

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    I am a wreck because my husband is a mess. His mom is on a fast downward spiral. She hasn't waken up since early yesterday. Warm thoughts from my circle of lived ones keeping us going. It seems strange to me that while her life is ending, everyday life just plods along....dishes need done, pets need fed, laundry needs done.... sorry....You all really have helped!

    Red fairy book- I own! A little worse for wear, but well read. My favorite growing up were Nancy Drew. They were a treat. My brother, sister, and I read anything we could get our hands on. We read the childrens part of the encyclopedias until we wore the pages out. We loved several sets of fairy tale and read aloud stories. I have a few old 1920-1940 books that I pull out occasionally. One is my Uncle's first grade reader. He died from a gunshot wound playing cowboys and Indians when he was just 7. Not really sure how I got possession of his book, but glad I did. I also have my grandmother and mother's bibles. Apparently I am the book keeper. I need to read more....

    I am exhausted. Heading to bed. Love you ladies!

    Kylia mourning in Ohio

    my thoughts are with you
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Kylia - My thoughts are with you. It sounds as if you MIL is going out in the best possible way, in the best place. I hope that is a comfort, though your husband sounds devastated. I used to be very active in raising money for hospices and hope to end up in one if I really need it one day. My beloved friend died there last year and I am confident she had the best possible care. Of course, the end of life is hardest for relatives and friends and I am thinking of your family. <3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Rita - so sorry about the break-in at the storage unit! My sister's entire neighborhood got scrawled on night before last by kids spraying graffiti, including her car, as well as others, houses, RVs, fences, barns, and she's feeling pretty targeted as well. I have little sympathy for thieves and destructive delinquents--pretty much a waste of skin in my opinion.

    Kylia - my heart goes out to your husband and to you. I can't believe you still have the Red Fairy book!

    Thank you to whoever mentioned the Nancy Drew books--I read every one I could get my hands on! Plus all the Hardy Boys mysteries, as soon as I found those.

    Also all of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women series.

    In my mid-teens, a couple of coffee table books fascinated me, I read them until the covers fell off--one was Bloodletters and Badmen, by Jay Robert Nash, and the other was the same huge size book, all about the Hollywood stars from the beginning to the 1950s or so. Both were probably from the mail-order book club my mother belonged to at the time.

    Also in my mid-teens, my father also went through an occult phase (don't ask, long story), so The Occult by Colin Wilson was one of many I read regarding Aleister Crowley, Madame Blavatsky, and so on. Not exactly comfort reading, but still, that's what my memory is dredging up.

    More frustrations at work... so I'll spoiler it. Not the galloping never-get-overs, but not good timing.
    So... finished a complex grant that I've been working on for two weeks. It's due next Monday. Worked with all the directors, membership, program and volunteer, to come up with something that would work for the girls who can be reached through online means, plus printed packets for the girls who don't have ready access to the Internet in the more rural areas.

    Sent the final numbers out to the directors, and one tells me she wasn't aware the cost of the mailing would be so high, and it wasn't in her expense budget. These budgets were set last year in August and September. Of course this is not in her budget. If we win it, it's being funded by a major funder because of the coronavirus pandemic, which did not exist last September.

    What I've finally figured out is that the directors have been told that the only money they can spend in this fiscal year is money in the expense budget that has been approved by the board. It doesn't matter how many times I say, "But I'm also asking for funding to support the project," which will also bump up the revenue side, if it isn't in the EXPENSE budget for this year, I can't apply for it because they can't spend the money.

    The shortsightedness of this is breathtaking. And absolutely hamstrings me for applying for any new funding that will show up in the same year. I can only apply for next year. This was not good to hear after hearing that 99% of everything I've already applied for is futile as well. (See last spoiler.)

    My husband says, "Stop trying to get anything new for this year, then." Perhaps he's right. And perhaps this only upsets me so much because I'm seeing it as one last stab at fixing a year that feels wasted and useless, when we're just over halfway through.

    Love y'all,


    Do you know much money? I would contribute if you would tell me the name and address of the director whose expense budget is inadequate.

    Karen in Virginia

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Karen - thank you, dear heart, but not necessary. We're talking about $48,000 - not exactly pocket change. :blush: And honestly, would not change the budget discussion even a little bit. That expense is still not included in the budget, as that budget was set last August. It was apparently chiseled into stone tablets. See my last post. :)

    Thank you so much for the thought, though.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Nanner - Thank you for all the flower pics and info. That area next to the sea front is definitely a hot, dry desert. :D I can't imagine much else growing there!!!
    It's part of a neglected garden I run around, on a raised terrace. Just didn't know the name. My grandmother taught me the names of flowers, so I am pretty good at most things.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome Newbies!!!

