

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning gals..
    On y phone so this will be short...I am just in a funk. Mor.sokmf.what I am supposed to be doing.. so glad to see you all doing things to better your health. My wrist has really been bothering me and not sure why put some using my young living stuff..

    No treadmill, but took baby girl on walk.

    Ok cant type on here..I will.try to catch up later...

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020 That's great that you stayed OP and are getting in some exercise. You will get your mojo back soon.

    @trooworld NY is starting to come out on the other side of it so there's hope for all of us. Although infections will probably continue to climb for awhile around the country. You continue to be a source of motivation for all of us.

    @its_cleo That's great that you are losing some weight now. Maybe we are all flattening our curve. I think caution is the way to go on this virus and you all will be better for it probably. Seems everyone I talk to either has rain or snow right now. I have some actors where I won't watch movies or shows. lol Brad Pitt is one of them. I don't think Julianna Marguiles is in that. His wife is Drew Barrymore. Unless you don't like her too. :D I'm midway season 4 of Justified right now. I'm thinking of watching Deadwood after this since I can pretend the character is Raylan's granddaddy.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @cbabie Yaaay on your walk outside. It's good to get outside right now when you can. Soon summer will be here and it will be too hot to get outside. Are you tracking your food? I was laughing at your jumbled words. I was thinking is she trying to cuss or just can't type. lol I'm sorry you are in a funk. I'm learning that action kills funk. It's like repellant. Could you do one little thing that makes you feel accomplished? Watch a funny comedian on YouTube.

    I ordered popcorn but they didn't have my brand and I didn't want to substitute. I need some crunchy snacks. It's better for me to not have them in my house but I end up eating everything else because I want the crunchy snacks. I can control portions. That's not a problem. So I ended up slicing some zucchini thinly and putting it into the airfryer with spices hoping I would make some "potato chips" While it wasn't perfect, it did help a bit and not very many calories.

    Calories: Stayed OP 1424/1467 Exercise 30 min cardio 20 min resistance bands

    April goals: Drink 4.5 glasses of water o:) Decluttering :( Burn 200 min in exercise o:)
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @its_cleo Congratulations on your weight loss. Any amount of weight off during this time is an accomplishment. I know what you mean about the phone and people, I'm just not motivated right now to keep up with calls.

    @cbabie I'm glad you got out for a walk, the exercise and sun. I've been feeling run down myself the last couple days.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks a great idea about the zucchini and airfryer.

    Had a nice weekend, we had quite a bit snow for the beginning part of the weekend and yesterday some rain showers. I got outside though and there were moments of sunshine, which felt great on my walk.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @its_cleo No, I don't tend to make the WW recipes from the app/site, I've had some mishaps with those when I have made them in the past and I don't trust them. Every once in a while I'll make them but overall, I tend to make recipes from blogs and ones I've had for a very long time. Congrats on your weight being down, that's great! I haven't been talking much on the phone myself. 40,000 piece puzzle, wow that's a lot of pieces!

    @cbabie I hope your wrist feels better soon and your essential oils help. ((( HUGS )))

    @theslightedgeforever Good. I'm starting to lose what little mind I have lol. Aww, thank you, that's very nice of you to say. A few months ago if you told me I would be a source of motivation for you guys, I might have laughed at you. :) That was a good idea to do with the zucchini.

    @nighthazel01 I'm glad you got outside for some sunshine. It was nice here, too, but I didn't get out.

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @nighthazel01, glad that you can get back outside for your walks. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, I love crunchy snacks too. I have made zucchini chips in the past and they are yummy. Not very crispy but tasty. Have you tried roasted chickpeas? Those are very good! ;)

    @cbabie, sorry your in a funk and that your wrist has been hurting. I hope you start to feel better soon. <3

    @its_cleo, yayyyy for weight loss! I would think that 40, 000 piece puzzle would take up a lot of space. It would be fun but I wouldn’t want to crawl around on the floor to put it together. :D

    Good morning! Well, I got ready early and was at Walmart by 9 am to do the grocery shopping. I like going at that time of day and might keep up that habit even when life resumes. Is life going to resume? Sometimes I wonder. :smirk: We had storms through the night but nothing too serious around here and this morning it is beautiful. Today is the 15th anniversary of the day that my DH and I met online. We like to celebrate this day and we were planning to go out to our favorite Italian restaurant but instead, DH is going to go there and pick up a pizza that we will have with some salad and wine. Not as romantic with my mom eating with us but that is OK. At least I get wine!! :D
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I got on my treadmill today and walked 21 min..LOL. Its supposed to be in the 90's this week. UGH. I am liking the weather we have now.

