

  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    So far behind on reading again. So no shout outs. I’m doing good. We walk a lot now, today over 2 hours worth. And, I think my food is on track. I had a tooth extracted Thursday was cracked in 3 Pc from me grinding my teeth at night. I guess. Maybe it’s like snoring, you deny the issue?

    So I didn’t track my carbs because I could only have bread and eggs. Tonight I tried meat. It worked okay. Baby sized pieces. Actually, it helps me slow down while eating. I have a couple weeks of this and reduced workouts. No heavy lifting and no impact. Light ..... in a way o think that’s helping me control my appetite and not snack. Because I can’t say “I’ve earned it” mentally.

    I know you’re all probably crushing it! So yay!!!!!!

    I have my meal plan made for next week. Now I need to enter it all into MFP. That totally works for me! I stay on track !

    Okay. I gotta go.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @nighthazel01 Good for you on still getting in your walking. That's great you have been eating healthier. Your mom sounds like a gem. I hope your dd had a really nice bday as much as she could.

    @teresaw1020 So this week is about finding your balance. I was doing well on that a little but the weekend kind of threw me off which is funny as everyday is weekend now. Which part of the day is the hardest for you? I guess now you can go to the beaches in your state. Do you live close to one? I'm glad you took precautions at the staff meeting.

    @trooworld It sounds like you were still making good choices ordering out and splitting the fries with dh. Good for you. We will all get better at this as we practice more. Woohoo! I'm doing the happy dance for you. That's wonderful. Who would have thought it would take a pandemic for you to get rolling. So be thinking about what are you doing differently at home than at work. Cause eventually, you'll have to go back.

    @mswatson0777 I will stream one of the PopSugarFitness videos this week and do that. Another goal of mine is a tire flipping workout like you see on Biggest Loser. I don't seem to watch anymore TV now than before. I think because I'm spending more time in the kitchen and then talking with dh or ds. Plus we watch a couple of movies together on the weekend. But you think I would have more time.

    @huskymarie So what is it about the water that keeps you motivated and on track and not to miss a day versus doing the same with calories. (I can almost hear you say if I knew that then I would be doing it. lol) But it's really just a set of behaviors. I was talking with my friend about how floor and window streaks drive me batty but I can have a pile of clothes on a chair for days. She said for her it was smells drifting in the from the kitchen and going upstairs but yet she spends her days covering things in Febreze. So we were wondering why our brain allows for one thing to be okay but the other not. God bless you for making those masks and also doing what you do for the kids. I found a mask video using a bandana and 2 rubber bands that didn't need sewing. Although I'm wondering would I be able to breathe in it. But if I'm dead, I wouldn't be breathing anyway.......

    @joannadavison Did you find any more slow cooker recipes? Funny about perception. You said your walk around the village was not exciting and I was thinking how fun that would be to be in a "village" looking at all the houses. lol Dd and I had tentative plans for going for 2 weeks in late September and early October because that's when her vacation is. We were going to do UK and then Scotland. I've been promising this trip for years. I wanted to take the train to Scotland to see the countryside she was like No mom we can fly. So we'll see. She still thinks we will magically do it this year but I'm like even if they allow it, I'm not flying anywhere this year. Nor driving across state lines until we have months of all clear. That's nice your school is helping the families with food.

    @its_cleo Yummy, chick pea soup. I think hubby would like that. Nice of the Canadians to help out Detroit. I have a friend that moved to Michigan and she keeps saying please pray for us. I'm glad you were able to talk to your therapist and what a great suggestion. I think my dh is starting to crack. I told him he controls his mind not the other way around and if you let the anxiety get too far it overtakes you and you can't control it. I have such a good imagination I can play out scenes in my head and then get emotionally upset. So now when my mind starts to go to the dark places, I push stop on my mind. I can't go there. In a way it's kind of like food and exercise, we can only control what we have around us at the moment. We can sit and think about all the what ifs but it doesn't help. Have you watched any baseball stuff on YouTube? I'm ready a cheesy baseball fiction novel at the moment.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @shexio It sounds like you are rocking this week with workouts and food. Good for you. I've cracked two top back teeth that way. Still haven't replaced them even though I should. Life just got in the way. Now that I have time, I won't go to a dentist and have him put his fingers in my mouth. lol I even cracked my mouthguard.

