    @shexio I'm so sorry you will be missing Easter with your family. Especially because you had missed the other holidays. This year will certainly be different for all of us. I have a response card that goes along the same lines as it won't matter. It says....

    EVERY DECISION MATTERS If I choose to make an exception, I’ll strengthen my giving-in muscle and weaken my resistance muscle, and it will get harder and harder to avoid exceptions in the future. If I decide to stay in control, I’ll strengthen my resistance muscle and weaken my giving-in muscle, and it will get easier and easier to make good choices in the future. Every time matters.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    @nighthazel01 Hooray for your improved eating habits. Just as I was talking about...every little bit helps. Plus it's gradual so not such a shock to the body that it becomes normal.

    @trooworld On that list I shared I think distraction yes, but also the attitude you go into it with. In the next part he talks about two kinds of thinking. All from Mini Habits for Weight Loss by Stephen Guise Yaaay for a walk.

    Good: “Those cookies look delicious and I want one. I know they’re weight-gaining, so I’ll go through two mini challenges and take it from there.”

    Bad: “Those cookies look delicious and I want one. Ugh. But I can’t have one now! I shouldn’t! I really want to lose this weight, but they look so good! I have to do something now! What strategies could I try to prevent myself from eating this?”

    Bad thought: “I’m going to do this mini challenge in order to defeat this craving.”

    He really stresses this point. The more you resist, the more resistance you will feel resistance.

    @cbabie Yaaay for some good sleep. Sleep for you is more important than treadmill right now. So now that she's better you can try to start again on a new routine.

    @retiredandlovingit Yaaay for treadmill walking. I have a carton of Whoppers that will remain unopened until May 1. I've made it through a month and a half I think now. My friend in TN had a tornado and now they are without power and internet. I'm like how do you get through stay at home orders with nothing. Books on Kindle......hopefully she has a good charge on it.

    @shexio Great idea on the GS cookies. I like to buy two boxes of thin mints and stick them in my freezer and they have to last until the following year. Which they usually do unless dh gets into my stash. I always tell him we ration those. Go get other cookies if you want cookies but not those. Love your visual in the picture frame. @teresaw1020 and I are visual people. We love our spreadsheets. Color coded even better.

    @renaegry Glad to see you doing well with your movement. How is the calories/points/carbs? whatever do you follow. lol Here's to a warmer April for you.

    @its_cleo I hate shredding papers. I'm not patient enough so I just burn them all. lol Timothy Olyphant is in the Santa Clarita Diet with Drew Barrymore on Netflix.

    @teresaw1020 Getting used to this new normal for a while has been tough. I inherited the glass half empty genes so I think they are feeding us piecemeal info. it's just this month and then oh I think we need to do another 4 weeks. So I really have to get my act in gear or 2020 is going to be a bust. And I was doing so well for 6 months. I need to find that girl and get her back. The last 6 weeks haven't gone so well.

    Yellow Day- Stayed OP 147/164 Exercise-Rest Day (haven't they all been that lately?)

    March goals- Drink 3 glasses of water :( Declutter :(

  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @TeresaW1020 It's great that you are finding ways to stay busy and involved even in isolation.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I'm glad we'll be in lockdown longer too, I'm in no hurry to get back to normal if we don't have this thing under control.

    @trooworld- I'm struggling with food right now, I'm trying everyday to do better

    @its_cleo - I hope your foot is feeling better soon, you are so committed to exercise

    @mswatson0777 - I'm sure your dogs are happy, but I also prefer my walks when there are less people, especially right now.

    @theslightedgeforever "EVERY DECISION MATTERS If I choose to make an exception I’ll strengthen my giving-in muscle and weaken my resistance muscle" My new motto for the week, it's replacing the motto I've used for the last ten years, which was " I'll start over tomorrow"

    Went on two walks yesterday. My DH made a great dinner of stuffed squash with quinoa and chickpeas. I'm off to work, I have to commute from the computer room to my living room.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @nighthazel01, how’s going for you working from home? That dinner that your DH made sounds yummy! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, Yes, I totally agree that we need to get our act in gear!! You were doing amazing!! I was 2 lbs. from Onderland and now it’s over 10 lbs! We can’t undo everything we accomplished last year. I agree that we don’t get all the news at once. Never have and never will. ;)