    @theslightedgeforever No I am not tracking, trying today again. I laughed at you need crunchy. ME TOO, so I bought kettle korn..and I have been eating PB with celery. The crunch in the celery is good for me.

    @TeresaW1020 so glad you get to celebrate, this is something to write in your remember when file.v:)

    @trooworld I felt the huggs. :)

    @nighthazel01 ugh snow. NO THANK YOU...glad you got out and walked!!

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi ladies. Sorry I don't have time to catch up one on one. I went pretty off the rails this weekend, and honestly I'm not even that upset by it. I think I was just mentally, emotionally, and physically burned out. I curled up and devoured two books this weekend and it felt amazing. I've been pushing hard to be productive and get a lot of things done. I think it was just a little too much. Grad school work, house stuff, possible promotion on the horizon, existential dread on the state of the world, trying to still connect with family and friends, being a decent spouse. It's all a lot. I've decided I'm taking the pressure off myself. I'm still going to focus on healthy movement, connecting with people, and eating well, but I'm not going to pressure myself like I was. I don't need to go 1,000,000 miles an hour all of the time, especially now.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @theslightedgeforever- hey thanks I was totally mixed up with Santa Clarita Diet- I don't know why I though Margulies was in it. Okay so maybe I will watch it. I have no issue with Barrymore lol. No Brad Pitt! He doesn't do much anymore anyway. ...Justified Season 4. Ah I'm ahead a little bit. I liked Season 5 better. I heard Season 6 was better than then both, I'm looking forward to it. ...

    crunch snacks....some people bake chickpeas with spices. I've never tried it.

    @trooworld Yeah I never tried many of the ww recipes either. They always look good but I dunno lol. I never got around to it.

    @cbabie I have to say I never got the peanut butter and celery thing. I do like it on apple though. Sometimes I will put a bit in a ball and then slice up an apple and dip it in.

    @mswatson0777 I think you're exactly right to listen to yourself and slow things down. It's important- overwork/exhaustion/pressure can drive us into the ground. The hardest thing is being able to listen to that so good for you. I think you've been going all out for quite a while.

    I'm good, went for a jog this morning. Worked off and on all day but it was just reading/writing stuff. I was going to do some more physical activity on my own but I'm just feeling beat.

    So today they said about 6 more weeks here. Bah. I get it, but it seems so long.
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - Wine is a good trade off these days. It's nice that you still found a way to mark the special day, even if it wasn't how you planned.

    @cbabie In the 90s, I can't even imagine. Winter isn't as strong here anymore as it once was, but now it just drags on forever, sometimes it feels like we lost spring and fall.

    @mswatson0777 - Good for you for taking a step back, we all need to sometimes. Just from reading your posts it seems like you have a lot on your plate, all the time. I've been in a funk the last week too.

    @its_cleo You always get some exercise in, even if it's not as much as you want, you moving and that's great.

    We had a huge storm blow through last night. I'm tired of being at home, it makes me feel tired and I haven't done anything. Food wise I did good yesterday and I got my walks in. I made a vegetable stir fry for myself for dinner.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @nighthazel01 I'm glad you are continuing your walks despite the weather. Woohoo on eating some healthy food. I hope you find something to recharge your batteries. My son feels the same way you do. He says he's so tired of the winter it just feels like it's dragging.

    @trooworld How's the hydration? Mine didn't go as planned today. I hate talking on the phone as I get bogged down and could be doing something else. I like the Marco Polo app where I can video my friends but listen to them when I have the time. Usually I am walking when I listen to them. Or I do a lot of audio texts on What's App if I know I'm going to be "wordy". So much easier. You never know when your little light will shine for others to see.

    @teresaw1020 Did you have a blue dot day? I did try the roasted chickpeas but wasn't a fan. But then I don't like chickpeas except in the form of hummus. Yes that's weird. I hear life is resuming in your neck of the woods this weekend. I hope you enjoyed your little anniversary. How is mom adjusting to her new environment. I mean it's not really normal right now but will be soon.

    @cbabie Blech! Celery. It gives that little squirt in the mouth. Blech. I do like it cooked in things though. As a child they would give us a carrot and celery stick in our school lunches and I always threw away the celery. But I'm glad that you found something healthy to eat with the PB. I might have to go old skool and pop my own popcorn.