    Green Day- Stayed OP 170/238 Exercise- none

    April goals: Drink 4.5 glasses of water :( Decluttering :( 200 min of exercise :(
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @trooworld - Fantastic job on the weight loss, it's coming off quick, you're definitely doing something right.

    @joannadavison - I'm a big fan of walking, it's easy, relieves stress and feels great. Hopefully your youth group meeting went smoothly. Trying out new technology is always stressful

    @mswatson0777 Hope you enjoyed your 'lazy day' they're important. Yoga sounds like a good idea

    @its_cleo It's important to keep up our normal routine as much as possible during this crazy time, so it's good you're still finding ways to exercise. I know a lot of people who've switched to online sessions with their trainers and love it.

    @Shexio It's smart to make your meal plans up ahead of time and track them, especially since you know it works for you

    I weighed myself yesterday, and I stayed the same, which is great really, because I'm eating more, but I'm also moving more because I'm not behind my desk at work. I get up and stroll around the house from time to time while I'm working from home. I also usually get an extra walk in everyday too, so it helps.

    I only walked once yesterday, but I did yard work because it was so warm outside. It feels great that the temperature is warming up. It also rained in the afternoon, that's why I didn't get my second walk in. Instead my family played a board game. I bought the game Pandemic six months ago to give to my DD for her birthday because I heard it was fun, it's extremely ironic now. This game is complicated, with all these little side rules, I'm sure we didn't play it right. I've tried to go on Youtube to figure it all out, but we're still missing something. It was fun, because we were all working together, that's the point of the game, everyone is one the same team.

    I'm going to focus on eating more fruits and vegitables today, like apples. I need to limit my carb intake.
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @its_cleo "there are 1000 Canadian nurses in Detroit, did you know that 😊 We help when we can."

    Thank You Canada <3 . I have a lot of relatives just across the border from Detroit, missing them too.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @nighthazel01, good job on maintaining your weight and getting in exercise. Yard work definitely counts! What fun to play a game with your family and even if you didn’t do it by the rules you still did what is important and had fun together! Yes, I’m with you in needing to limit carbs and need to eat more fruits and veggies. :#

    @theslightedgeforever, no I don’t live close to a beach so that won’t be happening. It sure would be nice! The hardest part of the day for me is the late afternoons. That is when I’m not really doing anything and have found myself roaming the kitchen. Tomorrow, I’m going to the grocery store and I’m going to buy some more fruit and have a serving of that instead of crackers or nuts. :)

    @its_cleo, I am glad that you were able to speak to your therapist and will be checking in with her. And it’s great that you booked a session with your trainer. You just might get a lot out of the online session him and if not then you at least know you gave it a shot. I’m also glad that your Achilles is feeling a little better. <3

    @mswatson0777, I hope that you had a relaxing weekend! I had a lazy day yesterday too and it was nice. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow and I’m trying to decide if I should wear a scarf or not. I’m more inclined to say no and just make sure to keep my distance and go early. :/

    @joannadavison, that is nice that you ran into your co-worker while out walking. I see lots of 6’ apart chats going on with my neighbors when they are out walking their dogs. I hope your ZOOM group goes great! We are doing another one tonight too with our church. :)

    @huskymarie, what a lot of stress you have been under with your work but it is very important work, so good for you for getting it done. I do hope next week will be more manageable for you so you can at least take a pee break! ;) That is so awesome that you are making masks for people. Such an important skill to have right now.

    Good morning and happy Palm Sunday! I can't believe that I won't be in church this morning and instead will be watching a taped message with my DH in our home office. I miss my church family so much! :'( We are going to have a Zoom meeting tonight where we will talk about the questions that will be asked in our morning message. So, looking forward to that. :) After my workout, I'm going to give my dog a bath. She is used to (and so are we) of going to a professional groomer and coming home all trimmed and smelling wonderful. She is getting shaggy and I don't think I can do much about that but at least she will smell better. Tomorrow morning I'm getting up and heading to Walmart to get the weekly grocery shopping over with. I've been going twice a week to the stores and this week I'm going to hopefully get everything I need in one trip and not have to go back. Have a good day and stay safe! <3
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have been doing YouTube videos but I discovered yesterday that our local Y is offering online access to fitness classes for free to non-members from vendors such as Les Mills (people who brought you BodyPump, BodyFlow, and BodyCombat etc), YMCA workouts, Life Fitness, Studio Sweat OnDemand, and Mossa. Once again, you do NOT have to be a member (but you do have to live near this location to access their benefits)! So, check your local Y because they may have similar benefits, or maybe a local gym.