    @Shexio, I’m sorry that you will not be able to see your family. Hmm, I don’t know about wearing masks for everyone. I just watched where they say that it gives people a false sense of security when they wear their mask and that most people touch their faces even more often and they don’t practice the right way to put them on and take them off. :/

    @mswatson0777, it makes me crazy when dog walkers don’t clean up after their dogs!! :s We have a lot of dog walkers in my neighborhood and so far everyone seems to be keeping their distance. OK, you know how to get back on track and you will. I got back in the habit of buying a dark chocolate bar with the plan of only eating one square with my afternoon coffee but I started to abuse it. So yesterday, I didn’t buy anymore. I just can’t be trusted!! :D

    @its_cleo, ohhh that sucks about your Achilles acting up! I know that exercise is so important to your mental health. Hang in there and take care of your body! <3

    Good morning! We are expecting rain today and that is great news because the pollen is HEAVY and everything is covered in yellow. Yesterday, I went out early to do grocery shopping, so the store wasn’t very crowded. Walmart had a guy sanitizing carts and I take my own Clorox wipes so I felt good about touching stuff. Still very weird to see so many wearing masks and gloves. I hope that works but I have my doubts. I had wanted to go to Lowes and maybe pick up some new flowers for my pots but the parking lot was packed. NO social distancing happening there for sure. OK, I’m off to work out and figure out what I want to do today. Probably clean out my closet and get my spring/summer clothes ready. Time might feel like it’s stopped but the Georgia heat won’t. B)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Good morning all!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Sounds like great weather to get out and get a walk in. Thanks re: the back. I don't think I would like an inversion table either, but I'm glad it helps your DH! Yeah, I thought there was no way we'd be out of this by Easter. I'm glad they extended it.

    @its_cleo Thanks, it feels a bit better today so we'll see how it goes! I hope that you can call the nurse and that your pain goes away.

    @mswatson0777 Thanks! That sucks about other people not knowing proper dog etiquette! We even go as far as crossing to the other side of the street if we are walking our dog and come up on someone else as our dog is very reactive to other dogs (and people). People!

    @Shexio I do yoga sometimes and that helps but I don't always do it. Congrats for being on track! Yes, every bite matters.

    @theslightedgeforever Why is “I’m going to do this mini challenge in order to defeat this craving.” a bad thought? Seems like that would be a positive thought because you are challenging your thoughts around your craving?

    @nighthazel01 Make the next food decision a good one. Take it one bite at a time. Sometimes I have to take it one bite at a time. You can do this! <3

    @TeresaW1020 I don't even know if we could find clorox wipes at the store right now, all the cleaning supplies are sold out! lol I hope you get some rain.

    March goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @Shexio So sorry you're going to miss your family for Easter. I hope you can plan a wonderful summer event to see them when this is over. Or maybe a Skype Easter dinner in the meantime?

    @theslightedgeforever I find that I have a finite amount of decisions and willpower in a day. So I have to decide at the beginning of the day what I'm going to eat and track it. That way, there's no temptation. Also, this list has been my favorite low carb options so far:

    @nighthazel That stuffed squash sounds fabulous! I hope you're able to get out and enjoy the day today too.

    @trooworld Right?! I do too, but all these people who never walk their dogs are just intensely frustrating (also, I feel bad for their dogs. This experience has made me realize how many dogs NEVER get walks).

    @TeresaW1020 I'm hoping to hit up the home improvement store too but I've been worried about crowds. Hopefully this weekend early in the morning will be calmer. I had good luck at the grocery store at 10am.

    Happy Tuesday all! I started today off with a 30 minute workout and I plan on trying to walk the dogs again over lunch, although I'm concerned about how it will go after yesterday. I may have to start switching my schedule around a bit to avoid the bulk of the crowds. I'm also finally back in the swing of grad school work, which is fantastic. My rough draft of my 20 page final paper is finally starting to come together. I'd love to finish a first draft in the next week so I can finally transition to house projects. I'm so jealous of all the people who've had time to do house stuff, since my life is still filled with work and grad school so I haven't got a ton of extra time than I did before all this went down.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, Its been a whirlwind here with baby. She has roseola how fun. She has been super fussy, been sleeping in a chair, anything to make this work right now. Will be glad it's over when it is. Luckily we could do a telemed call and not have to take her into the Dr office. That was nice. I got on the treadmill for 25 min today, but I was so winded, not normal for that tells me I am. WAY out of shape. I have to jump in the shower and get ready for work...yesterday my Computer kept "service interrupted" talk about frustrating. I actually had a client on the phone, but couldn't get into my computer to see her file and had to tell her to call back..LOL. What a day. I meant to reset modem and forgot, so I think I will do that after posting here.