    @mswatson0777 I'm glad you are aware for the need for balance. Right now for most of us I feel we are just hamsters on a wheel going round and round and not really getting anywhere. I think it's all mental because we have all the time in the world but then when life was normal, we never had any time. So good for you for putting your priorities in order. The rest will follow.

    @its_cleo Good for you for your jog. How are the calories? I went over today. I watched a trailer of Deadwood and it looks pretty good. Think Harlan County in the late 1800s. I swear it was just like watching Justified. But a little bit of interesting trivia. Much of the Deadwood show was shot on sets in Santa Clarita Valley. :D I did try baking chickpeas with spices. I could still taste the chickpeas. lol I like PB on an apple too. Kind of tastes like caramel apples to me for some reason. 6 more weeks, ey. So begininng of June. Think of bathing suit weather.

    Calories: Went Over 1779/1450 Exercise-Free Day

    April Goals: Drink 4.5 glasses of water :| Decluttering :( Burn 200 cals in exercise

    Can't believe May will be here soon.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    Hi all. I'm feeling so restless and can't concentrate on anything. Last week, I was doing really well and doing Photoshop tutorials to actually take advantage of the time off. This week? Not so much. :( Today, we have to take our pooch back to the doctor to get re-checked and then a handyman is coming again so I won't have time to focus on anything. For dinner, we are having Instant Pot Pasta e Fagioli and 2-ingredient Dough Garlic Breadsticks. If I get around to the breadsticks.

    @TeresaW1020 Hang in there. Life WILL resume and soon! <3 Enjoy your Italian food and wine, that sounds yummy!

    @cbabie Woo hoo! Great job! Ugh to the 90s. Yay to feeling the hugs! :)

    @mswatson0777 That sounds like a good plan, to take the pressure off. I'm glad you read those two books and relaxed a bit.

    @its_cleo It does seem long. It feels like this is never going to end but it will.

    @nighthazel01 Vegetable stir fry sounds good.

    @theslightedgeforever My hydration has been very good. I'd say on plan. I hope you have a better water day. My friends are pretty stuck in their ways except for one, everyone else wouldn't want to try anything new. :( May IS right around the corner, wow!

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, yeah I hear you about feeling restless. Your dinner sounds great! Let me know if you make the breadsticks and how they turned out. I have heard of 2 ingredient dough but never tried it. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, I did NOT have a blue dot yesterday. We got pizza from our favorite Italian place and I had two glasses of wine. It was worth it! I will have a blue dot today. ;) Yeah, I heard that life is supposed to resume here too, and I have some very mixed feelings about it. My mom is doing well. She doesn’t like being on lockdown but she has a nice room and is happily writing her life story on her laptop.

    @nighthazel01, storms have been intense lately, but it is that time of year. I agree that it’s getting old being stuck at home all day. Looks like we might all be out and about soon though. :)

    @cbabie, Ugghhh a little early to be in the ’90s isn’t it? We will soon have those temps too and I’m already dreading the heat. I don’t know if I want to remember this time in my life. :D

    @its_cleo, wow six more weeks is a long time but if it keeps you all safe then that is what you have to do. My state has decided to through caution to the wind and see what happens. :fearful:

    @mswatson0777, Yayyy!! I am glad to read this and see that you are taking some pressure off yourself. You are so dedicated to everything you do and that is great but taking time just to chill is also very important for your wellbeing. Keep it up!

    Good morning! Well, I am feeling confused as to why my state has started lifting its shutdown this week when we rank 12th in the nation. I sure hope that our leaders know what they are doing. :confused: I do know that my little family will NOT be among the first to go out to eat or to the movies anytime soon. I sure on Thursday my staff will have lots of discussion on when and how we should start reopening the church. Right now, that is not recommended, which is a good thing. I really want life to resume but since I have been living in this crazy lockdown now for so long that it seems normal, I admit to feeling scared about returning to life as it was. Ugghhh! I’m going to work out now and destress. :#
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @its_cleo How did the jog go? It sounds like you're doing pretty well on activity

    @nighthazel01 Storms are hard. It makes me feel even more trapped in the house if that makes sense? I'm glad you were able to get out for a walk.

    @theslightedgeforever Hamsters in a wheel for sure. It's definitely a groundhog day situation!

    @trooworld I hope your pup is doing okay, your dinner sounds amazing!

