

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @its_cleo, ugghhh don’t you just hate those kind of dreams. I get them too occasionally and they are just like crazy horror movies. :# I hope you got better rest last night. How did the session with your trainer go? We haven’t lightened up in the U.S. yet but there is talk going on how to make it happen when we can start to get back to normal. I pray that it’s sooner than later!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt, ohhhhh no way could have a bunch of fresh peanut brittle around me and resist. Good luck with that! :D It’s hard for so many who have to work and homeschool their kids. It’s so hard to wrap my head around how badly this virus has affected so many people. A roast sounds so good! What are you making for Easter?

    @trooworld, glad that you are feeling better and I would think walking to ABBA would definitely help your mood. They have such great music! I love my resistance bands. Did you get rubber or fabric? I have both and find that the fabric ones work best for going around my legs. :)

    @mswatson0777, you are such a busy girl! Continuing to get in our exercise will for sure help with maintaining our weight. I have heard that getting dumbbells is impossible right now. I want a set of 20 lbs. but will have to wait until life resumes and DH will let me spend that much money. :D

    @theslightedgeforever, I know you are worried about your son, and understandably so! Is he healthy? We have to remember that most people who get the virus do recover. As for snacking, I stopped buying the dark chocolate that was a trigger for me. But I then bought some caramel rice cakes and those with a little peanut butter are sooo good! However, I am NOT going to put peanut butter on them and just enjoy the crunch with my afternoon coffee. I’m still eating too large of portions at dinner and really need to focus on that as well. :|

    Good morning and Happy Good Friday! Well, I managed to lose 1.2 lbs. this week. I’m still playing with the same three pounds week after week but at least I don’t continue to go up. I’m trying to stick to my tracking and not overeat my points, which is hard! I took yesterday off from working out but will be back at it in just a few minutes. Today is shoulders and then a nice long treadmill walk. I did have a staff meeting yesterday and I kept my distance. The other five members of my staff are meeting once or twice a week now to tape messages and record music. We talked about our summer schedule and made the decision to cancel our vacation Bible school. Our children’s pastor is going to do something with FB Live for the kids. It’s sad but we are pretty sure that even if we are back at church, we won’t be ready to have that kind of contact. Have a good day! :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Hello friends! I found out yesterday that due to COVID-19, my job will completely shut down until May 18th. The good news is I will still get paid though. But man, I'm going to get bored. So, because I'm going to have all that time off, I decided to work today.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Thanks. I've seen some YouTube videos for resistance bands but haven't tried anything yet. I'll let you know if I find something good. Peanut brittle...yum!

    @its_cleo Yes, I did and I found some there. There are two types of resistance bands, the flat kind and the tube kind. I got the tube kind so I don't know if it matters, but I looked for the tube kind when I searched the videos and I found some. I hope you can get some sleep. I didn't sleep well, either: anxiety...I kept getting up to pee it seemed like every minute, but I didn't have to pee. I had to tell myself: you don't have to pee. Stay in bed until you feel like you really have to pee. And that seemed to help. I hope people are still trying to stay in here!!!

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah, I actually found a YouTube video that was a walking video set to ABBA. It's not my favorite but it's okay. Here it is:

    @nighthazel01 Thanks, me too! Yes, I like the habit tracker. I hope you enjoy your day off work. Happy Good Friday to you as well!

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @Shexio I love P90X, Tony Horton is hilarious! Also, I love the word "joy food"

    @nighthazel01 Sadly I've still got two years to go. The doctoral process is LONG. We also had crazy weather. I almost didn't do a walk but the dogs talked me into it.

    @theslightedgeforever I do have some containers, but the challenge is trying to get them to the 10-12lb range I want. I'm reading a book by Mary Jo Putney (she's a fabulous historical romance writer)

    @its_cleo I can't imagine doing a master's degree in a year, how stressful! And I'm sorry to hear about your bad dreams. There has been a lot of things to be stressed about lately so it's totally understandable. I hope you get some rest today after your training session.

    @trooworld Love the walking to Abba video, how fun! And sorry about your job but I'm glad you'll still be getting paid so you don't have that kind of stress.