    I don't know if I will have time for personals each and everyone of you. It's good to see you all posting exercises, food choices and encouragement to each other.

  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Hello! Sorry been AWOL.
    Work got manic & then we quickly introduced on on-line platform for revision which we then had to use for students who self-isolated with pre-conditions or symptoms. We had half the dept off by the end- 2 were covered, 1 self-isolating left work & a 4th was random day-to-day cover, plus exams plus above! I kept going but everything else went!
    Then announcement for what is essentially National Lockdown- through external exams into termoil. Just crazy times. My OCD brain couldn't cope- been off routine, off plan, off normal life!
    Taken a week to get my brain & body around it.
    Had 2 "better" days so tomorrow (it's today now but I'm still up) is a fresh start.
    I got my school planning sorted after a week, so I've sat down tonight with my Happy Planner & booked stuff in.
    I've started on my craft room/study today- nightmare job- using Marie Kondo principles. I was planning on it being my mission at our Easter School Holidays but my back is killing using dining table as a desk every day- 1st task to be able to have home & school laptops set up to work with space to work & scrapbook.
    Sorry been away so long- I just needed to get my head in gear & avoid social media/phone as so much negative & fake news/advice out there.
    Hope you are all staying safe. Xoxox
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    Today went okay. I substituted afternoon snack for a cookie and while that was okay, it wasn’t an apple. An apple worked better.

    The White House update was depressing. Not sure we can all Handle the death toll that’s about to come.

    Workout was legs and back and some walking. I should maybe do something more while watching the biggest loser. Water intake is good.

    No time for shout outs. But keep working towards it!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    edited April 2020
    @nighthazel01 I'll start over tomorrow has been a favorite of mine this last 3 weeks. One of the things I'm supposed to do daily is read my response cards and I've been very lax on that. So I did it and lots of great wisdom in there. That motto is one of my favorites. Another one of my favorites is you can be loose with your food or you can lose weight, you can't do both. Your meal sounded nice and healthy.

    @teresaw1020 Yes, I've not totally returned to my July 31 weight but getting awful close. In my mind I've reverted back to my old ways and old weight but reality says I'm still down 12 lbs from where I started. But I did gain 7 with the prednisone and 4 with quarrantine. Remember the old GPS gadgets that would say Recalculating every time you made a wrong turn and weren't going in the right direction. That's how I feel right now. OMG, I just found the funniest meme.


    Until we can get more masks for the healthcare workers, I don't want anybody in the general population wearing masks. If we have a surplus okay, then people can wear one. I see both sides of the argument but if it reduces my chances of getting the virus even by 50%, I'd take it. I'm afraid I would be one of the fatal statistics. I don't want anyone coughing or sneezing around me. People with allergies and people like me who are getting over bronchitis aren't looked at too favorably right now. I still have a cough. I'm just wondering why everyone is at Lowes. Food we can't live without but anything at Lowe's I'm sure we can til this thing is over. The more people that are out, the longer we are all stuck inside cause the numbers keep growing. Just think Georgia heat will help slow down the virus. Silver linings to everything.

    @trooworld I have an inversion table. Although I don't use it as often as I probably should. Because of my high blood pressure they say be careful on it. But I love hearing the disks in my back go click click click as they lengthen and separate. It's also amazing how light my legs feel too. When I first get on I feel all stiff but then after 3 inversions, my lower half is just a different story. I think on the "defeating the craving" is the attitude and wording of it by saying that it's an enemy, a battle to be won. It gives more power to the food/craving. Versus, I want that cookie. I'll just go do a couple of my mini habits and see what happens after that. I think he is referring to changing our thoughts and attitudes. So our mind doesn't see it as a big deal. Because our subconscious is always trying to win. It will figure out our weak points so it can win. If it's not a big deal, then nothing to win. I don't know, but that's how I'm taking it. See how you used the word "challenging"

    @mswatson0777 Thank you for sharing your low carb options. You sound a lot less stressed now and I'm so glad things are coming together for you.