    @joannadavison Well, you could try a YouTube video? I've been doing those lately. Lesley Sansone walk away the pounds videos, Bollywood dance videos, Latin dance videos, Zumba videos, they have it all! :) I hope you did okay with Zoom.

    @mswatson0777 Thank you! I was able to find someone making masks for free for the community on (really generous of that person, they didn't want a donation or anything), do you have that website/app in your area? Your lazy day sounds perfect! It sounds like you made a lot of headway on your paper, that's great!

    @its_cleo Thank you so much. I really have to say that the old me would be eating her way through all of this, especially being at home isolated and lonely. I think that's a great idea to book online sessions with your trainer. It will help keep your routine and also keep your fitness level up.

    @Shexio Do you have a mouthguard you use at night? If not, you might want to get one. You can either get one from the dentist (that's what I did) or get a kit off Amazon. I clench/grind my teeth at night, too.

    @theslightedgeforever Thank you, yes I think so. I know, right? I think this pandemic, as unfortunate as it is for the world, is a good thing for my weight loss. God, that sounds absolutely terrible! Yeah, I was thinking about that. I've started exercising mid-morning and I can't do that once I go back to work. I'll have to do it before work. I can do that.

    @nighthazel01 Thank you very much! I'm happy with my progress. Congrats on maintaining, that's not easy right now either! I love Pandemic, it's our favorite board game lol. We play the original game, not the new ones. I hope you figure it out.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm sorry you have to miss church. Have a good day and good luck shopping!

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Been a bit since I been in. Still getting my hour walks in whether outside or on treadmill. Then Monday to Friday 2-3 days do 10-20 min of a workout.

    @theslightedgeforever Weekdays I am pretty good but when hubby comes home every other weekend our eating is good but we very much over indulge in drinks.

    @nighthazel01 I have heard of Tiger Kings but haven’t watched it yet. Addicted to Animal kingdom. Stayed up till 4am last night watching. Just about done season 3 then I will have to wait for the next season to come out on Netflix.

    @mswatson0777 My goal for April is to get done to 150. And to stick to my workout plan. By May would like to get off the walking and get back to walk jog intervals. The days all seem the same. Started crossing off on calendar so can keep track. Lol

    @RetiredAndLovingIt This no routine for me is very strange. Kids are starting supplemental learning tomorrow. It’s optional but they are doing it. Will work out to be Ela and math and 5-7 hours per week.

    @trooworld congrats on loss

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @its_cleo I'm so glad you're able to check in with your therapist. This is a hard thing for those of us with mental health struggles so I'm so happy you're proactively getting some extra help right now.

    @trooworld I'm going to make a no-sew one for now. Who knows, maybe if I'm in quarantine for long enough I'll pull out a needle and thread and go old school! And my Y is doing a similar thing! I've been mostly doing PopSugar Youtube videos but I may switch over and try some of these too to mix it up.

    @TeresaW1020 Long distance from our friends and communities is definitely getting tough. Good for you for continuing to keep contact low. I'm glad you were able to have a relaxing day as well!

    @nighthazel01 I love the game Pandemic, I miss playing board games like that with friends. Great job maintaining your weight!

    @theslightedgeforever Do you have a big tire??? This is so cool! I also feel like I have no more time than before, since I always seem to find things to fill it with.

    @Shexio Sorry to hear about your tooth. Does this mean you have to wear a mouthguard to sleep now?

    Happy Sunday! The sun is shining and the weather is supposed to be beautiful today. I was feeling a little stir crazy so I drove to a local trail and did some roller skating. It felt good to get out of the neighborhood for a bit.

    Yesterday I did a bad job of relaxing. I ended up cooking a full ham, cheesy cauliflower bake, roasted green beans, and keto blueberry muffins. I did my laundry, washed bedding, and walked the dogs for over 3 hours! I'm starting to wonder if I don't know how to relax anymore.