    @RetiredandLovingIt I can't imagine trying to work AND home school! I hope you're able to avoid the peanut brittle, temptations in the house are TOUGH!

    @TeresaW1020 I agree that cancelling bible school is probably a good decision. This seems like it will be going on for a long time. And congrats on the weight loss, that's awesome!

    Happy Friday all! Yesterday the weather was AWFUL but I still ended up doing a dog walk (they wore me down). Today, my bulldog peed on my office chair AGAIN. Seriously, what am I going to do with him?! He's in the crate right now thinking about what he did (yes I know he has no idea, but I'm so angry I thought some crate time would be good for both of us). I enzyme cleaned everything...again...and am now trying to get some work done. I'm having a hard time focusing today. I've got a zoom lunch yoga date and an after work phone walk and talk scheduled with friends so those will be fun. Got to keep moving, right?
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi all..sunny here today but chilly. Looks like it will be the treadmill again for me.

    @mswatson0777 Sounds like fun doing a zoom yoga. Not sure how to stop the dog. Ours used to lick dh's pillow. Wow, that was gross!

    @trooworld Now you get to try retirement, too, lol. Glad you will still be getting paid tho. I think mine are the tube kind also.

    @its_cleo Sorry about the bad dreams. Hope you can do the stairs in your building.

    @TeresaW1020 Not sure what I will make for Easter since it will be just dh & me here. Probably something easy, lol. Even though we are only 10 minutes apart, we have been staying away from dd & family. We Facetime or House Party with them almost every day.

    @theslightedgeforever I brought most of the groceries out of quarantine & wiped them down. A few things that we got extras of I didn't bother wiping..they went back out in quarantine, lol. Wow, even your eggs. I took mine out of the carton, but didn't wipe each one. Oh well, probably won't eat any for 3-4 days since I already had some, so that should be long enough time to decontaminate them. Needed my Dove dark chocolate, lol. I ration it one a day, & trying to only eat the peanut brittle once a day. He made 4 batches as long as he was doing it, just to use up the peanuts! I have set my calories to maintain & letting my exercise make the deficit. Hopefully will still lose slowly & yet not make myself crazy.

    I guess dd did an online grocery with pickup & they didn't give her any of her cold stuff. So she had to go back to store anyway. & she put that they could substitute if out of something. Guess instead of plain crackers she got some weird flavor crackers. Wasn't happy about that either. So she said next time, she won't substitute, just go without. Guess I will have to do that too.

    Have a great day. We are going to go drive around, just to get out of the house, lol.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Afternoon, I just got out of the shower and got dressed and feel more like. human. Sleepless nights and quarantine...LOL. Work is icky, but you know I am healthy and my family is and I think that's important. So I have figured out this weight thing. I am on a fast again...LOL So if I don't eat from whatEVER time I go to bed until 4PM the following day..that could be close..LOL. I lose weight and I can eat whatever I am hungry for. I am not advocating this, but it seems to work numbers are going back down... YES I KNOW, when I stop the fast. Well just enjoying the ride for now. I have been taking my DGGD out for walks in her "car". She loves it. I walk she rides...LOL

    I havn't had time to read the post. Every time I start to try I get interrupted.

    @trooworld glad you set small goals...doesn't it feel good to achieve them? I should follow suit after you.. :)

    @shexio P90X is some exercise...I will let you do that one. LOL MY body says NO..I am glad you found that works for you.

    @theslightedgeforever I had to laugh..I could see you dancing to the Doobie Brothers ...but the laugh part came in when in my mind I saw you and my DH dancing to it..LOL

    @nighthazel01 Glad you got outside a little. Wow snow...I am so glad I don't live where snow might be a possibility. I will take my sunshine and rain.. :).

    @its_cleo Good thing you and my DH aren't married..he has dreams at least once a week where he is shooting, hitting, cussing out..something. Today he was punching the bed and mumbling. I am glad I just sleep..LOL
    I am sorry you have those dreams though..I have had some where I wake up in a panic..not cool to wake up like feel like you didn't sleep.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Sorry your DD is having trouble with the shut downs. I was on a call last night and a mother was so stressed about the homeschooling and the things the school is saying to do...I think we all said the same thing you are saying to I know it's stressful and I feel like we will come out with some better ways of doing things when this is over.