    @cbabie Glad you got a diagnosis for her. Plus the telemed thing is nice. I think alot of good things are going to come out of this shutdown. Look how much time and gas you saved by not having to take her to the doctor. But you still got a diagnosis. Good for you for getting on the treadmill.

    @joannadavison Glad to see you. All of this takes a bit of readjustment and getting back into a routine. Part of it I think is we were in denial about how long this was going to take. So no need for a new normal but now this is the new normal so readjust it is. I'm not used to be having to provide 3 meals a day. Haven't done that in 30 years. Plus my dh doesn't seem to know what the words "schedule" means. So I'm learning to be flexible. Which is hard for me because I have a hard time finding the gray area there. I'm gray in my entire life except for schedules. Because I'm either doing it all or doing nothing. Lately it's been more of the do nothing. So we are all still processing.

    @shexio So you had a cookie and tomorrow you'll have an apple. It happens. Just a momentary pause in your program and now you've hit play again. I watched the biggest loser.

    Yellow Day- Stayed OP 163/164 Exercise-45 min walking

    March goals-Drink 3 glasses of water o:) Declutter o:)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, yeah my stores around here don’t have Clorox wipes either. Fortunately, I had just bought an eight pack of them for our janitor at the church. Since he isn’t doing much cleaning, I took one a container when I was up checking the mail. I’ll pay it back later. ;)

    @mswatson0777, yeah I told DH that I would go to Lowes when they open and get my little flowers. The grocery stores really aren’t bad if you go early enough and I feel things are much cleaner at that time. What kind of dogs do you have? I’m sure it’s a relief to see your paper coming together. :)

    @cbabie, ohhh that poor baby and her grandma!! <3 That is great that you didn’t have to go into the doctor’s office. You had a good treadmill walk and just need to keep it up and you will get back into shape. I’ve been encouraging my mom to get on my treadmill. She sits in her chair all day long and really needs to move around more. :/

    @joannadavison, hey good to hear from you! I imagined that life got crazy for you and trying to figure out how to continue teaching while going through the lockdown. Please take care of yourself!! <3

    @theslightedgeforever, I LOVE that graphic!! :D And yes that is how I feel too. I was surprised to see Lowe’s still open. I can see where they would be considered essential, for appliances and such. But I certainly don’t think all those people were in there for something essential. And to be fair to them, I want to go there for flowers too. :|

    Good morning! The sun is shining and it’s going to be a beautiful day with super high pollen count. Mom wants to get out and see the flowers blooming so DH and I are going to take her for a drive after lunch. She has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and has to go to get some of her prescriptions filled. DH is going to take her and wait in the car with hand sanitizer to hand her as soon as she comes out. I have to go to work tomorrow for a staff meeting and to mail out our monthly newsletter. This reminds me that I need to go harass my pastor to write a letter to go in the newsletter. Many of our seniors don’t do social media or email and they need something from him. OK, have a great day and stay safe! :)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Good morning everyone! Yesterday was a great day for me in my health journey. I stayed under my points for my day and even ended up 5 points under for the day so I had 4 rollover points! I also rode my spin bike and drank 78 oz of water. It started out going to be a disastrous day: I had planned to have what I had for dinner for lunch, which would have put me over in points by about 8 points for the day. But I thought, "Wait a second. I can do better." and my husband suggested I had a pita pizza (8 pts) instead of the meatloaf (15 pts). Yay, teamwork! My new goals for April are down below. What are yours?

    @mswatson0777 Yes! In my condo complex, most people actually let their dogs play OFF LEASH! It infuriates us. Our dog is leashed the whole time because like I said, he's not good with other dogs or people. And so if I see one of their dogs coming towards us, I actually have to pick up our dog and start walking away. :( I get sooooo mad. And there are so many loose dogs in our neighborhood. I don't get it. I've never seen anything like it. I don't know if they get loose on their own or if their owners let them loose. Grrrr! Ok, I'm sorry for that rant lol! I'm glad you are back into the groove of grad school. If it makes you feel better, I haven't done a ton of stuff either.

    @cbabie Oh no! That doesn't sound fun. I'm glad you could do telemed and could get on the treadmill. I hope you have a better computer day today.

    @joannadavison HELLO!!! <3 Good to see you. I understand about needing to avoid the negative. Welcome back!

