

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all, I had a post typed and lost it. UGH...I didn't get on the treadmill yesterday, but I did do 21 min today. My DGGD was up until midnight playing...but I did get 5 hours of sleep last night so that's a definite win. I have to go get logged on for work and I would rather clean the bathroom that go to work, but I am grateful I can work from home, even if it is stressful. That is why I really and trying to walk on my treadmill every day. I always feel less stressful. It's a thing like a long hot bath for me.

    @DaniellaOFarrell2015 Glad you stopped by. Please stop by and post or just read when you can. We love to encourage each other and with all that's going on. I believe laughter is good for the soul. (I have laugh lines) LOL

    @theslightedgeforever Well you don't want to see the cartoon in my head when you were talking about your ball needing air..LOL. I was watching DGGD last night get on her little plastic ball sitting and bouncing and thinking..OH I should get my exercise ball out and we could "play" together...

    Okay all that follow today, know I am grateful for each one of you and pray you are well and thank you for coming here when you can.


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    Good morning everyone! I've had a busy morning already, I just got back from grocery shopping. I had to pick up some chicken breasts for dinner so I thought I might as well get groceries for next week and minimize times going to the store. In other news, I have decided to switch to the blue plan on WW. It allows for more zero points foods (200 on blue vs 100 on green plan that I was on) but I now have only 25 daily pts on the blue plan vs 33 on the green plan. I still get weekly points (I think it's the same amount, 42). I decided to change because I just didn't feel like that was the plan for me, I eat a lot of whole foods and I think this is a better fit. I was losing, don't get me wrong (I've lost 7.5 lbs since March 1st) and maybe I shouldn't change what is working? We'll see!

    @mswatson0777 Good call! LOL Yes, that salmon dish was fabulous. :) I know what you mean about this whole thing getting to you. It's starting to get to me, too. Hang in there and ((( HUGS ))).

    @cbabie Oh that babie never stops, does she? *smile*

    @theslightedgeforever I can't imagine living with such a terrible peanut allergy, that would be horrible. Oh dear, I didn't think about that (the handyman touching stuff). The water consumption needs resuscitation. I was doing so well!!! :( It looks like you are doing well, yay!

    @DaniellaOFarrell2015 Hi and welcome! Yes, this board is very encouraging and we are glad to have you hear. What kind of a program are you on? We all are on all forms of eating programs, some of us are low carb, some of us are on WW, some just track macros in MFP.

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all, I'm still here, still staying in, etc. It has been cold here & a little snow. Predicting a lot of snow in lower part of state today, maybe not so much here. I hope not. But also 60's in the near future.(not sure what day they said)
    Dd starting to plan her garden, but I haven't. We did till it up the other day & will have to do it again before we do plant. (probably not for another 3-4 weeks) Thinking about the pumpkin patch..this was probably going to be the last year for it as we have seeds to use up. It was fun when the gkids wanted to help, but last year they didn't at all & it is a lot of work for us to keep it up. Plus it is out at the farm about 100 miles away, so not so easy to do it. And now with stay at home orders...

    @mswatson0777 I think the uncertainty of the situation & the stay at home is starting to get to all of us. I am getting lazier than ever, so much I could be doing.

    @renaegry That is nice of you to help at your grocery. I feel like I should be volunteering somewhere, but don't think it would be good with my age & asthma. Think I will look into donating to the food bank or something. Not the same as physically doing something tho.

    @theslightedgeforever Good job with your exercise. 93 minutes, Wow! You are still young for getting gkids. I was 58 when first was born & 61 with last. (with 2 others in between, lol) I used to like the way my Mom fixed liver, with bacon (& maybe onions?) so every year when we get the beef, I always ask for the liver. & it sits in my freezer until I finally give it to my sil to cook for her dogs. I just can't seem to fix it right! Is it getting worse in Poweshiek county? I hadn't heard that. I know Iowa is having a lot of outbreaks in meat packing plants. & I know people that work at Amana Ref. that were complaining about the conditions there, but they took a week off, & now back to work, so I hope some of the conditions have improved.

    @cbabie Sorry I had to chuckle about losing your post..that seems to be happening a lot here! Glad you are getting some sleep altho 5 hrs wouldn't be a win for me. :/ Good job with the treadmill!

    @trooworld Good job stocking up a little. We are trying to stay away from the store as much as possible. Think we will try to do another online with pickup, we are getting a little low on some things. Hope the new WW plan works out for you.