    @mswatson0777 Yes reading for fun!!! I am in a book club and not sure about the book they picked..we will see..LOL

    @TeresaW1020 I am so sorry that you had that Nursing home near you.. How awful they would try to hide it. I am so glad you are doing a Bible study on line and staying home....I hope you enjoyed it.

    Okay gotta run, hope I didn't miss anyone.

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Hey @cbabie, yep a shower can do wonders. Well if the fast works for you….but you need food for energy running around after that little one, so I hope you make sure you get enough….what do you take her for rides in? … sorry your husband has dreams like that too! With me fortunately it’s only once in a while. I honestly think it’s because of my cycle- it usually happens only when I’m ovulation or have PMS. …I assume there is a different cause with your husband lol…

    @RetiredandLovingIt that is a pain about the groceries. I know I tried a couple weeks ago but I couldn’t get any delivery times. But when I was looking online- it was so hard, they didn’t have what I wanted. It was easier to just go. The only time I ever had groceries delivered was years ago when I hurt my back and couldn’t really pick anything up. You have to make do with whatever they bring you.

    @mswatson0777 yeah the Master’s in 12 months lol. It was brutal. I almost had a nervous breakdown afterward. But I connected with a good group of people and made friends in my program and we all got through it together. We drank copious amounts of wine lol. To this day, even a glass or two of wine makes me feel like crap and I swear it’s because of that year lol. … old is your bulldog? I think with pets one of the key things is to figure out why they are doing it.

    @trooworld…I don’t know if it matters with the type of band. I think the flat kind just don’t cut into your skin as much if you tie them around your legs, but I’ve done that with the thin ones and you just adjust the tension…..ah yeah- I totally go through with getting up ever 3 minutes it feels like to use the bathroom even though I don’t. It is anxiety. I have not found a way to beat it when that happens, but I hate it. One thing I try to do when I can’t sleep well is to just focus on breathing deep. So I lie in bed and think- don’t even worry about sleeping. Just try some deep breaths. Usually my breathing is so shallow and tight because I’m anxious. Sometimes that helps and I can fall asleep. …I gotta tell you I love the Idea of an Abba workout video.

    @TeresaW1020 trainer session was ok. I don’t enjoy it as much honestly. But it was nice to see him and nice to do some exercise. We’re using zoom. I have a couple of 10 lb dumbbells and a stability ball, so we’re using those. I’m afraid we’ll get bored doing the same things but he’s pretty creative and says he can come up with different things. ……I was thinking about you yesterday- I was cleaning out my closet and I found an old 1000 piece puzzle from like 10 years ago. I did complete it then, but then I packed it up so I may do it again. It’s a drawing, sort of cartoon like of a bunch of animals going to the ark. The only weird thing is it’s snowing, and the ship is like in a snowdrift lol….kind of weird but it’s quite a fun picture. So I will start doing that I think. –That is fantastic to lose some weight! Especially now.

    @nighthazel01 yeah running is pretty hard on the body….I know a lot of people tha struggle with ankles, knees
    etc. They say walking is much better. I just get stubborn and want to do the hardest thing ever lol. Even though I’m not usually successful !.....we got some hail and snow here too but it didn’t last.

    @theslightedgeforever yeah I keep meaning to see the Rocky movies. So 3 is next for me, if this quarantine goes on long enough I may watch it. …….yeah I do the same thing load up stuff with water to use as weights. I’ve been using empty kitty litter containers lol. I was also thinking about loading up a suitcase with heavy stuff and carrying it around.

    Well today I walked 6.5 km. I think that’s 3+ miles…? I have no idea lol. I’m going to skip the stairs, and give my achilles some time. It will be sore for a while, tendons are notoriously hard to heal. I still have issues with my arm and the tendonitis there happened in Jan. it’s ok, I just work around it.
    I hope you all have a great weekend, and happy Easter.
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @Shexio- Those are good goals

    @TeresaW1020 Good job with the weight lose. Right now if I can just maintain I'll be happy.

    @trooworld What a relief that you'll be paid during your time off, boredom is a small problem. That's a good video, simple but effective.