    @Shexio Yeah I hear you about that update. I watched the Biggest Loser earlier in the day, the early episodes. It motivated me to get on my spin bike. :)

    @theslightedgeforever That's a hilarious meme! :D I know what you mean about the masks and I see tons of people wearing them. Thought work is complicated!

    @TeresaW1020 Oh that's great that you just bought those. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @cbabie Technology issues are the worst. The first week I worked from home it felt like all I did was battle tech issues! Luckily it seems to have evened out now

    @trooworld Loose dogs are the worst! It's like, I'm glad your dog is friendly, but mine ISN'T when he's leashed because he feels threatened and your dog charging towards him ISN'T helping! I love your April goals and that you reclaimed yesterday and stuck within your points!

    @TeresaW1020 I have a pitbull and an american bulldog. They're great with other dogs off leash, but being confined makes them anxious so they're more reactive than I'd like. And I hope you stay safe today and enjoy the flowers!

    @theslightedgeforever I agree with you on masks. I keep talking my partner out of buying gloves and masks because we're young and healthy and I want them to go to healthcare workers or more vulnerable populations before us!

    @Shexio I havent seen the biggest loser since the early 2000's. What's the show like now? With all the bad press they've gotten I'm shocked they're back on the air!

    @joannadavison So good to hear from you. I was worried about you with all the stress of transitioning, especially as a teacher! I hope you get a more ergonomic workspace and that you're kind to yourself during all this chaos!

    I ended up waking up naturally at about 5:45am this morning. I was originally going to take the dogs for a walk, but since it was raining I ended up vacuuming and shampooing my carpets! Seriously, who am I??? I've still got a few rooms to do, but I made a huge amount of progress and will likely finish it up tonight after work. My work day today is pretty relaxed which is nice. I know I'll have more coming at me this afternoon but I appreciate being able to take a breath.

    I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I've honestly really been liking this quarantine. It's given me the time I need to reconnect with myself and to actually get stuff done that's been weighing on me for awhile. You don't realize how busy and overwhelming your schedule is and what's it's doing to your mental health until it goes away!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all..another beautiful day, should go for a walk, but may wait awhile. Around here, the teachers have been decorating their cars & parading through their school neighborhoods so they can see the kids & the kids see them. Dd's school did theirs yesterday(she is a kindergarten teacher) & our neighborhood's is today at 2. So I think people are probably out in their yards waiting for the parade, so I think we will go later.

    @mswatson0777 Our dd in OK has an American bulldog. It worried me when the gkids were little because he is so big, but he is so gentle. She also has another, not sure what kind of mix, & she nips at the kids when she thinks she is playing, so don't trust her as much. Glad you are able to relax a little.

    @Shexio I think I missed the Biggest Loser. We had been watching it, but forgot last night. We are out of apples. Really need to get some more, been eating cookies, too, instead.

    @trooword Good job with your eating!! I wish they would make up their minds about the masks. I thought I heard that someone was shipping the US a bunch.

    @joannadavison Good luck with online teaching. Dd still trying to figure out how to do that with the little ones.

    @TeresaW1020 I was just looking at my flower pots yesterday, wondering if I would even get them out this year. I used to love it in GA, with all the pansies blooming all winter long. We definitely don't have that. Remember that yellow sticky to vehicles, etc.

    @theslightedgeforever making 3 meals a day..that is what retirement is like, lol. Although dh pretty much makes his own breakfast. He used to make protein smoothies for both of us, but since I am trying to avoid dairy, he has made it a few times for himself, & otherwise has had oatmeal. I have been having oatmeal, but I like steel cut so been making 4 days worth at a time. I add blueberries (antioxidants), walnuts, & a little sugar sprinkled over the top. He has been eating "quick oats". I really don't like the texture of them. I like that graphic, I am always arguing with the "GPS lady" when we go somewhere.

    Re: the people that won't clean up after their makes me so mad to have it in our yard, especially since we no longer have a dog! When we lived in the small town, there was a cat that liked to use my flowerbeds also. That really made me mad!!