    Our dd got the splint off her wrist yesterday. Makes me she can now wash her hands right, lol. She is also going to have to do about 4 weeks of physical therapy for it, since it is pretty stiff from being immobilized for 6 weeks. But the Dr said it seemed pretty stable yesterday, so the surgery must have been a success.

    We have been watching the rabbits in our yard. They have really been busy. I think they are eating the daisy plants that are sprouting. A little while ago dh looked out & one was laying there & looked dead. But I guess he isn't..he is up & moving again.

    I have been getting on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes every day during the week, but lazier on the weekends. & I have been getting lots of water in..that is something I really needed. I have been drinking 16oz when I get up, when I take vitamins, with lunch & dinner, & hopefully while watching tv at night, so about 80 oz a day.

    Going to go eat some lunch. Take care everyone!!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Oh yeah, think dh should not have been making & eating peanut brittle..he broke a tooth off yesterday. Got a call into dentist, but the message said they are closed until April 30, so hard telling when they will get back to us. Good thing not hurting!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Welcome @DaniellaOFarrell2015

    @theslightedgeforever yes. I like that sore feeling. Makes it really feel like you have done something. Makes the workout worthwhile.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I am tired of winter. We are still totally white here. You can just keep that snow. Lol

    @cbabie nothing is worse then losing a post. Happens to me at least once a week. When typing I hit done instead of scrolling up and hitting post replay.

    Had a good day today. Did 40 min on the treadmill. Warmed up and cooled down for 5 min. Then did 30 min of 2 min jog at 5.2 and 1 min walk at 3.8. Felt good to get back slowly into running. Then did a 10 min Fitbit ab workout. Then went for a 5 km walk this evening before supper. Legs are still pretty sore from Tuesday’s workout. So hope to get in a good workout again tomorrow.
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @cbabie exercise is an important stress reliever, when I worked at the office I relied on my walks to get me through the day sometimes.

    @trooworld Sometimes it's good to change things up just so we don't get bored. Almost 8 pounds since March, something is working. I'm sure the other plan will work to, if not switch back.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt We've had snow flurries the last two days, and they're predicting an inch of snow tomorrow, seriously. My DH's garden is a running joke in our house, because every year he can't wait and plants his tomatoes before Memorial Day, and every year there is a late frost and everything dies, he then replants everything. This year might me a little different. I'm glad your DH isn't in pain, a lot of places like that will open in an emergency. My hospital is starting to take appointments for mid-May for elective procedures, I think it's too soon, but what can you do.

    @renaegry That's an excellent workout.

    Yesterday during my earlier walk it was cold with large gusts and snow flurries, it still feels good to get some air. My DH made lentil loaf for dinner which was nice of him. We had a large telephone conference for work yesterday, and I found out I'll be working from home until at least June 1st.
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome @DaniellaOFarrell2015 !

    @theslightedgeforever Reading is my escapism too. I have to set up goals for daily activity or it just doesn't happen.

    @cbabie I have also had thoughts that cleaning the bathroom would be more enjoyable than working from home! It has been nice to use my work breaks to do things like empty the dishwasher. My house is much cleaner now than it normally is!

    @nighthazel01 Good for you for braving the weather! I hope you had a good walk and a great dinner with your family.

    @renaegry Great job on the workout!

    @RetiredandLovingIt You have to drive 100 miles for your garden plot?! I wouldn't be gardening either if I had to go that far! I have a tiny plot in my yard that allows me to grow a few pepper plants and some herbs and even that overwhelms me sometimes.

    @trooworld I hope the blue plan works well for you!

    Happy Friday all! I was pretty sore from my workouts this week so I ended up doing a long walk with the dogs this morning instead. I feel like this week has been a lot of highs and lows. I'm either intensely blissful or reeling in existential dread. And I miss my people. I've been loving all this time with my dogs and spouse, but I want to hug my Mom and get together and laugh with my friends. I want to go on adventures and be surrounded by people again. And I hate that there is no end in sight.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope all is well with you all. I had a pretty good day yesterday: I stayed within my points and drank enough water so yay me! :) I even got a GOOD on my FitBit sleep score for the second time this week. Who am I? LOL

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I don't blame you for not wanting to do the pumpkin patch with no help! :( I wish I could do online pickup or delivery but whenever I try, all the spots are full. :( I hope the new plan works for me, too! That's good your DD got the splint off. Sounds like you are doing good with the exercise and water, WTG! Oh no about DH's tooth! :(

    @nighthazel01 Thanks, yes, I think a switch can shake things up a bit. You are right, if it doesn't work, I can switch back. Wow, working from home until June 1st? But at least you still have work.