    @mswatson0777 What a pain about your dog, do you think he's jealous of your work chair. When you sit in the chair you don't pay him as much attention. Sometimes it's good for everyone to have a time out.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt around here people have had a hard time of getting a pick up time for the grocery store, so while technically grocery pick up is offered you might have to wait several days for a time slot.

    @cbabie Intermittent fasting can make a big difference, but that's a long stretch and it would be so hard for me. When I do it I don't eat after dinner, and I eat an early dinner, like 4pm, and I don't eat again until 10 or 11 the next morning. It's a 16-17 hour fast.

    @its_cleo I'm impressed by your commitment to exercise. Moving makes such a huge difference in mental and physical health.

    Yesterday was a good day food wise. My DH made homemade bean burgers, which is one of my favorites, I skipped the bun and had sweet potatoes and zucchini on the side. Michigan extended the stay at home order through out the rest of April, and some people and public officials are starting to complain that it's too much. We can no longer travel between our main residence and a vacation home, or shop at garden or paint centers. This has angered some people, but in all honesty this will probably go on until June, people need to stop being in denial. My parents think it's ridiculous, which has lead to some lively conversations, because I don't think people need paint or mulch right now. I haven't left my home in 3 1/2 weeks, but I have work to occupy my time, and my kids have tons of school work. I've just discovered Ozark on Netflix, it's in it's third season but I never watched it. It's a little dark, but not too much, it's a good way to spend the lock-down.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Good morning everyone! We got food delivery last night, but I made a healthy choice and ended my WW week with 13 Weekly Points remaining so I was disappointed when I stepped on the scale this morning to see I had gained .4 lbs. Now, this may be because I didn't drink enough water this week. It could have been the salt in the restaurant food. It could have just been an off week. But it still sucks!

    @mswatson0777 Thanks, I'm glad they are doing what they can to not eliminate jobs. Your bulldog! lol We used to put our dogs in the bathroom when they did something bad and call it doggy jail. We'd say, "Now, go to doggy jail!" And they'd go. lol Yes, gotta keep moving! I hope you had fun with your walk and talk.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Yes, indeed! And yes, I'm glad I'm getting paid, too. It's very good of my company.

    @cbabie I couldn't do what you are doing but if you can do it for the long term and it works for you, then okay! Yes, small goals are the way to go!

    @its_cleo Last night, I told myself before I went to bed I would not get up unless I truly had to go to the bathroom. I still got up, but not as much. I think if I keep telling myself this, it might work if I get used to it. I'll also try the deep breathing before bed and see if that helps. Yes, ABBA!!!

    @nighthazel01 Yes it is a relief. I was so worried about losing my job. I'm still somewhat worried, they said they would give another update on May 1st about the future. They can only plan 30-60 days out. Yeah, I think people are starting to get stir-crazy but we just have to sit tight and wait this thing out. I know it's hard to stay in, but it's for the best.

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, yeah it sucks to have a gain but it was such a small one. Also, if you have been doing more of those fun workout videos you could be retaining water. I'm sorry that your work has been shut down but yayyyy for still getting paid! My DH has been working on submitting the needed forms so my church can get money from the government to keep us all on the payroll at the church and to help pay our utilities. Love that workout video!! :)

    @nighthazel01, we are also shut down through April. When I was out last Monday the garden centers were still open and packed. I too want to go buy new flowers but I’m NOT. I might have to check out the Ozark show. We are starting to fun out of things to watch. :)

    @its_cleo, bummer that you didn’t enjoy the Zoom session with your trainer, but I get it. I don’t think I would like it very much either. Virtual is not a very good substitute for being in person but it’s what we have to do right now. Yayyy for finding a puzzle. It will be another distraction for you. Right now I’m redoing one that I did a few years ago. I found this puzzle that would be sooooo awesome!! My DH said no! :D

    @cbabie, you know that I’m a big advocate for fasting! ;) I really need to start pushing myself to go longer. Being home is hard and I end up breaking my fast at noon to eat lunch with DH and then I’m eating too much at dinner. I don’t see a reason to ever stop if it’s working for you. You might not go for as long every day, but I will also fast for at least 16 hours. Good job on your DGGD taking you out for walks! :)