    Cases here are going up, but we seem to be testing a decent number in this state...considering... I thought it was only ones hospitalized, & now expanded to people with symptoms over age 60. We have done about 7500 tests. Dd keeps complaining about the lack of testing in OK. She sent me a data report & I think they have only done about 500 tests for the state. So their number of cases & deaths are way high compared to ours. She said she thinks she may have to ship the gkids up here. (I love them, but kinda hope she was joking)

    Been trying to drink more water, but now they say you should be drinking hot beverages. Guess I will just have to do hot water. My sis does that all the time, but I think kinda blah. She & bil were going to go work at the food pantry this am. I know it needs to be done, but with some of the younger ones out of work, I wish she would let them do it. (she & bil are both 66)

    Well, heading down to sewing room. Still making masks, lol.

  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Well I've been spot on today. Food wise & walking wise. I haven't done any strength training but had a lazy start to the day. Walk out was over 8,000 steps so I can be happy with that. Dragged the girls with me.

    @mswatson0777 I was hoping for positive quarantine experience- time with my kids, getting house sorted, time to focus on my diet & fitness and time to do school development. Unfortunately I didn't take to it as planned. As it looks like a long haul I'm hoping to turn it around.

    @trooworld sounds like WW going well. Pitta pizzas sound good. I've been having scrambled eggs & cottage cheese for lunch & the girls are not impressed. I've used wraps for pizzas but not pitta- I think they'd enjoy that.

    @TeresaW1020 we had a run on hand sanitiser & toilet roll at the start. One night I called at supermarket for prizes for my tutor group & managed chocolate multi-packs but apart from that, pet food, ice cream & wine- shelves were bare! It's a lot bettrr now with rationing at tills and special times allocated to NHS workers & elderly/vunerable. Had to laugh when we did housegroup by zoom. Our Minister joined us & his daughter came in with a huge commercial toilet roll and asked if anyone needed some. Then she came back with a stack of them- apparently when supermarkets had none he ordered on-line not realising they were the huge commercial ones! 🤣🤣🧻

    @theslightedgeforever I love that cartoon that's me!!! We've had a lot of factories repurposed to make ventilators & PPE since the problems in Italy were 1st spotted.

    I am pleased to see that for 2nd day running the number of reported cases in my area has slowed. Although London is not got good.

    @Shexio that's what I was like when "things got real" here. I ended up blocking ppl and snoozing ppl on FB because of the doom & gloom they were sharing. I don't watch news on TV but I check the updates with 1 channel on-line once per day only, then I can control how much I see. Made a difference.

    Is anyone not in a "lockdown" ? Off to make dinner for hubbie getting in. We have a decontamination routine as he enters the house. Friends in the Health Service recommend things they'd been told.
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt we have various on-line platforms we use. One is from our book publisher so Science, RE and Maths subscribe to it. Another is whole school. So we set tasks on these platforms & use the bulk email system to send out other web-based work. We also have MS Teams which we could use as video link- we are for meetings at work but the kids & parents can email us too. Some teacher friends in other schools or universities are using Zoom (we used this for pur housegroup & my sister is giving my youngest trans-Atlantic cello lessons using it) and google classroom. My school already had these platforms in use although one was new and we quickly rolled it out to all senior year groups.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Omg. I just wrote a huge reply and instead of pressing post I hit done. Grrr. Well let’s try this again

    A new month means time to get serious. Which should be easy since I have loads of time on my hands. Have to say I am truly enjoying not running around. Very much caught up in all my book keeping work.

    Got in 45 min on the treadmill today followed by two 10 minute circuit training from the Fitbit coach. I also went and helped our local grocery store unload her grocery truck and helped her stick shelves for a few hours this morning.

    @Shexio love the planner. I’m definitely not that organized.

    @trooworld hope your back gets better soon. Do you have a foam roller. I find they help a lot

    @mswatson0777 will definitely have to keep my eye out for them. Did my share of drinking al the other flavours this weekend. lol. Congrats on getting the draft done on your paper

    @theslightedgeforever I cancelled WW so just using mfp now. Trying to stick around 1400-1450 cals with macros being 45% carbs 30% protein and 25% fat. And I’m trying not to dip into my exercise cals but if I do to use only about half of them. I have been walking lots getting my 10,000 steps n everyday but Sunday and I swear this is the highest my weight as been. Making me mad. So started doing the circuit training along with walking.

    @nighthazel01 I love walking outdoors when the weather is nice. Just miss my Netflix that i watch while on the treadmill. Lol

    OMG I just about hit done again.