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, yayyy for having a good day yesterday! Now to do the same for today. :)

    @mswatson0777, I feel your frustration and understand exactly how you feel. I miss my people too!! I do think there is an end coming. We got good news yesterday that we can slowly start reopening areas of the country, which makes me very hopeful. This truly can’t continue. The human spirit isn’t going to allow it. :/

    @nighthazel01, hard to believe there are places getting snow. My DH’s son lives in Michigan and sent pics of snow flurries and his declaration that he was not going to be shoveling any of it. :D

    @RetiredAndLovingIt, ouch for your DH!! We really do need to all remember to take care of ourselves and that especially includes areas of our bodies where we can’t get help right now. :|

    Good morning! Sorry I have been MIA. I went to my staff meeting yesterday and we talked about what the church will look like when we ever resume meeting in person again. It sure will be different and none of us are quite sure how it will all go. Looks like we still have a few weeks to figure it out. :/ I just got done working out. Today I worked my shoulders with the dumbbells. I always find shoulder day to be the hardest of the arm workouts. I then did a strength program on my treadmill for 30 minutes. That is hard to because the incline stays between 5 and 8 most of the time. I did a big gripe post on my other group about my inability to consistently lose weight and have really been struggling for months now. I won’t bore you all with the details but let’s just say that my new motto right now is “Action over words.” OK, time for lunch where I will ONLY eat what I tracked. Have a good day! :)
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    Hi all. Sorry I haven’t posted for several days. I’ve sorta followed my eating plan but, Easter candy has been my challenge. I know I’ve been over on calories. my “give in” muscle is pretty strong around chocolate.

    My Win: I didn’t binge on food! Just had more nibbles than I shoulda.

    Me analyzing What happened: I had done a hard legs workout and I had also eaten something that caused my tummy to have inflammation. Idk what. But it was like a constant pain for 3-4 days.... along with over sore legs for the same days. I just wanted sweets.

    I hate that we all had to give up hugging our loved ones on Easter weekend. It’s been 6months since I was able to See my daughter. (Bad snow has kept me away mainly, but Easter was my next hope). Hugs to all Of you who share this struggle.

    Next up: trying to use the “I'm gonna make myself proud” muscle by planning and following my meals as I’ve already planned them out. We have about 5 days left of food here.... I’m excited to go grocery shopping.... and hesitant at the same time.

    Behind on reading.... no shout outs rn.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    I'm here just not in a good mood. My period started today so I'm all crampy. Now that I'm older it's like the unwanted house guest that shows up and says surprise? You all know me.. I like schedules.

    My legs have been hurting something bad for the past week. I didn't get too much sleep last night so I will go to bed early tonight. My plan is to walk 15 min and say I exercised.

    So far I'm still within calories. Let's see how I do later. Although I don't feel like eating. That's a first. Yesterday I made a pizza crust with whole wheat flour cause that's all I had and it was gross. I only ate one piece. I said, well that's a way to get me to eat less. lol It was a rest day so I didn't do anything.

    I still hurt from Monday's strength training session.

    So hopefully tomorrow I'll be in a better mood and be back to answer you all.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all...we woke up to about 3" of snow this morning! But it all melted by noon. Yay! Still not very warm yet, tho.

    I have started a Nativity scene advent calendar. The figures are on each day, then you move them for the scene. They are about 2 1/2" tall & so cute! (I am making them with my embroidery machine) I had seen the pattern around Christmas & wanted to wait until it went on sale, but decided I have time now, might as well get it anyway.

    @mswatson0777 No, our regular garden..about 8x10' is in our back yard. I usually just grow tomatoes, green beans, & zucchini. But the big pumpkin patch is close to where we used to live. It's on the land that dh grew up on. When his parents passed, no one in family wanted the land, so we bought it & sold the house. We have planted pumpkins & gourds out there for probably 6 or 7 years. Mostly for the gkids & then would give whatever was left over to any neighbors that wanted them. 2 years ago had a bumper crop, especially of gourds! Last year didn't do as well, & this year might be nonexistant.

    @nighthazel01 We did talk to the dentist office this am. For now, just going to wait until they reopen..probably sometime in May as long as it isn't hurting. We really don't want to go anywhere to get it checked right now anyway. Re: the garden...I did that one beans looked so nice & then we had a frost & the next day, all I had was black sticks in the ground & had to replant. So now, I wait plenty long before planting.

    Wow, everyone exercises so much!! Great work! Makes me feel lazy that I have only been doing the treadmill. I ordered an exercise dvd from Grow Young Fitness. Supposed to be good for seniors, lol. But haven't tried them yet!