    @RetiredAndLovingIt, I love Dove dark chocolate too! DH and I used to have one piece every evening. My DH keeps asking if I would rather do online grocery shopping, but I don’t want to. I want to be able to pick my stuff out and if I need to make a substitute then I want to be able to decide and not the one shopping for me. I haven’t been wiping down everything I buy at the store. I Clorox the counters, change my clothes, and wash up really well. I guess I need to do better. :/

    @mswatson0777, uggghhh dogs are such a pain sometimes. Mine threw-up on my expensive area rug this morning. When she gets sick it’s always on that rug!! Drives me crazy. How did the Zoom yoga go? :)

    Good morning! It’s a beautiful sunny day here and I just told DH that we need to go out this afternoon for a drive and Starbucks iced coffee. I also need to sweep and mop my floors today, which is always a nice added workout. The Good Friday live stream service went well last evening, but it sure made me miss our people so much after seeing them all on at the same time as we were. We are doing a big push for us all to watch together again for our Easter service. DH is reading right now how bad the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow evening. So, not in the mood to worry about a tornado while being quarantined. OK, I’m taking my grouchy self to my workout room to let my virtual trainer hurt me. Have a good day! :)

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @RetiredandLovingIt A joy ride sounds like fun. I feel like that was something people used to do that has now fallen by the wayside. Have fun!

    @cbabie Not sleeping is the worst. I hope you are able to rest up this weekend and that work gets less stressful.

    @its_cleo Wine is basically a hobby in graduate school lol. Watson is almost 5 and I think he's doing it for attention (since I can't pay attention to him when I'm on Zoom meetings). He's now zoned off of any room in the house that I'm not in, so we're getting LOTS of togetherness time until we figure this out and break the habit. It sounds like you had a great walk! Slowly but surely, you're healing!

    @nighthazel01 He's absolutely upset I don't pay attention to him when I work (it's very frustrating!). I've heard similar rumblings from people. Honestly I find the grumblings completely lacking empathy. We're in a pandemic and we're doing this to save lives. I get that it stinks, but mass death is so much worse.

    @trooworld I hate it when that happens! That's how I've been feeling with this low carb stuff too. I've stayed the same weight for three weeks and I haven't eaten sugar or bread for 3 weeks and I've been tracking my calories. I'm pretty frustrated so I feel your pain.

    @TeresaW1020 Zoom yoga is going really well! It makes me stay accountable and I get to connect with a friend who's having a hard time so it's a win-win. I'm also sad the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow. I wish we'd have nice weekends through this since I want to just get out and explore!

    Happy weekend all. I woke up in a grumpy mood so I ended up taking the dogs on a 2 hour walk to try to walk it off. I have a weekend routine where I normally wake up, make coffee, and go grocery shopping. But now that everyone has decided 9am is their grocery time I'm relegated to the crappy later times, which I hate. My coffee machine was also on the fritz (I have a backup and yes I'm spoiled and this is a first world problem, but ugh the coffee isn't as good). I also have a full list of house stuff that needs to be done, including dealing with that awful woodpile and I hate it. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, it's just one of those days.

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all..gloomy day here, too. Had a little rain & they are predicting snow for tomorrow. Good thing we aren't getting all dressed up for Easter, lol. We always laugh..when dd was pregnant & due May 3, the other gma got the baby an Easter dress. Well, dd went early (she's the one that just had her birthday) & she got to wear the dress on Easter.

    @mswatson0777 I think everyone is getting a little grumpy lately. Our ride was fun..there is an eagle nest about a mile or so from the house, so we had to check it out. & dh decided to share some of the peanut brittle with dd so dropped it off also. They stopped later with a picture of the Marine Corp emblem for dh that gd painted. Of course, we kept our distance at all times..just leaving our presents on the chair on the porch.

    @nighthazel01 Yeah, our online order took awhile. We ordered Wed. night & soonest pickup was the next Wed. DD did it on a Wed & got a Fri time, but then didn't get all of it, lol. Your food sounded good.

