April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Got my 5 miles in!! ♡
    Question for the more experienced runners.
    Is coughing after a run normal? Not wheezing, but actual coughing. I can breathe fine. Its like phlegm deep in the chest but it's hard to get it to come up. And not for a couple minutes either, it usually lasts anywhere from a few hours to a day or two.
    I thought it was just a part of running and I've jokingly called it runner's cough. I mentioned it to my dad, who was a long distance runner for most of my childhood until he got injured, and he looked at me like I was crazy and asked what I was talking about.

    No. :)

    It may just be allergies though. Being outside more means more pollen. Do you notice it only at certain times of the year? Or is worse some times and better others? Does temperature matter?

    It also MIGHT be mild asthma.

    Normally I would say ask your doctor, but given the times we live in, I suggest you wait a few months on that. Showing up to the docs with an unexplained cough right now might get a swab jammed up your nose. :smiley:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    I understand the sentiment behind the whole “introverts, please put down your book and check on your extrovert friends, they are not ok right now.” But OHHH MY GEEE
    @PastorVincent - was it you who suggested that the current environment us introverts are actually being subjected to MORE than normal levels of social interaction?? Like I didn’t disagree at the time, as my stir crazy father was already encouraging DAILY family video chats- this is a man I would talk to once or twice a week at best. Today.... I spent FOUR HOURS on video calls. In addition to normal levels of work phone calls, we did an agency wide video call. The rest were family video chats, stir crazy extrovert friend video chats, Etc. And there is another hour i spent on the phone to my mother, because quarantine hasn’t been favorable to her world...as an introvert I am both totally done and over with talking to people AND going stir crazy because of not being able to to go into the out....and I don’t know how to fix either side of my insanity.. but going for a run in sub zero temps = coughing.... and coughing is not s good idea right now.

    Yes, 100%. And for those that just SAY they are introverts and do not really understand what that means, they do not understand. They are just shy extroverts normally. UGH. I need this to be over for that alone never mind all the other reasons!

    Ah well...
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    April goal: 80 km

    April 1st - 2.5 km
    April 3 - 5.5. km

    Total: 8 km
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @Avidkeo sorry :( Keep safe.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Got my 5 miles in!! ♡
    Question for the more experienced runners.
    Is coughing after a run normal? Not wheezing, but actual coughing. I can breathe fine. Its like phlegm deep in the chest but it's hard to get it to come up. And not for a couple minutes either, it usually lasts anywhere from a few hours to a day or two.
    I thought it was just a part of running and I've jokingly called it runner's cough. I mentioned it to my dad, who was a long distance runner for most of my childhood until he got injured, and he looked at me like I was crazy and asked what I was talking about.

    No. :)

    It may just be allergies though. Being outside more means more pollen. Do you notice it only at certain times of the year? Or is worse some times and better others? Does temperature matter?

    It also MIGHT be mild asthma.

    Normally I would say ask your doctor, but given the times we live in, I suggest you wait a few months on that. Showing up to the docs with an unexplained cough right now might get a swab jammed up your nose. :smiley:

    Must say the first thing I thought upon reading was exercise-induced asthma?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,060 Member
    @Teresa502 Yeah for getting into the Marine Corps Marathon! Sorry about the death. Stay well.

    @katharmonic Hope you slept better last night and hope your plan works out! You'll have to let us know.

    @Avidkeo Yeah on the run. Happy Anniversary - even if you can't celebrate with him today. Like you said, plan something nice for when this is over. Hugs on your current situation. I'm praying things get back to normal sooner rather than later.

    @brittanystebbins95 Not sure if a cough lasting that long is normal or not. I will sometimes start coughing while I am running and I attribute it to the deeper breathing. It usually stops during the cool down walk though. Maybe some more experienced runners have a better answer.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    4-1 7k easy
    4-2 7k easy
    4-3 8K slow

    April Total: 22k
    April Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k

    2020 Total through March: 509k

    Clear and frosty again this morning, with a light breeze from the northeast. It was just too pretty out to NOT run.
    Everything felt good until about the sixth kilometer; then right SI joint, right hip, and right knee all joined in a chorus of niggles. Afterward, drank my Gatorade G2 sitting outside in the sun. All my niggles went away quickly.
    @Avidkeo Happy anniversary!!! Plus, fueling in advance is an excellent strategy I use often.
    @Teresa502 Congratulations on winning the draw!!!

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    5-23 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson OH
    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    A reversion to cold and wet this morning, but I can tell true spring is just around the corner!

    4/1: 7.75m
    4/2: 4m
    4/3: 2.5m
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Got my 5 miles in!! ♡
    Question for the more experienced runners.
    Is coughing after a run normal? Not wheezing, but actual coughing. I can breathe fine. Its like phlegm deep in the chest but it's hard to get it to come up. And not for a couple minutes either, it usually lasts anywhere from a few hours to a day or two.
    I thought it was just a part of running and I've jokingly called it runner's cough. I mentioned it to my dad, who was a long distance runner for most of my childhood until he got injured, and he looked at me like I was crazy and asked what I was talking about.

    It could be normal. My husband has asthma and the cool air, even 65F-72ish will prompt coughing and phlegm. Google exercise induced asthma and see if that describes what you are experiencing. It often gets better with training. When I started running it'd happen to me to but did get better. I had no phlegm though. So, you might also consider that you may have a bit of asthma.
    disclaimer- not a doc. see your PCP for health concerns.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Tramboman wrote: »
    @Avidkeo Happy anniversary!!! Plus, fueling in advance is an excellent strategy I use often.
    @Teresa502 Congratulations on winning the draw!!!

    How far in advance would be considered to be too far in advance? Not asking for a friend...

    Haha! I need to lose 10 pounds (22kg). So, I'm pre-fueled to run 437 miles (728 km)!

    If it's any commiseration, 10 pounds is 4.5 kilos or so, not 22!
    Yeah, the rate I'm going I should be carb loaded for most of this decade....
    Amazing how much not being able to go out at all limits movement. Even though I'm still exercising a lot, my daily step count has halved just from not running errands and stuff.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all. A few good fuel giggles haha. I think im well fueled for my marathon in July by now lol.

    Got woken early by work - on call this weekend. So am chilling in bed before going for my long run 16k!! I'm excited and nervous. I know I'll be fine, mentally it doesn't seem that long but I'm doing my 8k route twice and I know that second gentle uphill slog is going to be a challenge.

    Time for coffee and breakfast!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Tramboman wrote: »
    @Avidkeo Happy anniversary!!! Plus, fueling in advance is an excellent strategy I use often.
    @Teresa502 Congratulations on winning the draw!!!

    How far in advance would be considered to be too far in advance? Not asking for a friend...

    Haha! I need to lose 10 pounds (22kg). So, I'm pre-fueled to run 437 miles (728 km)!

    If it's any commiseration, 10 pounds is 4.5 kilos or so, not 22!
    Yeah, the rate I'm going I should be carb loaded for most of this decade....
    Amazing how much not being able to go out at all limits movement. Even though I'm still exercising a lot, my daily step count has halved just from not running errands and stuff.

    Oh ya .. I knew that. Divide not multiply... no coffee, brain not on yet.