    Hi to everyone else. Guess I am going to go down & sew a little before Dr Oz comes on & the treadmill calls. :D
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt take the only out of that sentance! Talk positive phrases to yourself! (We all do this negative thing). Our words become our actions.

    “I did the Treadmill!” That is an accomplishment, praise yourself for that.

    @theslightedgeforever my legs were on fire bc of my periformis muscle. Tons of stretching and water (and ibuprofen) helped me.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @RetiredandLovingIt 3” of snow- yikes! Glad it melted. It has been cool here, and we have had flakes but so far no accumulation on the ground. All in all it’s been a pretty good spring for Toronto. ….oh I’m glad about your husband’s tooth, that it isn’t hurting… 100lbs for gardening? I find a pumpkin patch sounds interesting and romantic, but yeah I bet it’s a lot of work. …I’ve done very little gardening but enough where I was like it is so tough. I can also see where it’s rewarding however.

    @theslightedgeforever lol about your period. I mean I’m sorry you don’t feel great but yep I’m ready for it to go permanently anytime. …do you know what is causing your leg pain? My legs can ache- sometimes it is due to built up anxiety that I’m not feeling. Sometimes it is chronic tightness from too much sitting/inactivity. Or your strength training- how long has it been and what did you do? I hope it gets better. … about the pizza crust. I hate when I make something and it doesn’t turn out. I can usually get myself to eat it once, then it gets thrown out. I hate to waste the food, but I have a limit lol.

    @Shexio aw with the Easter candies. I totally get wanting it if you don’t feel good, plus not being able to connect with people on the holidays…one of the reasons I’ve moved to a rough maintenance mode is bc I’m indulging more, and I just can’t restrict myself too much when everything is so restricted. So I’ve set a 5lb window and if I stay in it for now I’m happy. …..yeah groceries is like a big adventure now lol.

    @TeresaW1020 action over words is a great motto. I knew someone at the gym once that would always say- hard work is hard. It really stayed with me. I think of it particularly when doing a tough exercise I hate.

    @trooworld- sleeping well- I don’t believe it! Lol. Seriously isn’t it great when you can sleep well? I feel like people that don’t struggle with insomnia have no idea how awesome it is. …I can’t get delivery or pickup for groceries either. I tried a few times, and gave up. ….hope the change works for you with WW. It does seem like it makes sense.

    @mswatson0777 sorry you’re struggling so much without your peeps.. I feel like I’m in existential dread most of the time but not during the shut down ironically.

    So- I’ve been doing okay this week. Slightly better with calories though I don’t expect any serious weight loss. Saw my trainer twice this week and it was a bit better. On Tuesday we did some core. Today we did some strength training. It didn’t kick my butt quite as much, so maybe I’m getting back into the rhythm a bit.

    On the work front- I work with a company and I am permanently employed (supposedly) and they essentially farm me out to clients on assignments like a consultant. So I have been with the same client since last Sept. They have contracted to June 1. They were pleased and are trying to negotiate another contract to have me from July to next Feb. I’ve been kind of stressed, bc I’m trying to help the negotiations and hope it won’t fall through, but my company is sort of mixed messages on it. Bc it’s only part time. But it would be nice to have the job security right now, even though the client could bail on the contract at any time, it still is some security better than none.

    If that made sense lol. So- hopefully this works out.

    I am watching too much tv- @theslightedgeforever- I dvred Rocky 4 the Russian one, but I still have to watch Rocky 3. I’ve been watching- soaps, Madmen, Justified, Damages, and some British comedies.

    Take care all. I feel like my life has gotten very small bc of the shutdown.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today is my weigh-in day and I lost -2.8 lbs this week! I've lost a total of 10.3 lbs since March 1st. I'm so happy about that. I've been so stressed about the possibility of losing my job that I was sure I'd have a gain.

    @TeresaW1020 Yes indeed! I've felt like you feel, Teresa. It's really frustrating when you struggle hard. I'm sorry you are struggling. I know you are going to get your mojo back soon.

    @Shexio That IS a win, yay! Sweets are hard to resist.

    @theslightedgeforever Oh dear! Grumpy cat is in the building! I'm glad I don't get my period anymore. I hated when I got it. Always showed up at the wrong time and was so inconvenient. lol I hope you are in better spirits tomorrow. Have a better day. :)

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Your advent calendar sounds really cool!

    @its_cleo Yes it was like winning the lotto! lol Yeah so far the changes are working out, thanks. I hope your company can secure your contract for you. I know what that feeling is, job insecurity, it's killing me now.