    @TeresaW1020 How scary, I can see why you're hesitant to see things open back up, especially since you have so many people in your household who fall into a more vulnerable category. I hope you and your family are able to stay safe!

    Morning Ladies! I am doing much better today. I swear this whole situation is such an emotional roller coaster. I got up and got a workout in, I'm doing a walk over lunch, and hopefully seeing my jiu jitsu team after work on a zoom meeting. I talked with my doc advisor and we're thinking about dropping me down to 1 class this summer to try to make life a little more manageable.

    I looked over my quarantine to do list and there's nothing urgent or all that important on it, so I'm keeping the pressure off an focusing on self care. My new question to myself is what will make me happy. I've decided I'm focusing on joyful movement, joyful interaction, joyful activities. I've done enough self development, now it's stuff that is just for me.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Afternoon all. I didn't walk today, just seems I am on the every other day bus...LOL. My job really stresses me out and today I think I got all the crazies...Not much new to report.

    @mswatson0777 I seem to ride that roller coaster at times too. Yea for getting your workout in. Like your focus too!!

    @teresaw2010 Yea, I am not sure about reopening the state just yet either. I haven't heard if we will continue age 4/30 on Stay at home or not. Since me and DH are in our 60's and my GGD is still under 2...yea I like we stay away, but I MISS my church services..

    @trooworld Sorry you can't focus, maybe you just need a good nights rest?

    @theslightedgeforever I don't liked cooked's probably one of the ONLY vegs I won't eat cooked. I won't any other vegetable raw.. I hate raw vegetables. You know old school popcorn is good. Remember Jiffy Pop..LOL.

    @nighthazel01 I am sorry you're in a funk..the walks kind of clear my head. I don't know what I would do if I lived where it was so cold you couldn't go outside and had to stay at home 24/7...I love being home, but I also sometimes need to leave the environment. (I have to get out of my own head too)'

    @its_cleo wow 6 weeks more does sound long, but I think I would feel better in too long than too early. :)

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I've never watched Deadwood, although I've heard of it. There is too much good tv to keep up with. Lol about throwing out celery. I don't mind it, but it's not my idea of snack. Whenever I go to a restaurant and they have it on the side- like you order wings and there's like one carrot stick and one celery- I never eat it. ....Cals I am over as per usual but so far over by about 200? or something which is not too bad for me.

    @trooworld - photoshop tutorials. I did some of those a long time ago. Think I've forgotten everything. But someday I want to do something with my vacation photos. I got a camera that takes pictures in raw footage- somehow they are easier to fix and manipulate. But I've never tried. I have to buy a photo editing program someday.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm sure it's normal to be scared, and it's smart to take your time with it. I hope it turns out ok. I was reading a bit about it and it did seem kind troubling, but I'm kind of an outsider :) Don't really know what's going on there.

    @mswatson0777 I'm glad- you sound so much better!

    @cbabie yeah I know you're right, better to be safe than sorry. I'm just glad that with everything we've done so far our hospitals have been able to manage ok. Toronto had quite a lot of cases. So far our health care system has held up.

    I don't mind, 6 weeks more, if that's what it takes here. They say it has peaked and should start dropping and they want to give it more time so that when we start reopening cases have been low for a while.

    Well I do mind lol it's hard but I'm trying to see that we're getting to the other side.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld I'd like the recipe please for the pasta Fagioli please. I want to send it to my dd. I bought her an Instant Pot and she's just starting to use it. Good for you on your water. I had a good water day too.

    @teresaw1020 What a great thing to have your mom's memories on paper. So try again today for the blue dot day. So moving forward how do you get a blue dot AND have the pizza and wine? I was looking at the map for your state and you all seem to have larger red dots than alot of places and I was thinking OMG they want to open? I hope people will be smart and still try to minimize the damage.

    @mswatson0777 I'm finding this situation alot like grief. It comes in stages. Sometimes I think I move backwards and repeat a stage. Sometimes it comes out of the blue when I think I have a handle on it. Yaaay for some nice movement. Great list of joyful things.

    @cbabie At least you are on a bus......some people are just sitting on the couch. So make today a treadmill day. What I remember about Jiffy Pop is I was the youngest child and barely got any cause of my brother and sister. lol I just fell in love with raw sliced butternut squash.