    Questions Answered:
    1. Where are you from originally? Born and raised in Michigan (with very quick moves to NY, CA, and NJ inserted). Moved to Florida to raise my children, moved to North Carolina to care for my parents.

    2. Do you eat breakfast? If so, what did you eat today? Usually have oatmeal, occasionally Cheerios. Lots of other days, Greek yogurt. Did not eat breakfast this morning.

    3. Do you prefer to dine in, carry out, or cook at home? Love my brother’s cooking but only get that on trips to MI. Do not like to cook so I guess I prefer dining at restaurant.

    4. Favorite Girl Scout Cookie? Was Thin Mints, but I have not had one in years.

    5. Do you listen to music when you work? Always love music…retired so I do not work. Love loud music when cleaning.

    6. What is your favorite sonic drink? Strawberry lemonade (but we do not have Sonic in town)

    7. What is your favorite board/card game? Monopoly with the grandchildren, Euchre (although people here do not play) so Gin Rummy and Solitaire.

    8. What are your favorite podcasts? Pretty much anything…I love learning

    9. What is your dream sandwich? Cuban

    10. What makes you gag? Cleaning vomit

    11. What are your hobbies? Playing violin, playing with Baby Iris, camping, hiking, learning, relaxing

    12. What is one thing that can make your day instantly better? Seeing my grand baby!

    13. What was the best vacation/trip you ever took and why? Central and South America in high school – I was able to learn a lot of new culture, grow up a bit, and appreciate what I had at home that I took for granted

    14. If you were an animal, what animal would you be? A retired greyhound living with a loving family

    15. At a party, where can someone find you? Dancing or talking with friends

    Penny I am with Heather…I want some of your bread! It looks delicious!

    Barbie I want Jake’s pizza! Man, that looks good!!

    Rebecca I will have to do some mental work to be able to try that. I must do something…snacking and quarantine is messing with my eating!

    Suzi Your outside work is really looking great! What a beautiful place for you to enjoy!

    Ginny I’m glad you will be able to celebrate your Son’s birthday/Mother’s day with him and his GF. I know you will treasure the time together.

    Allie Sorry you are having to wear a boot. Glad you got it though…it is amazingly effective when needed.

    Heather It took me a while to get alcohol free – too used to the young people using “As F**k”

    Kylia Congratulations on reaching your goal!!! Your day looked very productive when you thought it was not, but sometimes we need to write it down to realize we really got things done!

    Pip Oh! The picture of the pups with puppy Yogi!! So adorable!

    Luckee_Me Great looking doggies!

    Barbie Your pups are great, too!

    Rebecca Athena is so precious! Loved how she just scooted along when she dropped!

    Karen Love your little pups! I call those “pretend dogs” because we are used to the really big kind around here. LOL

    I like my coffee (preferably French Vanilla) medium creamy and my tea without.
    Children’s books: I learned to read with McGuffey’s Readers (way too young) and loved all Dr. Seuss books.

    On page 111…
    Love, Health, and Safety <3 Luci in WNC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Enjoyed my Zoom with 'the girls'. We chatted away for 45 mins. :D I'm the only one without a second home to fret about in these times. Don't want one either!
    Lifts the spirits to see them, though my difficult friend is getting restless and she is the one most at risk from comorbidities.

    I'm just keeping on keeping on. Still happy, but I'm thinking of ways of seeing the kids at a distance before they go back to school. Parents willing. ;)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hello here is a decent article on the situation in France. In addition the French government has been rather dishonest and constantly changing it's tune. It says that they(we) have seriously lacked tests and masks, and that some towns and regions are taking steps that the centralized government hasn't done. For example they were only testing 1200 people a day when the pandemic was clearly full blown. They say 3000 but it's not what they were saying back then. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/29/world/europe/coronavirus-france-masks.html
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Heather what is an IP? I don't mind the smell of chicken stock. Why not have 1 spicey one non spicy version?
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Lisa i'm so sorry about your work stuff.

    @Kim are you on the side of the tech-y picketers or management? It sounds like picketers but i wasn't 100% sure. That is funny to do virtual picketing. We need some of that here.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    nice classes again today. i could see the students getting tired at the end of the 3h zoom class (w 15 min break). i think it is the duration of the confinement rather than the class (i think) cause it's the 1st class that's been like that. it was ok though.