April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    enaliba wrote: »
    Unrelated, when you post long posts, do you compose in another app and copy and past or type it all out on your phone?

    I do not post from my phone. :) Only from my laptop, but if it is a long post, yes. I use MS Word. That way if/when the board eats it, I still have it in Word.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    enaliba wrote: »
    My 10K has not been canceled yet. I expect it will be. My entire family signed up to run or walk it with me and parents are quite upset that the race organizers will not refund their money. I explained to my parents the idea that our race money will keep the race available in this area for the future, but they don’t get that. They want to call their credit cards. Since you all have more experience in this area, is the right thing to do to just forget about the money? It doesn’t seem like a lot of money to me in the big scheme of things, but for my parents it’s currently a big deal to them.

    Let them cancel the race before you do anything. They might offer a refund, or deferral or a virtual race. Until they do you really do not know anything.

    As for your parents getting their money back, the race most likely made everyone agree to no refunds when they signed up so they are not likely to get it back regardless. Most races are raising money for one cause or another so you might want to remind them of that too.

    If I was offered a deferral, I would take that.
    If I was offered a refund - I MIGHT take that (times are tight here).
    If I was offered nothing - I would just forget it and move on.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    enaliba wrote: »
    My 10K has not been canceled yet. I expect it will be. My entire family signed up to run or walk it with me and parents are quite upset that the race organizers will not refund their money. I explained to my parents the idea that our race money will keep the race available in this area for the future, but they don’t get that. They want to call their credit cards. Since you all have more experience in this area, is the right thing to do to just forget about the money? It doesn’t seem like a lot of money to me in the big scheme of things, but for my parents it’s currently a big deal to them.

    Unrelated, when you post long posts, do you compose in another app and copy and past or type it all out on your phone?

    I agree with Pastor Vincent. Races often have a clause that they can be cancelled without a refund. Hopefully, they will at least offer a deferral so you can run it later.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    enaliba wrote: »
    My 10K has not been canceled yet. I expect it will be. My entire family signed up to run or walk it with me and parents are quite upset that the race organizers will not refund their money. I explained to my parents the idea that our race money will keep the race available in this area for the future, but they don’t get that. They want to call their credit cards. Since you all have more experience in this area, is the right thing to do to just forget about the money? It doesn’t seem like a lot of money to me in the big scheme of things, but for my parents it’s currently a big deal to them.

    Unrelated, when you post long posts, do you compose in another app and copy and past or type it all out on your phone?

    Since it's a big deal to the;
    you might consider emailing the race director, perhaps they can make an exception and refund or guarantee a complimentary race.
    OR, if it were me and the fee not an issue, you might just give them the fee out of your own pocket, but... depending on personalities, this could border on enabling. If they need the money that bad, then say, "let me help out- here's xx$".
    OR let them call the CC company. but good luck with that since they agreed to the terms when they signed up.
    If the race was a fundraiser, its a tax write-off now. Usually a statement will come.
    OR gather them all up, do a home version of the event. print them bibs, buy t shirts and crayola markers and make them pancakes (or take out order) afterwards. Maybe you have old metals for the kids or ones that act like kids.

    I always sign-up with the intention of never asking for a refund. I want to support the venue/cause/other runners. so, I've always said keep it when cancellations occur (once, when it flooded at the dinosaur park).

    In the end, you can't reason with unreasonable (if that's the case). Let us know how it works out for you/them. good luck.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @shanaber I love the Oiselle gear I have gotten. The shorts are perfect. I haven't tried many, but I like to keep things simple and inexpensive as I can. The Oiselle volee is tempting, but now just isn't a good time to spend money especially when it means having to connect on another app. I can barely manage the facebook groups I'm in.

    On running: I have myself down for a 5K on Thursday evening + another half marathon on Saturday. Saturday is supposed to be a much nicer day so I am looking forward to that.

    I have exhausted myself completely trying to help my kids stay caught up with their digital learning. I am STILL GOING TO WORK, so I wish so much that they had just closed for the school year. The digital learning is too much to manage while I am at work and the kids are at home. They have to do their part, yes. But they've never had to do this before either, so it's all very confusing and overwhelming for them too.