    @cbabie Wow, you are able to so such a long fast!! I have been doing about 15 hr, I guess. (about 7pm - 10am)
    It really hasn't been too hard, but I don't seem to get much done b4 breakfast & it really messes with my morning.
    I need to get off the computer so much.

    @TeresaW1020 I do a jigsaw puzzle app on my I-pad which I enjoy.

    Not much else going on, guess I better go eat lunch.

    Happy Easter everyone.
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Hi all- just a brief drop in as I'm about to meet my sister & a distant cousin on-line! We have meeting scheduled for 9pm UK time.

    I started doing one of my gym routines - 3 exercises x10 for 5 mins BUT I added in Romanian deadlifts as gym not opening any time soon again & I need to work on hamstrings (physio informed me they're weak) & PT at gym recommended them. I couldn't move yesterday. Today I did short walk but it hurt!
    I made cards this morning for the 2 youth church groups. The this afternoon I delivered eggs at a distance. The ones I my village I walked rather than car- ouch! Hot bath & stretch when I got back.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    @nighthazel01 Good for you for getting out and doing some walking. Plus you had a good food day. It's nice to come out after winter but here we are, stuck inside. But thank God I don't have small kids and a big dog inside with me. :D I heard someone throwing around November til we get back to normal. That would really be awful.

    @shexio How are you doing with the joy food this weekend?

    @teresaw1020 Yaaaay on the weight loss. Plus some good exercise. My son is healthy as far as I know. He had asthma as a child but doesn't seem to be bothered as much with it now. I can't buy caramel rice cakes cause I will just keep eating them one by one. Sad about VBS but probably for the best right now.

    @trooworld Thanks for sharing the ABBA workout. I wonder if I'm the only one that doesn't like peanut brittle. I have the tube resistance bands also.

    @mswatson0777 Yaaay on the walk even though you didn't want to. How about 2 five lb bags of flour for your containers. Although maybe you can't get flour right now. Everyone seems to be baking their own bread. lol I'll look up your author. I think dogs know what they do. Cats too. He's probably wondering why the heck are you home so much now in his space.

    @retiredandlovingit oh yeah, you're right on the 3-4 days of quarantine. I was thinking 14 but that's the time for me possibly to get the virus. I hear you on getting out of the house if it's just in the car.

    @cbabie I'm glad you are getting out in the sunshine and walking. ooh your dh and I could totally do a Houseparty dance. That would burn some calories. What book are you reading for bookclub. I need to start mine for this month.

    @its_cleo That's good you were able to Zoom with your trainer even though it's not really what you wanted. I think this next week I'm going to pick a day for each type of equipment: stability ball, resistance bands, pilates balls, dumbbells, oh I have a Bosu ball too. That's 5 days right there.

    Well, still not caught up but I'll finish this tomorrow.

  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @trooworld It's disappointing about the weight loss when you're expecting something different because of your hard work, but you know weight fluctuations based on a lot of things, hormones, salt intake, ect.

    @TeresaW1020 Starbucks sounds so good right now, the weather has been all over the place by me, hopefully you have calm skys for Easter.

    @retiredandlovingit That's so sweat about the Easter dress. It's a very different Easter for us this year, just the 5 of us. I guess I'm glad my kids are older so they don't miss all the bunny stuff.

    @theslightedgeforever I don't think we'll get back to normal until a vaccine is developed and widely distributed, but things will get better before that. I'm worried about my kids fall classes, they can only be online so long.

    Happy Easter everyone! Yesterday I got a lot of work done around the house, so that at least felt like an extra workout. We're having a low key dinner here of lemon chicken with linguine, and stuffed vegetarian peppers. I didn't walk yesterday, I got busy in the afternoon and later my cat fell asleep on me and I felt too bad about moving her, I know that's a terrible excuse, but she really did look happy.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @nighthazel01, well I didn’t get my Starbucks! We went through the drive-thru and there was a sign that they had closed. Not sure why but hopefully they will reopen soon. You Easter dinner sounds wonderful! Hey, it would have been wrong to wake a sleeping cat just so you could take a walk! :D

    @joannadavison, I had to Google Romanian deadlift to see what it was. I like it and will add that to my workouts. Have a happy Easter!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt, I might need to look up online jigsaw puzzle since I’m running out of real ones and DH seems to think they are a frivolous expense at this time in our lives. Whatever! :D

    @mswatson0777, I’m glad that you like your Zoom yoga. Hey, I get it about your coffee maker. Good coffee is more important than ever right now! I am spoiled too and mourning the fact that my adjustable base for my bed died and now I have to sleep on it flat. If there weren’t really terrible things happening in the world, I would be such a big baby about it. I try to keep it to myself now, but dang it all!