    Today I've got a 1pm yoga date with my friend and then after that I'm going to try to actually relax and read a book on my deck. I realized that keeping busy has been keeping the stir crazy feeling at bay, so I guess I'm going to be extra productive during the stay at home order.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member

    I just want to hop on and say I tracked the last 2 days and got on my treadmill. Felt good about that. It's Sunday and breezy here today.

    Please stay safe and keep working on your health.

  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    Yes, I should be wearing a mouth gaurd. I’ve been trying the past few nights as I got some from amazon. I used to have one from the dentist but, lost it. Interesting that several of you have the same issue .

    I got my meals listed in MFP, for breakfast for the week. Forgot to add the rest. Dang! But I tracked today and was under so yay!!!

    The only reason I know our food is because we had to devise a 3 week meal plan for corona. So I just did one week and took it times 3. Should be good that way. Tomorrow is hamburger day. Tuesday is taco day. Wed. Casserole (pizza dish from last wed) etc.

    Gtg.still behind on reading everything

    Good job ladies!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @nighthazel01 Good job on your walking and moving a bit more while you are in the house. Also great job on maintaining. There's actually a game called that? My family would never figure it out with all those side rules. I would be frustrated and no fun at my house. lol

    @teresaw1020 I hear you on the nuts. I've just about finished my supply. So did you make it to the store to replenish your fruit supply? I'm banned from going to the store right now cause of my respiratory problems and can't seem to get others to bring back the right items for me. GRRRR!. You would think I would lose weight just because of lack of food, but it's the combinations I'm making while being creative. Soon we'll all be back outside again and doing our normal routine and be complaining because our lives are too busy and we don't have time to do anything. :D

    @trooworld Good info on the Y. OK, so I'm going to hold you to doing some exercise before you go to work once you go back. Are you feeling better physically? Hang on to that feeling and let it remind you when you don't feel like waking up early to exercise.

    @renaegry It sounds like you have a schedule all worked out for you and the kids. Good idea on using the calendar and crossing off each day.

    @mswatson0777 I have a car tire which is standard. When we got new tires I begged dh to keep the tires and bring them home. I had grand ideas on making extra seating for the patio area. Then it was maybe I could use one as a planter. But they've just stayed in my garage. He's given me a deadline now. I'm like I can't go out and get materials in a pandemic. I need more time. lol So I agreed to keep one and he can remove the others. Oh I just thought of putting them out in a zig zag form like in the military. Although I'm not really that coordinated. I haven't flipped it yet so we'll see how weak I am compared to the tire. I have also thought about hitting it with a sledgehammer like they do on Biggest Loser. I was watching the last challenge and was thinking, I could do some of those things at home. Planning has never been my problem but execution.

    @cbabie Good for you for tracking your food and getting on the treadmill. That's excellent. Soon these will become habits.

    @shexio We all probably have grinding issues because we're all stressed. Mine originally started when oldest child went off to college. The two I lost are in exactly the same place on both sides. The one next to the very back tooth. I keep saying I'll put in some implants but haven't got around to it yet. It's been two years now for one of them. Good ideas on your corona meal plan.

    Yellow Day- Went over 180/164 Exercise-nada

    April goals-Drink 4.5 glasses of water o:) Decluttering :( burn 200 calories :(
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - Just like your dog, I think there are a lot of people getting their hair cut at home now. We're going to be rockin' some really interesting styles when this is all over.

    @trooworld I'm going to check out my Y, what a great idea.

    @renaegry That's a nice workout schedule, because it's manageable

    @mswatson0777 Sometimes relaxing just means doing things different than you normally do, or doing something you've been wanting to do, like cooking and baking.

    I went on my walks yesterday, it felt great to get out of the house because the weather is warming up. Stayed on track yesterday with my food intake. Back to work this morning.
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Just lost my post! AGGGHHHH!

    @its_cleo we're pretty much locked down in UK. Some food places open for takeaway/delivery- McDs , Starbucks & many others totally closed!!!
    We can shop for groceries & medicines, exercise away from home (walk, run, cycle, walk dog) once a day. Hubbie still at work (supermarket) & I'm on rota to go into work every 3 weeks to provide supervision for other key workers' kids, but generally teaching is from home. It's school holidays here so we're both off, but hubbie is in or Thurs, Fri & Sat as it's normally really busy for Easter & he wasn't allowed those days off.
    Hugs over PTSD- it's complicated. I get GAD & OCD (control & routine) so I went way off- sleeping stupid times, eating out of control (huge amount of chocolate, biscuits, icecream & prosecco /G&Ts). I gave myself some space & regrouped. Now on high protein & working on new routine. Be kind to yourself. Nothing's hit the world like this for a hundred years!!