    I digress.

    Running is good.

    Yesterday Courtney Dewaulter was on the Uncanceled Project fireside chat live on facebook and it was great. it was so cool to get to listen to her in such small group setting.

    Anyway. Happy running! keep going! You're all amazing!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    morning all.

    Whelp it's been 3 days of non stop eating. Just EVERYTHING. Sigh. But I've done so well, lost 6kgnsince January, and I'm not giving up. I think my problem is I losty goal lol.

    So setting a new goal and starting again.

    I have a 5k run planned for this morning and Hal wants me to go SLOW. I usually run around 6min/k for 5k runs - that's my easy run. Hal wants me to do 8min/k. I can almost walk that fast! So I'm going out, I'll try slow down, but doubt I'll be that slow. It just doesn't feel right. Unless the chaffe plays up. Then I'll be walking haha.
    @eleanorhawkins I logged a skipped run on Monday, Hal was so disappointed. He was like, you took a rest day. This will affect your overall score negatively lol

    I know how you feel about the pace, the easy pace he demands from before and after the hard parts of speedwork sessions are so slow I'm pretty sure I would have to walk them if I was outside. The fast paces on the otherhand... He wants 200m intervals on Thursday at a speed I don't think I've EVER hit... *gulp*
    I'm not sure I could cope with disappointing him!

    And I feel you on the eating, having exactly the same problem. I usually refuse to buy biscuits, chips or any sort of junk, while stops it being a problem. But with the family at home adding snacks to the shopping list, and the husband being the one who braves the supermarket and throws crap into the trolley, I'm doomed!

    LOL well this morning i got a really amusing message. I gained 4kg (9lb) in the last 2 days - yep I know half of that is glucose stores refilled. The other half is a mix of water retention, food weight, and actual gain. But that number stung.

    So I tried to run slower but it just didn't happen. I had way too much energy and it was such an easy run. So I decided to add on an extra km. I was tempted to just log 5k with Hal, but thought no, I'll be honest. I got the following message...


    Lol. Talk about deflating! I figure I'll get my points back by the end of the week.

    So today I have set a new goal, and am using that resolve. It is good to know that when I carb load for my marathon, I'll be LOADING!! Eep. I know you gain but that was a lot.

    Running question, do you carb load for long training runs? My long runs are now just shy of HM length or longer. I'm tempted to take on some extra carbs the night before, though not extreme, just a bit of a boost.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    You're doing great @kgirlhart ! I hope the HM doesn't get cancelled. That would give me hope.

    @enaliba Glad the entire family is getting some exercise in and that you're enjoying your runs!

    @Avidkeo I think your run was great! Who cares what Hal thinks?

    @rheddmobile You are in a tough situation for sure. Even though her power company won't "talk to you," I wonder if they will let you pay her bill for her. That's not making any changes. It's worth a shot. Or maybe contact an organization in her area that can help her. Can you travel to see her? I don't know where she lives, but my understanding is that it is okay to travel if you are going to help an aging parent. I was able to cancel the ATM card today for my cousin. Still working on getting in touch with him to see what else he had that needs to be taken care of - there's no phone in his room - and maybe getting a power of attorney. I did speak with an attorney I know today and not being able to see him sign the document could be an issue. I thought there was a Notary that worked at the nursing home, but I called and there isn't. So, more work to do on that front. I hope you can at least figure out how to keep your mom's utilities on. Prayers and virtual hugs coming your way.

    I'm a little cranky and whiny about being over this whole work from home/isolating situation but I have relatively so little to complain about that I won't. Just...blah. I want to go have a coffee or a beer. Or go to Aruba.
    Hahaha. Can I go too? Please!

  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @rheddmobile I’m sorry you are dealing with that tough situation. I know must be so frustrating for you.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @enaliba - I too would wait and see what they do with the race. I have only had one race canceled and that was a long while ago. The organizers couldn't get their permits approved and they did refund everyone's money. There was no rescheduled race and they have not held it since so not like you could defer. So many of the races this year though are turning into virtual that it may be that they will offer that. You still get the goodies (medal, shirt, etc.) and you all could run/walk it together and even race each other. Make it a fun family 'race'.