    Good morning! Happy Easter…He has Risen!! I have been struggling with not being too sad that I won’t be in church this morning, wearing something cute, and seeing all my church family. Instead, I will be in comfy clothes, sitting in front of my computer with DH watching my pastor on FB. It is what it is, and I am very thankful for good health, plenty of food, and a nice house to hang out in. For dinner today I am making a small honey glazed ham, baked beans, my mom’s macaroni salad, wheat rolls, and apple pie and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Yum!!! So, right now I am going to go do a nice long workout to help balance my dinner. Have a great day!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Yeah that's true about the workout videos. I went from zero exercise to exercising almost every day. Yes, yay for still getting paid! I hope the forms get submitted okay for you guys to still get paid, too! Yes, that workout video came from someone on Slimpossibles, it was fun! It must be really hard being away from your church community during Easter. I'm sorry you have to miss out on that. I hope the weather isn't too bad. Happy Easter!

    @mswatson0777 Oh man, I'd feel frustrated, too! :( Hopefully, your sacrifice will pay off soon, maybe there will be a whooosh affect soon and it will just come off in a big loss? I bet your dogs loved that 2 hour walk. I hope your day gets better. Everyone is allowed to have one of those days once in a while, today's your chance. ;)

    @joannadavison How fun that you are meeting with your sis and cousin! Happy Easter! :)

    @theslightedgeforever I'm sure you aren't the only one.

    @nighthazel01 Yes, I was expecting something different. That's what I get for having expectations, I guess! Happy Easter! Your dinner sounds amazing. I wouldn't move the kitty either. I do that with the dog, if the dog looks comfy, I don't move him.

    Hello everyone! DH and I didn't feel like cooking last night and decided to order food delivery again. I could have made a healthy choice, but I wanted chicken fettuccini alfredo so I made the best of that decision by only eating half the order and steaming some broccoli to go with it. It didn't end up being good anyway, so I'm not eating the leftovers for lunch like I planned. I hate when that happens! My husband makes such better food. Last night, we were watching a movie at about 9:30 p.m. when the electricity went out. So, we broke out the camping lantern and used my phone as a hot spot and connected the laptop to it and watched the movie on that and the electricity came back on at about 11:30 p.m. It was kind of fun, it was like camping! I'm going to do a disco workout today, it should be fun, if anyone is interested it is this one:

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    @nighthazel01 Your dinner sounded really healthy. Yes distance learning must be hard. Even harder would be being a parent with a younger child and having to make sure that they were doing the work.

    @teresaw1020 Good for you for getting in an Easter workout. Some of my friends dressed up like they were going to church. I'm more the "I can see them but they can't see me" kind. So imagine how great next Easter will be. The Starbucks by me closed because too many people were going in for pick up. Or I heard they were standing in line in the drive through lane. Don't they understand, people got to have their coffee. :D Romanian deadlifts: I was imaging gypsy outfits. Things I keep complaining about my son keeps saying #firstworldproblems mom. When is he going back to work again?

    @trooworld Thanks for keep posting the exercise videos for me. I've got a plan for this week. That's half the battle.....making a plan, right? Everyone in my house is doing good but me. That's cause they are not readers. If they are bored, they go exercise. I find reading way too much fun.

    I didn't even track today, so I will do that to keep myself accountable. After I charge up my phone. I like tracking on that better than the laptop. It's easier. Exercise-rest day

    April goals- Drink 4.5 glasses of water :| Decluttering :( Burn 200 calories-rest day
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Your dinner sounds delicious. It was definitely a different Easter this year, but I can't complain, everyone here is healthy and happy.