    @Shexio ouch re:tooth. I've had a lot done in last couple of years- you have my huge sympathy there.
    Well done on the walking. I really need to build that into routine. I normally do 6-8,000 steps at work before making an effort so I'm missing activity. I just need to build it in. Crushing it??? I wish. 1.5ish weeks of totally off it (see above). I am chuffed I've lost it plus another 1lb but I need to "get a grip".

    @theslightedgeforever I've not found the new slowcooker recipes yet. I was meant to be away crafting last weekend (obviously that was stopped) & one of my friends was bringing me recipes- unfortunately her DH is unwell (she's now nursing him at home but it was awful last week with him being rushed in while COVID-19 being issue everywhere)- I'll get them from her later. You probably have an image of the quintessential English Village. That's not us at all. We're just off the motorway, old mining village & although in last 30 years there's been a lot of newer private houses built- it's old colliery terraces & a sprawling council estate, so not much to look at. Hoping to explore a new route today. You must visit Edinburgh- good airport there. Not sure where you would fly too but we're about 2-3 hours from Edinburgh- sometimes do it for a day trip.

    @nighthazel01 zoom went OK- the kids were better than me- the youngest ones could change backgrounds & all sorts! Hoping to get them on more frequently during the lockdown- my 2 commented how weird as 2 of the girls live round the corner, opposite my mum! We're hoping to sort our garden while we're both off. It's a mess but there are no garden shops open so not sure if we can get plants on-line from suppliers. It's sunny here but that warm. Well done on STS- hard to loose when you can't do much.

    @TeresaW1020 Palm Sunday definitely strange. Our church is hosting "watch parties" to other churches. So I "went" to our previous Minister's Church. It was good to see her & her family plus others I know through her- some of the twentysomethings were the ones that inspired our kids to set up their youth group format. They streamed the worship from 3 different homes, 4 if you count the tech! I was rather impressed by that. My housegroup meeting on Zoom tomorrow, then at 2:30pm for a prayers for a funeral (church friend's mum & only he +wife can attend). CREW youth group again on Wednesday- different way of doing things- I'm missing my Methodist hymn singing!!

    @trooworld I think LesMills is free in UK at the moment. Eldest & I were thinking of the Royal Navy workout- it's not aimed at our current fitness level! 🤣🤣. You tube will stream yo our TV.

    @renaergy that sounds like a good goal. We're just focusing on walking at the moment & trying to build routine.

    @mswatson0777 good you're still getting time on college work. My busy yesterday was sorting buttons & brads !! Keeping busy is good. I'm back in study/craft room today.

    @cbabie hello!!!!

    Well just as I'm finishing this message, the sun's gone & it's now raining!
    I think I'll have early lunch -I was awake at 05:30- get up in my room for some more decluttering & sorting. I was going to start on cupboards but I'm thinking some shelf space might be better 1st. I've got IKEA 12x12 shelves for my scrapbooks but there's a lot of junk on them too.
    Stay safe everyone
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @renaegry I love your goals! I would also like to get below 150. I've been having a hard time dropping my calories any lower than they already are, but being in the 140s again for my would be so exciting!

    @joannadavison Sorry to hear the sun went away! I love your decluttering goals, I hope to get there later this month too.

    @nighthazel01 I agree that going outside is what is keeping me sane. I shudder to think if this had happened in January and I was stuck in the house all the time!

    @theslightedgeforever What a cool workout idea! Please keep me posted on how it goes for you!

    @cbabie Way to go at keeping on track!!!

    I ended up being over calories both days this weekend, but not by ridiculous amounts and I still felt pretty good thing morning. I ended up doing one of the YMCA streaming workouts (GRIT Strength) and holy buckets was that hard! They had us do 50 burpees in 2 minutes!!!!! And that was after 30 minutes of other exercises!