    @avidkeo - love you and Hal 😂
    Getting ready to go out for this week’s 4 mile virtual race. It has been a day.
    My mom is losing it due to isolation. She has been not as sharp mentally for a while but was always extremely active and involved, and the past three weeks she has stopped making sense a lot of the time and is unable to manage her finances and deal with technology. She keeps resetting her passwords because “they won’t work” because she is trying to use the wrong password for the wrong thing. Her bank locked her out because she had fiddled with it enough to trigger an alert. She can’t get into her email because something is wrong with Norton’s so she fiddled with her registry and now it is a big healing mess. Can’t make her stay on topic long enough to do tech support over the phone and she also can’t be trusted to tell the truth about what she has tried and what results she got. For example she tried to pay her bill over the phone and it was declined. This is because her card had been cancelled due to being involved with a scammer. She said it was the new card which had come after that one was cancelled which had been declined, but talked to the bank and turns out they have not yet sent the new card, she was just making up that it came in the mail. When confronted she admits she doesn’t remember getting the new card in the mail but just figured “it must have come because it had been long enough” so she lied and said she remembered opening it.

    All of this would be a pain and horrible during normal times but trying to deal with it remotely is almost impossible. At this point none of her bills have been paid, and unlike Memphis power which has put a moratorium on cutoffs, her janky rural power company will cut her off immediately if they don’t get paid. And they won’t talk to me over the phone, just her, so it’s like playing this terrifying game of telephone trying to figure out what to do next.

    To top it off the assisted living community where my cousin lives has covid and I can’t get a hold of her to find out if she’s okay.

    @quilteryoyo Thinking of you and your similar problems trying to find the keys, Id and so on. Normal problems don’t stop just because of covid. Yikes.

    @rheddmobile - I am so sorry you are trying to deal with this remotely. I am having a similar issue with our friend Hilde but it really seems to come and go. She has scared me twice this week by not answering her texts or phone calls and when I went to see her she was so confused as to where her phone even was. Of course she also isn't wearing her medical alert any longer. Today we had a teledoc appointment and she was so confused about everything and downright belligerent to the doctor when they suggested she go to an urgent care for x-rays and blood work. The doctor even explained that they have facilities where they do not take anyone who is sick, it is primarily for injuries.
    I would suggest that you get a power of attorney for medical and a general one as well if you don't have it already, so that you can talk to/deal with the doctors and financial issues as they come up. We had it with Hilde for many years (since her husband passed away). It has been a life saver so I can help her understand the doctor's comments and questions as well as being able to handle her finances when she has needed us to take care of things.

    I did get out for a run today. Intervals with the Peloton app and finished my Humor Un-Canceled 8k. I will update my running log and ticker later...

    Finally I thought this video was hilarious - put out by a school principal and his family in NZ. They clearly had fun making it! Can't Touch This
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Love the video @shanaber ! Hugs and kudos to you for helping out your friend.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    No running to report here. Oh wait.....I am running on empty.....if that counts B)

    Reading all of the posts just seems like everyone needs a hug and break! Sorry for all the crap everyone is going through. And having the one constant of running and training for races and having that messed up does not help!

    Aruba sounds good right now! Somewhere and 75 ....
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @LoveyChar Love that shirt.....and you earned it!!!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @avidkeo good job on your run. Hal is really tough! Regarding carbo loading for training runs - not specifically "loading" but when I get up there in miles for long runs I do try to make sure I'm eating enough carbs and protein in general. I tend to eat quite a few carbs anyway but I'll stock up on bagels and pasta more at those times.

    @rheddmobile I'm so sorry about things with your mom. So tough to deal with. The advice about power of attorney sounds good. Wishing you strength. And @quilteryoyo and @shanaber for your situations with family/friends as well. Hugs to you all.

    @quilteryoyo good for you for getting the run done when you were feeling in a bad place. I can totally understand that subconscious mood based on a memory of a day - I've had it many times sneak up on me like that, not knowing why I was sad until later. I'm glad you got through your day and your run. Hope you will feel better tomorrow.

    And yes, let's all escape to Aruba!