    @trooworld - Too bad about your dinner, but you made the best of it. We're supposed to have high winds today, and we've already been warned about power outages.

    @theslightedgeforever- Yeah, that's true about young kids and schoolwork, my kids are on their own, I just get to hear them complain, but it's okay, I've gotten good at tuning some of it out. I do feel bad because they've worked so hard, and their classes don't convert well to online versions, and some of the teachers have given up. They'll have to figure it out though.

    Yesterday was fun, we had a nice dinner, and most of my family even dressed up for it, they were indulging me. My younger daughter was like forget it, I'm eating in my jeans like every other day. I weighed myself yesterday, and again I maintained, I'll take it because I'm definitely eating more since I've been home. I think Tuesday marks 4 full weeks we've been on lock down. Time hasn't moved this slow since I was seven years old, it's the strangest thing, one week feels like months ago. I got in over 10,000 steps in yesterday without really trying, I went for a longer walk in the morning because the weather was kinda nice, and I had to double back to avoid people hogging the road. I was busy cleaning and cooking most of the afternoon, and I went on a second walk inside my house in the evening. Not too bad. Heading to work now, I have to commute from my computer room, to my living room, the traffic around my fridge can get annoying sometimes.
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    edited April 2020
    I’m doing good gals! The weekend has been smooth sailing! Partially bc my tummy has an ache .... sorta gas bubble like, not sure what didn’t agree with it but, it’s made me not want much to eat. Weighed in Sat. Down a little more. Let’s see....I was 107.8; successfully down to 103.4. Pretty much in my goal weight right now. Happily seeing how maintaining that goes.

    @theslightedgeforever caramel rice cakes- think of them as a processed food. That’s probably why most people can’t eat just one.

    @nighthazel01 Great job on walking

    @teresaw1020 congrats on the weight loss.

    @trooworld meh on peanut brittle, not the worst treat but, I’m not gonna go out of my way to buy it. Also, I too have the tube resistance bands. I have a lot of stuff to workout with actually.

    @mswatson0777 nice job on the walk

    @retiredandlovingit did you get a lot of snow? My sons birthday (23yr) was April 11th. Nice story about the dress.

    @cbabie Keep up the walking!

    @its_cleo any good trainer tips for us? Nice that you can keep zooming there!

    @nighthazel01 lol. “Traffic around my fridge can get annoying at times”. lol sighed out loud there!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Shexio, that is good that your weight is down, but sorry it’s at the expense of you not feeling well. <3

    @nighthazel01, glad that you had a nice Easter and good job on getting in all those steps! Yes, the time has definitely slowed down for so many of us and yet for others, they are working crazy long hours and wish life would go back to normal so they could slow down. Such a crazy time, isn’t it? :/

    @theslightedgeforever, no way was I getting dressed up yesterday. I did put on a touch of make-up for our Zoom call last night with some church friends. I’m wondering if the Starbucks near my home shut down because we have three of them in town and their primary staff is college students, which we don’t have right now. The sign on the drive-thru said they are working on reopening. Yes, we need our coffee and it’s a good thing that I have a perfectly good coffee maker at home! ;) Your son sounds like he needs a smack upside his head. :D:D

    @trooworld, I hate when I order food out and it’s not as good, or better than what I could cook. I always feel like I wasted money and calories. What a fun and resourceful way to finish watching a movie. What did you watch? DH and I watched The Greatest Showman yesterday for the first time. What a great movie and the music is amazing! I need the CD. That video does look fun. B)

    Good morning! It’s a sunny, breezy day but last night was scary with the storms. I was wide awake from 1:30 until about 3 am with the lightning and thunder. I was extra grateful after watching the news and seeing how many people died and that the storm is still causing so much trouble for people today. It really seems unfair in light of what we are all going through. But we are in tornado season now and it’s to be expected. Just sucks!! :'( Easter was pretty good, all things considering. Online church went well, and my Easter dinner was very good. I did eat way more then I should have eaten, and we have all the leftovers to eat again today. Tomorrow, I go grocery shopping and we are going to be eating light and healthy for the rest of the week. I am not getting to Friday and having a gain on the scale. I’m NOT!!! Have a good day! :)