    Today has been the first day in quarantine that I wished I was going to work. I definitely think I'm getting a little stir crazy and I miss seeing people in person. But quarantine is quarantine so I'm going to stick with it for as long as it takes. Good thing is I still have plenty on my "to do" list to get me through the next month. And I'm sure once I get through those I can come up with an entirely new list!

    I am extremely grateful we have a house during this time, I think if I were in an apartment this would be way more difficult.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    Hi all. I realized last night that my mental health has been in an ill state as of late. I talk to my therapist on Weds, so that's good. But I've not been taking good enough care of myself, I've not been getting enough sleep and sleep is crucial. I've also been letting myself get stressed out.

    @renaegry Thank you!

    @mswatson0777 I would have made a no-sew one but I didn't even have a bandana! lol I'll have to check out the PopSugar videos, thanks. Roller skating? That's awesome! I used to love to roller skate! Your dinner sounds delicious. I'm sorry you didn't end up relaxing. I hope you got to relax with a book.

    @cbabie WTG!!!

    @Shexio Yeah, for me, I think stress causes me to grind my teeth. Yay for being under!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I am feeling better physically but as I said above, I'm slightly off mentally. I need "an adjustment" lol. Yeah, I hope this is not just a phase that I'm going through as far as the exercise goes. How are you doing?

    @nighthazel01 The weather was nice here too, but it is supposed to rain all day today.

    @joannadavison You know what? Try it and just do what you can! :D That's what I do with some of these workouts...when my husband asks how they went I say, "I did similar moves" lol!

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    Good day today, the meal plan is very mentally freeing for me today. I don’t have to think about any meal or what we will eat.

    @joannadavison : thanks for the encouragement. Hubby and I have 3 walk breaks scheduled every day. That helps a lot. I love Les Mills . They have a few free ones on YouTube.

    @theslightedgeforever : sounds like your an excellent cook. (You said you were creative with food)

    @cbabie congrats on the WO and food. Keep it up.

    @mswatson0777 : that’s a lot of burpee’s!!! I’m in an apartment, just moved out of our house (of 26 years). I enjoy being here, nice area’s to walk nearby ( trails and outdoor malls). It’s easier for me I guess since family is so far away anyway (13 hrs).

    Workout : slim in 6 butt/lunges. Wow.... million Reps and I’m fried. Hope it’s yoga or upper body soon.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I don’t watch any sports stuff since they cancelled it all. It just upsets me. It’s easier for me to just pretend it doesn’t exist and won’t exist. Then maybe one day I’ll be surprised. However I am super annoyed that football is in the fall and likely wont be impacted, of all the sports. Bc I don’t give a *kitten* about football lol…….oh the tires and zig zag! That is my dream I wish I could do that kind of stuff. Maybe I could have before this pandemic but definitely not now.

    I’m sorry your husband is struggling. Yes we have to work on our minds too- when I was talking to my therapist she was like- you need to make a plan to take care your mind and feelings every day just like you do for food and exercise. And some of that yes is just doing what we can do. That is one reason I always found meditation helpful- it’s like training yourself to just be in the present moment with whatever is there. You can’t control it or change it, you just sit with it. When I did it regularly it really did increase my patience with life in general.

    I’m curious though- what baseball book are you reading?

    @nighthazel01 yeah that is the advantage of working from home normally- you can move home. Because even before the pandemic I worked from home regularly and it really gave me a lot of time to go to the gym or jog etc. I miss it! Also I found it gave me more time to make my own meals instead of like going out for lunch all the time.

    @TeresaW1020 happy late Palm Sunday. How did the dog bath go?

    @trooworld …sorry you are struggling emotionally too. It is really hard at this time. Are you getting stressed out over the news? Can you limit it? Hopefully your therapist can help.

    that is great about your Y! Those Les Mills classes are super challenging though. Our Y is having free classes too, but it’s through facebook, which I don’t use. But I’ve just been trying different online videos. I should try a Zumba video. ….Honestly I am super uncoordinated so I can’t do all the moves, but I figure if I’m moving and sweating that is good enough lol.

    @mswatson0777 relaxing is hard lol! There is truly an art to doing nothing.