    @its_cleo I use the app TVTime to keep track of all the shows I want to watch and all the shows I'm currently watching. I'll never get through the list. I'd like to do a nice digital scrapbook but haven't found one I like yet for my photos. Past two years the family and I took historical trips up the East Coast. I'd like to make it pretty with stickers and such and then share them with the kids. I agree I think the most important thing is that the medical system holds up. I don't want to go in with a heart attack and can't be looked after because there are so many corona patients they are all in the hallways. I loved a meme I saw that said you don't stop taking antibiotics just because you start to feel better.

    Calories- went over (decided why not make homemade donuts-darn FB) 1840/1467 Exercise- 41 min cardio

    April goals- drinking 4.5 glasses of water o:) Decluttering- :( Burn 200 calories of exercise o:)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @mswatson0777, you have your head in the right place and that is great! Yes to focusing on joy! :)

    @cbabie, sorry that your job is so stressful. Every other day of walking is better than none. I miss church too!! :bawling:

    @its_cleo, The thing that I just heard on TV is that COVID is with us now forever and they think it will come back this winter during flu season and that could be a big problem. Hopefully, they will have better testing capability. We can’t go through another shutdown! I think I will give that Justified show a try since it seems to be so popular. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, I get a blue dot by pre-tracking and not overeating. I also workout really hard to if I do go over, I can use some Fitpoints. I’m trying! :D So, I watched Deadwood years ago and it was awesome!! I hadn’t heard of Justified but went and looked it up and it gets very high ratings. I think DH and I will check it out. We need something new to watch.

    Good morning! Well, I have calmed down a little from my freak out yesterday with the news that Georgia is going to reopen. A good friend pointed out to me that I don’t have to stop doing what I’m doing. My DH and mom can still remain in quarantine and we can continue to be super careful and wait and watch to see how it goes. I really do feel strongly that we can’t keep living on lockdown. People are truly suffering and that has to be taken into consideration as much as keeping people safe from this virus. PLUS, I have a hair appointment scheduled on May 5th and my roots really hope that I can go see my girl. :grin: Today’s plan is to work out, stick to my points, and give the dog a bath. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @TeresaW1020 The breadsticks came out great. I did brush a little bit of butter on the tops of them after they came out and they were delicious! Another thing I did differently was that I put garlic granules in the dough mixture. Here's the recipe in case you want to see it: That's good you enjoyed your meal. Yeah it scares me the thought of reopening too soon and then having a resurge of cases. You have a good plan for today!

    @mswatson0777 Dinner was amazing and the pup is doing much better, thanks for asking! :) That might not be a bad idea to drop down to 1 class. What will it do to your graduation date? You sound like you have a healthy attitude going on right now, very good!

    @cbabie I'm glad you are coming to visit us regularly! I'm sorry you got all the crazies yesterday, hopefully, today will be better. I do need a good night's rest, that's part of it.

    @its_cleo Well just so you know, if you attempt to buy Photoshop, it's now a MONTHLY subscription! :( You can't "buy" it anymore which sucks. do get Lightroom and a few other bells and whistles with it. Lightroom is supposed to let you work with your images too but I haven't used it. I know you can still buy Photoshop Elements though.

    @theslightedgeforever Here it is: It was really simple and pretty good. I think it needed some spinach in it though. That's great that you had a good water day. Let's have another one! Facebook is the worst with their luscious food videos lol.

    April goal: track 2 meals a day, do some form of exercise once a day, drink 52 oz of water per day
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @trooworld Good news is we carved out a plan to keep my graduation date the same, so honestly it's a win-win. How are your April goals going?

    @TeresaW1020 Absolutely, you can still stay safe even when others are going out! I'm glad you're feeling better today.

    @theslightedgeforever Homemade doughnuts sound delicious, I'm jealous! And I like your comparison to grief. I am mourning what my summer was supposed to be, while trying to embrace the joy of what it is.

    @its_cleo I hope it's just 6 more weeks. We're already starting to contingency plan for if classes aren't able to be back on campus for fall. I sincerely hope it doesn't last that long, I would feel awful for our poor incoming freshmen.

    @cbabie Every other day isn't bad at all! Are you able to get some stretching or meditation in to help with the job stress? It could be a way to add in more joyful movement.

    Happy Wednesday All! I'm still on the joy train today. I woke up originally planning on a full workout, but my body felt sore and stiff from yesterday so I chose joyful yoga instead and I'll do some puppy walks later. I ended up being really active yesterday with the good weather so I'm glad I took today as a more restful day. It's supposed to be beautiful weather again today so I'm going to try to spend as much time outdoors as possible!