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all..just came in from outside. Looks nice, but still cool & so windy! Dd made a trip to Costco & asked if we needed anything, so she brought us paper towels, kleenex, a few other things, & a rotisserie chicken which was not on our list, lol. It was good to see her, even though we stayed 6 feet apart.

    @trooworld Hope your job situation settles down. Congrats on the loss!

    @its_cleo Hope your job situation settles down, too. I have pretty much moved to maintenance mode also. So far, not gaining, but have gotten a little more "snacky" than I was at first.

    @Shexio Yeah, I do feel good when I do the treadmill. I know it is helping me.

    Managed to do another online order of grocery for pickup. Last time the closest slot was about a week out, but when I did it this am, I could have gotten it later tomorrow, but instead opted for early Mon am during senior time.
    Wonder if I will get all that I ordered, last time out of stock of a few items like tp. Ordered it again, still have enough for about 3 weeks, but thought I would try it.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @retiredandlovingit When you said advent calendar I suddenly stopped and thought what month is this. lol Good for you for doing the treadmill. I lost 23 lbs last year just from walking outside. While exercise is the good for the body I think our diet is so much more important.

    @shexio Great words on positivity. thanks for the info.

    @its_cleo I used to get leg pain alot. (restless leg syndrome) but then I hadn't been bothered with it for a while. I haven't eaten red meat for awhile since I've been locked in. So maybe it's the lack of iron? that and I'm not having as many bananas. it could be less movement, since that has changed. But I don't think it was the strength training as I didn't do any leg work. Strange thing since I got my period, the aches have stopped. So there's that. Still loving my Justified every night.

    @trooworld Yaaay on your weight loss. Woohoo :bells and whistles: Keep doing what you are doing. Yes I'm in a better mood. back to the hydration.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @its_cleo, I sure hope everything works out with your job. You need that security and something to do while being stuck at home all day. Is your government starting to lessen the restrictions in some areas like our is?

    @trooworld, Wahhoooooo on your awesome weight loss! B) WW seems to really be agreeing with you. You have motivated me and yes, I will get my mojo back for sure!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt, I hope you will get all your order from the grocery store. I need to go to Sams and I’m thinking of trying to order the stuff in advance and then go pick it up. I just love getting out and the only place I can really go now is to the store.

    Good morning! It’s going to be a dreary rainy day today with possible big storms and tornados in the South. I sure hope all that drama stays away from us! I think I overdid it on the weights this week so today I’m just going to do some Pilates BOD workout and then walk on my treadmill. My eating yesterday was on plan and today will too. I have grocery shopping to do tomorrow so I need to spend some time making out this week’s menu. Have a good day! :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt That was nice of your DD. Yeah, I hope my job situation settles down, too. It's unnerving. Thanks! I went to Target the other morning and they were totally stocked up on tp and paper towels...I wonder if we are starting to come out on the other side of this?

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! I'm glad you are in a better mood. Yes, I'm doing better with hydration.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! Yes, it is. It's always been the one thing that has worked for me. Aww, I'm glad I can motivate you, you have motivated me plenty of times! <3 I hope the storms don't hit you and good luck with the grocery shopping tomorrow.

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    edited April 2020
    @RetiredandLovingIt glad you’re getting the necessities you need. Someone online yesterday said they miss hugs. Or maybe it was a tv show I can’t remember lol. I’m sure it’s a pain to see your daughter and not get close.

    @theslightedgeforever well I’m glad the leg pain stopped. I just finished season 5 of Justified. I just have the last season to go – don’t spoil me. I didn’t know he was in the Santa Clarita Diet show. Unfortunately I can’t stand Julianna Margulies and I swore I would never watch another show she was in again, so that is out lol.

    @TeresaW1020 no I think our government is more cautious. In Ontario it will likely be around mid-May or end of May before they start anything different. British Columbia possibly a bit earlier bc apparently they were rock stars with how they managed it. ….hope you don’t get hit with any big storms. It’s raining here too

    @trooworld have you been making the WW recipes?

    Well gang my weight is down a bit this week, which is good but not such a great accomplishment bc overall I’ve increased the last month or so. But it’s a step in the right direction.
    Today I did hills/stairs, about half of what I normally would do. Not sure about the rest of the day. It’s kind of cloudy here.

    I’ve gotten tired of talking to people on the phone. Like I just feel like – eh, forget it I’ll talk to people when this over. Not that I was talking to a lot of people anyway.

    I’ve started working on the puzzle I have. @TeresaW1020 I meant to say- that 40 000 puzzle- wow! Looks amazing. I wonder how much space it would take up.

    Anyway take care all.