    @joannadavison I hope you and your husband take care and stay safe while you’re working. I just heard Boris Johnson is in ICU. I figured it was bad when they took him in the hospital a few days ago….ah the PTSD…honestly I was lucky I got a lot of help when I was very young, like 18, and like a lot of help for several years bc it was a severe case, but I’m 43 now and normally it’s not really an issue. But it’s amazing how this pandemic sets you back. But I’m ok. … many people have issues with anxiety or insomnia, or OCD, really makes you wonder about our society.

    I’m ok. My session with my trainer is tomorrow so I’m looking forward to it. It will be really weird to have to think about my appearance! Not that I dress up for him but I should like brush my hair you know lol. Have to put a bra on :D

    I’m trying to do better this week with food. But I think I’ve been doing better this week. My achilles is still sore but I can jog so I am so happy. But I will give the stairs a rest for a while.

    I go out maybe once a day. I try to go early to avoid people. Sometimes I walk or jog, other times I try to go to the store. But they have increased the fines now- so they could fine someone if you are caught closer than 6 ft to someone – only if you don’t live with them. Families are ok. They also had to have police start patrolling the parks and stuff.

    Hopefully we can get through this soon. Take care all.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @nighthazel01 Sounds like you had a wonderful day by exercising and staying on track with food

    @joannadavison Well keep at it with online videos for exercise. I've never heard of GAD. I'll have to look that up. I have alot of OCD issues though. The more the older I get. Sorry about your friend's husband. Now I have the song Here comes the sun stuck in my head.

    @mswatson0777 That's great that you are still tracking and trying new exercise. I found the big heavy wrench that I will use as a sledgehammer since I don't have one of those. My plan is to do it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it turns out. Something to change the monotony.

    @trooworld How did you do today on your April goals? I'm doing well with the water but not the decluttering. Weather has been nicer so I'm just sitting outside in my yard so I'm not sitting in the house. I'm glad you talked to your therapist. Today must be "song day" for I keep reading the posts and someone will say something and a song pops into my head. You talked about roller skating and I was singing "I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key". I wonder how many on here are old enough to know this song. My sister is............. :D Although my family would tell you I'm slightly off mentally on a normal day. lol If everyone were like me, think how much fun the world would be.

    @shexio I bet your backside looks great with all those lunges. When my kids left for college and I was at home alone with hubby, I decided I would try two new hobbies. Cooking and gardening. I'm a really good baker but cooking was never my thing because my life was always too busy with the kids activities and I just wanted to get everyone "fed". That's how I gained weight initially. But now I'm turning out some really good meals. Well I was. I haven't been inspired lately.

    @its_cleo on sports stuff I don't mean new games but old stuff that you may have already seen or I saw they were showing some old games and homerun derbys on MLB channel. This is a link to some channels in the states.

    It's fun to lose yourself in a game. I'm reading The Trade by Meghan Quinn Just one look at the bookcover tells you everything. lol It's actually pretty clean compared to other books. More cheesy I think. I needed something light. It's on my Kindle Unlimited list. Thank God for Kindle unlimited. Worth every penny I pay each month.

    So I have to figure out my meal plan. For some reason we are having a shortage on eggs. WTH? Probably all those keto-lovers :D I hear of eggs in one grocery store and by the time you get there they're gone. So........I have to come up with different food list. Otherwise, I'm just going to keep going over. I've thought about just counting calories until this thing is over and then go back to carb recycling since I really like that plan and did better. It's just now I'm not being consistent. So that's my thought for the day.

    Yellow Day- Stayed OP 159/164 Exercise-rest day

    April goals: Drink 4.5 glasses of water o:) Decluttering :( Burn 200 calories of exercise
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @mswatson0777 - I'm grateful for my house too, I'm also grateful for my family. Even though there are a lot of us in this house, I think it would be terrible to quarantine all alone.

    @trooworld- Self care is important. Mentally it's a challenging time, I'm glad your aware of what you need.

    @its_cleo - In my state that is a $1000.00 fine for being out with non-family members your not living with. I'm not sure they're enforcing it though. I go for a walk twice a day with my kids, otherwise I haven't left the house in three weeks.

    @theslightedgeforever - I don't understand the egg shortage either. I understand that people are eating more at home, but restaurants are closed, can't all the egg and bread shipments be moved to the grocery stores?

    Yesterday was a good day food wise. My DH project of redesigning our laundry room is almost done. I'm focusing on fruits and vegetables today, that's my goal.